Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-27 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 3:07 AM, Ben Boeckel  wrote:
> Don't they share a D-Bus API these days?

they do.

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Jaroslav Reznik  wrote:
> Why? Just use system dbus notifications and you're done. But as I suggested - 
> it
> should be used only for critical notifications - non-critical should go just
> through some kind of RSS feed or similar.
> R.

this is what i did, the first prototype uses the dbus which means it
should work on all desktops.
about the fact of the critical & non-critical alerts, i think you
should subscribe the fedora announce mailing list, & you'll not get
more than 3 messages a month at most. this is the number of alerts i
expect the user to get, 3 a month, at most.

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Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-26 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Matthias Clasen  wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-08-26 at 06:30 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> I have to agree with Kevin here (!). Employing a notification system in
> parallel to the ones already provides by the desktop environment is a
> total nonstarter.

in fact, your point means there will be two versions, KDE version &
other desktops version, which imo is not the best call.
however, after seeing the big number of the alternative solutions, &
the bigger number of the disagreements, i'm going to stop for a while
before i make sure whether i should continue or not.

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Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-25 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 10:25 PM, g  wrote:
> On 08/25/2010 05:54 PM, Mahmoud Abdul Jawad wrote:
> thank you.
> great. now you are starting to get the idea behind what i and others
> are trying to get across to you.
> it does not matter what your 'bit of wisdom' uses. if no one is for it,
> nothing is needed.
> not to belittle you, but just because you think it is great, it does not
> mean that it is great, needed, or anyone wants it.
> thank you. at least you are starting to see flaw.
> it is bad to hate
i hope you didn't understood me wrongly, i meant i don't hate you :)
> hate builds prejudice and single minded thinking.
> if you are one among a few, why fight and insist against many?
> when the wheel rolls, why try to change it.
> as are you.
> in this closing, please understand this, i do respect you opinions, but
> as stated, i do not see advantage of what you want to do.

i don't know whether you knew this or not, but, it wasn't my idea & i
wasn't the one who started this thing.
i'm just leading the programming part.
again, i don't find this a big lose, so, creating a small application
when i'm free is something worth the try.
at the end of this, i'll recall you asking you about your opinion
again. so, prepare to change your mind :P

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Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-25 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
after spending two days reading the two fedora mailing lists (fedora
users & fedora devel), i got a list of ideas that need to be
implemented in order to keep the things up:
1. the abililty to turn off the system
2. smart notifications (maybe multilanguage, geolocation-based, &
time-aware notes)
3. keep a history of the notifications
4. max. number of notifications at the time
5. click able notifications
6. stackable notifications
7. manageable feeds

any issue about any of those points??

Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
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Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-25 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 12:35 AM, g  wrote:
> On 08/24/2010 06:41 PM, Mahmoud Abdul Jawad wrote:
> if you read back thru post, you will see that i did post a '+1' to point
> made that i fully agree with and did not see need to write them all
> over again.

i respect your opinions, but, what is said - by you or by other users
-  doesn't help. you are just blowing away the whole idea.

> personally, see no benefit of adding something else to desktop that will
> somewhere along the line be a potential problem. especially when desktops,
> ie, kde, are always changing and in changing, breaking.

that's why i didn't create a plasmoid & sent it to the fedora admins.
the idea is a desktop independent application, why? because i'm using
d-bus which is being used be all the desktops.

> therefore, to insure that users are notified, notices should be sent thru
> list subscriptions.
> i subscribe to user, announce, xen, admin, redhat security, and kde list
> and i am considering subscribing to dev list.
> in so doing, i do keep up with most of what is happening and i see no
> reason why notifications can not be cross posted to list to inform one
> and all when needed.
> nor do i see any reason that there would be any complaints of such cross
> posting by subscribers of list.
> something that you may not have given consideration to, what happens
> when a fedora user has fedora system off for a few days of he is using
> another distribution and is still reading his emails and something
> critical comes up like an exploit that can wipe entire installation as
> soon as he runs a program that has a time delayed bomb in it and this
> bomb is set for while he is out of fedora?
> very simple, he loses everything. why, because he was running a distrib
> that was unaware and he did not get notified because notification did not
> come via email.
> this to me is a big flaw in a very fine distribution.

great point.

> there is nothing wrong with your concept if you not only have a
> notification system and an email notification and ability to disable
> notification system.
> another plus would be if notification system was designed to watch for
> emails with a key in them that would trigger notification system to pop
> up a notice on desktop, as long as feature had ability to disable.
> another flaw in automatic checking is what would happen if crazies decided
> to run a DoS for url that check is made thru. in so running DoS, they
> intercept and respond with a bogus 'all clear' of send a false 'danger'
> with an update notice. then when user tries to run update, another DoS is
> running against url for updates and another intercept is set up to download
> some form of malware or bomb.
> yes, this is a lot of 'what ifs', but what if it was done?
> therefore, i still say, *BAD IDEA*. it gains nothing.

it's not because i hate you - i don't even know your name ;) - but i'm
going to continue this, because i think at the end we will know
whether it will be able to solve such problems or not --not now.

