thank you for all of you're recommendations and directions

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:41 PM, Yehuda Katz <> wrote:

> If you are already using PHP sessions, then there is no need for
> mod_session.
> PHP supports changing the session store: 
> session_set_save_handler<>
> For an example solution, see
> - Y
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 1:05 AM, Билгүүн Ө <> wrote:
>> First, thank you for response.
>> I’m apologize for about the asking question on comment section.
>> And I try to store php session in MySQL then configure Load Balancing. If
>> I can’t store session in DB, I think our server will get single point of
>> failure. We have a many php websites and these all using php session.
>> Is there any module that possible to sync php sessions.
>> *From:* Yehuda Katz []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 29, 2014 12:27 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [users@httpd] Question
>> mod_session_dbd and php $_SESSION have nothing to do with each other and
>> php has its own session management system.
>> If you can better explain what you are trying to do, someone might be
>> able to give you a recommendation for whether to use mod_session or php
>> session.
>> Also, the Comments section on the Apache manual 
>> pages<>is
>>  NOT for asking questions like this. Please don't do it again.
>> - Y
>> On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:14 AM, Билгүүн Ө <>
>> wrote:
>> *From:* Билгүүн Ө []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 29, 2014 12:03 PM
>> *To:* ''
>> *Subject:* Question
>> Dear everyone
>> I'm trying to use mo_session_db, but i cant. I'm using mysql-14.14,
>> apache-2.4.9 and php-5.5.11.
>> I create database named session_db, and table named SESSION which created
>> Session ID', access INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, data TEXT, PRIMARY KEY
>> My mod_session_dbd.conf is:
>> Session On
>> SessionDBDCookieName session path=/
>> SessionDBDCookieRemove Off
>> SessionDBDPerUser On
>> SessionDBDDeleteLabel deletesession
>> SessionDBDInsertLabel insertsession
>> SessionDBDSelectLabel selectsession
>> SessionDBDUpdateLabel updatesession
>> DBDriver mysql
>> DBDParams "host=<ip address x.x.x.x/localhost>, port=3306, user=root,
>> password=<password>, dbname=session_db"
>> DBDExptime 300
>> DBDPrepareSQL "delete from SESSION where id = %s" deletesession
>> DBDPrepareSQL "update SESSION set data = %s, access = %lld, id = %s where
>> id = %s" updatesession
>> DBDPrepareSQL "insert into SESSION (id, access, data) values (%s, %lld,
>> %s)" insertsession
>> DBDPrepareSQL "select data from SESSION where id = %s and (access = 0 or
>> access > %lld)" selectsession
>> DBDPrepareSQL "delete from SESSION where access != 0 and access < %lld"
>> cleansession
>> I tested by store the session but it could not store in sql. My test
>> pages are:
>> #index.html
>> <form action="session.php" method="get">
>> Value:<input type="text" name="view"/>
>> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
>> </form>
>> #session.php
>> session_start();
>> if(isset($_GET['view']))
>> { $_SESSION['view'] = $_GET['view'];
>> echo "Saved in SESSION<br/>";
>> echo "<a href=link.php>Link</a><br/>";
>> echo "<a href=index.html>Back</a>";
>> }
>> else
>> { echo "Could not save in SESSION<br/>";
>> echo "<a href=index.html>Back</a>";
>> }
>> #link.php
>> session_start();
>> if(isset($_SESSION['view']))
>> { echo"Session: ". $_SESSION['view']."<br/>";
>> echo "<a href=clear.php>Clear cookie</a><br/>";
>> }
>> else
>> { echo "There is no cookie<br/>"; }
>> #clear.php
>> session_start();
>> if(isset($_SESSION['view']))
>> { unset($_SESSION['view']);
>> echo "cookie cleared<br/><br/>";
>> }
>> else{ echo "there has not been saved cookie<br/>"; }
>> Is there any problem in my config or testing pages. Sorry for my bad
>> english
>> [image: line]
>> Хүндэтгэсэн
>> Ө.Билгүүн
>> Системийн администратор
>> МТ Системийн хэлтэс
>> Мэйл хаяг  |;
>> Вэб хуудас |
>> [image: state-logo]
>> *Танд санхүүгийн үйлчилгээг эрсдэлгүй хүргэнэ.­*

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