Re: cpu scaling

2012-06-14 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/13/2012 03:27 PM, Matej Kosik wrote:


On Fedora 16, CPU scaling works fine for me.

From this I assume you're now using F17 as you seem to suggest it 
doesn't work fine anymore, but I believe everything holds for F16 as well.

On Debian, I was able to determine minimal/maximal frequencies of CPU-s
by looking to files like this:

 cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_{min,max}_freq

Is there a way how can I do the same on Fedora?

Well.. yes?

[thib@dhow ~]$ cat 
/etc/redhat-release; uname -a

Fedora release 17 (Beefy Miracle)
Linux dhow 3.4.0-1.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jun 3 06:35:17 UTC 2012 x86_64 
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Is there a way how can I determine that CPU scaling is turned on,
on a given machine?

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Re: Checking which application is taking bandwidth

2012-06-14 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/14/2012 09:16 PM, Kevin Martin wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't "ss -p" essentially the same as the older "netstat 

net-tools (including netcat) are somewhat deprecated in favor of 
iproute2 programs (which include ss as a netcat replacement) in some 


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Re: What's wrong with this /etc/fstab ?

2012-06-05 Thread Thibault Nélis
Maybe try ntfs-3g?  I'm not really up-to-date on what's the default NTFS 
driver now, but I know this used to be some kind of mess.

  # mount -t ntfs-3g

Options[0] may be different.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-05 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/05/2012 01:29 PM, Alan Cox wrote:

On Tue, 05 Jun 2012 06:47:24 -0400
Sam Varshavchik  wrote:

Don't worry about. Microsoft will make sure that the OEM knows exactly how
to implement the ability to install keys for other operating systems.

They seem quite averse to that actually.

UEFI itself cannot really tackle it because UI is out of the UEFI remit
(and as I understand it always has been)

I think he was being sarcastic.
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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-05 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/05/2012 12:46 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Thibault Nélis writes:

Supposing your OEM isn't abusing his powers and respects Microsoft's
requirements if it's an x86 platform, you should be able to add your
own key in the firmware, which will be used to verify the boot loader.

And I would also like a pony, too.

Sheep; slaughter; etc…

I think there's a point where thoughtful skepticism and criticism turn 
into plain negativity.  I'm not saying you reached it, but I don't know 
what you're trying to achieve with these kinds of comments either.  If 
it's to warn people that every OEM on the planet has bad intentions or 
is weak and bought by Big Bad Corp, I think they kind of got that from 
earlier posts.  In any case, I'd be happy to talk about all this in a 
year or two, when we'll have more information than speculations.

(Don't worry I'm not offended or anything, I'm just saying we don't know 
jack yet.)

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-05 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/05/2012 08:02 AM, JD wrote:

So, will there be a document that will accompany the ISO,
advising the user what key to insert into the firmware so
that the firmware will be able to authenticate the boot loader?

I don't know if this has been discussed somewhere at Fedora, but I would 
assume the documentation will be updated to mention this at some point, 
and you'll probably get some help in f18 release notes too.  You could 
raise the issue with the documentation team if it hasn't been already.

The main problem is that the UEFI spec doesn't describe a standard UI to 
do this AFAIK, so every hardware vendor might implement it in a 
different way.  If the process varies too much from user to user, Fedora 
might prefer to simply refer the user to the firmware's documentation.

In any case, this information will be freely accessible somewhere, and I 
suspect some open source tools will also appear to assist if necessary.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/05/2012 05:20 AM, JD wrote:

Well, I was thinking of distros.
Since I will not be the creator of the Linux ISO
which I will be downloading and burning onto a DVD,
how can I create those keys and insert them into the
DVD without going through the whole rigmarole
of building the OS and the whole ISO in the first place?
At least, this is how I understand how this is supposed
to work. If I am wrong, perhaps Alan Cox or Thibault Nelis,
or Sam Varshavchik can elucidate.

Supposing your OEM isn't abusing his powers and respects Microsoft's 
requirements if it's an x86 platform, you should be able to add your own 
key in the firmware, which will be used to verify the boot loader.  If 
this thing is well designed (I assume it is), you won't have to flip a 
single bit on the boot loader and certainly not rebuild it (provided it 
does support secure boot in the first place).

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/05/2012 04:47 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

On Mon, 04 Jun 2012 18:06:24 -0700
JD  wrote:

On 06/04/2012 05:03 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

This has been explained in this thread before.

It is logically impossible to have a so-called "secure-boot" for
both a free OS and a non-free OS on the same platform. Since, by
definition, a free OS allows unrestricted access to the hardware, a
free OS can then be trivially used to bypass any secure boot
hardware restrictions for a non-free OS.

I'm not following your logic there...

Because there's none.  Not sure I want to argue again, so let's just say 
Sam and I have different interpretations of the facts.  In mine, it is 
perfectly possible to have multiple keys in the same firmware at the 
same time, and perfectly possible to securely dual-boot systems.

For this to work, you can't have a universal key for free OSes (or any 
OS) as Sam rightly points out, which is why every OS must have a key of 
its own in every device (not realistic in practice) or obtain a 
signature from a "certificate authority", "trust broker", or 
"intermediary" (whatever you want to call it) whose sole job is to 
verify that every OS it signs is doing a good job at securing itself so 
that it won't be used to chainload the others.

To do such a job, you'd want an intermediary that you can trust, and 
that is unbiased, which is not the case with Microsoft (and which is the 
basis of this whole controversy), because whenever someone shows signs 
that it isn't willing to plug its known security holes, the intermediary 
should blacklist its key.  The reason is that the trust relationship is 
broken.  The effect is that its users won't be able to use secure boot 
with that key anymore, and will either have to find another intermediary 
that is willing to trust the OS developers, or let the users sign it 
themselves, provided they themselves trust the OS developers, which is 
hopefully the case for any OS.  If users don't trust their own OS, they 
will migrate and this OS will be doomed anyway (not talking about 
Windows and Mac users, who don't have alternatives like we have with our 
different distributions).

No one has wanted to be this 'authority'. Perhaps someone will come out
appear now given all the press.

Precisely.  I'd like to add something I haven't seen in explained 
clearly anywhere yet:  Microsoft really didn't have to provide 
signatures for $99.  If they hadn't, other operating systems would be 
*forced* to do the right thing and provide this service themselves or 
pay another organization to do it (if they want a zero-config secure 
boot out of the box, that is, anyone can still provide secure boot 
without all the hassle, but users would have to configure it).

Now we already argued about why they would do it, and I believe they 
have many reasons (control, a little income, being first in a potential 
new market).

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/05/2012 05:10 AM, JD wrote:

I wonder if China will go along with the MS plans!
Much of our HW is made in China. What's to prevent
China from inserting back door code in the HW? I
mean that would totally make secure boot a laughable

Well this scheme where the manufacturer inserts a stealth certificate 
actually makes sense, unfortunately.  Secure boot or no secure boot, 
anyone concerned with security and privacy should always trust the 
manufacturer of the hardware one uses, unless it is open hardware.

This is much like the difference between proprietary software and open 
source software, where you need to trust the proprietary software 
developer, whereas you don't need to for open source software (because 
anyone, including you, can review the source).

>> But, I thought secure meant that the owner could secure access to the
>> machine any time he wanted. The owner is the manufacturer, isn't it?
>> {O.o}
> I have not seen your assertion made by anyone in this thread,
> especially when it comes to MS and windows.
> Surely, it is possible (or should be possible) to make and install
> your own keys for any of the open source OS'es. Perhaps Sam or
> Thibault or Alan will have more to say about this.

