Re: RDFS inference in Fuseki w/ TDB

2016-03-07 Thread Dave Kolas


Thanks for the reply.

By forward chain the data when loaded, I assume you mean manually doing 
so on the client side before inserting?

I think the use case follows the general parameters you outline below.  
The primary things really are just subClass and subProperty; I believe 
those are the only elements that we're depending on now. The schema is 
small, on the order of 50 classes.  I will check out the linked project.


On 3/6/2016 11:28 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:

On 01/03/16 19:20, Dave Kolas wrote:

Hi there,

I'm currently using Fuseki to host a number of RDF datasets.  If one
wants basic RDFS inference around a graph with good query performance,
what is the suggested configuration?

I'm currently using a:

wrapped around a TDB graph and dataset.  However, this seems to (a)
dramatically increase the memory requirements and (b) destroy the query
optimizer.  Is there a different way to configure things to get RDFS
inference and better performance?  I don't actually have the need to
track / eliminate inferred statements, so it would be ok to just forward
chain on insertion into the same store.


Hi Dave,

In the current codebase the only two options are using there in-memory 
reasoner or forward-chaining the data when it is is loaded.  A 
combination, whereby some inferences are done ahead of time and others 
done via the in-memory reasoner at runtime is possible - I don't know 
how much memory that saves though and it still might do bad things to 

Adding some support for RDFS to TDB would make a lot of sense.
I had a go with [1].

To scope that, could you give some background on your RDFS needs here, 
which as which parts of RDFS you use (and RDFS++ - all the single 
property inferences such as symmetric properties) and whether the 
assumption below fit your usage:

1/ It expands the subclass and subproperty chains once at startup so 
there is no path following at query time,  just one hope for rdf:type.

?x rdf:type :C
?x rdf:type ?X. ?X rdfs:"transitiveSubClassOf" :C .

2/ The schema is small - the workspace is in memory.

3/ The schema is fixed - any change would need to rebuild the sub* 
data structures but also ...

4/ schema and data are separate (this is not a core assumption; I 
wanted) to be be sure that worked well.

5/ No "messing with the furniture" i.e sub-properties of 
rdfs:subClassOf, rdfs:subPropertyOf, rdf:type don't trigger inference. 
I don't think it is fundamental in the design.



Re: Problem Fuseki + TDB

2016-03-07 Thread A. Soroka
Sorry if this is a red herring or something you’ve already checked, but are you 
using s-query from the same machine that is running your Fuseki, and a browser 
on a different machine (like your workstation)? If so, the behavior you 
describe _might_ be ascribable to the default security settings for Fuseki.

A. Soroka
The University of Virginia Library

> On Mar 7, 2016, at 9:51 AM, Mikael Pesonen  wrote:
> Sorry it works with s-query
> bin/s-query --service=http://speechdev:3031/ds/query 'SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { 
> GRAPH {?s ?p ?o}} LIMIT 2'
> but www-ui does not work. Buttons under "manage datasets" do not do anything 
> and buttons under "dataset" say "Please select a dataset."
> Br,
> Mikael

Re: Problem Fuseki + TDB

2016-03-07 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 07/03/16 13:39, Mikael Pesonen wrote:


thanks for the help!

On 4.3.2016 16:09, Andy Seaborne wrote:

On 04/03/16 10:58, Mikael Pesonen wrote:


I'm just learning to use these tools. I have successfully setup
jena-fuseki1-1.1.2 and am able to make SPARQL queries. But for some
reason jena-fuseki-2.3.1 does not find data when inserted in TDB. So I
am missing something but cannot spot what...

Here's the comparison of procedures. First one works, second one
doesn't. The test query is this:

/s-query --service= 'SELECT ?s
?p ?o WHERE { GRAPH {?s ?p
?o}} LIMIT 2'


cd jena-fuseki1-1.1.2

./fuseki-server --update --mem /ds

./s-put http://localhost:3030/ds/data

Unclear why that worked because s-put needs 3 command line arguments.

s-put datasetURI  graphname  file_for_data

Sorry missing space, so:
./s-put http://localhost:3030/ds/data skosified.rdf


cd apache-jena-fuseki-2.3.1

mkdir ./DB

tdbloader2 --loc ./DB/ skosified.rdf

That loads data into the default graph.

Use tdbloader (not 2) and --graph or change the query as below ...

GRAPH {?s ?p ?o}

It's looking in a named graph , not the default graph.

You can remove the GRAPH part or change the load.


[2016-03-04 12:05:44] Fuseki INFO  [1] exec/select

[2016-03-04 12:05:44] Fuseki INFO  [1] 200 OK (214 ms)

Okay so If I want to load data to named graph like this

  tdbloader --loc ./DB/ --graph=

You now have a database "DB" with a single named graph

how should I start the server? I don't get what the /DatasetPathName means.

These won't work:
./fuseki-server --update --port 3030 --loc=DB /ds

That should work (if in the same directory as the load).

What do you mean by "won't work"

./fuseki-server --update --port 3030 --loc=DB

Fuseki publishes datasets with a name, here "/ds" so the query service 
will be http://<>:3030/ds/query
