[users@httpd] mod_ssl env var to uniquely identify client certificate (sha1 fingerprint ?)

2022-06-07 Thread Thomas Fazekas
Right off the bat, I want to point out that this is NOT a bug report but
rather a feature request/proposal (I don't know whether this is allowed or
not ... my apologies if it isn't)

In a nutshell what I would like to have is in the SSL environment variables
a new variable that uniquely identifies the client certificate (certificate
sha1 fingerprint maybe ?).

Imagine a (corporate internal) service that does mTLS user authentication.
Now (I presume
for financial reasons) the company created its own CA and issued thousands
of certificates.
I can of course add the internal CA to my known CAs list, and I can check
of course the SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN name, but I cannot guarantee that the CA
plays nice (meaning that they might actually create certificates with the
same DN or the same SN ... it actually happened).
Now, I already have a small subset of certificates in an LDAP, so what I
would like to do is to authorize access based on certificate fingerprint.
If I would have the (sha1 ...) fingerprint in a environment variable (let
us say SSL_CLIENT_CERT_SHA1) I could do something like :

AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthLDAPURL "ldaps://ldaphost/ou=accounts,dc=test,dc=com?uid"

Where of course the ldap uids would be the fingerprints.

I hope this would make sense to more people...


Re: [users@httpd] nod_session SessionMaxAge

2022-06-06 Thread Thomas Fazekas

I'm not sure I understand your last comment. Isn't a "Directory" a
"protected space" ?
For the sake of completeness here is my full config (I hope this doesn't
make my post too long):

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /opt/webroot/public/doc
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/https_error.log
#CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/https_access.log combined
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/https_access.log vhost_ssl_combined

SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/server/https.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/server/https.key
#SSLCACertificatePath /etc/apache2/ssl/ca/
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/ca/users_chain.crt

Options None
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

Options Indexes
AllowOverride None

AuthFormProvider file
AuthUserFile "conf/passwd"

Require valid-user

AuthType Form
AuthName FormProtected
AuthFormUsername fauser
AuthFormPassword fapass
Session On
SessionCookieName fasession path=/
SessionMaxAge 120

ErrorDocument 401 /webdoc1/login.html

SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData

Alias /webdoc1 /opt/webroot/public/doc
ScriptAlias /webscr1 /opt/webroot/private_form/scr

In the "/opt/webroot/public/doc" folder I have a simple static html asking
for username/pass (obviously with the right field names fauser/fapass)
whereas in the  "/opt/webroot/private_form/scr" I have a simple shell
script which just displays the environment.

Now if I point my browser to ";
I am redirected to the login page (as expected).
Once I provide the username/pass I am redirected to the script and it
correctly lists all environment variables.

The problem I have is that it seems that the browser caches the provided
username/pass and in case I refresh the page after 120 secs of inactivity
it just simply logs me in again.
I know it does authenticate again from the cache 'cos (as a test) I've
tried to change the password in the meanwhile and the authentication has

In practical terms, what this means is that if the user forgets the
browser window open the next one  (even after 120 secs) would be able to
use the session without re-authenticating.
So then what's the point of the "SessionMaxAge" setting ?

On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 12:54 PM Eric Covener  wrote:

> I'm not sure why your initial redirect works, but it looks like the
> mod_auth_form config seems to be in the wrong scope.
> It should be attached to the protected space, not a config section
> representing the form itself.
> On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 6:18 AM Eric Covener  wrote:
> >
> > It looks to me like you don't actually have an authentication
> requirement, so when your session expires it doesn't trigger a redirect to
> your login form. Try protecting the cgi or some larger scope with e.g.
> 'require valid-user'
> >
> > On Sun, Jun 5, 2022, 6:00 AM Thomas Fazekas 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> either I misunderstood how the SessionMaxAge setting is supposed to
> work or I made a fundamental mistake in my setup, but, in a nutshell, it
> seems that the users can access the form protected (form_auth) folder even
> after the session has expired.
> >>
> >> I have the following related setup :
> >>
> >> 
> >> Options None
> >> AllowOverride None
> >> Require all granted
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> AuthFormProvider file
> >> AuthUserFile "conf/passwd"
> >> AuthType Form
> >> AuthName FormProtected
> >> AuthFormUsername fauser
> >> AuthFormPassword fapass
> >> Session On
> >> SessionCookieName fasession path=/
> >> SessionMaxAge 120
> >>
> >> ErrorDocument 401 /webdoc/login.html
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> Alias /webdoc /opt/webroot/public/doc
> >> ScriptAlias /webscr
> /opt/webroot/private_form/scr
> >> 
> >>
> >> (all this goes on via SSL, just in case that makes any difference)
> >> Now, when the first time I point my browser to "
> https://localhost/webscr/testscript; I am correctly redirected to the
> login page and required to provide a username and pass.
> >> The problem is that, after successfully logging in, even though I can
> see the session cookie e