In the context of motherboards, a good OEM would allow you to install 
your own keys.  Microsoft's "Windows Ready" requirements for OEMs also 
force them to provide this "custom mode" feature (the document is freely 
available), but only for x86 platforms.

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Re: Fedora 15 versus 17, files missing on the same filesystem

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis
Okay, so just to be clear, you mean that you have *not* copied files 
from a f15 filesystem to a new f17 system, but actually have copied 
files (with a file manager, GNOME Nautilus) from an external system to a 
unique filesystem that is used by both f15 and f17 that you dual-boot on 
the same disk.

If that's the case, that is very weird indeed.

You may try:
  $ (cd $MOUNTPOINT && find -type f -exec md5sum {} \;) |tee CHECKSUMS

Replacing $MOUNTPOINT with the path to your mount point directory path 
of course.  This creates a file named CHECKSUMS in the current 
directory.  Generate one from both systems, then use:

  $ diff path/to/first/CHECKSUMS path/to/second/CHECKSUMS

To see if the contents of the files actually changed.
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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/04/2012 12:22 PM, wrote:

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of JD
So, if all the linux distros put their "heads" together and create a single
Linux signature authority, which will serve all the distros, and be funded
largely by the industry (which sell linux servers - such as IBM, among
and other for-money linux distros, such as Red Hat; then this will go a long
way towards making linux totally independent of MS as far as key signatures
are concerned.

That's what I believe yes.  It will still be far from ideal, but then 
again, an ideal situation implies a dynamic WoT and would thus require 
educating users in basic trust management.  Smart algorithms with sane 
default behavior and good UI can actually make this quite easy if 
appropriate metaphors are used, but the general consensus in the 
industry right now seems to be that "users are too stupid to understand 
these things".  I tend not to agree, but that debate is quite heavy on 
its own (this is the reason why we're still stuck with PKI for the web 
by the way).

So with that established mindset, the only solution is to force people 
to trust who the developer wants them to trust first, and then maybe 
offer them the choice to have their say if they're deemed intelligent 
enough to find the obscure certificate stores.  This sounds bad, but it 
enables the process to be entirely automated and transparent for the 
user.  Just like when visiting HTTPS websites; we don't have to worry 
about how many people in our web of trust actually do trust the owner of 
the certificate to be the owner of the domain, or about verifying a 
fingerprint on an side-channel (who picks up the phone to do that these 
days?).  It just works (although at what cost?), so it is sort of better 
from a usability stand point, if we exclude the "I might not trust who 
I'm told I should trust and I might not like it" from the concept of 

The way we implement this is by having predefined root certificates, 
quite simply.  If the user actually trusts the owners of *all* the root 
certificates on his machine, then the model is actually fine.  I think 
I'd trust Red Hat, SUSE, Canonical, the Linux Foundation, the FSF or the 
OSI way, way more than Microsoft for example.  There's still the problem 
that typically one entity cannot be certified by multiple entities, and 
thus we have to include all root certificates for all certified entities 
we need to verify, and this quite invariably will include root 
authorities that we don't trust (in this case, the problem will most 
probably occur with other certified hardware in the machine, as pointed 
out elsewhere in this thread, but I think not with shims).

Anyway, webs of trust and distributed social networking constitute nice 
food for thought IMO.  In the meantime, we'll just have to go with good 

-Original Message-

Excuse me if I'm misunderstanding,
But somehow it looks to me that we are forced in a direction we should not be 
heading to.

Wasn't the whole idea behind this uefi-restrictions, to:
a) improve Microsoft security record (fighting malware, rogue-drivers, worms, 
b) Fighting illegal versions of Windows.

Well I would hope not.  UEFI is independent from Microsoft, and it looks 
like this spec is going to be implemented in a very wide range of 
devices in the near future.  It's the *Unified* Extensible Firmware 
Interface, after all.  The board comprises AMD, American Megatrends, 
Apple, Dell, HP, IBM, Insyde Software, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, and 
Phoenix Technologies[0].  Secure boot will also be useful for everyone.

The goal is legit, but unfortunately it *is* very possible to subvert 
and abuse the technology, and to make it into a revival of Palladium, 
which is why everyone ought to, I think, take a look at it and form an 
informed opinion before accepting it blindly (I know this won't happen 
for people on this list, but the rest of the world doesn't care as much) 
or refusing it outright.

As long as you still can boot something else (I mean NON-microsoft)

On x86, yes, on ARM, I think there will be blood (although Microsoft 
isn't nearly as big on ARM as they are on x86, people might just be able 
to ignore them and buy an alternative if they're smart).

Just hope that "official" versions of W8, do not require such uefi-structure 
beneath them, otherwise you have a problem with vmware/kvm/xen.

Indeed there could be a problem, but only if they plan to verify the 
firmware's integrity.  Technically this is a challenge (since the 
firmware could make up a lie) and I don't think they have any plan to 
attempt that, it was just speculation AFAIK.

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Re: ucview

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 12:37 PM, François Patte wrote:



I installed ucview to record images from a webcam. It stops recording
after 2,2 GB.

At 2,147,483,647 exactly?  That looks like a classic 32-bit signed 
integer overflow.

Is that the normal behaviour?

If that's what it looks like, then no, and in such case I would suggest 
checking versions, then probably filing a bug report (after verifying if 
one doesn't exist already).

Thanks for lights!

Good luck.
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Re: proposal to Fedora/Redhat for fedora 18

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 07:11 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:

Changing it in the UEFI interface before boot sounds much more

A post in the other thread suggests that I might be wrong BTW, or at 
least that it would depend on the vendor.

but please don't call me "Shirley."

Roger, roger.
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Re: puldeaudio cpu load

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis
I'd say Flash doesn't have a great reputation (I assume plugin-container 
is running Flash here) and that's one the reasons why.  I also have a 
constant load even when the video is paused, in the order of 0.7-1.3%.

About PulseAudio though..  it's definitely not normal (at least I don't 
see that).  I've never really debugged PA so I wouldn't know which tools 
to use to get more visibility, but I'm sure they have some information 
in their documentation.

It probably won't take you very far, but you could also try PowerTOP, 
they have some tunables that might influence PA's CPU usage.

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Re: How to know what is the device corresponding to a certain external disk?

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis
Also, maybe this would suffice to identify them, in case you can't 
install the package:

  $ ls -l /dev/disk/by-{id,label}
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Re: Secure Boot UEFI (ARM)

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis

Coreboot / TianoCore is indeed the way to go.

Presentation from earlier this year (just Coreboot), for the interested:
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Re: Fedora 15 versus 17, files missing on the same filesystem

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis
Did you copy the data at the filesystem level or at the volume level? 
(In other words, did you copy the files themselves or the whole 
volume/partition block by block?)

In the former case, I wouldn't worry too much, it might just be the 
result of the natural defragmentation of your files.  To reassure 
yourself, you could use one of the many tools for comparing file trees, 
or a simple combination of `find', `diff' and maybe your preferred 
checksum tool if you have time.

In the latter case, well, keep the backup a while longer until you 
figure it out.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 07:24 PM, JD wrote:

On 06/02/2012 10:08 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:

I sure do! The only PC's I've ever owned that were pre-built were
laptops. I'm not a hardware geek, but one of my friends is, and when
it's time to upgrade, we get together, buy parts and he puts them
together. I pay him with a tank of gas and a good, home cooked dinner
because among other things, I'm a cooking geek.

