Re: Produce 1 million events/seconds

2014-12-22 Thread nitin sharma
btw -- curious to know how well your kafka broker handles the load...
please do inform us your result.

Nitin Kumar Sharma.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 9:52 AM, nitin sharma

 Hey Pramod,

 few things:
 a. You can keep 2 brokers but you can increase the ProducerSend thread on
 your producer side to push more messages. best way try to create more
 threads that execute the loop where send is called.
 b. try to avoid/reduce putting any logic computation in the while loop ..
 You can try using for loop instead of while :.
 for(int i=0; imessageCount;i++)
   KeyedMessageString, String message =
 new KeyedMessageString, String(topic, i, msg);


 Nitin Kumar Sharma.

 On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Pramod Deshmukh

 *Kafka: *Apache Kafka

 public int partition(Object key, int a_numPartitions) {
 int partition = Integer.parseInt((String)key);
 LOG.debug(SimplePartitioner Partion:  + partition);
 return partition;

 On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Pramod Deshmukh

  I have a requirement to prove kafka producer can produce 1 million
  events/second to Kafka cluster.
  So far, best I could achieve is 200k events/sec on topic with 2
  partitions. The latency increases with adding more partitions so I want
  test with 2 partitions for now.
  Below are the details along with produce code (java). How can I achieve
  produce 1million event/sec.? I went thru kafka benchmarking blog as
  *Kafka cluster:* 3 brokers on 3 servers. Each sever is 16 TB (16 JBODs),
  64GB RAM.
  *Broker:* Allocated 6GB, 16 io.threads, 8 network threads.
  *Topic: 2* partition, replication factor of 1 (Get high latency)
  *Zookeepers: *3 zk instances running individually on master nodes (not
  co-located with kafka broker/servers)
  *Producer Code:*
  public class TestProducer {
  private static String msg = TEST KAFKA PERFORMANCE;
  private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestProducer.class);
  public static void main(String... args){
  System.out.println(START - Test Producer);
  long messageCount = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
  long messageCountForStat = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
  String topic = args[1];
  String brokerList = args[2];
  int batchCount = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
  int topicPartions = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
  ProducerString, String producer = getProducer(brokerList,
  Date startTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
  Random rnd = new Random();
  String partition = ;
  //Produce messages.
  while (messageCount != 0) {
  partition = +(int)messageCount%topicPartions;
  KeyedMessageString, String message =
  new KeyedMessageString, String(topic, partition,
  Date endTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
  System.out.println(MESSAGES SENT:  + messageCountForStat);
  System.out.println(START TIME:  + startTime);
  System.out.println(END TIME:  + endTime);
  System.out.println(END - Test Producer);
  public static ProducerString, String getProducer(String
  int batchSize) {
  props.put(, brokerList);
  props.put(serializer.class, kafka.serializer.StringEncoder);
  props.put(request.required.acks, 0);
  props.put(producer.type, async);
  props.put(compression.codec, snappy);
  props.put(batch.num.messages, Integer.toString(batchSize));
  ProducerConfig config = new ProducerConfig(props);
  ProducerString, String producer = new ProducerString,
  return producer;

Re: Produce 1 million events/seconds

2014-12-22 Thread nitin sharma
Hey Pramod,

few things:
a. You can keep 2 brokers but you can increase the ProducerSend thread on
your producer side to push more messages. best way try to create more
threads that execute the loop where send is called.
b. try to avoid/reduce putting any logic computation in the while loop ..
You can try using for loop instead of while :.
for(int i=0; imessageCount;i++)
  KeyedMessageString, String message =
new KeyedMessageString, String(topic, i, msg);


Nitin Kumar Sharma.

On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Pramod Deshmukh

 *Kafka: *Apache Kafka

 public int partition(Object key, int a_numPartitions) {
 int partition = Integer.parseInt((String)key);
 LOG.debug(SimplePartitioner Partion:  + partition);
 return partition;

 On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Pramod Deshmukh

  I have a requirement to prove kafka producer can produce 1 million
  events/second to Kafka cluster.
  So far, best I could achieve is 200k events/sec on topic with 2
  partitions. The latency increases with adding more partitions so I want
  test with 2 partitions for now.
  Below are the details along with produce code (java). How can I achieve
  produce 1million event/sec.? I went thru kafka benchmarking blog as well.
  *Kafka cluster:* 3 brokers on 3 servers. Each sever is 16 TB (16 JBODs),
  64GB RAM.
  *Broker:* Allocated 6GB, 16 io.threads, 8 network threads.
  *Topic: 2* partition, replication factor of 1 (Get high latency)
  *Zookeepers: *3 zk instances running individually on master nodes (not
  co-located with kafka broker/servers)
  *Producer Code:*
  public class TestProducer {
  private static String msg = TEST KAFKA PERFORMANCE;
  private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestProducer.class);
  public static void main(String... args){
  System.out.println(START - Test Producer);
  long messageCount = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
  long messageCountForStat = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
  String topic = args[1];
  String brokerList = args[2];
  int batchCount = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
  int topicPartions = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
  ProducerString, String producer = getProducer(brokerList,
  Date startTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
  Random rnd = new Random();
  String partition = ;
  //Produce messages.
  while (messageCount != 0) {
  partition = +(int)messageCount%topicPartions;
  KeyedMessageString, String message =
  new KeyedMessageString, String(topic, partition,
  Date endTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
  System.out.println(MESSAGES SENT:  + messageCountForStat);
  System.out.println(START TIME:  + startTime);
  System.out.println(END TIME:  + endTime);
  System.out.println(END - Test Producer);
  public static ProducerString, String getProducer(String brokerList,
  int batchSize) {
  props.put(, brokerList);
  props.put(serializer.class, kafka.serializer.StringEncoder);
  props.put(request.required.acks, 0);
  props.put(producer.type, async);
  props.put(compression.codec, snappy);
  props.put(batch.num.messages, Integer.toString(batchSize));
  ProducerConfig config = new ProducerConfig(props);
  ProducerString, String producer = new ProducerString,
  return producer;

Kafka in C#

2014-12-22 Thread Matti Waarna
We are using kafka version and trying to produce from a C# app.

I realize that there is no official C# library release and want to get your 
experience with the existing solutions that are currently available.

I am looking for a solution that is a) stable enough for production environment 
and b) performs well.

1) A couple of active github projects are available along with a few forks each.
Has Anybody worked on either of the following two options to contribute their 

2) Also there is the option of IKVM to import kafka JARS into a .net DLL.

Maybe even another solution?



Re: I have a problem about kafka (0.7.2)

2014-12-22 Thread Jun Rao
Hmm, in 0.7, each producer is supposed to have only one ZK connection. Do
you see ZK session expiration in the producer log?