Re: [users@httpd] nod_session SessionMaxAge

2022-06-05 Thread Thomas Fazekas
Thx for the quick reply ... and my apologies for the incomplete setup
(copy-paste typo)
I do have in fact an authentication requirement via "Require valid-user"
(as a point proving that, when the first time I try to access the script I
am redirected to the login page)

I think I know what is happening : whenever my session expires and I
refresh the page the browser simply resubmits the form so it logs me in
again :
[image: image.png]

So if I'm right, the question would be, how do I protect the site against
that ?

On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 12:19 PM Eric Covener  wrote:

> It looks to me like you don't actually have an authentication requirement,
> so when your session expires it doesn't trigger a redirect to your login
> form. Try protecting the cgi or some larger scope with e.g. 'require
> valid-user'
> On Sun, Jun 5, 2022, 6:00 AM Thomas Fazekas 
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> either I misunderstood how the SessionMaxAge setting is supposed to work
>> or I made a fundamental mistake in my setup, but, in a nutshell, it seems
>> that the users can access the form protected (form_auth) folder even after
>> the session has expired.
>> I have the following related setup :
>> Options None
>> AllowOverride None
>> Require all granted
>> AuthFormProvider file
>> AuthUserFile "conf/passwd"
>> AuthType Form
>> AuthName FormProtected
>> AuthFormUsername fauser
>> AuthFormPassword fapass
>> Session On
>> SessionCookieName fasession path=/
>> SessionMaxAge 120
>> ErrorDocument 401 /webdoc/login.html
>> Alias /webdoc /opt/webroot/public/doc
>> ScriptAlias /webscr /opt/webroot/private_form/scr
>> (all this goes on via SSL, just in case that makes any difference)
>> Now, when the first time I point my browser to "
>> https://localhost/webscr/testscript; I am correctly redirected to the
>> login page and required to provide a username and pass.
>> The problem is that, after successfully logging in, even though I can see
>> the session cookie expiration set to 2 mins, if I wait longer than that
>> without closing my browser,
>> in case of a simple refresh of the page I'm being allowed back in without
>> needing to re-authenticate.
>> The "https://localhost/webscr/testscript; it's just a simple shell
>> script that returns all environment variables.
>> Now, even though I keep the browser open, if I refresh the page after the
>> expiration period shouldn't I be forced to the login page again ? What am I
>> missing ?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Thomas

[users@httpd] nod_session SessionMaxAge

2022-06-05 Thread Thomas Fazekas
Dear all,

either I misunderstood how the SessionMaxAge setting is supposed to work or
I made a fundamental mistake in my setup, but, in a nutshell, it seems that
the users can access the form protected (form_auth) folder even after the
session has expired.

I have the following related setup :

Options None
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

AuthFormProvider file
AuthUserFile "conf/passwd"
AuthType Form
AuthName FormProtected
AuthFormUsername fauser
AuthFormPassword fapass
Session On
SessionCookieName fasession path=/
SessionMaxAge 120

ErrorDocument 401 /webdoc/login.html

Alias /webdoc /opt/webroot/public/doc
ScriptAlias /webscr /opt/webroot/private_form/scr

(all this goes on via SSL, just in case that makes any difference)
Now, when the first time I point my browser to "
https://localhost/webscr/testscript; I am correctly redirected to the login
page and required to provide a username and pass.
The problem is that, after successfully logging in, even though I can see
the session cookie expiration set to 2 mins, if I wait longer than that
without closing my browser,
in case of a simple refresh of the page I'm being allowed back in without
needing to re-authenticate.

The "https://localhost/webscr/testscript; it's just a simple shell script
that returns all environment variables.

Now, even though I keep the browser open, if I refresh the page after the
expiration period shouldn't I be forced to the login page again ? What am I
missing ?