Thiebalt... What anattitude: "Do we care about them"...
I to, like Joe Zeff, have assembled my dektops from bits
and pieces that I could afford and were the best at the price
I was willing to shell out. I think there must be thousands
of nerds like us out there.
But what do you care
This is a first step of building a tyrannical system
After the first step, the screws get tightened even further...step by step.
Always try to find who stand to make bug bucks from initiatives like these.
It's all about control and through control, charge fees and get filthy

Um, I think you're missing the point guys.  I, too, assemble all my 
personal machines myself, and I find this not being a problem for me as 
I use Linux.  Since we're on a Fedora mailing list, I kind of assumed we 
all were.

However, I admit I should have formulated this very differently, 
especially since my next paragraph is about realizing this also affects 

And I apologize to the people who dual-boot whom I have unintentionally 
ignored.  I did dual-boot for a long time too by the way (ever tried to 
make Microsoft's LDM friends with grub1?).

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-04 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 10:19 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

But I thought that this was the plan of action, isn't it? Sign a shim
that boots Fedora. Presto, secured boot, with Microsoft's blessing.

So, did you just change your mind, and realize that:

1) It makes no sense, and

2) Microsoft is not going to sign a shim that will boot an arbitrary
Linux kernel, which can be trivially used to bypass the protection that
a secured boot offers to their non-free OS?

We're really talking about different things here I believe;  from my 
point of view, I see you asking the question "When will a universal key 
that can boot any kernel?" in a very rhetorical way, as in, it will 
never happen because either the system is broken or Microsoft won't 
allow it (I'm not sure what you meant exactly, but I'm pretty sure it's 
one of those, correct me if I'm wrong).

However, I argue that asking the question is a little wrong;  if such a 
key would exist, secure boot would lose its purpose, and thus we 
shouldn't even desire such a key.  But I'm kind of certain that you 
understand that very well already, which is why I'm out of words.

In my opinion, a better question would be "When will alternative 
organizations to Microsoft will appear to offer the same services?", and 
with that one I'd actually worry they might never come, even though we 
need them.

Yes, you're right, it does make sense. That would be considered blackmail

Somehow, I don't think they'd care how it's called, on this mailing list.

Believe me I truly realize how broken the legal system is, in pretty 
much every country currently.  I'm just hoping there are a few laws that 
can be interpreted in a way that could recognize this as what it is 

though, at least if these OEMs don't have the option to abandon
Microsoft to sell their products to competitors. Could they even get
away with it?

Who would stop them?

I don't exactly know;  the SFLC, the EFF, the FSF, or heck, maybe the 
OSI (as I pointed out already they're kind of looking for things to do 
ATM apparently).  If they start using secure boot in higher APIs, 
especially in the web for hypothetical applications that would require 
secure boot (as discussed in another branch of this thread), then the 
many privacy activism organizations could jump on board too.  You've got 
to believe, there's still a lot of good people out there!

Do we really care about them?

Well, in the same way you'd care about someone sitting on the side of
the road, all bloodied up, next to flaming, smoking wreck. You don't
know them. They're of no personal interest to you. Still, as a human
being, you would care somewhat. Maybe just a little. That's one of the
things that makes you human.

Yes, you're totally right, I didn't really mean it that way.  I was 
merely trying not to "go there" because that opens an entirely new 
debate (that's not uninteresting at all, just potentially very long).  I 
should have been either more subtle or more explicit about it, that was 
just ambiguous.

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Re: proposal to Fedora/Redhat for fedora 18

2012-06-02 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 05:50 PM, Steve Dowe wrote:

Does anyone know if the signed bootloader must be executed first before
Secure Book can be disabled?

Or would one just enter a BIOS-like config screen before any disc
activity and disable it?

Surely you can access the UEFI firmware interface before the boot 
loader, just like the BIOS SETUP yes.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-02 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 04:34 AM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Well the math doesn't compute here, it's cryptographically impossible.
I mean you could sign a shim that won't verify the integrity of the boot

There you go.

Look I can't really go on on that.  You seem to imply that this is a bad 
thing.  I simply say that it doesn't make sense to want this in the 
first place.  I don't know what to say.

loader, but you would gain absolutely nothing from secure boot then,
it makes as much as disabling it entirely.

Let's rewind it back up a bit.

The presumed purpose of a secure boot is to prevent bootloader-infecting

Once that out of the way, you're done with your secure boot. Proceed as

Not really, since you established yourself that a kernel can act as a 
boot loader in a lot of ways.  Leaving the ability to infect the kernel 
or any software able to boot another OS is the same as leaving secure 
boot disabled, so simply disable it.

Actually, it makes perfect sense. This is analogous to client
certificate verification with TLS.

mean it's not even a real catch-22, you won't ever boot the kernel
before the firmware, so this is a non-issue.

You need to put yourself into Microsoft's frame of mind.

They're going in the direction of OEMs locking down their firmware to
booting only Microsoft OSes. Now, the other shoe drops. In turn, some
future Microsoft OS release will only boot on firmware that's signed by
Microsoft's key. If it's not, the OS will refuse to boot, displaying a
soothing message to the user that their hardware is incompatible.

To make it compatible, OEMs will have to pay the same $99 fee for
Microsoft to sign their firmware.

Now you get it?

Yes, you're right, it does make sense.  That would be considered 
blackmail though, at least if these OEMs don't have the option to 
abandon Microsoft to sell their products to competitors.  Could they 
even get away with it?

Anyway, this would only affect OEMs and Windows users who want to 
install their copy of Windows on machines they assemble themselves (or 
in any way non-approved by Microsoft).  Do we really care about them?  I 
don't mean it in a bad way, but we've got enough to worry about already, 
that's an issue the FSF and the EFF might be interested in, not Fedora 
users.  (If I did mean it in a bad way, I'd say these people could 
potentially become happy new Linux users :).)

Who said anything about selling?

In the next sentence, my reference to copyright infringement was not a
throwaway line. In order to boot a future Microsoft OS release, in a
future version of libvirt, you will need a signed firmware image, swiped
from an OEM who paid the Microsoft tax, order for the Microsoft OS to
boot in your VM.

VMWare will have no issues paying a fee to Microsoft, for their VM
firmware signed, of course.

Oh, you're right, add the hypervisor developers to the previous list of 
affected people;  I admit I didn't think of the VM side of things.

Actually it would even be the responsibility of the distributors to sign 
the hypervisors in this world.  These we should certainly care about, I 

It's just that I see this a mile away. It's as clear a day.

I have no particular passion towards Microsoft. I just want them to
leave me the hell alone, that's all.

I know what you mean.  Well, I learned a lot.
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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-02 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 04:28 AM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Yes, all five of them.

Point taken.

[0] Yes, I found it, it was there all along, I guess I didn't look
hard enough (or didn't listen properly):
[search for secureboot, you'll find it easy enough]

I never said that Microsoft would openly prohibit OEMs from offering an
option to install user-provided keys.

They key word here is "openly".

How do you mean "openly"?  It can't get much more open that a mandatory 
interface that let's you do it simply.  What UEFI could do to make 
things better is standardize the UI, but that's it.

Exactly, by ignoring them and using the services of other organizations.

Well, that's one unique way to ignore them: it costs $99 to do that.

Please try to stay with me, you can't have everything.  If you can find 
somebody who's gonna keep a key safe and manage hundreds of customers 
(signing their shims) *and* make contracts with as much OEMs as possible 
to get their own key in the firmwares for *you*, for *free*, then give 
me a number, and give it to Fedora.

If you think this service is useless for secure boot, I'll argue that 
you're not being realistic, you can't ask every OS developer to make 
deals with every OEM on the planet.

If you want to be realistic and want secure boot for free for every 
developer of every OS, then fat chance, you can't have it.  Some might 
have the contacts to make the deals for free, but Fedora chose not to 
use them so they wouldn't have an unfair advantage over the other 
distros.  That's their explanation anyway.

