Re: ftp files

2011-09-29 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Thursday 29 Sep 2011 23:56:17 mickey wrote:
> F15
> what ftp app works with KDE, instead of vsftp that requires Gnome ?

I have used gftp for many years with KDE and also the file manager (and more) 
Krusader which works really well.


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Re: Working twitter client

2013-06-22 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Saturday 22 Jun 2013 15:27:19 Steve Searle wrote:
> My preferred twitter client choqok doesn't work at the moment because it
> has not been updated to support the new authentication method that
> twitter now insists upon. I have tried the others listed by a "yum
> search twitter" command and can't get any of them to authenticate
> either.
> Is anyone currently using a working twitter client? I don't like the
> browser page - I want my feed updating automatically.

This maybe of some use:

I am currently running Choqok from there dev branch and it is working well.


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Re: Does anybody know what package this is in....?

2013-07-10 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Wednesday 10 July 2013 20:43:07 Bill Oliver wrote:
> I just had the oddest thing happen to me.  I performed a multipackage update
> on F19.  I don't remember what packages, it was just one of those
> notifications of "You have 18 updates pending" and I hit "Update."
> When I rebooted my box, my alsa system was dead.  No little mixer icon in
> the system tray (I am running KDE), no sound, no nothing.  Alsamixer
> ncurses program was still there, but changing levels didn't change the
> (nonexistent) sound.
> I brought up Apper (the KDE software manager) and it indicated that the
> alsa-firmware, alsa-lib, and alsa-tools were not installed -- though they
> had been before.  I tried to install them, but nothing happened.  So, then
> I went to the cli and tried yum install alsa-firmware, and it came back
> with the statement that it was already installed!
> So, I *reinstalled* them using yum reinstall.  At that point things started
> working again.
> But... I still can't get the little mixer icon on my system tray.  It's not
> an option when I try to configure it, though all the rest are still there. 
> I can add the "ALSA volume control" plasmoid, and it works, but I'd like
> the little icon in the system tray.
> So, I have two questions:
> 1) Anybody know why an update would kill the sound system?

I would have a look at yum's logs to check what was updated and possibly 
> 2) What package might I need to reinstall to get that little widget in the
> system tray?

Yum install kmix should fix it for you.

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Re: Better clock on panel in KDE?

2013-07-22 Thread Colin J Thomson

On Mon 22 July 2013 13:50:19 Oliver Ruebenacker wrote:

>   Just started using KDE and now I would like to have a clock on the panel
> that simply shows something like "1:48pm, Mon Jul 22". I can't seem to do
> this with the default clock.

The clock in the panel can easily do this as it is very configurable. 
Right click on it > Digital Clock Settings > Appearance
Then select the Toolbox next to the Date Format option.

Or an easier route:

System Settings > Locale > Date and Time tab.

When you mouse over each option you will be shown a table of what you can 
change for example the Time, Date etc to a layout that suits you. 
For example:

pH:MM AMPM will give the the short time in 12 hour clock format - 7:40 pm


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Re: Re: "Enable JavaScript" preference checkbox has been removed in Firefox

2013-08-09 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Sat 10 August 2013 01:44:45 Andras Simon wrote:
> 2013/8/10, আনন্দ কুমার সমাদ্দার :
> > Yes, I'd just use noscript.  It gives you much finer grained control
> > than a simple manual on/off option any way.
> Last time I tried it, I concluded that manual on/off was much better
> for me. But that was years ago, noscript may have improved, and I
> don't seem to have a choice anyway...

Noscript works well these days, however you can disable JS in

Set  javascript.enabled to "false"


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Re: Keyboard LED applet

2013-04-19 Thread Colin J Thomson
Hi Ian,

On Friday 19 Apr 2013 00:04:50 Ian Pilcher wrote:
> Just when you think that laptop manufacturers couldn't go any farther
> off the rails, Lenovo has apparently decided that physical keyboard
> status LEDs are just too darn expensive.
> Does anyone know of a keyboard LED applet/widget that can be used with
> KDE?  (An actual Plasma widget is obviously preferred, but I'll take
> anything that can run in the system tray.)

