Physical Setup of a Kannel Gateway

2005-07-13 Thread Ben Minton
Hi All,

I am new to Kannel and actually trying to understand the physical layout
of the setup.

Can someone please explain in non-technical terms, the physical setup of
a Kannel Gateway & service? Do I need to connect to a service provider?
Can I provide content for friends and family to their WAP-enabled devices?

Have looked through .docs/faq/user guides and cannot see a definitive

regards, Ben

Ben Minton
Brisbane, QLD, AU

Questions re First Time Setup/Operation Kannel Server

2005-09-06 Thread Ben Minton
Hi All,

I have been subscribed to the list for some time now, but have not
posted before.

Yesterday, I installed Kannel Latest via .tar.gz onto a Slackware 10.1
PC. Currently I am attempting to configure the various *boxes but are
having difficulty understanding the install/config docs.

Referring to for
all questions,

The first configuration is the 'core group'.

1). What is the relevant config file?
(other_kannel.conf, pushkannel.conf, smskannel.conf or wapkannel.conf)

2). Re admin-deny-ip, is it better to deny all and allow trusted IPs or
allow all and deny certain?

3). Why was I only able to wget the kannel.tar.gz as root and not my
'admin' account?

4). Are there any PHP interfaces currently written or being developed
for Kannel?

5). Is there any chance that user submitted questions (via can be parsed and then put online into some sort of
Users FAQ? If this is a case of extra workload, I am in a position to
help code (html/css).

regards, Ben.

Ben Minton
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
+61 423 144 234

Re Installing Errors

2005-09-07 Thread Ben Minton
Thanks to Garth, Mihai and Heru for their replies.

It seems one of the problems was that I was following the install
procedure located in the main gateway dir, titled INSTALL. Part of that
process was to perform a 'make clean' ... took me three tries before I
realised that 'make clean' was actually deleting the bearerbox*, smsbox*
and wapbox* from /gateway-1.4.0/gw

Is this a usual occurence?

Regards, Ben.
Ben Minton
Internet Technologist
Brisbane, QLD, AU
27 00 S, 133 00 E
+61 423 144 234

open source, open standards, open web

Config for Siemens MC35i Terminal.

2005-09-07 Thread Ben Minton
Hi all,

I have done some googling re the modem config for the Siemens MC35i GSM.
Below is the string that I have found, just after some verification that
this is correct.

group = smsc
smsc = at
smsc-id = MODEM
device = /dev/ttyS0
modemtype = siemens_mc35i
#pin = 1212

group = modems
id = siemens_mc35i
name = "Siemens MC35i"
detect-string = "SIEMENS"
detect-string2 = "MC35i"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=1,2,0,1,1"
speed = 19200
enable-hwhs = "AT\\Q3"
need-sleep = true

Are there any Aussies using a Siemens GSM Modem with either the Telstra
or the Optus networks? Would like to ask some specific questions re
performance and/or service.

Regards, Ben.
Ben Minton
Internet Technologist
Brisbane, QLD, AU
27 00 S, 133 00 E
+61 423 144 234

open source, open standards, open web

WAP/WML Editor for GNU/Linux

2005-09-11 Thread Ben Minton
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a good, open source
WAP/WML Editor to develop sites and apps?


Regards, Ben.
Ben Minton
Internet Technologist
Brisbane, QLD, AU
27 00 S, 133 00 E
+61 423 144 234

open source, open standards, open web

Minicom AT Commands & Responses Siemens MC35i

2005-09-19 Thread Ben Minton
Hi All,

Was searching for AT Commands to verify Siemens MC35i Modem is available
via Minicom rev 1.2. on Slackware 10.1/2.4.29.

Info from URL

Following are commands and responses, which may be of interest or
information for other Siemens MC35i users. All commands executed
directly from within Minicom, which is initialised by:

root # minicom

... modem should initialise

cmd: AT
output: OK

cmd: AT+CGMI (Issue manufacturer ID code)
output: SIEMENS

cmd: AT+CGMM (Issue model ID code)
output: MC35i

cmd: AT+CGMR (Output the GSM telephone version)
output: REVISION 01.03

cmd: AT+CGSN (Output the serial number [IMEI])
output: 351

cmd: AT+GSN (Output the serial number [IMEI])
output: 351

cmd: AT+CNMI=?
output: +CNMI: (0-3),(0,1),(0,2,3),(0,2),(1)

cmd: AT+CPIN?
output: +CPIN: READY

cmd: AT+CSMS=?
output: +CSMS: (0,1)

hope this is of use, regards, Ben.
B.D. Minton
+61 234 144 234
Brisbane, QLD, AU
Internet/WAP Geek
open source, open standards, open web

Kannel operating but with SMSBox error

2005-09-20 Thread Ben Minton
Hi All,

I think I have had some success but there are still errors, particularly
with the SMSBOX.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/gateway-1.4.0/gw# ./bearerbox -v 1 kannel.conf
2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO: Added logfile `/var/log/kannel.log'
with level `1'.
2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO: Started access logfile
2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO: SSL not supported, no SSL
initialization done.
2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13000.
2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO:

2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version 1.4.0
2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO: Loading store file
2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO: Store-file size 0, starting to unpack
2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO: Retrieved 0 messages,
non-acknowledged messages: 0
2005-09-20 21:41:51 [1461] [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop

... so i gather this means that Kannel (bearerbox) is actually working?
however the smsbox does not run.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ./smsbox -v 1 /kannel.conf