There are plenty of people who use non-Fedora kernels with the rest of
the Fedora distribution. Now, I have no reasons to do so myself; and I
can't think of a typical reason why I'd want to do that; but they surely
have their own valid reason for doing that.

I know that, and that's my point, they're non-Fedora kernels, so it's 
not strictly Fedora in the sense that Fedora maintainers have no 
authority to bless each and every one of these kernels with a signature, 
and nor should they have one.

And, if their hardware required a Microsoft-blessed key to boot a host
OS, then the whole point of getting one would be to be able to boot
their machine.

Imagine the gall – wanting to be able to boot a custom kernel.

Easy, sign it yourself.  We went over it a hundred times now.  If you 
can build a kernel you can sign a million of them.

If the technical task of signing a kernel is too much for people who 
don't care much about security, they can disable secure boot.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 01:26 AM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

I repeat: this is NOT going to happen. If you allow an open operating
system to boot, as a trusted boot, then "trusted boot" ceases all
meaning whatsoever for a non-free OS that requires a signed chain from
the hardware. And I won't even start on the subject of virtualization,
like KVM/Qemu/libvirt.

Well, *obviously*, nobody expects secure boot to do anything magical 
here.  If you want to use these features without restriction, secure 
boot is useless as you said, so don't use it.

Some people will still want to use secure boot because they find it 
useful - you might not, but there are a lot of people out there.  For 
these people, you have two options:  (1) block these features and/or (2) 
set them up so you can define exactly what they will be used for in your 
policy (if possible).  In other words, the kernel should make sure that 
it won't load anything it can't trust (especially things it can't trust 
not to load another kernel) while still providing as much features as 

This is the classic convenience vs security trade-off, and I don't think 
anyone is disillusioned about that "revelation".  I say again, if it's 
too inconvenient to have to configure/cripple/block these features, then 
you can't possibly use secure boot in a useful manner, and hence 
shouldn't even bother with it.  (Well, I know you know.)

No vulnerability is needed.

Which is why you will never have a trusted boot of an open Linux kernel.

I can't talk about the feasibility of securing the entire kernel, but I 
kind of got the feeling that Alan Cox knew more about it, maybe he can 
comment a bit on that (again).  I know a lot of smart people are 
thinking about it very seriously, so we shouldn't say it's impossible 
just yet.

I guess the main problem comes from virt done entirely in userspace, and 
I admit I have no clue what the plan is to address these.  I would hope 
some reasonable techniques exist for this already, or Microsoft wouldn't 
have invested so much in secure boot (they'd have the same issue 
afterall).  Some basic userspace initialization integrity checking would 
already go a long way I think.

Yes there is a process, indeed it doesn't require any third-party, and
no it doesn't blow anything up.

No, there is no such process in existence right now. You just think that
there will be, in the future.

Not going to happen. No. Never.

If we're still talking about the process to add your own keys (that's 
what I was talking about anyway), know that it's confirmed by Microsoft 
for x86[0].  Now all vendors who don't comply [don't provide the 
interface to do it] won't be certified by MS.  They don't want that.

Why Microsoft would help here is certainly a bit of a mystery at first, 
but as I mentioned already, they certainly fear a PR and legal 
nightmare, because even if they don't explicitly require anything many 
vendors might not care to add the feature.  And then they'll most 
certainly happily hide behind Big Bad Microsoft, because 
"Windows-certified hardware won't boot alternative OSes on x86" (that 
already made the news even though it's wrong).  They would be quite 
right too, being an OEM kind of frees you from having to deal with 
end-users;  the problems with their products are delegated to the buyer, 
here, Microsoft.  So yes, it all makes sense in the end for MS to demand 
that of their vendors.

Tell you what.

Let's revisit this, when there's a key that will boot any Linux kernel,
that anyone can build themselves, and install, ok?

Well the math doesn't compute here, it's cryptographically impossible. 
I mean you could sign a shim that won't verify the integrity of the boot 
loader, but you would gain absolutely nothing from secure boot then, it 
makes as much as disabling it entirely.

You're going meta. Who's gonna check the integrity of the firmware?
Can you

I tell you who: Microsoft. And their OS, when it boots. The only way to
work around it, would be copyright infringement.

I don't think we understand each other, I was joking.  It makes little 
sense for the OS to check the integrity of the firmware if the firmware 
itself is the one thing that verifies the integrity of the OS (via the 
loader).  I mean it's not even a real catch-22, you won't ever boot the 
kernel before the firmware, so this is a non-issue.  Anybody can sign 
all the firmwares in the world all day long, nobody's gonna care nor 
look at these signatures.

'Real sorry if I missed an obvious use-case here, but in any case it 
wouldn't part of secure boot I don't think.

Anyway, that won't stop, of course, an OEM &/| Microsoft from suing
anyone that produces hardware containing an image signed by a Microsoft
key, but actually executes something else, that allows for an open boot.

Why would they sell their OEM arrangements (in the form of loaders 
signed with their own key) explicitly for people to load their own 
software if it's to sue t

Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 12:47 AM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Who exactly is outraged right now? A bunch of geeks on a mailing list?
So what? Who cares?

Again, people have won cases to get their money back over the license of 
preinstalled Windows copies because they use alternative OSes.  Secure 
boot is way more intrusive than that for these people *and more*, so 
that precedent is quite reassuring.

Also, why would they explicitly state that they require OEMs to 
implement a custom mode (where you can manage your firmware keys) for 
x86 and not for ARM[0]?  They simply don't dare locking down the x86 
ecosystem because they have too much of a monopoly there, they can't 
risk it - the press and the regulators would be all over it.  They 
already made that mistake, they won't make it again.

[0] Yes, I found it, it was there all along, I guess I didn't look hard 
enough (or didn't listen properly): 
[search for secureboot, you'll find it easy enough]

I agree it's not ideal, so we must still demand for alternatives to
Microsoft, preferably unbiased, now.

We can start by not playing their games.

Exactly, by ignoring them and using the services of other organizations. 
 Not wanting such services would be equivalent to not wanting secure 
boot.  Everybody can disable it if they don't want it already, but 
personally I think the technology is nice to have if done right, so it's 
worth showing the need for alternatives to Microsoft.

I do not share your optimism. Let's just say that, a very very long time
ago, I was developing Windows software. Not for very long. I don't even
remember for how long, probably a year, no more. Even though it was a
long time ago, I still remember what I figured out myself, on my own,
back then. And I believe that there are some things out there that don't
ever change.

I understand, I wouldn't bet on this kind of thing everyday either. 
Anyway, it was actually confirmed all along (see the link above [0]), so 
all is good in the end.

The price is irrelevant. That's just one part that makes it a farce.
Nobody's going to get a key to boot an open OS on the same hardware that
can boot a Microsoft OS. Doesn't matter what the price is.

Actually all OS distributors with a large enough user base of people 
with no special skills will be interested in this kind of service 
(whether it's from Microsoft/Verisign or anybody else), and will happily 
pay for it.  I didn't come up with that by the way, it's where Fedora is 
going for one.

Niche distributions won't need it, their users will happily install new 
keys, just as any serious Fedora user will.

Oh, I'm sure that it was informed. Like I said, all that's about, is
getting RHEL into the secure boot chain.

Yup, agreed.

So yeah, okay, trekker, I take the bet, they get the key. :)

Not the Fedora key. My bet was on a key that can boot an open Fedora,
which can do everything that Fedora can do today, on the same hardware.