Use the "add widgets" option to download new widgets and do a search for "lock 
keys" of which there are two available, both work very well.


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Re: Changing kernel in grub 2

2012-02-03 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Friday 03 Feb 2012 12:19:32 don fisher wrote:
> I have been using grub1, where you could edit the menu.1st command to
> change kernels. The only place that I see the kernels listed is in
> /boot/grub2/grub.cfg which is generated by the files in /etc.
> If the current kernel does not work as desired, how does one choose the
> previous kernel? The only choices I see are:
> 1. edit the script that says do not edit
> 2. remove the bad kernel from /boot and run grub2-mkconfig
> Please advise. Once boot is broken, it is really bad!

Don, make any changes in the grub file which is in /etc/default/

The line you want to edit is GRUB_DEFAULT=

and then run

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Then the changes you made are kept during the next kernel update/reboot etc


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Re: Re: grub2-mkconfig with 3.2.10 kernels?

2012-03-18 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Monday 19 Mar 2012 10:09:50 Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
> On 19 Mar 2012 at 7:47, Ed Greshko wrote:
> > On 03/18/2012 11:00 PM, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
> > > Just did an update and it included a new kernel, but then on
> > > reboot after running grub2-mkconfig noticed that the newest one was
> > > not first. Seems to be sorting the 9 before the 10?
> > > 
> > > Is this a bug?
> > > I use the default="0", so this makes it not use the latest?
> > 
> > FWIW, yesterday came a kernel update to 3.2.10-3 and everything seems
> > fine here. I've not modified anything and my grub.conf contains set
> > default="0".
> The issue is that the order is coming up wrong.
> On my sytem, it adds the new kernel, but it is the in this order
> from the grub.cfg file.
> menuentry 'Fedora Linux, with Linux 3.2.9-2.fc16.x86_64'
> menuentry 'Fedora Linux, with Linux 3.2.9-2.fc16.x86_64
> (recovery mode)'
> menuentry 'Fedora Linux, with Linux 3.2.9-1.fc16.x86_64'
> menuentry 'Fedora Linux, with Linux 3.2.9-1.fc16.x86_64
> (recovery mode)'
> menuentry 'Fedora Linux, with Linux 3.2.10-3.fc16.x86_64'
> menuentry 'Fedora Linux, with Linux 3.2.10-3.fc16.x86_64
> (recovery mode)'
> Thus 0 is the 3.2.9-2 kernel, and the new 3.2.10-3 would be
> number  4?
> Is yours listing 3.2.10-3 as being 0?

Michael, I am seeing the same as you after the kernel update with 3.2.10 being 
at the bottom of the list so not the default of 0.

I keep only two kernels so have temporarily changed the default to 2 so 3.2.10 
will be the kernel that is booted.

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Re: Annoying "popping" sound when using volume control in FC 19

2014-01-20 Thread Colin J Thomson

On Wed 15 January 2014 09:41:04 William W. Austin wrote:
> I'm currently running FC 19 on a workstation which has a "multimedia"
> keyboard with volume keys.  (KDE desktop) Whenever I adjust the volume
> using the volume control keys on it, there's a popping sound to
> indicate that the volume is changing.  It's very intrusive and I want
> to get rid of it.
> I had assumed it would be in a "notifications" setting in the KDE
> systems settings.  But if it's there, somehow I'm missing it.
> Any help on getting rid of this petty annoyance would be greatly
> appreciated.

Click on the systray icon, open the mixer and select Settings > Configure Kmix 
and disable "volume feedback"


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Re: Two row system tray

2014-02-26 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Wed 26 February 2014 12:36:56 Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
> My system tray used to have two rows of small icons.  Now it has one
> row: items that hide themselves into the tray are small and not
> resizeable (Thunderbird, Qalculate, Knemo); native widgets are large and
> resizeable (Klipper, Kmix, Device Notifier, Network Management).  The
> Pager and Task Manager both have two rows.
> How can I force the tray to have two rows?  Is this possible?

Yes Jon, 
unlock the widgets (if there locked) right and click on the panel > panel 
options > panel settings. In panel settings and slightly increase the height 
of the panel.