Also, 0.7 is pretty old and will no longer be patched. So, you probably
want to try the latest



On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 11:53 PM, Zhao GuoHao(媒体产品技术中心) wrote:

 Hello kafka :

 I find a problem about kafka , I build a kafka cluster with 3 zookeepers
 and 7 kafka brokers, it works well when developing ,but when I deploy it
 online ,I find that :each kafka producer keeps a lot of connections with
 zookeeper .
 On a kafka producer machine ,I use ` ss –anop | grep 2181 | wc –l  ` , it
 has more 2000 connections .most of them like this :
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::
 ESTAB  0  0:::   :::

 Please help me !! Thank you !

 媒体技术中心 赵国昊 8187


2014-12-22 Thread Jun Rao
What kind of load testing do you plan to do?



On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 3:42 AM, nitin sharma

 Hi Team,

 I have to make a decision on whether i should go with Kafka producer test
 utility or build my own java tool for my load testing .

 Kindly let me know if anyone knows any limitation with when it come to simulation of messages under
 load condition?

 Nitin Kumar Sharma.

Re: Kafka in C#

2014-12-22 Thread Joe Stein
Another option is a HTTP wrapper around the actual producer and doing a
HTTP POST from C# to a REST server e.g. which I know folks have
done successfully.

 Joe Stein
 Founder, Principal Consultant
 Big Data Open Source Security LLC
 Twitter: @allthingshadoop

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Matti Waarna wrote:

 We are using kafka version and trying to produce from a C# app.

 I realize that there is no official C# library release and want to get
 your experience with the existing solutions that are currently available.

 I am looking for a solution that is a) stable enough for production
 environment and b) performs well.

 1) A couple of active github projects are available along with a few forks
 Has Anybody worked on either of the following two options to contribute
 their findings?

 2) Also there is the option of IKVM to import kafka JARS into a .net DLL.

 Maybe even another solution?




2014-12-22 Thread nitin sharma
have to conduce load and stress test by publishing at least 10K
messages/sec to my Kafka brokers. Here is the setup:

Number of brokers : 2
Topic : 1
Partition :2. Each broker leader of one.

I would like to know if i can use in first
place.  also, if any one knows the limitation of this utility, so that i
can think of writing my own in order to overcome the limitations.

Nitin Kumar Sharma.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Jun Rao wrote:

 What kind of load testing do you plan to do?



 On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 3:42 AM, nitin sharma

  Hi Team,
  I have to make a decision on whether i should go with Kafka producer test
  utility or build my own java tool for my load testing .
  Kindly let me know if anyone knows any limitation with when it come to simulation of messages under
  load condition?
  Nitin Kumar Sharma.

Re: ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-202], Error for partition

2014-12-22 Thread Jun Rao
You may want to take a look at



On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Terry Cumaranatunge


 I'm using 0.8.2-beta with 3 brokers and 3 zookeeper nodes (3.4.6). I had
 some known issues with that were supposedly fixed in 0.8.2, so I
 moved to 0.82-beta, but now I'm getting different errors in 0.8.2-beta.

 All the brokers come up fine and registered with the zookeeper. Then, I
 created a topic, which succeeds on the command line, but there are many
 errors in the kafka logs. Does anyone know why this may be happening?


 bin/ --create --zookeeper
 migration201:2181,migration202:2181,migration203:2181 --replication-factor
 2 --topic nto1-mailboxes --partition 100
 Created topic nto1-mailboxes.

 [2014-12-18 05:34:23,405] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-202], Error for
 partition [nto1-mailboxes,29] to broker 202:class
 kafka.common.UnknownException (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
 [2014-12-18 05:34:23,406] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-202], Error for
 partition [nto1-mailboxes,11] to broker 202:class
 kafka.common.UnknownException (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
 [2014-12-18 05:34:23,406] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-202], Error for
 partition [nto1-mailboxes,23] to broker 202:class
 kafka.common.UnknownException (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)

 Another broker has:
 [2014-12-18 05:34:26,485] ERROR [KafkaApi-202] error when handling request
 Name: FetchRequest; Version: 0; CorrelationId
 : 463; ClientId: ReplicaFetcherThread-0-202; ReplicaId: 201; MaxWait: 500
 ms; MinBytes: 1 bytes; RequestInfo: [nto1-mail
 boxes,29] - PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,11] -
 PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,23] - P
 artitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,83] -
 PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,5] - PartitionFetchIn
 fo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,59] -
 PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,17] -
 [nto1-mailboxes,65] - PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,41] -
 s,77] - PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,47] -
 PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,53] - Parti
 tionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,95] -
 PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,89] - PartitionFetchInfo(
 0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,35] -
 PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,71] -
 PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576) (ka
 kafka.common.NotAssignedReplicaException: Leader 202 failed to record
 follower 201's position -1 since the replica is no
 t recognized to be one of the assigned replicas  for partition







 at scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues.foreach(MapLike.scala:245)
 at kafka.server.KafkaApis.handleFetchRequest(KafkaApis.scala:311)
 at kafka.server.KafkaApis.handle(KafkaApis.scala:60)
 at Source)

 However, the describe topic shows that everything is fine:
 Topic:nto1-mailboxesPartitionCount:100  ReplicationFactor:2
 Topic: nto1-mailboxes   Partition: 0Leader: 203 Replicas:
 203,201   Isr: 203,201
 Topic: nto1-mailboxes   Partition: 1Leader: 201 Replicas:
 201,202   Isr: 201,202
 Topic: nto1-mailboxes   Partition: 2Leader: 202 Replicas:
 202,203   Isr: 202,203
 Topic: nto1-mailboxes   Partition: 3Leader: 203 Replicas:
 203,202   Isr: 203,202
 Topic: nto1-mailboxes   Partition: 4Leader: 201 Replicas:
 201,203   Isr: 201,203
 Topic: nto1-mailboxes   Partition: 5Leader: 202 Replicas:
 202,201   Isr: 202,201
 Topic: nto1-mailboxes   Partition: 6Leader: 203 Replicas:
 203,201   Isr: 203,201

Re: Kafka 0.8.2 new producer blocking on metadata

2014-12-22 Thread Jun Rao
Yes, that's a potential issue. Perhaps we just need to have a lower default
value for ?



On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Paul Pearcy

   Playing around with the 0.8.2-beta producer client. One of my test cases
 is to ensure producers can deal with Kafka being down when the producer is
 created. My tests failed miserably because of the default blocking in the
 producer with regard to The first line of new
 producer is waitOnMetadata which is blocking.

 I can handle this case by loading topic meta on init and setting the
 timeout value to very low and either throwing
 away messages or creating my own internal queue to buffer.

