Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread Tim via users
On Thu, 2022-10-06 at 10:15 -0700, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
> I work on MacOS too.  MacOS is just weird for
> the sake of weirdness with no practical purpose
> in mind.  And the Menu Bar at the top is just
> beyond stupid.  Of all the myriad of Linux
> GUI's, not a one does stupid, weird stuff
> like MacOS.

I tend to agree, if you mean the idea that all applications use the one
common menu bar instead of having their own menu bar in their own
window.  It's weird, and frequently inconvenient.

I definitely hate the Windows start button down the bottom, moving the
mouse upwards and across to pick something is super awkward.  Never
mind the let's dump everything in one randomly organised menu, no sub-
menus.  And back in the ball-mouse days, upwards was their most
inaccurate movement.  Ignoring that, it was also the most accident
prone, as you moved the mouse up there was a good chance you'd bump
into something on the desk and it'd cause you to click the mouse button
(or it'd hit the mouse button).  At least when pulling the mouse down,
you're moving the mouse away from anything on the desk.

I still use a Mac for one thing only:  Video editing with Final Cut Pro
(a wanky name if there ever was one).  I'd used Windows editing
applications, but Windows has always been so flakey, the applications
no better, and the box made from randomly cobbled together hardware
doesn't help.  At least a Mac system was designed as an ensemble, you
shouldn't have to fight with your system about sound and video card

I wish I could do video editing on Linux, but the native editing apps
are far too primitive (and I'm not even trying to do special effects). 
DaVince Resolve is supposed to have a Linux version that works well,
but I don't have a beefy graphics card, so it won't even run (I'm semi-
retired now, so can't justify splashing out on expensive hardware that
isn't going to used on enough paying jobs to earn its keep).

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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread Tim via users
On Thu, 2022-10-06 at 16:30 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> A lot of the current yoof don't have computers but do have smartphones.
> Recently I was speaking to a family member who teaches music at a local
> college. He described how his students send him messages:
> * Write message on paper
> * Place paper on some uniform background (e.g. their jeans)
> * Open Instagram
> * Take photo
> * Share Instagram photo with correspondent
> Words fail me. They can't even open the camera app without using
> Instagram :-)

I can sort of understand it, it's designed around sharing pictures. 
Other things, like SMS reduce it to a blur, and we still have carriers
that charge per message.  In the sense that if he wanted them to send
sheet music that makes sense (a large detailed image).  But if it's
just three lines of text like a handwritten SMS, that's just so daft.

But I know where you're coming from.  I remember being aghast that
people thought Hotmail was the way email was done (later it'd be Yahoo,
then Gmail, web interfaces).  None of them had seen a real email
client, so they couldn't understand the benefits.  They can only grasp
a tiny portion of what to do with various applications.

I can't convince a friend to stop using the webmail interface for his
ISP's mail service.  It's terrible at handling attachments.  He leaves
everything in the inbox, years worth of useless stuff, only deleting a
little bit to allow a new message to come in, but the mailbox is
usually completely full when you try to email him.

I tried to get someone else to get a music score PDF from my website. 
I told him the address, he kept saying it wasn't working.  He wasn't
typing the address in his browser's address bar, he was typing it into
Google's search bar.  And Google wasn't automatically sorting it out
for him, probably one letter typo so it searches for something similar
rather than fail with a useful error message.  There are sections of my
sites that use the norobot header, so Google hasn't indexed all of it,
therefore it won't find some particular things for you if you give it
an incorrect address.

There's a large lack of comprehension.  Like you mentioned, people
thought MacOS was better for the clueless.  But really it's just far
less options for how you deal with it.  If you don't understand what's
involved, you're still floundering about.
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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread Tim via users
On Thu, 2022-10-06 at 10:37 -0600, Joe Zeff wrote:
> Not to try to one-up you, but I once saw a tech support rep that had 
> about a dozen things open, all maximized.  Instead of looking at the 
> taskbar to find the one he needed, he was minimizing them one by one 
> until he found the right one.  I didn't say a word, just walked away, 
> happy that I wasn't in management and didn't have to try to teach him 
> the easy way.

Many years ago I visited one of our local television stations.