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Re: Re: Two row system tray

2014-02-26 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Wed 26 February 2014 14:30:57 Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
> On Wed, 2014-02-26 at 22:02 +0000, Colin J Thomson wrote:
> > On Wed 26 February 2014 12:36:56 Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
> > > My system tray used to have two rows of small icons.  Now it has one
> > > row: items that hide themselves into the tray are small and not
> > > resizeable (Thunderbird, Qalculate, Knemo); native widgets are large and
> > > resizeable (Klipper, Kmix, Device Notifier, Network Management).  The
> > > Pager and Task Manager both have two rows.
> > > 
> > > How can I force the tray to have two rows?  Is this possible?
> > 
> > Yes Jon,
> > unlock the widgets (if there locked) right and click on the panel > panel
> > options > panel settings. In panel settings and slightly increase the
> > height of the panel.
> This only makes things worse.  The large (native) icons get larger,
> while the icons put into the tray by applications stay the same size.  A
> screenshot is attached.  The tray does not become two row.  Just to be
> clear, I am asking about the *tray* and not the *panel*.

Yes adjusting the *panel* size here by a small amount will give me one or two 
rows in the sys tray. See attached..

I can't think what else it could be, I'm using Oxygen for workspace and 
application appearance and Nouveau.

Does it happen with a new user, maybe one of of the plasma*rc files got 
corrupt somehow.


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Re: recommended way to mount a google drive on fedora 24

2016-10-26 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Wednesday, 19 October 2016 19:45:21 BST Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-10-19 at 11:10 -0700, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> > On 10/19/2016 08:53 AM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> > > Is there a recommended way to mount a google drive on Fedora 24?
> > 
> > Assuming you are using Gnome, add your Google account using the Online
> > Accounts section in Settings.  One of the options on the right will be
> > to enable Google Drive.  If you turn that on, then Nautilus will have a
> > shortcut to access your Drive files.
> I tried that before installing Insync. It worked extremely poorly at
> the time but I haven't tried it again. Also, I don't use Gnome but IIRC
> the equivalent in KDE didn't work either. I don't remember details but
> it was bad enough to make me give up almost immediately.

Just FYI:

There is a package to be reviewed for F24, I rebuilt the src.rpm for F25 and 
it is working well.

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Re: recommended way to mount a google drive on fedora 24

2016-10-26 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 17:19:06 BST Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-10-26 at 17:04 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Wed, 2016-10-26 at 16:47 +0100, Colin J Thomson wrote:
> > > On Wednesday, 19 October 2016 19:45:21 BST Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > > > On Wed, 2016-10-19 at 11:10 -0700, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> > > > > On 10/19/2016 08:53 AM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> > > > > > Is there a recommended way to mount a google drive on Fedora 24?
> > > > > 
> > > > > Assuming you are using Gnome, add your Google account using the
> > > > > Online
> > > > > Accounts section in Settings.  One of the options on the right will
> > > > > be
> > > > > to enable Google Drive.  If you turn that on, then Nautilus will
> > > > > have a
> > > > > shortcut to access your Drive files.
> > > > 
> > > > I tried that before installing Insync. It worked extremely poorly at
> > > > the time but I haven't tried it again. Also, I don't use Gnome but
> > > > IIRC
> > > > the equivalent in KDE didn't work either. I don't remember details but
> > > > it was bad enough to make me give up almost immediately.
> > > 
> > > Just FYI:
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > There is a package to be reviewed for F24, I rebuilt the src.rpm for F25
> > > and it is working well.
> > 
> > Note that this is slightly different from Insync in that the latter
> > keeps a local copy of selected Google Drive files and maintains
> > synchronization between them, i.e. it takes up extra space on your
> > local drive, similar to what the GD apps do on Windows and MacOS. I've
> > often wished it didn't do that so I'll be interested in trying out this
> > new entrant.
> > 
> > poc
> The F24 package is not at that site nor on Koji. Where did you see it?

That's right, it is under *review*

I rebuilt the package for F25 to test it.

