XML Post and sms-service group

2004-08-24 Thread Erki Bender
Hi all,
I have defined sms-service group in kannel.conf and I use xml-post to run the service:group = sms-servicekeyword = defaultpost-xml = "http://localhost/gateway.php"...
When I try to send back binary data, kannel recodes all the data between  tags. For example, if the data in hex is 30B600A8, then kannel reads it 3330423630304138.
Is it supposed to be so in sending back the response to the query from sms-service group or can I turn it off somehow as it is done in sendsms interface by submitting the udh and text in url-encoded format?
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Tryied to set UDH field, denied.

2004-07-13 Thread Erki Bender

I got the following error (Tryied to set UDH field, denied.) in smsbox.log when I try 
to send an operator logo using XML POST.
Also when I add a coding parameter, then there is an error 'Tried to set Coding field, 
denied.' in smsbox.log.

I have the following conf:
group = sms-service
keyword = logo
post-xml = "https://myserver/logo.php
send-sender = true
concatenation = true
omit-empty = true
max-messages = 3

and the xml I send back to kannel is:



It seems that in group sms-service setting UDH and CODING is not allowed or have I 
forgotten to configure something that isn't documented?!
Does somebody have had the same problem? Any hints?

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