Thanks in advance,

[users@httpd] mod_ssl certificate (mutual) authentication

2021-08-29 Thread Thomas Fazekas
OS : Debian 10.9
Apache : 2.4.38 (from repo)

I presume I've missed something (obvious) in the doc, but the following
setup doesn't work for me and I believe it should :

Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 5
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData +FakeBasicAuth
SSLRequire true
#SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN} eq "testuser"

ScriptAlias /scr2 /opt/wwwdoc/private2/script

I try to hit this folder with :
curl -v --cert testuser.cer --key testuser.rsa.key --data @test.txt

According to my logic the above config should check whether the
certificates are valid and then let people in but instead no matter what I
try (and the certs are valid) I get an access denied (403)

I however I go with the following :

Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 5
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData +FakeBasicAuth
Require all granted

After the certificate check the users are let in. What am I missing ?
Obliviously my ultimate goal is to check the certificate CN value (as you
can see in the first config). That doesn't work either.


[users@httpd] Client certificate authentication against (Open)LDAP server

2020-12-11 Thread Thomas Fazekas
OS : Debian 10.7
Apache HTTPD : 2.4.38 (from standard repo)


my setup is as follows  : above mentioned Apache connecting to OpenLDAP.
User basic authentication (username/password) already works (against LDAP
inetOrgPerson structure)
What I would like to achieve is to have user certificates in the
inetOrgPerson->userCertificate attribute and the users would have to
authenticate against that by presenting the corresponding private key.
Like one would do by : curl -u test_01 --key priv.key https://test.com

2 questions :
1. is the above possible to achieve by any configuration/module or do I
have to try to code this ?
2. if the above is true, I suspect I still need the username to be provided
by the user, right ? (it would be like username/password authentication but
instead of a password the user would provide a private key)

Thanks in advance

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] svn access via apache with ntlm authentication

2007-10-22 Thread Thomas Fazekas
Thanks for all the hints, finally I got it working with LDAP authentication.
For now, I'm happy with that although indeed seems a bit slow...

For future references here is my config (although is staright forward and it can
be found on many web resources)

Location /svn/repos
# Enable Subversion
DAV svn
SVNPath /mnt/data/rep/svn

# LDAP Authentication  Authorization is final; do not check
other databases
AuthLDAPAuthoritative on

# Do basic password authentication in the clear
AuthType Basic

# The name of the protected area or realm
AuthName domain authentication

# Active Directory requires an authenticating DN to access records
# This is the DN used to bind to the directory service
# This is an Active Directory user account
AuthLDAPBindDN CN=someuser,CN=Users,DC=your,DC=domain

# This is the password for the AuthLDAPBindDN user in Active Directory

# The LDAP query URL
# Format: scheme://host:port/basedn?attribute?scope?filter
# The URL below will search for all objects recursively below
the basedn
# and validate against the sAMAccountName attribute

# Require authentication for this Location
Require valid-user


On 10/21/07, Krist van Besien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/21/07, Joshua Slive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 10/20/07, Thomas Fazekas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In coclusion, svn with NTLM authentication doesn't work...
   My problem is that I can't see any other solution how to bring together
   a linux based apache/svn with our NT4 based domain :(
   For the time being I'm just gonna go with win based NT server, it
   is dissapointing though that I didn't get any reply from the svn mailing 
  If all you need is to share the user/password database, then the
  standard solution is use ldap access to the NT domain info. I've never
  done it myself, but I believe lots of people have success with this.

 I've set up an apache/svn server that authenticates against an AD
 server, but I didn't use the standard way with mod_auth_ldap.

 The problems with using mod_auth_ldap are:
 - AD normally does not allow anonymous binds, so you need a BindDN for
 your apache server. An other problem was our security policy, that
 requires passwords to be changed every month.
 - Subversion over http is not very efficient. A lot of seperate
 requests are generated for each subversion action. Basically
 subversion uses dozens of PROPFIND requests to figure out the
 properties of a file, and each of these requests gets authenticated.
 As LDAP binds aren't very fast our SVN server wasn't excrutciatingly
 slow when using ldap authentication.
 My solution was to use mod_perl (which I allready use for webserver
 configuration) and extend the authentication mechanism using perl

 One of the interesting feature of perl authentication handlers is that
 you can stack them. This allows you to cache authentication requests,
 and this speeds up the server massively.