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Re: F26 Run KDE under wayland on nouveau driver

2017-07-12 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Wednesday, 12 July 2017 11:48:31 BST Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 07/12/17 18:30, Barry Scott wrote:
> > I'm running KDE plasma under X11 at the moment and would like
> > switch to wayland.
> > 
> > First is this supported? If so where is the config that I need to change
> > to
> > start up in the wayland world and not the Xorg world?
> You need to install plasma-workspace-wayland and when you reboot there will
> be an option to run Plasma on Wayland on the login screen.

FYI you "may" get hit by this bug depending on what card you have:

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Re: Ksnapshot?

2017-07-27 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Thursday, 27 July 2017 19:21:59 BST Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> What's the successor to ksnapshot? Or is there a similar program I can
> use in lieu of ksnapshot which apparently is ditched?

ksnapshot has been replaced by spectacle

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Re: sound bug on update with HDMI

2019-11-11 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Monday, 11 November 2019 19:44:39 GMT Cătălin George Feștilă wrote:
> journalctl -b

OK, I just looked at the Alsa report and this could be your problem:-

Kernel release:5.2.9-200.fc30.x86_64

Update your kernel to 5.3.x for F31 and see if that helps.

Good Luck,

Fedora 31 (Thirty One)

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Re: Re: one click is not enough anymore

2015-12-17 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Thursday 17 Dec 2015 07:39:40 Neal Becker wrote:
> Joe Zeff wrote:
> > On 12/16/2015 12:51 PM, Maurizio Marini wrote:
> >> I have tho notebook either with the same fedora, same version and same
> >> flavour (kde+plasma), either with the same bloody issue, maybe we should
> >> file a bug on bugzilla
> > 
> > Indeed one of you should.  Post a link here so that the other can add a
> > comment showing that it's not just one person and it will probably get
> > more attention that two seperate reports of the same thing.
> I have the same issue since the last kde update

Which is fixed here with Plasma-workspace-5.5.0-4

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Re: Re: one click is not enough anymore

2015-12-18 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Friday 18 Dec 2015 16:25:03 Maurizio Marini wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Which is fixed here with Plasma-workspace-5.5.0-4
> I have issue a powerful dnf clean all, but dnf update does finf anything
> new, I am sadly still at 5.5.0-2

A better option would of been - dnf clean metadata 

> Are u on testing? and how much should/could we wait until 5.5.0-4 is stable,
> as far as you 'now?

I am on testing and the kde/sig repo's but I also get some packages from Koji 
before there pushed to try and help with testing.

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Re: Missing Component in KDE System Settings

2016-01-07 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Friday 08 Jan 2016 07:28:04 Stephen Morris wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what has happened to the KDE System Settings addin
> that allows customization of the Display Manager login interface in F23?
> I'm looking for the interface that lets you specify the theme to use if
> you want one, and lets you control which users are display on the login
> screen.

I am assuming your using SDDM as the login manager, if so to change themes and 
some other "basic" options via System Settings you need to have sddm-kcm 
installed. It would then be available via the Startup and Shutdown option.

For modifying the Users shown etc you could edit /etc/sddm.conf, I think there 
is a man page for this.

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Re: Taskbar Panel in Plasma Won't Autohide

2016-05-21 Thread Colin J Thomson

On 21/05/2016 03:23, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 05/21/16 08:27, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 19/05/16 11:30, Stephen Morris wrote:

I am trying to get the Taskbar Panel to autohide, but when I click on 
the options
button in the panel, the left, right and center options are permanently 
highlighted but
seem to function in terms of moving the indicator that reflects which 
option is active.
Also the 'Always Visible', 'Auto Hide', 'Windows can Cover' and 
'Windows go Below'
options are also permanently highlighted but selecting the 2nd or 3rd 
option does
nothing. It appears these options are highlighted because the colour 
scheme I am using,

which is forget-me-not thinks they are push buttons.

Does anyone know why these don't work anymore in Fedora 23? I am using
Breeze for the Windows Style and Windows Decorations themes.
I forgot to mention this is in Plasma.
When I said it doesn't work anymore, what I meant was Autohide worked 

Fedora versions 18 to 22 but not in Fedora 23.

It seems to be broken for me as well.  I didn't notice it, since I 
don't use it.