They might get a key signed to boot a locked-down RHEL. Might. Not a
guarantee. There will not, I repeat, NOT, going to be a signed key that
boots Fedora, where "Fedora" refers to Fedora as we know it today.

The most you're going to get, is a key that will boot Fedora that's been
built and signed on Fedora build servers, using this key, that will
refuse to load unsigned modules, and with certain Linux kernel features
disabled. And nobody, but those build servers, will have the key.

I don't think I follow you, what would be the point of using a key that 
would boot a version of Fedora that hasn't been built by Fedora build 
servers?  The builder can hide anything in the binary, so the builder 
must naturally be the one to be trusted (or not), and hence the one to 
sign the boot loader (possibly asking for an intermediate like MS/VS for 
a signed shim if he thinks it makes sense for his user base).

If the builder is you, and your user base is you, then just sign the 
thing yourself.

This goes for modules as well;  if you're willing to load any module not 
supported by Fedora, then fine, either review them yourself and approve 
them in your personal trust chain with your own keys, or disable secure 
boot if you don't see the value in it.

If you see that there's a huge portion of users who want the same module 
and you think that it's ridiculous to ask them all to review and sign it 
themselves, then there would be value in having it reviewed by Fedora 
maintainers (trusted by Fedora users), you can file a report asking them 
nicely to consider the integration of the module in the official 
repositories.  If they don't agree, then you can build a spin with all 
the other users;  it's FOSS.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/02/2012 12:20 AM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

They won't have a choice. Microsoft will require that all hardware an
OEM makes must be signed by their key, or none at all. Hardware OEMs
will have to choose whether their entire product line will only support
a Microsoft OS, or all other OSes. No collusion between OEMs will be
necessary. Each OEM can document how they arrived at their decision

I believe the decision will be easy for them.  Excluding other OSes (or 
intermediates) wouldn't be smart for any OEM;  they have zero incentive 
to do that, nothing to gain whatsoever.  The only thing that would come 
out of such a decision would be the name of their company on a hundred 
headlines suggesting they've taken a bribe from Microsoft.

And if Microsoft is really paying them off, it would clearly be illegal, 
and they would know it.  I don't think even Microsoft could bribe enough 
OEMs to make a difference, and I don't think they would even consider it 
(everything gets leaked these days, it's too risky, it would be a total 

OEMs could certainly make OS developers and intermediates pay to have 
their key included (provided they want it badly enough), so they would 
also pass on some easy money.

Anyway, I completely agree with everything you've said.
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Re: Filesystem format for external hard disk

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 04:45 PM, Bryn M. Reeves wrote:

Or is the ext4 code able to mount ext3 now (I didn't think so)?

I'm pretty sure it is fully backward compatible yes, even with ext2 from 
what I read.  It simply doesn't use all the new and fancy features 

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 02:33 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Because that makes the entire concept of a trusted boot, into a trusted
operating system, moot.

They are not that dumb.

This will enable a piece of PC hardware to boot an operating system,
then run virus code that boots Windows' bootloader, infecting it, and
bypassing the protection benefits that a trusted bootloader chain
allegedly offers.

We agree on that.  You're just inverting cause and effect here.

At some point, they have to trust the people developing the software,
and not the software itself. In essence, the shim is like a
certificate (since it's signed by Fedora implicitly via the package
management system).

If the shim enables anyone to execute any code they wish, "on bare
metal", it makes the entire concept of trusted boot completely and
totally moot.

Not anyone, just Fedora.  If Fedora starts to fuck up and many Windows 
users report being infected, and it turns out that hackers are using 
vulnerable Fedora kernels to host malware and chainload to Windows, then 
they will blacklist the shim.  Since Fedora doesn't want that, the 
kernel maintainers, the boot loader maintainers, and the shim 
maintainers will make sure that nothing is vulnerable on their end, and 
keep the key secure.

If Windows is as good as it pretends to be, it would also blacklist any 
boot loader shim it signed if attacks were reported on other OSes as 
well and if the shim's owners are not willing to address the issues / 
aren't able to / disappear.  But yeah, it's doubtful, which is why we 
need unbiased trust brokers.

Sure, I can sign it. Except that Fedora will refuse to run it, because
it's not signed by their key.

And, if there's a process by which my own signing key acquires the
magical pixie dust, that does not involve, in any way whatsoever, any
outside party giving their stamp of approval, that blows the entire boot
loader trust chain wide open.

Yes there is a process, indeed it doesn't require any third-party, and 
no it doesn't blow anything up.  Managing the keys will be done via a 
trusted UEFI interface, much like the BIOS SETUP interfaces we have 
today, at boot time.  An attacker would need physical access to the 
machine, and a password for the key store (and possibly even to access 
this interface).

This is the pie in the sky.

This part, is not going to happen. Microsoft will make sure of that.

Another bet?  As Alan Cox said, the public outrage if it doesn't happen 
will be immense, and even without it there probably will be regulations. 
 There is precedent for far less than what's happening right now, and 
for once we can use the governments to do something good.  Just be sure 
to be heard (but again, I don't think that's gonna be a problem, people 
are already boiling up).

You should, perhaps, spend a few minutes actually thinking it logically

I'm normally the paranoid one in the back, so don't worry I had.  Maybe 
I have too much faith in our regulators and the people to voice their 
concerns, but I'm not going to start talking like it's the end even if 
I'm wrong.

Nothing is lost yet, and awareness is raising even before the release of 
the technology.  I know the fight isn't won yet either, but if everyone 
does its part we won't even have to lift a fist, and judging by what 
Microsoft is doing offering $100 signatures via Verisign (which isn't 
very expansive for one-time deals targeted at OS developers), I think 
they don't want to fight.  They could just leave it be, use their OEM 
contacts for themselves, and tell the world other OS developers just 
have to get their own deals.  But they don't, probably because they've 
been screwed for that kind of thing in the past.  Monopoly isn't legal 

If Microsoft will sign the key that enables loading a free and open
operating system, this will defeat their own trust boost chain, by
side-stepping it.

Which is why they won't.

They will only sign a bootloader that loads a closed OS kernel. Fedora
will never get a signed bootloader, this is for RHEL.

[Already covered that]

Now, from all the reading I've done on the subject, the only thing I
found was a kill switch that OEMs must install to completely disable
trusted bootloading.

Hmm I get a lot of noise from Windows 8's killswitch articles.  Care to 
share for reference?  If that's the story, that's still alarming, but I 
don't see how firmwares would be able to receive revocations by themselves.

If they do somehow, then that's a problem and is unacceptable (unwanted 
traffic).  If they don't, then fine, just let your trusty OS either 
ignore them as noise packets or treat them as cool alerts that your 
machine is infected.  Typically the OS would have to poll for the 
revocations anyway (because of the many users behind NATs and firewalls 
defaulting to blocking all inbounds), so Linux can always decide what to do.

I'm going to throw in another 1,000 quatloos on a different bet.
Microsoft will

Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 02:40 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

they can't possibly review all the software that could follow the boot
loader down the chain,

They won't have to. Once they have a signing key that boots their
current Windows OS, they have no further need for a certification
process. What value added benefit does it bring to them?

For now, they avoid public outrage and keep control.  I personally 
believe there will be other players in that game in the future, because 
there's a potential market for trust brokers between the OEMs and the OS 
distributors.  If that's true, Microsoft will simply be ahead of 
everyone else and by feeding the mouths of everyone now they delay the 
necessity for other businesses to take parts of that market.  I could be 
wrong, but at least it makes sense, and since they *do* sell these 
certifications and act all "we're the good guys", this explanation 
doesn't seem far off.

I agree it's not ideal, so we must still demand for alternatives to 
Microsoft, preferably unbiased, now.

