This means the script errored when executing. Since no errors when running
on the backend I assume the proxy is not passing the script parameters
correctly. Assuming the script is parsing the input correctly check the
proxy and backend access logs to confirm if the script is invoked as

On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 9:03 am eric tse <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have two apache servers. (One as the proxy, one as the backend).
> The backend throw is hosting a cgi script (submitting a form) and throw
> this error "Premature end of script headers" when I access it trough the
> proxy using firefox or chrome. (IE is fine)
> If I directly access the backend, it does not have issues.
> When I look at the proxy server, there are no error message.
> Can you advise: How should I check if this is a proxy issue or backend
> issue?
> What should I check from the proxy side? (I google the error, all the
> articles only talks about backend).
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Eric

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