You may want to post to the KDE list as there are more folks hanging
out their with KDE
experience.  I could not find a bugzilla in either Redhat's BZ or on  But I tend
not to phrase my queries well.  :-)

It's probably this bug report :-)

One of those problem bugs as its works fine here on F23 and now since
upgrading on F24 as well. Using nouveau here.

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Re: Taskbar Panel in Plasma Won't Autohide

2016-05-23 Thread Colin J Thomson

On 23/05/2016 20:46, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 22/05/16 07:57, Colin J Thomson wrote:

One of those problem bugs as its works fine here on F23 and now since
upgrading on F24 as well. Using nouveau here.

This bug report is the issue. Looking at the report it seems to be
happening across a wide range of distributions and video drivers, and
even the same nvidia driver works for some people and not others. It
seems to me that it is probably an issue with hardware acceleration
and the level of hardware acceleration available on the video card.

Yes I think you could be right there. So many variables in this bug, its
a tough one.

I am having trouble reading the version numbers in the repositories to
identify what version of plasma I have installed and even what
packages constitute plasma itself. I think I have plasma 5.6.4
installed but I'm not sure.

If you fire up Kinfocenter you can see which Versions of Plasma, QT and 

you are running.

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Re: CqrLog mariadb/mysql

2017-11-23 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Friday, 17 November 2017 14:03:42 GMT jarmo wrote:
> Fri, 17 Nov 2017 07:15:00 -0600
> Richard Shaw  kirjoitti:
> > You can try mariadb-connector-c [1]
> Yes, I tried that, but no luck
> I solved problem by making symlink from /usr/lib64/mysql/
> to /usr/lib64/
> That way I got cqrlog running.
> Even there is in /etc/ file mariadb-x86_64,conf which has
> right path, cqrlog can't find client.
> Sould there be libmysqlclient.conf also?
> Jarmo

Looks like the pending update of mariadb in bodhi fixes this issue (and many 

Cqrlog starts fine for me now.

73 Colin
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Re: Password Managers

2017-12-27 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Wednesday, 27 December 2017 18:40:29 GMT Todd Zullinger wrote:
> The main issue I see is that many users expect dnf list to
> do more than it does.  But yum list behaved this way as well
> (and still does on el6/el7).  It may just be that less
> people noticed until python-$module packages were changed to
> python2-$module to aid in the migration to python3 as the
> default python.

FYI, I find "dnf whatprovides" most useful,

[xxx@xxx ~]$ dnf whatprovides python-keyring
python2-keyring-10.5.1-1.fc27.noarch : Python 2 library to access the system 
keyring service
Repo: updates-testing
Matched from:
Provide: python-keyring = 10.5.1-1.fc27

Or add a wildcard

[xxx@xxx ~]$ dnf whatprovides python*-keyring
python2-keyring-10.5.1-1.fc27.noarch : Python 2 library to access the system 
keyring service
Repo: updates-testing
Matched from:
Provide: python-keyring = 10.5.1-1.fc27
Provide: python2-keyring = 10.5.1-1.fc27

python3-keyring-10.5.1-1.fc27.noarch : Python 3 library to access the system 
keyring service
Repo: updates-testing
Matched from:
Provide: python3-keyring = 10.5.1-1.fc27

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Re: Plasma System Settings Online Accounts Appears not to Work

2020-12-11 Thread Colin J Thomson

On Saturday, 12 December 2020 00:56:00 GMT Stephen Morris wrote:

> I am running F33 inside a Vmware Player 16 vm and using Plasma as 
> my desktop. When I go into system settings -> Online Accounts it 
> displays no accounts are added yet in the middle of the page with a "+ 
> Add New Account" button underneath it. There is also the same button in 
> the bottom right hand corner. If I click on either button the page title 
> changes to Accounts > Add New Account and displays a blank page and 
> there is no text or buttons anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?