Debug_lvl = 1, log_file = , log_lvl = 0
Starting to log to file /var/log/smsbox.log level 1
Added logfile `/var/log/smsbox.log' with level `1'.
Service global sender set as '13013'
HTTP: Opening server at port 13001
Set up send sms service at port 13001
connect failed
System error 111: Connection refused
error connecting to server `localhost' at port `13003'
Couldn't connect to the bearerbox.
./smsbox(gw_panic+0x175) [0x807b762]
./smsbox(connect_to_bearerbox+0x37) [0x805ec8b]
./smsbox(main+0x2c4) [0x805a203]
/lib/ [0x401f9469]
./smsbox [0x804fe81]

Is this a config error, where the smsbox is not connecting to the
correct port on the bearerbox?

regards, Ben.
B.D. Minton
+61 234 144 234
Brisbane, QLD, AU
Internet/WAP Geek
open source, open standards, open web

Possible SMSBOX Config Error

2005-09-21 Thread Ben Minton
Hi All,

Bearerbox seems to be working fine, although it does not terminate
cleanly when I use Ctrl-C. However the SMSBOX will not run and stay stable.

some SMSBOX error output ...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/gateway-1.4.0/gw# ./smsbox -v 1 kannel.conf
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = 1, log_file = ,
log_lvl = 0
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] INFO: Starting to log to file
/var/log/smsbox.log level 1
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] INFO: Added logfile `/var/log/smsbox.log'
with level `1'.
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] INFO: Service global sender set as '13002'
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13001.
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] ERROR: bind failed
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] ERROR: System error 98: Address already
in use
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] PANIC: Failed to open HTTP socket
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] PANIC: ./smsbox(gw_panic+0x175) [0x807b762]
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] PANIC: ./smsbox [0x8059da0]
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] PANIC: ./smsbox(main+0x144) [0x805a083]
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] PANIC:
/lib/ [0x401f9469]
2005-09-21 17:49:04 [1954] [0] PANIC: ./smsbox [0x804fe81]

some kannel.conf ...


group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
wapbox-port = 13002
admin-password = foobar
admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
admin-allow-ip = ";192.168.100.*"
box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
box-allow-ip = ";192.168.100.*"
log-file = "/var/log/kannel.log"
log-level = 1
access-log = "/var/log/kannel.access"
store-file = "/var/log/"
unified-prefix = "+358,00358,0;+,00"


group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13001
global-sender = 13002
sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-"
log-file = "/var/log/smsbox.log"
log-level = 1

In the Core Group, should the unified-prefix reflect your own country's
dialing prefix code, or is '+358,00358,0;+,00' apply to all setups?

regards, Ben
B.D. Minton
+61 234 144 234
Brisbane, QLD, AU
Internet/WAP Geek
open source, open standards, open web

Netstat Output Under SMSBOX Error

2005-09-21 Thread Ben Minton
Hi Wilfried, All.

Cmds:  & .smsbox -v 1 kannel.conf

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ./bearerbox -v 1 kannel.conf
2005-09-22 10:12:40 [1785] [7] INFO: AT2[MODEM]: AT SMSC successfully

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ./smsbox -v 1 kannel.conf
2005-09-22 10:13:25 [1790] [0] PANIC: ./smsbox [0x804fe81]

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: netstat -lnp
Active Internet only servers Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address
Foreign Address State   PID/Program name
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  1777/bearerbox
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  1777/bearerbox
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  1777/bearerbox
tcp0  0*
LISTEN  1315/sshd
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags   Type   State I-Node PID/Program

.. so it seems that with the one cmd ./bearerbox, i now have 3 instances
of bearer box running. Perhaps this is why the SMSBox will not run? It's
assigned port is already in use?

regards, Ben.
B.D. Minton
+61 234 144 234
Brisbane, QLD, AU
Internet/WAP Geek
open source, open standards, open web

Off Topic Query Re Kannel Mailing List Information Security

2005-09-22 Thread Ben Minton


I apologise in advance, however originally I sent this email to the
Mailman at Kannel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) but it bounced with error
code 550 (relaying).

Original text:

I was just googling my name 'ben minton' as I do periodically to see how
and where my personal information is posted on the WWW and I have
discovered myself as part of this mailing list, posted in full
chronological order on Open Subscriber (

Open Subscriber is a publically available, archive access application to
help those to view information without subscribing to any/some mailing
lists, although my thoughts are slightly more cynical.

The reason why I subscribed to this list using my real name,
geographical location, mobile phone number was, that I was under the
impression that postings to this list and it's archives were private,
viewable only to list-admin and list-subscribers. This view was based on
the fact that this is a moderated list, requires subscription and the
online archives are username/password protected.

Consequently I am prepared to be 'me', speaking openly and honestly to
all those whom subscribe to and interact with this list. However now I
find my posts, which I consider for the viewing of the list-admin and
list-subscribers only, available for full public viewing on the WWW.

If this list is supposed to be private, then can someone in the position
to advise, elucidate why this instance of all my post being available in
their entirety elsewhere has occurred or if this list is in fact open
and unrestricted, why the sign up process does clearly indicate this?

In these times of massive personal information indexing, archiving and
referencing, I attempt to control how and where my personal information
is displayed, hence the periodical searching on the WWW. Although
previously over the last few years, I have not been as vigilant, but due
to a personal circumstance was required to be much more proactive.

In the event that this list is in fact open and unrestricted, and that I
should have reasonably expected any/all of my communications to be end
up in the public domain on the WWW, I will have no other choice than to

Obviously I can always re-subscribe using a munged, false or
representative email address using any one of the various online free,
webmail services, however given our topic, Kannel and the types whom
subscribe, I would have expected some level of personal information
security management.

I apologise for this message but this subject is of extreme concern to
myself and needs to be clearly and specifically addressed.

Regards, Ben.

B.D. Minton
+61 234 144 234
Brisbane, QLD, AU
Internet/WAP Geek
open source, open standards, open web -