I don't think there is much information on the exact nature of the 
relationship between Microsoft and Verisign.  It's weird that Microsoft 
wouldn't get a penny out of it, especially since they host the platform, 
so Verisign must be paying back a good share.  Or maybe I'm looking at 
it the wrong way and it's not about money, but..  well it usually is.

because it includes big monolithic kernels, so they have to trust the
people who develop the software instead of the software itself.

No, they don't have to trust anyone. Who says that Microsoft must trust
a bunch of hippies?


How about buying a laptop or a PC that will boot any damn OS you want,
without all this cockamamie crap?

Well any computer *will* boot any damn OS, just add a key, or don't
use the technology.

Again, you're assuming that I will be able to add my own key.

All I've heard is that OEMs will have a physical kill switch, to turn
off secure boot.

Where can I read some big name OEM's announcement of a board that will
accept user-generated keys?

Please prove me wrong. Where can I get the details of those plans?

Well I don't see why Matthew Garrett would lie about that in his article 
(we all read his post right?).  Maybe I trust his word too easily, or 
maybe his source is wrong, but I certainly think he's way more informed 
about the situation than any of us.  You're right in that we should wait 
to see it formally announced by the OEMs before shouting victory though, 
but I kind of got from the vibe that it was a sure thing, so I don't 
think we should worry about that too much until the situation changes, 
hoping that it won't.

And would you care to take my bet, for 1,000 quatloos, that Microsoft's
certification program will be a farce? They'll sign Oracle's key, that
can only boot Solaris, sure. They may very well sign an RHEL key, that
will boot a locked-down RHEL.

A $100 farce?  At that price, they are *clearly* targeting very small 
players.  I know it doesn't help that their site has been down since the 
beginning of this discussion, we can't really evaluate, but I got the 
feeling that Fedora's decision to use Microsoft's services was informed 
and not just thrown in the wild, so they presumably know for sure that 
they can get it.

So yeah, okay, trekker, I take the bet, they get the key.  :)

An open Fedora? Not going to happen.

Ah come on, it's not the end yet.
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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 02:27 PM, William Brown wrote:

The problem with this scheme is that a "trusted" os would in theory,
with the users permission be able to some how update the trusted key
repository on the firmware. Which means the security of your machine is
as good as the security of your firmware / the OS that is "trusted" to
update the keys. Given certain operating systems weak security record in
the past, I would say that doing this would sadly amount to proving no
security benefit at all ;)

Typically you would only be able to manage the keys via the UEFI 
firmware UI, only accessible at boot time.  Now of course an attack can 
be mounted against the firmware, but these are often set up to only 
initialize the minimum hardware necessary to run the boot loader.  I 
don't think you can reduce the attack surface much more than that, and 
it's a good thing to keep it contained.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 01:05 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Just last week, installing the kernel 3.3.7 update made the ACPI
backlight intensity adjustment keys on my Thinkpad work, for the first

Unti now, they never worked. I never bothered to complain. I figure
that, sooner or later, the kernel will get the support for the right
bits of hardware in this laptop that it wasn't yet familiar with. And I
was right.

I hear you, exact same story with the embedded SD card reader on my 
laptop.  Started to work one day, all of a sudden.  Always pleasant.

This kind of progress is about to be thrown under the bus.

Well that's not really related though.
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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 01:00 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

If, all of a sudden, another bootloader gets pushed into Fedora, only a
year or so after all the headache and pain of migrating from grub 1 to
grub 2, then this will validate our collective take on the subject.

With the ability to manage your keys, this won't be necessary.
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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 01:18 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Who gets to make a call what is "trusted", and what even "trusted" means.

Can I recompile my own kernel, sprinkle some magic dust over it, and
make "trusted", without involving any other party?

Yes, you can sign it yourself, with your own key.

Again, you are assuming that Microsoft will sign off on the concept of
signing a shim, and going forward, it's the wild-wild West.

Not going to happen.

Well why wouldn't they?  The alternative is a boot loader for which a 
review would make sense.  Great, but now the boot loader runs a kernel 
which hasn't been reviewed by Microsoft.  Should they review the kernel 
as well?  It's impossible.

At some point, they have to trust the people developing the software, 
and not the software itself.  In essence, the shim is like a certificate 
(since it's signed by Fedora implicitly via the package management system).

BTW, if you're wondering about loading your own modules or building
your own kernel, it wouldn't make sense to ask Fedora to trust your
piece of software,

No, it wouldn't. Why the frak should I ask anyone for permission to run
my own software on my own computer? Can you explain that concept to me?

Well, we agree, so just sign it yourself, there's no problem here.

since it would have nothing to do with Fedora and won't even be in
their repos.

Nobody said that it would.

So you have to do the logical thing, generate a personal key and sign
your own stuff with it.

But I can't do that. Only Fedora key's signed stuff will run.

Yes you can.  You have to go up the chain.  The top is the firmware, 
where you'll put your key, then sign your own shim with it.  The actual 
boot loader will then be yours to chose, and you'll make it load your 
own kernel.  Etc.

And, if an individual can get a signed key, just for asking, for their
own stuff, so can an upper Moldovian, in order to right the next release
of Stuxnet, that's going to get bootstraped off Fedora.

You're living in a fantasy land.

Not quite.  They would have to ask (a) the OEMs directly, (b) trust 
brokers that the OEMs trust.

OEMs won't care about individuals, they can't possibly do, so they will 
refuse all requests.

For now, the only trust broker is Microsoft (actually, we now know that 
Verisign is somehow involved since they will receive the payments;  and 
they are arguably less biased).  Microsoft/Verisign currently ask $100 
for the signatures.  Every time an attacker's malware is detected and 
blacklisted, it would have to pay $100 to a trust broker to get a new 

Now, I agree that it isn't much for certain botmasters, but at least 
Verisign probably won't allow shady payments, and hiding the financial 
trail of an electronic transaction with the payment methods Verisign 
uses is increasingly difficult.  Also, I guess Microsoft/Verisign will 
ask for at least a little bit of information before signing, so you'd 
have to come up with a believable story every time, possibly with 
something to back it up.  This will discourage a lot of attackers, and 
will slow down the spread of malware significantly.  That's the plan 
anyway, and until now it's pretty sound.

Or, an attacker could walk you through the steps to install their key on 
your firmware.  For certain targets, I believe they'd be better off 
paying Verisign rather than their phone bill.  ;)

If the modules you want are of enough value for all Fedora users, you
can ask the kernel maintainers (I guess) to review them, sign them and
bundle them in the Fedora repositories. This feels natural.

I don't give a frak about that. I just want to run my own stuff, without
anyone else sticking their nose in my personal business. Is that too
much to ask?

As I said already, just sign it yourself, which is only natural since 
you wouldn't be running Fedora software anymore, but your own little 
derivative of Fedora.

You should cool down, BTW.  That's just the slashdot effect, everyone 
suddenly likes to hate and revolution sounds cooler than ever, but it 
will pass.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 01:11 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

You are assuming that Microsoft will sign a bootloader with such

I would not take that bet.

The plan is to make them sign a shim boot loader, which essentially 
delegates the trust down to Fedora entirely, because they have no 
control over what Fedora will make that shim load next.  Fedora can 
implement whatever they want after that.

And they will sign;  they can't possibly review all the software that 
could follow the boot loader down the chain, because it includes big 
monolithic kernels, so they have to trust the people who develop the 
software instead of the software itself.

