Kannel timeouts / connectivity issues

2009-12-02 Thread David Ritchie
Anybody know what Kannel's expected behavior when HTTP connections
timeout or fail?


We have a situation with 120+ "sms-service" services defined, but have
noticed a few of them behave in a peculiar manner where, very
occasionally, HTTP requests don't occur until 16 minutes after being
received by Kannel. This will happen "out of the blue" without any
errors logged in smsbox.log or kannel.log. This occurs in a transient
fashion - there doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to when this


This only appears to happen with a particular subset of SMS services
which happen to be hosted outside of our immediate hosting environment,
suggesting there's some sort of network disruption causing this problem.
Potentially this is some of retry based on a 1-minute timeout, followed
by a retry 15 minutes later; however this would be "out of character"
since in my experience with Kannel most timeouts / 404s / 500s usually
generate everyone's favourite "Couldn't fetch content, sorry"-type
messages. I also can't find any reference to timeouts of these values in
the user's guide or the configuration files.


Until recently the get-urls for these services had the SMSC included in
the URLs (i.e. "&smsc=%i") but, as these were the only services using
this, I've removed this in case there's some sort of problem caused by


Has anybody else had a similar situation where these sorts of delays
have happened?





RE: Forcing SMSC doesn't work

2007-04-03 Thread David Ritchie
Hello all

I seem to have cracked this problem by making sure all the other SMSCs
are listed under denied-smsc-id. For example, under SMSC-T1.A should be
the following configuration parameters:

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = SMSC-T1.A
allowed-prefix = "027;6427;+6427;021;6421;+6421;"
preferred-prefix = "027;6427;+6427"
denied-smsc-id = SMSC-T1.B;SMSC-T1.C;SMSC-T2.A   <-- had to include the
SMSC(s) for the other telco here
preferred-smsc-id = SMSC-T1.A

Messages have been pushed out on the requested SMSC 100% of the time


-Original Message-----
From: David Ritchie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 3 April 2007 1:48 p.m.
To: users@kannel.org
Subject: Forcing SMSC doesn't work

Hi -- when doing an MT push, I want to force the SMSC I want messages to
go out on, regardless of what the handset's prefix happens to be.
However, it doesn't seem to work -- messages just go out on a random
SMSC, even when I include a "smsc=" value in the MT push URL.

We're recently suffering the overhead of the telcos rolling out number
portability, and want to achieve the following:

  -- force a message to be pushed to a specific SMSC, provided the SMSC
is specified in the push URL
  -- set a default SMSC (or group of SMSCs) for a prefix, in case the
SMSC *isn't* specified
  -- and have confidence it'll all work.

I am currently connected to 4 SMSCs, 3 providing connectivity to telco
T1 (call these SMSC-T1.A through SMSC-T1.C), and one connected to telco
T2 (SMSC-T2.A).

Previously if I pushed out to a handset prefixed with "6427", it went
out (randomly) through one of the 3 SMSCs connected to telco T1. The
three smsc groups looked like this:

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = SMSC-T1.A [ this changed between SMSCs ]
allowed-prefix = "027;6427;+6427"
denied-smsc-id = SMS-T1.B;SMS-T1.C  [ obviously this was different
between SMSCs ]
preferred-smsc-id = smsc-t1a

And the fourth SMSC (to the other telco) was along these lines:

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = SMSC-T2.A
allowed-prefix = "021;6421;+6421"

(Judging from these prefixes, you can probably guess what country I am

With number portability, messages sent to handsets beginning with "6427"
could potentially be forced to be sent out through telco T2; likewise
handsets prefixed with "6421" might have to have messages pushed out
through one of the SMSCs associated with telco T1.

So I tried a test -- knowing a handset number which happened to have
been ported from T1 to T2, but still keeping the "6427" prefix, I made
some changes to the Kannel configuration, namely changing the allowed
prefixes for all the SMSCs to allow all prefixes:

  allowed-prefix = "027;6427;+6427;021;6421;+6421;"

I also added a "preferred-prefix" value in case we tried to push out
messages without specifying the SMSC

  preferred-prefix = "021;6421;+6421"

The URL I requested included a value for "smsc" set to "SMSC-T2.A"
(url-encoded), and assumed this would forced the message to go out
through SMSC-T2.A; instead the message goes to *any* of the four SMSCs
(since they've all got "6427" as a valid prefix). It appears to be a
random choice between the four.

