On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 08:03:28PM -0400, Dave O'Hair wrote:
> I may have found a bug in httpd-2.1.3-beta mod_proxy_balancer.  Or more
> likely I just don't have it configured properly.  Here's the entries
> from httpd.conf:
> The proxy/balance thing works great until I pass this URL to Apache:
>     http://apachehost:80/Supplier/SupplierServlet?action=reset
> <http://apachehost/Supplier/SupplierServlet?action=reset> 
> The URL that gets forwarded to the back-end server is missing the URL
> arguments (the "?action=reset" part).

Dave, can you file a bug on this in bugzilla - I'm not sure whether it
has been fixed already? http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/



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