 I'm surprised the metasync isn't done async. If it fails, return that in
 the future/callback. This way the API could actually be considered safely
 async and the producer buffer could try to hold on to things until
 block.on.buffer.full kicks in. You'd probably need a partition callback
 since numPartitions wouldn't be available.

 The implication is that people's apps will work fine if first messages are
 sent while kafka server is up, however, if kafka is down and they restart
 their app, the new producer will block all sends and blow things up if you
 haven't written your app to be aware of this edge case.

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Re: Issues With Parallelism In Kafka Spout

2014-12-22 Thread Jun Rao
Perhaps you can try getting some help from the Storm mailing list.



On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 7:22 AM, Nilesh Chhapru wrote:

 Hi All,

 Please give some inputs as this is pending since long and need to meet the

 Nilesh Chhapru.

 From: Nilesh Chhapru []
 Sent: 18 December 2014 01:24 PM
 Subject: Issues With Parallelism In Kafka Spout

 Hi All,

 I have implemented a high level Kafka consumer in Storm but looks like the
 parallelism isn't getting achieved as I have 3 partitions and 2 task for
 the spout, but only one of it is emitting the data.
 PFB the screen grab for number of task of spout and data emitted by only
 one of them.

 Please assist on how to achieve parallelism using high level Kafka spout.


 Nilesh Chhapru.



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 Opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the author and do not
 necessarily represent those of Ugam. Ugam does not accept any
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 caused by any virus transmitted by this email. 

Re: Kafka 0.8.2 new producer blocking on metadata

2014-12-22 Thread Paul Pearcy
I double posted by accident, sorry. Have another thread discussing this.
On Dec 22, 2014 11:21 AM, Jun Rao wrote:

 Yes, that's a potential issue. Perhaps we just need to have a lower default
 value for ?



 On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Paul Pearcy

Playing around with the 0.8.2-beta producer client. One of my test
  is to ensure producers can deal with Kafka being down when the producer
  created. My tests failed miserably because of the default blocking in the
  producer with regard to The first line of new
  producer is waitOnMetadata which is blocking.
  I can handle this case by loading topic meta on init and setting the
  timeout value to very low and either throwing
  away messages or creating my own internal queue to buffer.
  I'm surprised the metasync isn't done async. If it fails, return that in
  the future/callback. This way the API could actually be considered safely
  async and the producer buffer could try to hold on to things until
  block.on.buffer.full kicks in. You'd probably need a partition callback
  since numPartitions wouldn't be available.
  The implication is that people's apps will work fine if first messages
  sent while kafka server is up, however, if kafka is down and they restart
  their app, the new producer will block all sends and blow things up if
  haven't written your app to be aware of this edge case.
  This email and any attachments may contain confidential and proprietary
  information of Blackboard that is for the sole use of the intended
  recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying,
  re-distribution or other use of any of this information is strictly
  prohibited. Please immediately notify the sender and delete this
  transmission if you received this email in error.

Re: Increase in Kafka replication fetcher thread not reducing log replication

2014-12-22 Thread Jun Rao
Increasing replica.fetch.max.bytes will help, but will only get diminishing
returns at some point.

Increasing num.replica.fetchers will also help. You need to make sure that
the leaders are balanced in the cluster. See



On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 8:08 AM, nitin sharma

 Hi All,

 I am trying to figure out best configuration for my Kafka brokers so that
 in case of restarted, the new node catch up with Leader at quick pace.

 My test environment has 2 kafka brokers and 1 Topic with one Partition.

 I first ran the test (Test#1) with default setting, i.e.
 num.replica.fetchers =1 and replica.fetch.max.bytes = 1048576 Bytes (1 MB).
 it took 11min and 40 sec to copy the 37.9 GB @ the rate 55.5MB/sec (

 Later I increased the num.replica.fetchers = 5 and
 replica.fetch.max.bytes=1MB and ran another test (Test #2). I got the
 replica @ 89 MB/sec. Which is good but i was expecting 4*55 =  221 MB/sec.

 i ran two more test and results got much worse:
 Test#3 : replica thread = 5 and replica.fetch.max.bytes = 5MB.
   replication rate = 92.7 MB/sec

 Test #4: replication thread = 20 and replica.fetch.max.bytes = 5 MB.
   replication rate = 93.54 MB/sec

 Any reason why increasing the replica fetcher thread or increase in fetch
 max bytes not increasing my replication rate linearly.

 note: in all the test CPU utilization was not more than 45%

 Nitin Kumar Sharma.

Re: Increase in Kafka replication fetcher thread not reducing log replication

2014-12-22 Thread svante karlsson
What kind of network do you have? gigabit? if so 90 MB/s would make
Also since you have one partition what's your raw transfer speed to the
disk? 90 MB/s makes sense here as well...

If I were looking for rapid replica catch up I'd have at least 2x Gbit and
partitioned topics spread out over several physical nodes. That would make
it possible to catch up at ~200 MB/s without totally blocking normal
operation of the cluster. For a single partition you would face lower catch
up rate since all data is coming from one physical disk


2014-12-22 17:26 GMT+01:00 Jun Rao

 Increasing replica.fetch.max.bytes will help, but will only get diminishing
 returns at some point.

 Increasing num.replica.fetchers will also help. You need to make sure that
 the leaders are balanced in the cluster. See



 On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 8:08 AM, nitin sharma

  Hi All,
  I am trying to figure out best configuration for my Kafka brokers so that
  in case of restarted, the new node catch up with Leader at quick pace.
  My test environment has 2 kafka brokers and 1 Topic with one Partition.
  I first ran the test (Test#1) with default setting, i.e.
  num.replica.fetchers =1 and replica.fetch.max.bytes = 1048576 Bytes (1
  it took 11min and 40 sec to copy the 37.9 GB @ the rate 55.5MB/sec (
  Later I increased the num.replica.fetchers = 5 and
  replica.fetch.max.bytes=1MB and ran another test (Test #2). I got the
  replica @ 89 MB/sec. Which is good but i was expecting 4*55 =  221
  i ran two more test and results got much worse:
  Test#3 : replica thread = 5 and replica.fetch.max.bytes = 5MB.
replication rate = 92.7 MB/sec
  Test #4: replication thread = 20 and replica.fetch.max.bytes = 5 MB.
replication rate = 93.54 MB/sec
  Any reason why increasing the replica fetcher thread or increase in fetch
  max bytes not increasing my replication rate linearly.
  note: in all the test CPU utilization was not more than 45%
  Nitin Kumar Sharma.


2014-12-22 Thread Otis Gospodnetic
If that doesn't work for you and you choose the
DIY approach, may be of help.