Now, users who buy machines with Windows pre-installed should expect
their firmware to include Microsoft's key, and should be aware that
they can add theirs legally. If they don't want to use Windows and
don't want the trouble of setting up keys they should either:

(a) Buy from an OEM which builds machines with their OS of choice
pre-installed, including a secure boot key for it,

(b) Ask an OEM for a machine without any OS (if you install the OS
yourself then you should be responsible for installing the key as well),

(c) Fight an OEM which pre-installs Windows to add a new key, possibly
a set of keys from unbiased trust brokers that can distribute
certificates (bootloader shims) to your OS of choice to make it more

How about buying a laptop or a PC that will boot any damn OS you want,
without all this cockamamie crap?

Well any computer *will* boot any damn OS, just add a key, or don't use 
the technology.  The problem here is about those users who don't know or 
care about it, and who might not be comfortable generating keys, 
securing them, signing boot loaders, and adding them to the firmware. 
This process can be greatly streamlined, but still it won't be suitable 
for everyone, and those who need secure boot the most are unfortunately 
those who probably won't set it up themselves.

And if secure boot isn't enabled by default even on machines with 
preinstalled OSes, then the world will gain nothing from the technology 
as, again, the people feeding the zombie networks are the same who won't 
care to enable it themselves.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 09:46 AM, Alan Cox wrote:

Out of support releases are also an interesting problem. If a hole is
found they need to revoke the key. If they do that the users machine is
crippled. It's potentially a criminal matter in many EU states as well so
whoever issues the revocation could end up in jail. Nobody is really too
sure. This is all untested waters.

If we're talking about the kernel, one can always make the boot loader 
prompt the user whether it wants to continue without the assurance of a 
safe boot, possibly launching the (unsafe) kernel in some sort of locked 
down mode (filtering connections and whatnot) to try to avoid compromise 
in case the system isn't yet infected.  All the system has to do is 
fetch a new kernel and install it somehow, and if it does, even if it 
*is* infected, it would work, since the bootloader is assumed to be secure.

If it's the bootloader that doesn't match, the shim could do the same.

The thing is, if machines are compromised, the first thing the malware 
will do will be to block the revocations coming from the network.  As 
such, I think that for real-world end-users who don't go fetch 
revocations frequently via secure back-channels, the only real advantage 
of secure boot will be to stop the spread of malware, not cure it.  For 
that, you would still need the usual detection and removal techniques.

Don't get me wrong, containing malware infections is still a huge win, 
especially when we consider the number of active botnets today, but to 
me I don't think OS developers should worry too much about locking down 
infected machines.  If it's infected, the fight is already lost.

Or I maybe I totally missed something;  is the firmware able to go fetch 
revocations itself?  Not sure I'd like that anyway.

Correct - and you need to lock it down way more than that. Also I can't
see Red Hat directly signing third party binary blobs. If it does that it
implicitly believes they are lawful and also acquires some liability for
them in they malfuction.

That's a good point, but a little disclaimer would do, wouldn't it?  I 
mean even today Red Hat shouldn't explicitly support them when it comes 
to security.  I hope they don't.

But you're right, it would seem weird to sign a blob and drop all 
responsibility for it at the same time.  I guess there's no use in 
secure boot if you execute software you don't trust anyway, so users of 
third-party binary blobs probably would naturally disable secure boot.

It will be up to the Fedora Board to stop Red Hat corrupting the goals of
the Fedora project in this way - or if they won't for people who dislike
it to dump Fedora - particularly package maintainers.

That would be, well, extreme.  Say if legally OEMs are bound to empower 
the user to manage the keys in the firmware, would you still advocate 
against the use of the technology?

I mean, right now there's no real issue, OEMs will most certainly 
include *at least* the keys for the operating systems they pre-install, 
and that includes Red Hat (if not then there's something terribly wrong 
with the OEMs' common sense).  With a law that states that you must be 
able to manage your keys, I believe freedom is untouched.  I don't think 
any hardware vendor stated they would retract that freedom from users.

Now, users who buy machines with Windows pre-installed should expect 
their firmware to include Microsoft's key, and should be aware that they 
can add theirs legally.  If they don't want to use Windows and don't 
want the trouble of setting up keys they should either:

(a) Buy from an OEM which builds machines with their OS of choice 
pre-installed, including a secure boot key for it,

(b) Ask an OEM for a machine without any OS (if you install the OS 
yourself then you should be responsible for installing the key as well),

(c) Fight an OEM which pre-installs Windows to add a new key, possibly a 
set of keys from unbiased trust brokers that can distribute certificates 
(bootloader shims) to your OS of choice to make it more realistic.

Now that seems a little harsh for OEMs, but given Windows little 
monopoly*, I think everyone is OK with that - there is famously good 
precedent with users who got their money back on the license for the 
pre-installed Windows copies they got with their computers (even though 
their arguably knew that it was explicitly bundled as one product), so 
I'm pretty sure we'll make it work this time too since the situation is 
even more extreme.

* We can justify it by stating how hard solutions (a) and (b) actually 
are, but these kinds of OEMs do exist.  They're just too rare.

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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 06/01/2012 09:15 AM, Alan Cox wrote:

Now a signed bootloader has its uses, however in a properly designed
system you would allow the user to import their own keys.

If it goes banana, I'm pretty confident this will be required by law in 
most sane countries.  There are good organizations of activists out 
there, and even some who seek a new purpose[0].  Well, that's a good one 
right there.

I don't think we're that lost yet.  I hope I'm not being naive, and 
you're certainly right in that we should watch this closely and shout 
loudly if it doesn't go in the right direction.  We should not, however, 
give up already.

Even if this goes extremely bad, firmwares will be hacked.  The tech 
world always goes on with technical solutions, whether the politics 
follow or not.  I mean this thing affects *everyone*, it's not a lost fight.

I am sure MS will use this for the Windows 9 era to say "See secure boot
works for everyone, now make it mandatory". Matthew Garrett
unintentionally just gave them everything they needed to continue that

I think that's a little fallacious and a big shortcut.  Well, my opinion 
on that is in another post of this thread already, should you want to 
read it.



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Re: Red Hat Will Pay Microsoft To Get Past UEFI Restrictions

2012-06-01 Thread Thibault Nélis
NOTE/PS  Yes, I was brave and did read myself back (now I feel pain for 
you).  Doing that, I realized we badly need a very visible FAQ 
somewhere.  Does it exist already?  Can we point people to it?  Should 
we write it?  Anyway, here goes:

On 06/01/2012 05:34 AM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

positive and confident that this entire kit-and-kaboodle has no
choice but require a closed, hood-welded-shut OS, booted up with a
signed chain, in order for it to work.

 Oracle Solaris?

Yes, I think that would qualify.

No it isn't necessary.  You're looking at it the wrong way;  basically 
only the things able to boot kernels and kernels themselves have to be 
signed and trusted to ensure the integrity of the kernels.  This is 
because an untrusted piece of software could execute an otherwise 
trusted kernel and do bad things behind its back.

For the rest, we trust these kernels to arbitrate our programs and 
allocate the resources of our machines correctly as they've been doing 
for decades, with no doubt that they've been compromised themselves 
thanks to secure boot.  Whether the security services offered by the 
kernels include checking the integrity of all binaries on the machine[0] 
or not (or the use of many other security features) is irrelevant to 
secure boot, and only depends on how much security you want your kernel 
to provide.

We're told that Fedora's bootloader is going to get signed – and by
that, that must mean "grub", right?

No, too many updates, it would be unreasonable to get it signed by a 
third party at each release.  The obvious solution would have been to 
use a certificate store that the firmware could use and get a 
certificate from a trust broker (here, Microsoft).  I'm told this 
solution didn't make it to the UEFI spec (didn't read it myself), so 
we're using a technical hack around this:  a shim bootloader that will 
get signed and won't change often (hopefully never).  Its sole purpose 
will be to chainload to the actual bootloader (GRUB2 for example).

