On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 7:01 AM Jason Braganza via Users <
users@lists.dgplug.org> wrote:
> > gutsytechster has a new post that *thoroughly* describes how to enable
> > celery logging for the gcp
> >
> https://gutsytechster.wordpress.com/2019/07/17/how-to-add-celery-logs-to-gcp-logging/
> > Of course all I know, in the above lines is thoroughly.
> > I wouldn’t know celery logging from lettuce bagging from a hole in the
> > ground :P
Ah! I thought including it would make it long for no reason. As people who
would be searching for
it would already know about it.
Though I'll try to add up a reference to it. :)
> But I do know Prashant tries hard, really hard to write often.
Haha, true :|
> (Stick to a rhythm though? Twice a month?)
I am trying my best, it's just that internship stuff and all. But I'll
really try to keep a rhythm.
> And his posts are helpful.
> > And that they are thorough.
> > Jason
These feedback really help me a lot. Thank you so much Jason Braganza :)
Prashant Sharma
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