 To explain this, let me just show you haw it looks in my config file:

 AuthType Basic
 AuthName SVNServer
 PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthenDBMCache Apache2::AuthenMSAD

 PerlSetVar MSADDomain ads.foo.com
 PerlSetVar MSADServer dc.ads.foo.com

 require valid-user
 require user joe mary tom

 For this to work you need to have an apache server configured for
 mod_perl, and the Apache2::AuthenDBMCache and Apache2::AuthenMSAD
 modules. You can find these on CPAN.

 The Apache2::AuthenMSAD uses a feature of MS Active Directory: You can
 bind with a DN of user@domain. With this you can set up AD
 authentication for your apache server without needing an BindDN for
 your apache server itself.
 The Apache2::AuthenDBMCache modules caches the authentication info, so
 that not every request requires a connection with the AD server. This
 has made my SVN server a lot faster.

 This works for me. More info about these modules can be found in CPAN.


 Bremgarten b. Bern, Switzerland
 A: It reverses the normal flow of conversation.
 Q: What's wrong with top-posting?
 A: Top-posting.
 Q: What's the biggest scourge on plain text email discussions?

 The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] svn access via apache with ntlm authentication

2007-10-20 Thread Thomas Fazekas
In coclusion, svn with NTLM authentication doesn't work...
My problem is that I can't see any other solution how to bring together
a linux based apache/svn with our NT4 based domain :(

For the time being I'm just gonna go with win based NT server, it
is dissapointing though that I didn't get any reply from the svn mailing list...


On 10/18/07, Krist van Besien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/18/07, Joshua Slive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 10/18/07, Krist van Besien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The current
   version of Neon (the http library used in the command line subversion
   client) only supports basic authentication.
  That's not true. Neon supports digest and a couple others as well. I'm
  not sure if they are supported via subversion, however.

 According to the subversion site the svn command line client only
 supports basic authentication. I didn't check the neon project itself.


 Bremgarten b. Bern, Switzerland
 A: It reverses the normal flow of conversation.
 Q: What's wrong with top-posting?
 A: Top-posting.
 Q: What's the biggest scourge on plain text email discussions?

 The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] svn access via apache with ntlm authentication

2007-10-17 Thread Thomas Fazekas
My setup :

Debian Etch i386

httpd-2.0.61 configured with the following command
./configure --prefix=/opt/httpd-2.0.61 --with-mpm=worker --enable-so
--enable-unique-id=shared --enable-version=shared --enable-ssl=shared
--enable-cgi=shared --enable-rewrite=shared --enable-cache=shared --
enable-disk-cache=shared --enable-deflate=shared

subversion-1.4.5 configured with the following
./configure --prefix=/opt/subversion-1.4.5 --with-apr=/opt/
httpd-2.0.61 --with-apr-util=/opt/httpd-2.0.61 --with-apxs=/opt/

mod_auth_ntlm_winbind AFAIK the latest version compiled with
/opt/httpd-2.0.61/bin/apxs -DAPACHE2 -c -i mod_auth_ntlm_winbind.c

Now, AFAIT everything is working well... separately !
Apache serves documents,
svn works for anonymous access with the following config :

Location /svn/repos
   DAV svn
   SVNPath /mnt/data/rep/svn
/Location /svn/repos

I can check out projects from the repository

Then I've tested the NTLM authentication with

Alias /ntlmtest/ /mnt/data/docuwiki/
Directory /mnt/data/docuwiki
 AuthName NTLM Authentication
 NTLMAuth on
 NTLMAuthHelper /usr/bin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=squid-2.5-ntlmssp
 NTLMBasicAuthoritative on
 AuthType NTLM
 require valid-user

This works just fine, the browser prompts for the username and
password, and ntlm authenticates against our PDC

Now my problem is with the svn + NTLM combination
If I have in my httpd.conf
Location /svn/repos
   DAV svn
   SVNPath /mnt/data/rep/svn
   AuthName NTLM Authentication
   AuthType NTLM
   NTLMAuth on
   NTLMBasicAuthoritative on
   NTLMAuthHelper /usr/bin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=squid-2.5-ntlmssp
   require valid-user

and I do svn co http://svnhost/svn/repos/test; ,
it seems to me that the apache server doesn't even bother calling the
ntlm_winbind module for authentication...
There are no logs or any trace of related messages and all I get is
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/repos/test'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/repos/test': authorization failed (http://
at the client side.

Any ideas ?


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