Your advice is appreciated.


Forcing SMSC doesn't work

2007-04-02 Thread David Ritchie
Hi -- when doing an MT push, I want to force the SMSC I want messages to
go out on, regardless of what the handset's prefix happens to be.
However, it doesn't seem to work -- messages just go out on a random
SMSC, even when I include a "smsc=" value in the MT push URL.

We're recently suffering the overhead of the telcos rolling out number
portability, and want to achieve the following:

  -- force a message to be pushed to a specific SMSC, provided the SMSC
is specified in the push URL
  -- set a default SMSC (or group of SMSCs) for a prefix, in case the
SMSC *isn't* specified
  -- and have confidence it'll all work.

I am currently connected to 4 SMSCs, 3 providing connectivity to telco
T1 (call these SMSC-T1.A through SMSC-T1.C), and one connected to telco
T2 (SMSC-T2.A).

Previously if I pushed out to a handset prefixed with "6427", it went
out (randomly) through one of the 3 SMSCs connected to telco T1. The
three smsc groups looked like this:

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = SMSC-T1.A [ this changed between SMSCs ]
allowed-prefix = "027;6427;+6427"
denied-smsc-id = SMS-T1.B;SMS-T1.C  [ obviously this was different
between SMSCs ]
preferred-smsc-id = smsc-t1a

And the fourth SMSC (to the other telco) was along these lines:

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = SMSC-T2.A
allowed-prefix = "021;6421;+6421"

(Judging from these prefixes, you can probably guess what country I am

With number portability, messages sent to handsets beginning with "6427"
could potentially be forced to be sent out through telco T2; likewise
handsets prefixed with "6421" might have to have messages pushed out
through one of the SMSCs associated with telco T1.

So I tried a test -- knowing a handset number which happened to have
been ported from T1 to T2, but still keeping the "6427" prefix, I made
some changes to the Kannel configuration, namely changing the allowed
prefixes for all the SMSCs to allow all prefixes:

  allowed-prefix = "027;6427;+6427;021;6421;+6421;"

I also added a "preferred-prefix" value in case we tried to push out
messages without specifying the SMSC

  preferred-prefix = "021;6421;+6421"

The URL I requested included a value for "smsc" set to "SMSC-T2.A"
(url-encoded), and assumed this would forced the message to go out
through SMSC-T2.A; instead the message goes to *any* of the four SMSCs
(since they've all got "6427" as a valid prefix). It appears to be a
random choice between the four.

Your advice is appreciated.


RE: Masking originating addresses

2007-01-29 Thread David Ritchie
Yes, that's right -- setting the sender number.

-Original Message-
From: Iain Dooley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 30 January 2007 10:32 a.m.
To: David Ritchie
Cc: users@kannel.org
Subject: Re: Masking originating addresses

hi david,

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, David Ritchie wrote:

> Hello all -- has anybody had any success with using TPOA (or similar)
> mask the originating address for MT SMS messages?

do you just mean setting the sender number?



Masking originating addresses

2007-01-29 Thread David Ritchie
Hello all -- has anybody had any success with using TPOA (or similar) to
mask the originating address for MT SMS messages?



DLR storage in MySQL

2006-08-29 Thread David Ritchie

We're storing DLRs in MySQL successfully but the DLRs aren't being deleted 
which seems at odds with other people's experience (i.e. 
http://www.kannel.org/pipermail/users/2006-August/000294.html) but makes sense, 
since often we include a dlr-mask value (e.g. 12) which result in multiple DLRs 
being returned.