It's most likely related to this bug:-

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Re: Plasma System Settings Online Accounts Appears not to Work

2020-12-12 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Saturday, 12 December 2020 07:54:24 GMT Stephen Morris wrote:
> On 12/12/20 4:38 pm, Ed Greshko wrote:

> > The issue is that kaccounts-providers is not installed.
> >
> > Do
> >
> > sudo dnf install kaccounts-providers
> >
> > And you should get 3 choices.
> Thanks Ed, that worked, but one question it raises is how do we get 
> offered a selection from all the accounts that are offered during the 
> install process?

I have never seen that during install Stephen,

> Having done the install and gotten the list of the 3 accounts, I 
> selected google, which then sent a security verification message to my 
> phone and after accepting that the dialogue box the showed the number to 
> verify on the phone that proceeded to a blank page which I think is the 
> issue that has been raised in the defect linked to by Colin.

Yes that's the issue in the report and what I am seeing here (and also others 
in various forums etc) I only tested with Google.

Applications 20.12 from the COPR I use maybe available in the next few days, I 
will test with that and report back here if there is any change and add any 
additional info to the bug report.

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Re: serious rkhunter warnings not seen before (by me).

2021-01-21 Thread Colin J Thomson

On Thursday, 21 January 2021 20:24:14 GMT home user wrote:
> I just finished doing my weekly patches for my F32 workstation.  The 
> sequence (done as root):
> 1. rkhunter --check
> (clean)
> 2. dnf --refresh upgrade dnf
> (nothing to do)
> 3. dnf upgrade
> (no hint of trouble)
> 4. reboot
> (no hint of trouble)
> 5. rkhunter --check
> (trouble!)
> I put the rkhunter log file on the google drive; here is the link:
> "
> sharing".
> The file properties checks warning are common after a weekly patching; 
> ignore those.
> The first warning of concern is line #1470:
> "[12:33:02] Checking for file '/lib/'   [ Warning ]
> [12:33:02] Checking for file '/lib64/' [ Warning ]
> [12:33:02] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Warning ]
> [12:33:02] Checking for file '/usr/lib64/' [ 
> Warning ]".
> The next is in line #1602:
> "[12:33:08] Warning: Checking for possible rootkit files and directories 
> [ Warning ]
> [12:33:08]  Found file '/lib/'. Possible 
> rootkit: Sniffer component
> [12:33:08]  Found file '/lib64/'. Possible 
> rootkit: Sniffer component
> [12:33:08]  Found file '/usr/lib/'. Possible 
> rootkit: Sniffer component
> [12:33:08]  Found file '/usr/lib64/'. Possible 
> rootkit: Sniffer component".

> Are the warnings actual problems or false alarms?
> If the problems are real, how do I fix?  Re-installing is impractical.

Nothing serious, the bug report can be found here and a new rkhunter is in 
updates-testing for F32/33/34 and fixes the warnings..


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Re: rkhunter warnings

2021-01-28 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Thursday, 28 January 2021 10:44:09 GMT François Patte wrote:
> Bonjour,
> Since the last update of f32, rkhunter send a lot of warning (in spite
> of the --propupd I run after each update...):
> Warning: Checking for possible rootkit files and directories [ Warning ]
>   Found file '/lib/'. Possible rootkit:

rkhunter-1.4.6-10 fixes this and according to bodhi it should be in the stable 
repo now for F32

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Re: preupgrade: not enough space again

2010-05-29 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Saturday 29 May 2010 22:05:12 Konstantin Svist wrote:
> On 05/29/2010 11:39 AM, Alan Evans wrote:
> > Preupgrade is complaining that I don't have enough space in
> > /boot/upgrade. How much space is needed? Preupgrade is not telling me.
> > It *did* tell me that I could continue if I had a wired network
> > connection. I do have, so I continued; and then after finally
> > downloading all the packages (much time) and rebooting it apparently
> > couldn't find the driver for my network card. Bother.
> > 
> > Cancelling at that point and rebooting did bring back my F12, so that
> > was good. But I've cleaned out boot as much as I think possible and
> > still there's not enough space.
> > 
> > I thought this was done to death during the last upgrade cycle. And I
> > think I have a non-upgraded install of F12 on this machine, yet /boot
> > is still too small for preupgrade to work! Ack!
> > 
> > Will this work if I go buy a generic network card? Apparently the one
> > already installed (and that I'm using now) is no good for the
> > installer.
> > 
> > -Alan
> It told me the same thing. At that point, I booted from a live CD,
> installed gparted and resized the boot partition to take 500M (took
> space from swap, which was 2G). Then preupgrade succeeded perfectly and
> I'm running F13 right now.
> Since the packages are already downloaded, you should be able to retry
> without having to get them again.