Back in the analogue days, master control *used* to be the epitome of
organisation.  A person sat at a desk, monitoring things, with his
checklist of what to do when, occasionally pressing a button to prepare
the next thing.  Issuing instructions to tape operators occasionally,
but usually they did what was needed by themselves, and they had the
required tapes loaded and cued in advance.

This time it was computerised.  One person was running everything from
one PC.  It controlled a robot arm picking from array of tapes sitting
on special shelves, loading them into one of a few machines, ready to
be triggered at the right moment by the automation centre.

How automated was it?  He had a screen full of little windows, like he
was playing solitaire, for the controllers.  All overlapping because
there were more than would fit on the screen, he was shuffling them
around all over the place all the time, to get to the thing he needed
to tweak.  And he was constantly setting up the next thing, manually. 
The only thing being done automatically was sending the play command to
the right machine when the last one reached its out point.

Long before that they were the first station to be automated in the
analogue days.  It could run the whole station unattended, if need be
(you laced up the reel-to-reel players, it controlled them by itself,
it fully controlled the Ampex cassette recorder used for short spots,
which had a couple of dozen carts in its carousel, if I remember
correctly).  Which it did once, for a while, when the master operator
decided to go out to a party and leave it to its own devices. 
Naturally something broke down in his absence.

But five minutes of that window shuffling would have sent me postal,
heck knows how many hours he would be on shift.  So much for getting
the computer to do all the work for him.

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Re: some PDFs fail to render using okular/evince/zathura on FC36

2022-10-06 Thread Ranjan Maitra
On Thu Oct06'22 07:55:42AM, Community Support for Fedora Users wrote:
> From: stan via users 
> I'm naive about pdf troubleshooting, but can you try sending yourself a
> document that when you download it works properly?  That is, can you
> find a pdf somewhere that works fine when you grab it from fedora, but
> doesn't work fine if it is sent to you via email.  Without a way to
> reproduce the problem consistently and tell whether it is the program or
> the sending that is causing the problem, it is going to be very
> difficult to track down.
> So, I did a little search on this problem, a learning experience.
> Turns out that there are many different kinds of pdfs.  Who knew?  Some
> links.
> After looking at those, I think the problem is that someone is
> configuring their pdf in ways that are incompatible with the readers
> you have.  Why does it work in the phone?  It could be that they are
> using tools from google to create the pdf, and the phone uses the tools
> provided by google to view the pdf, tuned to work with the creation
> tools, so the errors aren't evident.
> _

Thanks for the detailed response. When I save the document and open with 
evince, I get:

 Unable to open document: file://home/..././51214686.pdf
 Failed to read the document catalog

pdffonts (from the stackoverflow page) gives:

   $ pdffonts ./51214686.pdf
   Syntax Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
   Syntax Error: Catalog object is wrong type (null)
   Syntax Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
   Internal Error: xref num -1 not found but needed, try to reconstruct<0a>
   Syntax Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
   Syntax Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
   Syntax Error: Catalog object is wrong type (null)
   Syntax Error: Couldn't read page catalog


  $ file 51214686.pdf
  51214686.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5

Not quite sure how to troubleshoot this.

Many thanks, and best wishes,
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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread ToddAndMargo via users

On 10/6/22 08:30, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

You often hear that MacOS is easier. My experience is that it's not.
More reliable certainly (it's based on UNIX after all), but people with
no mental model of what's actually happening still have trouble with

I work on MacOS too.  MacOS is just weird for
the sake of weirdness with no practical purpose
in mind.  And the Menu Bar at the top is just
beyond stupid.  Of all the myriad of Linux
GUI's, not a one does stupid, weird stuff
like MacOS.  (gNome can be a bit weird a
times though.)

Most MacOS customer of mine and most home customers
as well would be far better served with a tablet.

My worst MacOS customer was one with an expensive
giant screen, she had a little home office
network that I set up for her and her employees.
When finished with everything, I created a document
in her Documents folder with all her accounts and
passwords for the firewall, etc..

A few weeks
later she called me up all pissed off at me because
she could not log into something.  I reminded her
of the document.  She got even more pissed, so
I pulled it up for her to show her.  She took a
picture of it with her cell phone. She spent
all that money on an Apple and could not even
open a document.