Can anybody outline any successful DLR archiving or deletion strategies they've 
implemented, or perhaps outline how we can delete DLRs after a certain expiry 
date? Is there a danger (other than disk space issues) in letting the DLR table 


David R

Multiple smsboxes (was RE: Prioritising MO/MT messages)

2006-07-16 Thread David Ritchie
Thanks Stipe -- having multiple smsboxes sounds like it could be worth 
following up on. Can anyone provide me with an example of how to configure 
Kannel to use multiple smsboxes? I've tried doing this and, although Kannel 
starts up successfully, I'm not entirely sure I've configured it correctly:


group = smsbox
smsbox-id = smsbox01
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13013
log-file = "/etc/kannel/logs/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0

group = smsbox
smsbox-id = smsbox02
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13013
log-file = "/etc/kannel/logs/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0

Note that if I change the log file names (e.g. "smsbox01.log" and 
"smsbox02.log"), only smsbox02.log gets written to. This makes me think only 
the second config is being read in and obeyed. Likewise, if the sendsms-port 
values are different, only the second one is actually listened to. If I leave 
off the second "group" configuration, then it doesn't start up at all.


David R
-Original Message-
From: Stipe Tolj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 16 July 2006 11:52 p.m.
To: David Ritchie
Cc: users@kannel.org
Subject: Re: Prioritising MO/MT messages

David Ritchie wrote:

> Hello all. A scenario I'm experiencing at the moment involves a large
> (several thousand) number of MT messages being pushed through Kannel,
> during which it looks like MO messages (and the routing of them to the
> appropriate URLs) gets relegated to a "back seat"; that is, a delay of
> several minutes can take place between Kannel receiving the MO message,
> and it getting around to pushing it to the correct URL:
> smsbox.log:2006-07-15 12:52:13 [8487] [4] INFO: Starting to service
>  from  to 
> smsbox.log:2006-07-15 12:53:08 [8487] [4] INFO: Starting to service
>  from  to 
> smsbox.log:2006-07-15 12:55:10 [8487] [9] DEBUG: Parsing URL
> `http://URL/?source=HANDSET&destination=SHORTCODE&message=Test':
> smsbox.log:2006-07-15 12:55:10 [8487] [9] DEBUG:   Query:
> source=HANDSET&destination=SHORTCODE&message=Test
> smsbox.log:2006-07-15 13:01:22 [8487] [9] DEBUG: Parsing URL
> `http://URL/?source=HANDSET&destination=SHORTCODE&message=Test':
> smsbox.log:2006-07-15 13:01:22 [8487] [9] DEBUG:   Query:
> source=HANDSET&destination=SHORTCODE&message=Test
> As the log above displays, I sent in two messages (both saying "Test")
> to the shortcode, 1 minute apart. I was some minutes (between 3 and 8)
> minutes before either of those messages were routed to the URL for that
> shortcode. During this time we were successfully sending 100s of MT
> messages (pushed using the HTTP interface) to handsets to the same SMSC
> as I would have sent the above message from (i.e there's only one for
> that carrier), but on a different shortcode and from a different server
> (i.e. an entirely different service!).

ok, this seems to be the issue when you load the MT side heavily, and the HTTP 
calling thread inside smsbox is set to "pending", since resources (cpu time) 
have to be shared.

I agree that a heavy loading of one side (MT) should not "block" fully the 
side (MO).

We currently don't handle this extreme situation.

One solution is to use several smsbox'es connected to the same bearerbox. This 
can balance out the load on the single smsbox.

> It appears that restarting Kannel wipes the queue of messages, as any
> sent between restarts are happily accepted but never routed. I have
> started using the store file to see whether that makes a difference.

correct, smsbox's internal HTTP calling queue is _NOT_ persistant. Which means 
if you restart the box while in heavy load, the waiting messages to be called 
will get lost.

We need to addapt store file mechanism to smsbo too. Some guys have such 
versions in private branches (namely Alex and me). But this needs to get merged 
into the official tree.

> It's also worth noting that the service with the MT messages also
> requests DLRs (down to deliver to handset), so for every MT message
> there are 1 - 2 MO messages with DLR information. These also apparently
> get queued, in favour of the outgoing MT messages.

yep, MO and/or DLR HTTP calls are the "same" for smsbox.