Monitoring * Alerting * Anomaly Detection * Centralized Log Management
Solr  Elasticsearch Support *

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 11:09 AM, nitin sharma

 have to conduce load and stress test by publishing at least 10K
 messages/sec to my Kafka brokers. Here is the setup:

 Number of brokers : 2
 Topic : 1
 Partition :2. Each broker leader of one.

 I would like to know if i can use in first
 place.  also, if any one knows the limitation of this utility, so that i
 can think of writing my own in order to overcome the limitations.

 Nitin Kumar Sharma.

 On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Jun Rao wrote:

  What kind of load testing do you plan to do?
  On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 3:42 AM, nitin sharma
   Hi Team,
   I have to make a decision on whether i should go with Kafka producer
   utility or build my own java tool for my load testing .
   Kindly let me know if anyone knows any limitation with when it come to simulation of messages
   load condition?
   Nitin Kumar Sharma.

RE: Kafka in C#

2014-12-22 Thread Thunder Stumpges
Hi there,

We looked at both of these a while back and ended up writing our own 

The first one in the list was completely synchronous, and had no concept of 
batching. We initially attempted to use the second one (kafka-net) but had some 
issues with detecting leader changes, temporary errors, and general topic 
metadata changes. Also had some problems with the use of async and the tracking 
of correlation IDs on tcp messages. 

I know our client does not have a lot of documentation (yet) and says Work in 
progress, not ready yet! but we have been testing this a lot, and have been 
running in staging under load with good results. We will be entering production 
in the next few weeks (waiting until after the holidays). I wouldn't be 
comfortable with it going straight to production without some testing in your 
environment, but especially the Producer is very robust, and is resilient to 
all sorts of changes in the environment (the integration tests use Vagrant and 
a set of VMs and test Producing to non-existent partition and waiting for 
auto-creation of topic, partition rebalancing, broker down or other partition 
re-assignment, etc.) The client is fully Async and leverages Rx 
( and an event-loop-scheduler to do all processing. 
Changes in partition state are broadcast Rx style to listening components 
(Producer, Consumer, PartitionRecoveryMonitor). 

One of the reasons we have not finalized the documentation and notice on the 
github page is we weren't sure if the API might change based on usage. To this 
end, we'd like to know what you think and if you have any use-cases not handled 
by the API.

I understand if you're not comfortable with the beta state of the client, but 
we'd love to have you check it out. We are actively developing on this and can 
help with any issues.


-Original Message-
From: Matti Waarna [] 
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 7:55 AM
Subject: Kafka in C#

We are using kafka version and trying to produce from a C# app.

I realize that there is no official C# library release and want to get your 
experience with the existing solutions that are currently available.

I am looking for a solution that is a) stable enough for production environment 
and b) performs well.

1) A couple of active github projects are available along with a few forks each.
Has Anybody worked on either of the following two options to contribute their 

2) Also there is the option of IKVM to import kafka JARS into a .net DLL.

Maybe even another solution?



Re: Kafka in C#

2014-12-22 Thread Joe Stein
Thunder, can you add that to
didn't know it existed but cool that it uses Rx

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Thunder Stumpges

 Hi there,

 We looked at both of these a while back and ended up writing our own (

 The first one in the list was completely synchronous, and had no concept
 of batching. We initially attempted to use the second one (kafka-net) but
 had some issues with detecting leader changes, temporary errors, and
 general topic metadata changes. Also had some problems with the use of
 async and the tracking of correlation IDs on tcp messages.

 I know our client does not have a lot of documentation (yet) and says
 Work in progress, not ready yet! but we have been testing this a lot, and
 have been running in staging under load with good results. We will be
 entering production in the next few weeks (waiting until after the
 holidays). I wouldn't be comfortable with it going straight to production
 without some testing in your environment, but especially the Producer is
 very robust, and is resilient to all sorts of changes in the environment
 (the integration tests use Vagrant and a set of VMs and test Producing to
 non-existent partition and waiting for auto-creation of topic, partition
 rebalancing, broker down or other partition re-assignment, etc.) The client
 is fully Async and leverages Rx ( and an
 event-loop-scheduler to do all processing. Changes in partition state are
 broadcast Rx style to listening components (Producer, Consumer,

 One of the reasons we have not finalized the documentation and notice on
 the github page is we weren't sure if the API might change based on usage.
 To this end, we'd like to know what you think and if you have any use-cases
 not handled by the API.

 I understand if you're not comfortable with the beta state of the client,
 but we'd love to have you check it out. We are actively developing on this
 and can help with any issues.


 -Original Message-
 From: Matti Waarna []
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 7:55 AM
 Subject: Kafka in C#

 We are using kafka version and trying to produce from a C# app.

 I realize that there is no official C# library release and want to get
 your experience with the existing solutions that are currently available.

 I am looking for a solution that is a) stable enough for production
 environment and b) performs well.

 1) A couple of active github projects are available along with a few forks
 Has Anybody worked on either of the following two options to contribute
 their findings?

 2) Also there is the option of IKVM to import kafka JARS into a .net DLL.

 Maybe even another solution?



RE: Kafka in C#

2014-12-22 Thread Thunder Stumpges
We definitely will. Wanted to wait until we got more confident the API was 
solid, ran in production for a little, and added a bit more documentation.


-Original Message-
From: Joe Stein []
Received: Monday, 22 Dec 2014, 10:05AM
To: []
Subject: Re: Kafka in C#

Thunder, can you add that to
didn't know it existed but cool that it uses Rx

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Thunder Stumpges

 Hi there,

 We looked at both of these a while back and ended up writing our own (

 The first one in the list was completely synchronous, and had no concept
 of batching. We initially attempted to use the second one (kafka-net) but
 had some issues with detecting leader changes, temporary errors, and
 general topic metadata changes. Also had some problems with the use of
 async and the tracking of correlation IDs on tcp messages.

 I know our client does not have a lot of documentation (yet) and says
 Work in progress, not ready yet! but we have been testing this a lot, and
 have been running in staging under load with good results. We will be
 entering production in the next few weeks (waiting until after the
 holidays). I wouldn't be comfortable with it going straight to production
 without some testing in your environment, but especially the Producer is
 very robust, and is resilient to all sorts of changes in the environment
 (the integration tests use Vagrant and a set of VMs and test Producing to
 non-existent partition and waiting for auto-creation of topic, partition
 rebalancing, broker down or other partition re-assignment, etc.) The client
 is fully Async and leverages Rx ( and an
 event-loop-scheduler to do all processing. Changes in partition state are
 broadcast Rx style to listening components (Producer, Consumer,

 One of the reasons we have not finalized the documentation and notice on
 the github page is we weren't sure if the API might change based on usage.
 To this end, we'd like to know what you think and if you have any use-cases
 not handled by the API.