Other than graphic designers that use MacOS
to great effect, I do not see any other user
using MacOS for anything other than surfing
the web and eMail.  I do not even see them
write recipes.  A tablet would be a ton cheaper.
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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread Joe Zeff

On 10/6/22 08:53, Tim via users wrote:

I've seen plenty who can't look at two files,
they have to open one, read it, close it, open the other file.

Not to try to one-up you, but I once saw a tech support rep that had 
about a dozen things open, all maximized.  Instead of looking at the 
taskbar to find the one he needed, he was minimizing them one by one 
until he found the right one.  I didn't say a word, just walked away, 
happy that I wasn't in management and didn't have to try to teach him 
the easy way.

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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
On Fri, 2022-10-07 at 01:23 +1030, Tim via users wrote:
> On Thu, 2022-10-06 at 06:29 -0700, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
> > The difference between the technology and quality
> > of Fedora and Windows will make your head spin.
> > As I have stated before, I wish I had more
> > Linux customers. Linux is just fun to work on.
> > Windows is such a house of cards.  And I am
> > FULLY AWARE that I would not have a job if it
> > was not for M$'s poor quality.
> I used to un-munge people's windows boxes, but got out of that game
> when I got into Linux.  I tell them I don't do it any more, and say
> it's like being asked to unblock someone's sewer pipes with your bare
> hands.
> It's not *just* that the hardware and software shoots itself in the
> foot from time to time, which most definitely does, people *also* do
> daft things with it.
> A very large part of the problem is that it's foisted upon people (at
> work) with no aptitude for computing, and possibly managed by one of
> them as well.  And it's little different for home users.  I don't
> know
> why people with no interest in computing get themselves a home PC.
> Even those who don't stuff it up are so inept at using it that they
> barely use any of the features, and use things in the most convoluted
> and awkward manners.  I've seen plenty who can't look at two files,
> they have to open one, read it, close it, open the other file.  They
> can't manage to have two windows open, nor even know that they can. 
> And those who can't copy and paste, they open a webpage, save it as a
> file, close the browser, open their word processor, load the page,
> spend ages trying to edit the bit they want.  Then if they want more
> info, they go through whole shenanigans again (quit wordprocessor,
> open
> browser, safe, quit browser, start word processor, etc).  It's like
> watching someone bash a square peg into a round hole.

Getting a bit OT but here goes:

You often hear that MacOS is easier. My experience is that it's not.
More reliable certainly (it's based on UNIX after all), but people with
no mental model of what's actually happening still have trouble with

A lot of the current yoof don't have computers but do have smartphones.
Recently I was speaking to a family member who teaches music at a local
college. He described how his students send him messages:

* Write message on paper
* Place paper on some uniform background (e.g. their jeans)
* Open Instagram
* Take photo
* Share Instagram photo with correspondent

Words fail me. They can't even open the camera app without using
Instagram :-)

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Re: some PDFs fail to render using okular/evince/zathura on FC36

2022-10-06 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 5 Oct 2022 23:35:57 -0500
Ranjan Maitra  wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Over the past few months, I have noticed that some PDF documents do
> not render on Fedora 36 using zathura, evince or okular. The PDF
> document, however renders fine on my phone. All of them are PDF,
> version 1.5, and they were sent to me by email, which I read using
> mutt.
> What could be wrong and how could I trouble-shoot/fix this? Note that
> I can read many other PDFs using the same mailer, so there is
> something different with some PDFs (received by email) and read by
> using mutt.

I'm naive about pdf troubleshooting, but can you try sending yourself a
document that when you download it works properly?  That is, can you
find a pdf somewhere that works fine when you grab it from fedora, but
doesn't work fine if it is sent to you via email.  Without a way to
reproduce the problem consistently and tell whether it is the program or
the sending that is causing the problem, it is going to be very
difficult to track down.

So, I did a little search on this problem, a learning experience.
Turns out that there are many different kinds of pdfs.  Who knew?  Some

After looking at those, I think the problem is that someone is
configuring their pdf in ways that are incompatible with the readers
you have.  Why does it work in the phone?  It could be that they are
using tools from google to create the pdf, and the phone uses the tools
provided by google to view the pdf, tuned to work with the creation
tools, so the errors aren't evident.
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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread Tim via users
On Thu, 2022-10-06 at 06:29 -0700, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
> The difference between the technology and quality
> of Fedora and Windows will make your head spin.
> As I have stated before, I wish I had more
> Linux customers. Linux is just fun to work on.
> Windows is such a house of cards.  And I am
> FULLY AWARE that I would not have a job if it
> was not for M$'s poor quality.