> Is there a way of prioritising MT messages to be a lower priority to MO
> messages? Or even prioritising services one over another? Or perhaps
> this is a file descriptor problem -- would increasing the number of FDs
> allow more messages to be sent during a given time? Have you any other
> ideas / experience?

no, there is no current way in setting priority policy. You'll need to use more 
smsboxs connected to the bearerbox and let the system balance over them.


Kölner Landstrasse 419
40589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany

tolj.org system architecture  Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)
http://www.tolj.org/  http://www.kannel.org/

mailto:st_{at}_tolj.org   mailto:stolj_{at}_kannel.org

Prioritising MO/MT messages

2006-07-14 Thread David Ritchie
Hello all. A scenario I'm experiencing at the moment involves a large
(several thousand) number of MT messages being pushed through Kannel,
during which it looks like MO messages (and the routing of them to the
appropriate URLs) gets relegated to a "back seat"; that is, a delay of
several minutes can take place between Kannel receiving the MO message,
and it getting around to pushing it to the correct URL:

smsbox.log:2006-07-15 12:52:13 [8487] [4] INFO: Starting to service
 from  to 
smsbox.log:2006-07-15 12:53:08 [8487] [4] INFO: Starting to service
 from  to 
smsbox.log:2006-07-15 12:55:10 [8487] [9] DEBUG: Parsing URL
smsbox.log:2006-07-15 12:55:10 [8487] [9] DEBUG:   Query:
smsbox.log:2006-07-15 13:01:22 [8487] [9] DEBUG: Parsing URL
smsbox.log:2006-07-15 13:01:22 [8487] [9] DEBUG:   Query:

As the log above displays, I sent in two messages (both saying "Test")
to the shortcode, 1 minute apart. I was some minutes (between 3 and 8)
minutes before either of those messages were routed to the URL for that
shortcode. During this time we were successfully sending 100s of MT
messages (pushed using the HTTP interface) to handsets to the same SMSC
as I would have sent the above message from (i.e there's only one for
that carrier), but on a different shortcode and from a different server
(i.e. an entirely different service!).

It appears that restarting Kannel wipes the queue of messages, as any
sent between restarts are happily accepted but never routed. I have
started using the store file to see whether that makes a difference.

It's also worth noting that the service with the MT messages also
requests DLRs (down to deliver to handset), so for every MT message
there are 1 - 2 MO messages with DLR information. These also apparently
get queued, in favour of the outgoing MT messages.

Is there a way of prioritising MT messages to be a lower priority to MO
messages? Or even prioritising services one over another? Or perhaps
this is a file descriptor problem -- would increasing the number of FDs
allow more messages to be sent during a given time? Have you any other
ideas / experience?


David Ritchie

Abnormal termination every 5 minutes

2005-06-13 Thread David Ritchie
Hello all -- I have inherited a peculiar situation where Kannel has
suddenly decided to terminate every 300 seconds (occasionally making it
to 600, but usually 300). Everything goes along well until it stops and
needs to be restarted. No changes to configuration files have been made,
but we have been experiencing a considerable increase in traffic
recently (which makes the downtime even more concerning).

The fact that it terminates on either 300 or 600 seconds is a little
eyebrow-raising. Typically the process terminates with the following
information in the smsbox.log:

2005-06-13 22:04:24 [0] INFO: Connection closed by the bearerbox
2005-06-13 22:04:24 [0] INFO: Received (and handled?) 64 requests in 300
seconds (0.21 per second)
2005-06-13 22:04:24 [0] INFO: Kannel smsbox terminating.
2005-06-13 22:04:24 [1] WARNING: Destroying fdset with 1 active entries.
2005-06-13 22:04:24 [8] WARNING: Destroying fdset with 3 active entries.

Some other pertinent information:

Kannel version 1.2.1, running on SunOS 5.8, with libxml version 20604

I have attached our kannel.conf file (apologies for the messiness). If
anybody has any light to shine on the situation I'd like to hear it!

Many thanks

David Ritchie
Run The Red

Description: nopassword-kannel.conf