 I understand if you're not comfortable with the beta state of the client,
 but we'd love to have you check it out. We are actively developing on this
 and can help with any issues.


 -Original Message-
 From: Matti Waarna []
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 7:55 AM
 Subject: Kafka in C#

 We are using kafka version and trying to produce from a C# app.

 I realize that there is no official C# library release and want to get
 your experience with the existing solutions that are currently available.

 I am looking for a solution that is a) stable enough for production
 environment and b) performs well.

 1) A couple of active github projects are available along with a few forks
 Has Anybody worked on either of the following two options to contribute
 their findings?

 2) Also there is the option of IKVM to import kafka JARS into a .net DLL.

 Maybe even another solution?



the impact of partition number

2014-12-22 Thread Sa Li
Hi, All

I've run bin/ on our kafka-production cluster, I
found the number of partitions really have huge impacts on the producer
performance, see:

start.time, end.time, compression, message.size, batch.size,, MB.sec,, nMsg.sec
2014-12-22 19:53:27:392, 2014-12-22 19:54:25:581, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
49.1678, 100, 17185.3787
2014-12-22 19:55:27:048, 2014-12-22 19:56:23:318, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
50.8446, 100, 17771.4590
2014-12-22 19:58:09:466, 2014-12-22 19:59:05:068, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
51.4554, 100, 17984.9646
2014-12-22 19:59:40:389, 2014-12-22 20:00:28:646, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
59.2872, 100, 20722.3822
2014-12-22 20:02:41:993, 2014-12-22 20:03:22:481, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
70.6635, 100, 24698.6762
2014-12-22 20:03:47:594, 2014-12-22 20:04:26:238, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
74.0354, 100, 25877.2384
2014-12-22 20:11:49:492, 2014-12-22 20:12:25:843, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
78.7055, 100, 27509.5596
2014-12-22 20:12:53:290, 2014-12-22 20:13:29:746, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
78.4788, 100, 27430.3270
2014-12-22 20:13:53:194, 2014-12-22 20:14:29:470, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
78.8682, 100, 27566.4351
2014-12-22 20:14:51:491, 2014-12-22 20:15:25:451, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
84.2468, 100, 29446.4075
2014-12-22 20:16:51:369, 2014-12-22 20:17:27:452, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
79.2901, 100, 27713.8819
2014-12-22 20:17:57:882, 2014-12-22 20:18:33:957, 1, 3000, 200, 2861.02,
79.3076, 100, 27720.0277

The number of partitions above are from 1 to 12, I wonder why it has such
big difference?



Alec Li

leader and isr were not set when create the topic

2014-12-22 Thread Sa Li
Hi, All

I created a topic with 3 replications and 6 partitions, but when I check
this topic, seems there is no leader and isr were set for this topic, see

bin/ --create --zookeeper
--replication-factor 3 --partitions 6 --topic perf_producer_p6_test
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: See for an
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
Created topic perf_producer_p6_test.

root@precise64:/etc/kafka# bin/ --describe --zookeeper --topic perf_producer_p6_test
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: See for an
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
Topic:perf_producer_p6_test PartitionCount:6
ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 0Leader: none
Replicas: 100,101,102   Isr:
Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 1Leader: none
Replicas: 101,102,100   Isr:
Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 2Leader: none
Replicas: 102,100,101   Isr:
Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 3Leader: none
Replicas: 100,102,101   Isr:
Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 4Leader: none
Replicas: 101,100,102   Isr:
Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 5Leader: none
Replicas: 102,101,100   Isr:

Is there a way to specifically set leader and isr in command line, it is
strange when I create the topic with 5 partitions, it has leader and isr:
root@precise64:/etc/kafka# bin/ --describe --zookeeper --topic perf_producer_p5_test
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: See for an
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
Topic:perf_producer_p5_test PartitionCount:5
ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 0Leader: 102
Replicas: 102,100,101   Isr: 102,100,101
Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 1Leader: 102
Replicas: 100,101,102   Isr: 102,101
Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 2Leader: 101
Replicas: 101,102,100   Isr: 101,102,100
Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 3Leader: 102
Replicas: 102,101,100   Isr: 102,101,100
Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 4Leader: 102
Replicas: 100,102,101   Isr: 102,101

Any ideas?



Alec Li

Re: Kafka consumer session timeouts

2014-12-22 Thread Neha Narkhede

The zookeeper client used by the high level Kafka consumer has a separate
thread that does the heartbeat in the background. So even if it takes long
to process the message, it should not make the consumer's session to time
out or make the consumer rebalance. You may be running into long GC pauses
on your consumer that might be causing the session timeouts.


On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Terry Cumaranatunge

 I would like to get some feedback on design choices with kafka consumers.
 We have an application that a consumer reads a message and the thread does
 a number of things, including database accesses before a message is
 produced to another topic. The time between consuming and producing the
 message on the thread can take several minutes. Once message is produced to
 new topic, a commit is done to indicate we are done with work on the
 consumer queue message. Auto commit is disabled for this reason.

 I'm using the high level consumer and what I'm noticing is that zookeeper
 and kafka sessions timeout because it is taking too long before we do
 anything on consumer queue so kafka ends up rebalancing every time the
 thread goes back to read more from consumer queue and it starts to take a
 long time before a consumer reads a new message after a while.

 I can set zookeeper session timeout very high to not make that a problem
 but then i have to adjust the rebalance parameters accordingly and kafka
 won't pickup a new consumer for a while among other side effects.

 What are my options to solve this problem? Is there a way to heartbeat to
 kafka and zookeeper to keep both happy? Do i still have these same issues
 if i were to use a simple consumer?



Re: leader and isr were not set when create the topic

2014-12-22 Thread Neha Narkhede
There is possibly some error in your broker logs. Can you check if you see
any and send it around?

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Sa Li wrote:

 Hi, All

 I created a topic with 3 replications and 6 partitions, but when I check
 this topic, seems there is no leader and isr were set for this topic, see

 bin/ --create --zookeeper
 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 6 --topic perf_producer_p6_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in

 SLF4J: Found binding in

 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Created topic perf_producer_p6_test.

 root@precise64:/etc/kafka# bin/ --describe --zookeeper --topic perf_producer_p6_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in

 SLF4J: Found binding in

 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Topic:perf_producer_p6_test PartitionCount:6
 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 0Leader: none
 Replicas: 100,101,102   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 1Leader: none
 Replicas: 101,102,100   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 2Leader: none
 Replicas: 102,100,101   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 3Leader: none
 Replicas: 100,102,101   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 4Leader: none
 Replicas: 101,100,102   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 5Leader: none
 Replicas: 102,101,100   Isr:

 Is there a way to specifically set leader and isr in command line, it is
 strange when I create the topic with 5 partitions, it has leader and isr:
 root@precise64:/etc/kafka# bin/ --describe --zookeeper --topic perf_producer_p5_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in

 SLF4J: Found binding in

 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Topic:perf_producer_p5_test PartitionCount:5
 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 0Leader: 102
 Replicas: 102,100,101   Isr: 102,100,101
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 1Leader: 102
 Replicas: 100,101,102   Isr: 102,101
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 2Leader: 101
 Replicas: 101,102,100   Isr: 101,102,100
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 3Leader: 102
 Replicas: 102,101,100   Isr: 102,101,100
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 4Leader: 102
 Replicas: 100,102,101   Isr: 102,101

 Any ideas?