I used to un-munge people's windows boxes, but got out of that game
when I got into Linux.  I tell them I don't do it any more, and say
it's like being asked to unblock someone's sewer pipes with your bare

It's not *just* that the hardware and software shoots itself in the
foot from time to time, which most definitely does, people *also* do
daft things with it.

A very large part of the problem is that it's foisted upon people (at
work) with no aptitude for computing, and possibly managed by one of
them as well.  And it's little different for home users.  I don't know
why people with no interest in computing get themselves a home PC.

Even those who don't stuff it up are so inept at using it that they
barely use any of the features, and use things in the most convoluted
and awkward manners.  I've seen plenty who can't look at two files,
they have to open one, read it, close it, open the other file.  They
can't manage to have two windows open, nor even know that they can. 
And those who can't copy and paste, they open a webpage, save it as a
file, close the browser, open their word processor, load the page,
spend ages trying to edit the bit they want.  Then if they want more
info, they go through whole shenanigans again (quit wordprocessor, open
browser, safe, quit browser, start word processor, etc).  It's like
watching someone bash a square peg into a round hole.
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Re: latest kernel for Fedora 35?

2022-10-06 Thread Sbob

One more related question - is it possible to run a mac/osx VM with KVM?

I do this today with VMWare and the osx unlocker

On 10/6/22 08:27, Sbob wrote:

Thanks I'll have another look

On 10/5/22 17:20, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Sbob writes:

I think I tried this awhile back and found that KVM VM's only work 
with wired network connections on the host and not wifi, is this 
still true?

News to me, and the VM running Windows 10, on this laptop.

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Re: latest kernel for Fedora 35?

2022-10-06 Thread Sbob

Thanks I'll have another look

On 10/5/22 17:20, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Sbob writes:

I think I tried this awhile back and found that KVM VM's only work 
with wired network connections on the host and not wifi, is this 
still true?

News to me, and the VM running Windows 10, on this laptop.

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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread ToddAndMargo via users

On 10/6/22 05:37, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

On Thu, 2022-10-06 at 05:16 -0700, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:

Did I hear back up?

In Windows you can only reliability back up your
data, not your programs.  "What serial number?"
"I don't have a password?"  You have to reinstall
everything from scratch and you need all their keys
and serial numbers or they have to repurchase

I have to ask: what is the customer's disaster planning, e.g. if the
machine is physically damaged and unrecoverable?


It varies wildly between the customer.  "If"
(it takes a while for them to trust you) I
can talk them into backing up their stuff,
I create a directory called "C:\Drivers"
where I put all their serial numbers, key,
source code, etc. for all the programs they
have me install.

And if they give me permission, I have an
encrypted locker at my business that I put
their stuff into as well.  I started this
when I got tired of telling folks I did not
know what their WiFI password was.

You would not believe the customers that lose
computers because they thought I was selling
them a disgronificator when recommending a UPS
power supply.  Same with backup.

I back up their data.  For those that are
hermetically irresponsible on such things,
I put them on Carbonite.

If you have no experience with Windows, some of
the Micky Mouse involved in recovering things
is going to strike you are me pulling a fast
one you.  But with Windows it is better to
start over fresh and reinstall things than
to try to recover after a hard drive crash.
There are just too many things that go wrong
with Windows over time.

The difference between the technology and quality
of Fedora and Windows will make your head spin.
As I have stated before, I wish I had more
Linux customers. Linux is just fun to work on.
Windows is such a house of cards.  And I am
FULLY AWARE that I would not have a job if it
was not for M$'s poor quality.

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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
On Thu, 2022-10-06 at 05:16 -0700, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
> Did I hear back up?
> In Windows you can only reliability back up your
> data, not your programs.  "What serial number?"
> "I don't have a password?"  You have to reinstall
> everything from scratch and you need all their keys
> and serial numbers or they have to repurchase
> everything.