> in closing, thank you for posting 'text/plain'. now your post will be
> easier to follow and read by others who trap 'text/html'.

you are most welcome.

> --
> peace out.
> tc,hago.
> g
> .
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Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
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Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-24 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 1:16 AM, Chris Smart  wrote:
> Hey Mohmoud,
> Great idea, but I can't seem to clone the repo (remote hangs up)..
> -c
> --
> users mailing list
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i can't understand why it's not possible to clone the repo.
however, you can clone it using the http protocol, which i just enabled.
please use the next command to clone the repo:
git clone

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Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-24 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 6:24 PM, Michael Semcheski wrote:

> I think that in this context, there should be fewer, not more sources
> for the information - perhaps an RSS feed that mirrors an announcement
> list, and a twitter rebroadcast of the same.
> But I think highly specialized clients for ingesting this information
> is a good idea, so long as they're opt-in.  If they are hard-wired to
> look at the correct feed, then it provides a real service to
> interested users, because it helps them to find the good source of
> information and presents it to them in a convenient way.
> I also think a "notification-client" project would be well served by
> identifying in writing how it works and what features it contains.
> Examples:
> * The user can set a threshold to receive fewer or more notifications.
> * Clicking on a notification takes the user to a web page with more
> information.
> * Notifications stay on the screen until the user clicks on them.
> * There is a configuration directory similar to yum.repos.d that
> manages the feeds the user is interested in.
> There are plenty of people who do not want such a notification system
> for very valid reasons.  That doesn't mean its not a worthwhile idea
> that others would want to use.
> --
> users mailing list
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i totally agree with that.
i'll put your points into consideration.

Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
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Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-24 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Dj YB  wrote:

> Totally agree,
> [Quote]
> The Reason
> A large number of Fedora users don't read the Fedora wiki & websites, thus,
> they miss important news, tips & notifications.
> [/Quote]
> Perhaps the solution should be encouragement or even a guided sign up to a
> mailing list during first log-in.
> [Quote]
> A simple application that reads a multilanguage web feed & post a new
> notification to the system using a D-Bus notifications system.
> [/Quote]
> now I am not an expert about D-Bus notifications system, but as far as I
> know
> this notifications last for short duration, and there is no way to read the
> history (sort of speak)
> so E-Mail sounds much better.
> or perhaps a desktop widget that you can remove if you don't like...
> I hope those are constructive comments, I have no other intentions.
> Keep up the good work and effort.
> Thanks,
> YB.
> --
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great point i should take into consideration.
i guess i need to create a minimal GUI to let the users read the history.
in addition, i would like to let the user choosing when to get the
notifications, so, he can notice them.

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Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-24 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 4:47 AM, DJ Delorie  wrote:

> What a horrible idea.  Please PLEASE don't make it the default, and
> certainly make sure I can yum remove it (because I *will* remove it).
> I get enough spam already, I don't need yet another well-known way
> for spammers to hack into my system and put ads in front of my face.
> I also don't need yet another Surprise! distraction popping up on my
> desktop.
> Besides, we already have a way to do this - it's called e-mail.
> Or twitter.  Or usenet.  Or facebook.  Or the web.  Or IRC.  Let people
> choose whether to get notices or not, and how, don't force it down their
> throats the way some big companies do.
> --
> users mailing list
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i guess you didn't read the wiki page, that's why you are saying this.
the problem is a large number of the newbies don't follow any of the list
items you mentioned.
however, the idea worth a small application that is well configed & easily
manageable, & of course removable.

Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
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Re: Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-24 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 3:51 AM, Tom Horsley  wrote:

> It is virtually certain that my idea of "important" and
> your idea of "important" and every else's idea of "important"
> will be radically different. The most "important" feature yet another
> annoying popup needs is the ability to utterly disable it.
> Somehow this reminds me of the message boards they have
> put in over I-95 in south Florida. They are also supposed
> to be for "important" information, but all too often
> whoever is in control of them puts completely irrelevant
> messages on them which merely serve to block traffic
> as everyone slows down to read them.
> --
> users mailing list
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the notifications are being grabed from the fedora announcement lists, which
is a really well managed mailing list by the fedora admins themselves.

Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
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Fedora Notifications System.

2010-08-23 Thread Mahmoud Abdul Jawad
Hi all,,

before two weeks, a discussion started in ambassadors mailing-list about a
work around to deliver the important notifications to the fedora desktop
(whatever the desktop is).
after some discussion, we started with some guide lines & putted them on the

Continuing, I created an early prototype i want people to check & gives
feedbacks about it.
you can reach it through gitweb:;a=summary
or, you can grab your own clone from the git repo:

i would like to know,
1. whether people would like to have a GUI for it or not,
2. whether they want to be able to read the previous announcements, &
3. whether they want the checking process automatically or manually.

keep in mind that last_check file should be writeable by the world, & you
should change its value to an earlier date, so you can see some

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