Re: [us...@httpd] Reliable combined log sorting

2010-05-09 Thread Eike Frost
Hi Jason,

On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Jason Nunnelley wrote:

 In our configuration of Apache we push all logs to a single file via
 syslog-ng. I need to create some basic log analysis (like AWstats style) for
 a single domain out of several domains that post to that file. Any
 suggestions on a simple solution?

What LogFormat are you using, precisely ? And what, precisely, is the
problem you are having (you mention sorting in the subject, but nothing
related to it in the body).

If all you require is the ability to filter for a single vhost, have a look
at, make sure your
LogFormat-string contains %v somewhere, and filter by the respective field
in the syslog-ng file -- which can trivially be done with awk or similar. If
your line looks something like this : 66.249.xx.xx - - [09/May/2010:15:25:56 +] GET
/xxx HTTP/1.1 200 8284 - Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; + 261 8619

due to a LogFormat of  %v %h %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b \%{Referer}i\
\%{User-Agent}i\ %I %O combined_2 (or something similar), then

awk '$1 ~ /yourvhost\.example\.com/ { print }'  logfilename

will filter out just those lines where the first field ($1) matches your
VirtualHost ServerName of -- which you are then free
to pipe to whatever log analysis method you want. If you want this to also
filter out the syslog-related timestamps, awk can do that as well; should provide sufficient detail on
how manipulate the print-statement.

If your problem is that the log entries are not in strictly chronological
order (which most decent log analysis software can deal with as long as the
delta is not too large), the problem becomes different beast altogether --
one which you'd likely want to employ a more sophisticated perl or python
script since you require more state -- code for which I don't have handy at
the moment ;-)

If this does not answer your question, please provide some more example log
and code.


Re: [us...@httpd] Reliable combined log sorting

2010-05-09 Thread Jason Nunnelley

On 5/9/10 10:36 AM, Eike Frost wrote:

Hi Jason,

On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Jason Nunnelley wrote:

In our configuration of Apache we push all logs to a single file
via syslog-ng. I need to create some basic log analysis (like
AWstats style) for a single domain out of several domains that
post to that file. Any suggestions on a simple solution?

What LogFormat are you using, precisely ? And what, precisely, is the 
problem you are having (you mention sorting in the subject, but 
nothing related to it in the body).

I decided to punt and just grep out the lines I needed. It does have the 
%v config in the Apache conf. Most of what I'm dealing with are old 
logs, so I'm not so much looking (yet) to create better logs in the 
future (which seems to me would be best to split out by virtual host).

This is the config I have for cranking out some AWstats. My lazy punt 
solution was to just grep out the lines that relate to my vhost of 
choice, perhaps I could set a simple perl script to split those into 
appropriate segregated logs.

My log config:
LogFormat = %other %other %other %other %virtualname %host %other 
%logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd

This is an actual log example for one vhost in the combined file.

2010-05-09T16:18:44-0400 domID-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX http: 10.10.10.XX - - [09/May/2010:16:18:43 -0400] GET 
/galleries/image.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 28553; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; 
MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 
3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

I have two sets of log types to deal with: historical logs; future logs.


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

[Member Tekany, LLC]

[us...@httpd] Reliable combined log sorting

2010-05-08 Thread Jason Nunnelley
In our configuration of Apache we push all logs to a single file via 
syslog-ng. I need to create some basic log analysis (like AWstats style) 
for a single domain out of several domains that post to that file. Any 
suggestions on a simple solution?


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

[Member Tekany, LLC]

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