FYI, preupgrade does work with the default 200meg  /boot partition, I did it 
here on this small raid system, no LVM all ext4, F12 > F13.. More info here:

I guess your mileage may vary depending on the hardware as Alan found out :(

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Re: preupgrade: not enough space again

2010-05-29 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Saturday 29 May 2010 22:55:32 Alan Evans wrote:
> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Colin J Thomson
>  wrote:
> > FYI, preupgrade does work with the default 200meg  /boot partition, I did
> > it here on this small raid system, no LVM all ext4, F12 > F13.. More
> > info here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > NOTE..
> > I guess your mileage may vary depending on the hardware as Alan found out
> > :(
> Apparently, my default 200MB fell a bit short:
> $ df -h
> FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/vg_studio-lv_root
>  868G  266G  558G  33% /
> tmpfs 4.0G 1000K  4.0G   1% /dev/shm
> /dev/sda5 194M   24M  161M  13% /boot

Hmm, it should work but I think you said the problem you had was after the 
reboot with the network card, so it could not download the install.img etc and 
continue the upgrade.
Maybe upgrade by DVD would be best for you then..

FYI my layout, 

$ df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1   72G   17G   54G  24% /
tmpfs 502M  940K  501M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/md0  190M   38M  143M  22% /boot
/dev/sda1  38G  7.1G   29G  20% /media/%media%backup

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Re: how to use amd-pstate - ?

2022-10-29 Thread Colin J Thomson

On Saturday, 29 October 2022 12:01:27 BST lejeczek via users wrote:
> Hi guys.
> Does anybody use 'amd-pstate' and if yes could share a howto
> on how to have Fedora use that driver?

There is a generic "how-to" on the Phoronix site which may help you.

And also there is a good guide on the Arch forum:


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Re: tmpfiles.d/ update with today's update

2023-03-08 Thread Colin J Thomson
On Wednesday, 8 March 2023 14:45:04 GMT Neal Becker wrote:
> Running todays dnf update I saw:
> usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/sddm.conf:6: Line references path below legacy directory
> /var/run/, updating /var/run/sddm → /run/sddm; please update
> the tmpfiles.d/ drop-in file accordingly.
> Any ideas what this is about?

It's is fixed and the new sddm-* packages  should hit updates/stable pretty 

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Re: minor upgrade errors

2021-11-13 Thread Colin J Thomson

On Saturday, 13 November 2021 19:56:37 GMT Frank McCormick wrote:
> A couple of times lately when upgrading I see these minor error which 
> don't **seem** to affect anything.
> 2021-11-12T07:56:09-0500 SUBDEBUG Upgraded: eom-1.26.0-1.fc35.x86_64
> 2021-11-12T07:56:09-0500 SUBDEBUG Upgraded: 
> ImageMagick-libs-1:
> 2021-11-12T07:56:09-0500 SUBDEBUG Upgraded: 
> qemu-guest-agent-2:6.1.0-9.fc35.x86_64
> 2021-11-12T07:56:09-0500 SUBDEBUG Upgraded: libgpg-error-1.42-3.fc35.x86_64
> 2021-11-12T07:56:09-0500 SUBDEBUG Upgraded: jwhois-4.0-65.fc35.x86_64
> 2021-11-12T07:56:11-0500 INFO Failed to connect to bus: Invalid argument
> Failed to connect to bus: Invalid argument
> 2021-11-12T07:56:11-0500 INFO Failed to connect to bus: Invalid argument
> 2021-11-12T07:56:11-0500 INFO --- logging initialized ---
> 2021-11-12T07:56:12-0500 INFO Failed to connect to bus: Invalid argument
> I have seen the Failed to connect to bus error several times.

I am seeing this as well, bug report here :-

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