 Alec Li


Re: leader and isr were not set when create the topic

2014-12-22 Thread Sa Li
I restart the kafka server, it is the same thing, sometime nothing listed
on ISR, leader, I checked the state-change log

[2014-12-22 23:46:38,164] TRACE Broker 100 cached leader info
for partition [perf_producer_p8_test,1] in response to UpdateMetadata
request sent by controller 101 epoch 4 with correlation id 138

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Sa Li wrote:

 Hi, All

 I created a topic with 3 replications and 6 partitions, but when I check
 this topic, seems there is no leader and isr were set for this topic, see

 bin/ --create --zookeeper
 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 6 --topic perf_producer_p6_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Created topic perf_producer_p6_test.

 root@precise64:/etc/kafka# bin/ --describe --zookeeper --topic perf_producer_p6_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Topic:perf_producer_p6_test PartitionCount:6
 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 0Leader: none
 Replicas: 100,101,102   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 1Leader: none
 Replicas: 101,102,100   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 2Leader: none
 Replicas: 102,100,101   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 3Leader: none
 Replicas: 100,102,101   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 4Leader: none
 Replicas: 101,100,102   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 5Leader: none
 Replicas: 102,101,100   Isr:

 Is there a way to specifically set leader and isr in command line, it is
 strange when I create the topic with 5 partitions, it has leader and isr:
 root@precise64:/etc/kafka# bin/ --describe --zookeeper --topic perf_producer_p5_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Topic:perf_producer_p5_test PartitionCount:5
 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 0Leader: 102
 Replicas: 102,100,101   Isr: 102,100,101
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 1Leader: 102
 Replicas: 100,101,102   Isr: 102,101
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 2Leader: 101
 Replicas: 101,102,100   Isr: 101,102,100
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 3Leader: 102
 Replicas: 102,101,100   Isr: 102,101,100
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 4Leader: 102
 Replicas: 100,102,101   Isr: 102,101

 Any ideas?



 Alec Li


Alec Li

Re: Rebalance not happening even after increasing max retries causing conflict in ZK

2014-12-22 Thread Neha Narkhede
Can you share a reproducible test case?

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 7:11 AM, Mohit Kathuria


 The same issue reoccured with just 2 consumer processes. The exception was
 related to conflict in writing the ephemeral node. Below was the exception.
 Topic name is
 with 30 partitions. The 2 processes were running on 2 servers with ips and

 *2014-12-09 13:22:11 k.u.ZkUtils$ [INFO] I wrote this conflicted ephemeral
 a while back in a different session, hence I will backoff for this node to
 be deleted by Zookeeper and retry*
 Attached the complete error logs. The exception occured after the
 rebalance failed even after 40 retries. Rebalance failed as the process
 already owning some of the partitions did not give us ownership due to
 conflicting ephemeral nodes. As you suggested, we ran the wchp command  on
 the 3 zookeeper nodes at this time and figured out that the watcher was
 registered for only one of the process. I am copying the kafka consumer
 watcher registered on one of the zookeeper servers. (Attached are the wchp
 outputs of all 3 zk servers)

 *$echo wchp | nc localhost 2181 *


 * 0x34a175e1d5d0130*

 0x34a175e1d5d0130 was the ephemeral node session Id. I went back to the
 zookeeper shell and checked the consumers registered for this topic and
 consumer group(same as topic name). Attaching the output in zkCommands.txt.
 This clearly shows that has ephemeralOwner = 0x34a175e1d5d0130 has ephemeralOwner = 0x34a175e1d5d0127

 I think we have the issue here that both consumers have written to
 different ephemeral nodes. Watchers are registered for the one of the 2
 ephemeral node. The root cause seems to be the inconsistent state while
 writing the ephemeral nodes in ZK.

 Let me know if you need more details.



 On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Neha Narkhede

 A rebalance should trigger on all consumers when you add a new consumer to
 the group. If you don't see the zookeeper watch fire, the consumer may
 somehow lost the watch. We have seen this behavior on older zk versions, I
 wonder it that bug got reintroduced. To verify if this is the case, you
 run the wchp zookeeper command on the zk leader and check if each consumer
 has a watch registered.

 Do you have a way to try this on zk 3.3.4? I would recommend you try the
 wchp suggestion as well.

 On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 6:07 AM, Mohit Kathuria

  Hi all,
  Can someone help here. We are getting constant rebalance failure each
  a consumer is added beyond a certain number. Did quite a lot of
  on this and still not able to figure out the pattern.
  On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 10:53 PM, Mohit Kathuria
   Looks like an issue with the consumer rebalance not able to complete
   successfully. We were able to reproduce the issue on topic with 30
   partitions,  3 consumer processes(p1,p2 and p3), properties -  40
   rebalance.max.retries and 1(10s)
   Before the process p3 was started, partition ownership was as
   partitions 0-14 owned by p1
   partitions 15-29 - owner p2
   As the process p3 started, rebalance was triggered. Process p3 was
   successfully able to acquire partition ownership for partitions 20-29
   expected as per the rebalance algorithm. However, process p2 while
   to acquire ownership of partitions 10-19 saw rebalance failure after
   Attaching the logs from process p2 and process p1. It says that p2 was
   attempting to rebalance, it was trying to acquire ownership of
   10-14 which were owned by process p1. However, at the same time
   did not get any event for giving up the partition ownership for
   We were expecting a rebalance to have triggered in p1 - but it didn't
   hence not giving up ownership. Is our assumption correct/incorrect?
   And if the rebalance gets triggered in p1 - how to figure out apart
   logs as the logs on p1 did not have anything.
   *2014-11-03 06:57:36 k.c.ZookeeperConsumerConnector [INFO]
   [topic_consumerIdString], waiting for the partition ownership to be
   deleted: 11*
   During and after the rebalance failed on process p2, Partition
   was as below:
   0-14 - 

