
Using Apache 2.0.59 on Linux, I try to install a ScriptAlias.

My DocumentRoot is '/home/project/web', and the ScriptAlias directive
within httpd.conf is:
ScriptAlias /videos/ /home/project/modules/videos/web/
<Directory "/home/project/modules/">
        AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
        AddHandler text/css css

'http://foo/videos/test.php' works ok, but
'http://foo/videos/test.css' doesn't. I get a '500 Internal Server
Error', and browsing the error log:
[Wed Mar 07 04:58:55 2007] [error] [client
c4e:d008:f82f:8ebf:307f:d300:a00:0] (8)Exec format error: exec of
'/home/project/modules/videos/web/test.css' failed
[Wed Mar 07 04:58:55 2007] [error] [client
c4e:d008:f82f:8ebf:307f:d300:a00:0] Premature end of script headers:

I chmoded 777 all the '/home/project/modules/videos/' directory. What
am I doing wrong?

Thank you very much.

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