I have to ask: what is the customer's disaster planning, e.g. if the
machine is physically damaged and unrecoverable?

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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread ToddAndMargo via users

On 10/6/22 04:52, Meng Huang wrote:
Also had problem upgrading, for me after windows update reboot it goes 
black and refuse to boot again. A fresh install of 22h2 iso works fine

I had that too.  I just forced killed from the console
and started it again and it went through.  I have
repeated this about six times in all my testing.

I had thought of doing a fresh install, but I can not
give that solution to my customers as it would kill
all their intellectual data on their machines and
they'd have to start over.

Did I hear back up?

In Windows you can only reliability back up your
data, not your programs.  "What serial number?"
"I don't have a password?"  You have to reinstall
everything from scratch and you need all their keys
and serial numbers or they have to repurchase
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Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread Meng Huang
Also had problem upgrading, for me after windows update reboot it goes black 
and refuse to boot again. A fresh install of 22h2 iso works fine

On Thu, Oct 6, 2022, at 7:45 PM, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
> Hi All,
> Fedora 36
> qemu-kvm-6.2.0-15.fc36.x86_64
> Windows 11 Pro
> Any of you guys having troubles upgrading Windows-11
> build 21H2 to 22H2 on qemu-kvm?
> I am upgrading from the ISO:
> /windows11
> using the US English version:
>  Win11_22H2_English_x64.iso
> The install goes all the way through the process and
> when It does its final reboot, it throws the "Installation
> failed in SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT
> operation 0xC1900101 0x20017".
> According to
> the log file for SafeOS errors is:
>C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources\Panther: File named
>Setupact.log records actions in the downlevel
>and SafeOS phase. As the log can be very
>large, setup also creates a file named
>“Setuperr.log” that only has information
>about the errors encountered by the Setup
>to narrow the source of the problem.
> And from the same reference:
>Error Code Troubleshooting
>C1900101-20017 A driver has caused an illegal
>operation. Make sure all unnecessary devices
>are disconnected except the keyboard and mouse.
>Remove any 3rd party anti-virus.Make sure BIOS
>firmware is updated on the motherboard.
> which means there is a problem with a driver. I removed everything 
> except the keyboard and mouse. No joy.
> And I can't find anything in the logs either.
> It also begs the issue of why 21H2 is "safe" and 22H2
> is not.
> Any of you experiencing this?  If so, how did you
> work around it?
> Many thanks,
> -T
> p.s.  Ya, I know 'Windows is like that".  Wish
> I did not have to use it but 98% of my customers
> have it and I can't find an any Linux customers
> that are not of my own making.  And I have to
> feed my family.
> -- 
> Yesterday it worked.
> Today it is not working.
> Windows is like that.
> ___
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Meng Huang
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Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

2022-10-06 Thread ToddAndMargo via users

Hi All,

Fedora 36
Windows 11 Pro

Any of you guys having troubles upgrading Windows-11
build 21H2 to 22H2 on qemu-kvm?

I am upgrading from the ISO:

using the US English version:

The install goes all the way through the process and
when It does its final reboot, it throws the "Installation
failed in SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT
operation 0xC1900101 0x20017".

According to

the log file for SafeOS errors is:

  C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources\Panther: File named
  Setupact.log records actions in the downlevel
  and SafeOS phase. As the log can be very
  large, setup also creates a file named
  “Setuperr.log” that only has information
  about the errors encountered by the Setup
  to narrow the source of the problem.

And from the same reference:

  Error Code Troubleshooting

  C1900101-20017 A driver has caused an illegal
  operation. Make sure all unnecessary devices
  are disconnected except the keyboard and mouse.
  Remove any 3rd party anti-virus.Make sure BIOS
  firmware is updated on the motherboard.

which means there is a problem with a driver. I removed everything 
except the keyboard and mouse. No joy.

And I can't find anything in the logs either.

It also begs the issue of why 21H2 is "safe" and 22H2
is not.

Any of you experiencing this?  If so, how did you
work around it?

Many thanks,

p.s.  Ya, I know 'Windows is like that".  Wish
I did not have to use it but 98% of my customers
have it and I can't find an any Linux customers
that are not of my own making.  And I have to
feed my family.


Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

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