Technically this delegates trust just as a certificate would (implicitly 
this is sort of like a certificate since all packages, including the 
shim, are signed by Fedora release keys), so the ability for Microsoft 
to review that shim code has little value.  Some people say they won't 
sign the shims of all the distros (well, those who target average users 
anyway), I say they get $100 per signature, and duh, it's Micro$oft. 
They can't review all the components that can execute kernels (all 
bootloaders and all versions of all kernels) so they have to delegate 
trust at some point anyway, so might as well make it at the lowest level 
to make the process smooth.

Plus, if a FOSS kernel or bootloader is used as malware to boot their 
Windows operating system, it will affect their users, so they do care, 
and they have to sign as much shims from as many trusted open source 
distros as possible.  The alternative is a big PR and legal storm 
because users of alternative operating systems won't be able to use 
their hardware.  If we were able to force them to give us a choice of 
web browsers on their own OS, we will be able to force them to give us a 
choice of OS on our own machines (we can never own their software, but 
we own our hardware, so the argument is ten times more powerful this 
time).  They know this, and they already publicly announced they were 
gonna play ball.

Yet another reason is that if they don't the world will demand more 
trust brokers more quickly (we should in any case, but people are a 
little slow when it comes to security).  If a business model emerges 
from this and more companies start to make contracts with OEMs to 
distribute certificates (signed shims), they will lose control and 
money.  I believe this will and should happen eventually, so they will 
probably play as nice as possible to keep their customers (they only 
have a headstart).  Remember that they are a lot more of potential 
customers as we usually think of as desktop users (mobile systems, 
server systems, custom embedded systems for all kinds of applications 
and industries).  Well, should these potential customers want to boot 
their systems securely on a wide range of third-party hardware out of 
the box, that is (and Fedora does).

We really shouldn't see it as Red Hat selling out to Microsoft.  As a 
customer, Red Hat owns Microsoft and will be able to chose another trust 
broker as soon as other organizations doing this start to appear, should 
they be dissatisfied with Microsoft's services.  Hell, as you state at 
the end of your post, Red Hat has the infrastructure, the resources, the 
money and the OEM contacts to provide that service itself for itself and 
for many other FOSS players.  It probably just didn't think about it yet 
(or not enough, this isn't an easy business, and should be thought 
through).  Note that even Fedora could be able to do it, as many 
hardware vendors apparently agreed to put Fedora keys i

Re: Filesystem format for external hard disk

2012-05-31 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 05/31/2012 05:09 PM, Bryn M. Reeves wrote:

I tend to encourage people to pick ext4 over ext3 on modern hardware
and software.

Aside from some clear performance wins for not-that-uncommon workloads
(deleting lots of large files, storing large images etc) there's the
fact that most of the attention upstream these days is going into ext4
- - the earlier ext* file systems are pretty much in maintenance mode today.

Yep, most of the FUD around ext4 has long been obsolete now.
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Re: Need more info: UEFI Secure Boot in Fedora [Long]

2012-05-31 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 05/31/2012 02:38 PM, Alan Cox wrote:

It's of course all a bit of a joke because it's then a simple matter of
using virtualisation to fake the "secure" environment and running the
"secure" OS in that 8)

The distributions can review the hypervisor code (then sign it as a 
symbol of trust) and the kernel can then verify its integrity at runtime 
(just like the firmware verifies the bootloader's integrity, and the 
bootloader the kernel's). The hypervisor can then emulate secure boot 
for the virtual machines and continue the chain. Note that you're 
already half-way there with KVM, since most of its code runs in the 
kernel itself.

Other hypervisors wouldn't be any different from any other package 
offered by the distribution, at least if the maintainers provide 
security support for all of them (as is the case for most serious 
distros). It would be pointless to sign and verify every binary, library 
and script on the system if the code isn't trusted.

Mature infrastructure for integrity checking already exists: most IDS do 
file change tracking (they would need to be explicitely supported by the 
kernel though), but see the Linux Integrity Subsystem (in the form of 
the Integrity Measurement Architecture and the Extended Verification 


No. I would assume the Fedora project pays the $99, and then distrubtes
the signed bootloader component, with the fedora keys built in.

I don't believe that would be compliant with the Fedora Project
definitions of freedom.

[Reply not directed at anyone in particular, I'm just rambling from now on]

Let's just see it from another perspective.  The obvious alternative is 
for Fedora and every other distribution to ask every single hardware 
vendor to include their own key in their firmwares.  It's impossible, 
plain and simple.  The communications channels would have to be 
super-efficient (they never are with such bureaucracy), the policies 
extra-clear, and the upgrade processes absolutely smooth (to accommodate 
with new software distributions, key expiration and thefts).  I almost 
see an entire stack of protocols there, a long standardization process, 
and we still exclude offline or rarely connected users who won't be able 
to keep up with slower channels.

So, as always in this kind of situation, we add another level of 
indirection, in the form of a trust broker.  Hardware vendors trust a 
few big brokers in the software industry (more than a dozen would be 
ideal), and these brokers in turn place their trust in software 
distributors and make it their job to see that these distributors don't 
abuse that trust, blacklisting those who do.  Not all communities would 
have the resources to do that (although I think the Linux Foundation 
should act as a broker).  Companies in the software industry can, and 
they already have the contacts with the OEMs, let them do it.

If anything, $100 for such a service with no apparent human verification 
is probably too low.  Many attackers would probably pay-up to have their 
malware compromise as many machines as possible before they get 
blacklisted.  Infected machines can certainly be stopped from receiving 
updates, so the revocations will only stop the spreading of the botnets, 
not shut them down.  If they can spare $100 every few months (they 
probably make way more from their botnet business) to get a new key, 
they might just be alright.  The system may stop the weakest players though.

Another big point for making people pay to have their components signed, 
aside from financing the operation properly (necessary to keep the root 
key really secure and push the revocations in time) and discouraging 
small attackers, is that it's increasingly difficult to pay 
electronically anonymously, at least as long as no broker trusted by the 
vendors starts issuing signed components for anonymous money (BTC for 
example).  Obviously, and just like the PKI for X509 CA hierarchy, the 
weakest link of the chain can fail the whole system (which is why there 
shouldn't be too many brokers, see the current web browsers struggle and 
last year f*-ups).

Now, we only have Microsoft, but hopefully this is only the beginning. 
Aside from all the obvious potential abuses (blocking free software 
arbitrarily), the technology is actually quite sound if we can control 
it.  And the good news is, we can.

We can and we must.  Even though this all looks relatively good(-ish), 
in reality it's merely good enough (a) for the average user who doesn't 
care too much about having to trust big corporations to more or less 
know what they want and to act in their favor and (b) for the average 
big distribution which doesn't care too much about giving away contact 
information and a little bit of money.  (BTW, if you insist you don't 
fit that user description yet don't use something like Monkeysphere for 
your web browsing, then you're a hypocrite.)


Re: Bandwidth Monitor for GNOME

2012-05-31 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 05/31/2012 09:41 AM, Junayeed Ahnaf Nirjhor wrote:

Just to see the speed and which app is taking the BW

If you want to see statistics per-process, you can use `nethogs' for 

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Re: uuidd fails to start

2012-05-29 Thread Thibault Nélis

On 05/29/2012 06:21 PM, JD wrote:

I am not running anything that I KNOW to require uuidd.
I simply wanted to make sure that if there are other daemons
or apps that need it, will be able to use it.

You could try

$ rpm -q --whatrequires uuidd
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