Re: leader and isr were not set when create the topic

2014-12-22 Thread Sa Li
Hello, Neha

This is the error from server.log

[2014-12-22 23:53:25,663] WARN [KafkaApi-100] Fetch request with
correlation id 1227732 from client ReplicaFetcherThread-0-100 on partition
[perf_producer_p8_test,1] failed due to Leader not local for partition
[perf_producer_p8_test,1] on broker 100 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Sa Li wrote:

 I restart the kafka server, it is the same thing, sometime nothing listed
 on ISR, leader, I checked the state-change log

 [2014-12-22 23:46:38,164] TRACE Broker 100 cached leader info
 for partition [perf_producer_p8_test,1] in response to UpdateMetadata
 request sent by controller 101 epoch 4 with correlation id 138

 On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Sa Li wrote:

 Hi, All

 I created a topic with 3 replications and 6 partitions, but when I check
 this topic, seems there is no leader and isr were set for this topic, see

 bin/ --create --zookeeper
 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 6 --topic perf_producer_p6_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Created topic perf_producer_p6_test.

 root@precise64:/etc/kafka# bin/ --describe --zookeeper --topic perf_producer_p6_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Topic:perf_producer_p6_test PartitionCount:6
 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 0Leader: none
 Replicas: 100,101,102   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 1Leader: none
 Replicas: 101,102,100   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 2Leader: none
 Replicas: 102,100,101   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 3Leader: none
 Replicas: 100,102,101   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 4Leader: none
 Replicas: 101,100,102   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 5Leader: none
 Replicas: 102,101,100   Isr:

 Is there a way to specifically set leader and isr in command line, it is
 strange when I create the topic with 5 partitions, it has leader and isr:
 root@precise64:/etc/kafka# bin/ --describe --zookeeper --topic perf_producer_p5_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Topic:perf_producer_p5_test PartitionCount:5
 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 0Leader: 102
 Replicas: 102,100,101   Isr: 102,100,101
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 1Leader: 102
 Replicas: 100,101,102   Isr: 102,101
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 2Leader: 101
 Replicas: 101,102,100   Isr: 101,102,100
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 3Leader: 102
 Replicas: 102,101,100   Isr: 102,101,100
 Topic: perf_producer_p5_testPartition: 4Leader: 102
 Replicas: 100,102,101   Isr: 102,101

 Any ideas?



 Alec Li


 Alec Li


Alec Li

Re: leader and isr were not set when create the topic

2014-12-22 Thread Sa Li
I have three nodes: 100, 101, and 102

When I restart all of them, seems now everything is ok, but I would like to
paste the error messages I got from server.log from each node, see if you
can help to understand what is the problem.

on node 100
[2014-12-23 00:04:39,401] ERROR [KafkaApi-100] Error when processing fetch
request for partition [perf_producer_p8_test,7] offset 125000 from follower
with correlation id 0 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException: Request for offset 125000 but we
only have log segments in the range 0 to 0.




in Node 101 and 102
[2014-12-23 00:04:39,440] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-100], Current
offset 1 25000 for partition [perf_producer_p8_test,1] out of range; reset
offset to 0 (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
[2014-12-23 00:04:39,442] INFO Truncating log perf_producer_p8_test-7 to
offset 0. (kafka.log.Log)
[2014-12-23 00:04:39,452] WARN [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-100], Replica 102
for partition [perf_producer_p8_test,7] reset its fetch offset to current
leader 100's latest offset 0 (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Sa Li wrote:

 Hello, Neha

 This is the error from server.log

 [2014-12-22 23:53:25,663] WARN [KafkaApi-100] Fetch request with
 correlation id 1227732 from client ReplicaFetcherThread-0-100 on partition
 [perf_producer_p8_test,1] failed due to Leader not local for partition
 [perf_producer_p8_test,1] on broker 100 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)

 On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Sa Li wrote:

 I restart the kafka server, it is the same thing, sometime nothing listed
 on ISR, leader, I checked the state-change log

 [2014-12-22 23:46:38,164] TRACE Broker 100 cached leader info
 for partition [perf_producer_p8_test,1] in response to UpdateMetadata
 request sent by controller 101 epoch 4 with correlation id 138

 On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Sa Li wrote:

 Hi, All

 I created a topic with 3 replications and 6 partitions, but when I check
 this topic, seems there is no leader and isr were set for this topic, see

 bin/ --create --zookeeper
 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 6 --topic perf_producer_p6_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Created topic perf_producer_p6_test.

 root@precise64:/etc/kafka# bin/ --describe --zookeeper --topic perf_producer_p6_test
 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: Found binding in
 SLF4J: See for an
 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
 Topic:perf_producer_p6_test PartitionCount:6
 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 0Leader: none
 Replicas: 100,101,102   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 1Leader: none
 Replicas: 101,102,100   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 2Leader: none
 Replicas: 102,100,101   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_testPartition: 3Leader: none
 Replicas: 100,102,101   Isr:
 Topic: perf_producer_p6_test

kafka monitoring system

2014-12-22 Thread Sa Li
Hi, all

I am thinking to make a reliable monitoring system for our kafka production
cluster. I read such from documents:

Kafka uses Yammer Metrics for metrics reporting in both the server and the
client. This can be configured to report stats using pluggable stats
reporters to hook up to your monitoring system.

The easiest way to see the available metrics to fire up jconsole and point
it at a running kafka client or server; this will all browsing all metrics
with JMX.

We pay particular we do graphing and alerting on the following metrics:


I am wondering if anyone ever use Jconsole to monitor the kafka, or anyone
can recommend a good monitoring tool for kafka production.



Alec Li

Kafka eadership changes are happening very often

2014-12-22 Thread Birla, Lokesh

I am running 3 brokers, one zookeeper and producer all on separate machine. I 
am also sending very low load around 6K msg/sec. Each msg is around 150 bytes 
I ran the load for only 5 minutes and during this time, I see leadership 
chained very often.

I created 3 partitions.

Here leadership for each partitions changed.  All 3 brokers are running 
perfectly fine. No broker is down. Could someone let me know why kafka 
leadership changed very often.


Topic:mmetopic1PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 0 Leader: 2Replicas: 2,3,1 Isr: 2,3,1

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 1 Leader: 3Replicas: 3,1,2 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 2 Leader: 1Replicas: 1,2,3 Isr: 1,2,3

Changed to:

Topic:mmetopic1PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 0 Leader: 3Replicas: 2,3,1 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 1 Leader: 3Replicas: 3,1,2 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 2 Leader: 1Replicas: 1,2,3 Isr: 1,3,2

Changed to:

Topic:mmetopic1PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 0 Leader: 1Replicas: 2,3,1 Isr: 1,2,3

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 1 Leader: 1Replicas: 3,1,2 Isr: 1,2,3

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 2 Leader: 2Replicas: 1,2,3 Isr: 2,1,3

Changed to:

Topic:mmetopic1PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 0 Leader: 3Replicas: 2,3,1 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 1 Leader: 3Replicas: 3,1,2 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 2 Leader: 1Replicas: 1,2,3 Isr: 1,3,2


RE: Kafka eadership changes are happening very often

2014-12-22 Thread Thunder Stumpges
Did you check the GC logs in the server? We ran into this and the default 
setting of 1G max heap on the broker process was nowhere near enough. We 
currently have set to 4G.

-Original Message-
From: Birla, Lokesh []
Received: Monday, 22 Dec 2014, 5:27PM
To: []
CC: Birla, Lokesh []
Subject: Kafka eadership changes are happening very often


I am running 3 brokers, one zookeeper and producer all on separate machine. I 
am also sending very low load around 6K msg/sec. Each msg is around 150 bytes 
I ran the load for only 5 minutes and during this time, I see leadership 
chained very often.

I created 3 partitions.

Here leadership for each partitions changed.  All 3 brokers are running 
perfectly fine. No broker is down. Could someone let me know why kafka 
leadership changed very often.


Topic:mmetopic1PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 0 Leader: 2Replicas: 2,3,1 Isr: 2,3,1

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 1 Leader: 3Replicas: 3,1,2 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 2 Leader: 1Replicas: 1,2,3 Isr: 1,2,3

Changed to:

Topic:mmetopic1PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 0 Leader: 3Replicas: 2,3,1 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 1 Leader: 3Replicas: 3,1,2 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 2 Leader: 1Replicas: 1,2,3 Isr: 1,3,2

Changed to:

Topic:mmetopic1PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 0 Leader: 1Replicas: 2,3,1 Isr: 1,2,3

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 1 Leader: 1Replicas: 3,1,2 Isr: 1,2,3

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 2 Leader: 2Replicas: 1,2,3 Isr: 2,1,3

Changed to:

Topic:mmetopic1PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 0 Leader: 3Replicas: 2,3,1 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 1 Leader: 3Replicas: 3,1,2 Isr: 3,1,2

Topic: mmetopic1Partition: 2 Leader: 1Replicas: 1,2,3 Isr: 1,3,2


Re: kafka monitoring system

2014-12-22 Thread Otis Gospodnetic
Hi Sa Li,

Have a look at SPM for monitoring Kafka:

Monitoring * Alerting * Anomaly Detection * Centralized Log Management
Solr  Elasticsearch Support *

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Sa Li wrote:

 Hi, all

 I am thinking to make a reliable monitoring system for our kafka production
 cluster. I read such from documents:

 Kafka uses Yammer Metrics for metrics reporting in both the server and the
 client. This can be configured to report stats using pluggable stats
 reporters to hook up to your monitoring system.

 The easiest way to see the available metrics to fire up jconsole and point
 it at a running kafka client or server; this will all browsing all metrics
 with JMX.

 We pay particular we do graphing and alerting on the following metrics:


 I am wondering if anyone ever use Jconsole to monitor the kafka, or anyone
 can recommend a good monitoring tool for kafka production.



 Alec Li

Re: kafka monitoring system

2014-12-22 Thread YuanJia Li
Hi Sa Li,
You can try to use jmxtrans+opentsdb to monitor kafka. Jmxtrans is collecting 
data with JMX and sending to opentsdb. Opentsdb is graphing and alerting.

YuanJia Li

From: Sa Li
Date: 2014-12-23 08:41
To: users
Subject: kafka monitoring system
Hi, all

I am thinking to make a reliable monitoring system for our kafka production
cluster. I read such from documents:

Kafka uses Yammer Metrics for metrics reporting in both the server and the
client. This can be configured to report stats using pluggable stats
reporters to hook up to your monitoring system.

The easiest way to see the available metrics to fire up jconsole and point
it at a running kafka client or server; this will all browsing all metrics
with JMX.

We pay particular we do graphing and alerting on the following metrics:


I am wondering if anyone ever use Jconsole to monitor the kafka, or anyone
can recommend a good monitoring tool for kafka production.



Alec Li

Re: kafka monitoring system

2014-12-22 Thread Rajasekar Elango
Hi Sa Li,

You can also try jmxtrans + graphite (for charting). jmxtrans has graphite
output adapter out of the box.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:39 PM, YuanJia Li wrote:

 Hi Sa Li,
 You can try to use jmxtrans+opentsdb to monitor kafka. Jmxtrans is
 collecting data with JMX and sending to opentsdb. Opentsdb is graphing and

 YuanJia Li

 From: Sa Li
 Date: 2014-12-23 08:41
 To: users
 Subject: kafka monitoring system
 Hi, all

 I am thinking to make a reliable monitoring system for our kafka production
 cluster. I read such from documents:

 Kafka uses Yammer Metrics for metrics reporting in both the server and the
 client. This can be configured to report stats using pluggable stats
 reporters to hook up to your monitoring system.

 The easiest way to see the available metrics to fire up jconsole and point
 it at a running kafka client or server; this will all browsing all metrics
 with JMX.

 We pay particular we do graphing and alerting on the following metrics:


 I am wondering if anyone ever use Jconsole to monitor the kafka, or anyone
 can recommend a good monitoring tool for kafka production.



 Alec Li


Re: kafka monitoring system

2014-12-22 Thread chetan conikee
Try SemaText : a fully managed monitoring SaaS : ...

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 7:46 PM, Rajasekar Elango

 Hi Sa Li,

 You can also try jmxtrans + graphite (for charting). jmxtrans has graphite
 output adapter out of the box.


 On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:39 PM, YuanJia Li wrote:

  Hi Sa Li,
  You can try to use jmxtrans+opentsdb to monitor kafka. Jmxtrans is
  collecting data with JMX and sending to opentsdb. Opentsdb is graphing
  YuanJia Li
  From: Sa Li
  Date: 2014-12-23 08:41
  To: users
  Subject: kafka monitoring system
  Hi, all
  I am thinking to make a reliable monitoring system for our kafka
  cluster. I read such from documents:
  Kafka uses Yammer Metrics for metrics reporting in both the server and
  client. This can be configured to report stats using pluggable stats
  reporters to hook up to your monitoring system.
  The easiest way to see the available metrics to fire up jconsole and
  it at a running kafka client or server; this will all browsing all
  with JMX.
  We pay particular we do graphing and alerting on the following metrics:
  I am wondering if anyone ever use Jconsole to monitor the kafka, or
  can recommend a good monitoring tool for kafka production.
  Alec Li
