Re: Computing cpu's clock in cycles per second

2010-09-27 Thread Wade Hampton
Did you look at using the RDTSC instruction to read the
cycle counter?

Sample this over an interval to get an estimate
of the clock frequency based on this counter.

__inline__ unsigned long long int rdtsc()
  unsigned long long int x;
  __asm__ volatile (.byte 0x0f, 0x31 : =A (x));

I use gettimeofday() calls to check the wall-clock time,
usleep(n) to sleep for a long time (second or more),
and rdtsc to compute the cycles  Seems to work

Wade Hampton
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Re: Computing cpu's clock in cycles per second

2010-09-27 Thread JD

On 09/27/2010 07:34 AM, Wade Hampton wrote:
 Did you look at using the RDTSC instruction to read the
 cycle counter?

 Sample this over an interval to get an estimate
 of the clock frequency based on this counter.

 __inline__ unsigned long long int rdtsc()
unsigned long long int x;
__asm__ volatile (.byte 0x0f, 0x31 : =A (x));

 I use gettimeofday() calls to check the wall-clock time,
 usleep(n) to sleep for a long time (second or more),
 and rdtsc to compute the cycles  Seems to work

 Wade Hampton
Thank you very much Wade.
I confirm that using rdtsc, the delta in tsc values, divided by 60 
(using nanosleep)
is  798283074.98 ticks per second, which is almost iddentical
to what is reported by cpuinfo:
cpu MHz: 798.244

No matter what the load factor on the machine, even when the load 
reached 5 or  6,
it is the same value.
Well, that's what you get for buying a laptop from a crappy manufacturer
that has put in it a fixed unprogrammable clock (oscillator), and put in a
lame BIOS that provides no hooks for setting C2 C3 ...etc.
I will certainly steer friends and family away from this manufacturer.

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Re: Computing cpu's clock in cycles per second

2010-09-27 Thread Michael Miles
JD wrote:

 On 09/27/2010 07:34 AM, Wade Hampton wrote:

 Did you look at using the RDTSC instruction to read the
 cycle counter?

 Sample this over an interval to get an estimate
 of the clock frequency based on this counter.

 __inline__ unsigned long long int rdtsc()
 unsigned long long int x;
 __asm__ volatile (.byte 0x0f, 0x31 : =A (x));

 I use gettimeofday() calls to check the wall-clock time,
 usleep(n) to sleep for a long time (second or more),
 and rdtsc to compute the cycles  Seems to work

 Wade Hampton
 Thank you very much Wade.
 I confirm that using rdtsc, the delta in tsc values, divided by 60
 (using nanosleep)
 is  798283074.98 ticks per second, which is almost iddentical
 to what is reported by cpuinfo:
 cpu MHz: 798.244

 No matter what the load factor on the machine, even when the load
 reached 5 or  6,
 it is the same value.
 Well, that's what you get for buying a laptop from a crappy manufacturer
 that has put in it a fixed unprogrammable clock (oscillator), and put in a
 lame BIOS that provides no hooks for setting C2 C3 ...etc.
 I will certainly steer friends and family away from this manufacturer.

I find the whole idea of a manufacturer purposely sabotaging a computer 
in this manner just disgraceful.

This one really takes the cake since cool and quiet and powernow was 
a big marketing scheme back then. You would think that the bios would at 
least have something to say about it

I wonder if the machine in question was on windows if the cool and quiet 
drivers would have something to enable/ disable them by software?
But then again if Bios does not support then that would be a no show too...

Very bad manufacturing screw up


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Computing cpu's clock in cycles per second

2010-09-26 Thread JD
  Since I have not been successful to determine the runtime
cpu frequency using the fedora tools:

$ sudo /usr/bin/cpufreq-info -f
$ sudo /usr/bin/cpufreq-info -w

They come up empty.

So, I wrote a simple program to determine an approximate
value for the number of cycles per second.

The algorithm is simple.

Start an one shot interval timer for N seconds  (can be an arg to the 
program), and M microseconds (can be an arg to the program).
The interval timer can be virtual (-v arg to the  program) or realtime 
(-r arg to the program).

be sure to set up a proper handler routine for the SIGALRM or SIGVTALRM, 
depending on -v or -r.

More on this later

then simply run  a loop that increments count (type unsigned long, 
initialized to 0) until
the global var intr becomes none zero.

Now, how many instructions were executed just for the loop.

When I compiled the program with -S to see the assembler output,
it turns out to be a total of 7 instructions for the loop.
Now, let's assume each of the 7 instructions takes 2 or 3 cpu cycles. 
Lets say N cycles average per instruction.
so now you have count * 7 * N total cycles in the loop.
Divide that by the total number of seconds you set the timer for, and you
will get a pretty close approximation of the actual runtime cpu clock 
(per second).

Now, about the type of the interval  timer.
1. I found that using the virtual  interval timer yielded wrong values 
for count. Every time and each time it varies by thousand and sometimes 
2. That leaves the realtime interval timer.
3. In order to get a very close approximation to a realtime interval 
timer AND have a much more realistic value for the count, the program
must be run as root, and niced to --20, like so:

sudo nice --20 ./freq -s120 -u0 -r

says run the program at the highest nice value, for 120 seconds and 0 
microseconds with realtime interval timer.

In my program I do  not bother to do the division, because I have no 
idea what each different cpu's
instructions cycles are for the specific 6 instruction in the loop.
I use bc  after the program prints the count to do the  math with long 
precision (scale=20)

The loop looks like this:

while (intr == 0) count++;

In assembly, it looks like this:

 jmp .L25 -+
.L26: |
 movlcount, %eax   |
 addl$1, %eax  |
 movl%eax, count   |
.L25: |
 movlintr, %eax|
 testl   %eax, %eax|
 je  .L26 -+

Here's the program. I hope some folks on this list more familiar with 
realtime programming
can enhance it and share it with the rest of  us.

/* Program to compute the approximate cycles per second of a cpu clock */

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include unistd.h
#include signal.h
#include getopt.h
#include sys/time.h
#include sys/timeb.h

#define TWO_MINUTES (120) // seconds

extern char *optarg;
extern int optind, opterr, optopt;

struct itimerval itv0;
struct timeb t0, t1;

long tv_sec = -1, tv_usec = -1;

struct sigaction doit;

unsigned count = 0;
int intr = 0;

alarm_handler(int sig)

 intr = 1;

void error(char *s)
 fprintf(stderr, illegal option %s\n, (s == NULL) ? unknown : s);

prt(int c)
 fprintf(stderr, saw option %c\n, c);

main(int ac, char *av[])
 int opt;
 unsigned ms;
 unsigned itimer = -1;

 while ((opt = getopt(ac, av, rs:u:v)) != -1) {
 switch(opt) {
 case 's': prt('s'); tv_sec  = atol(optarg); break;
 case 'u': prt('u'); tv_usec = atol(optarg); break;
 case 'r': prt('r'); itimer = ITIMER_REAL; break;
 case 'v': prt('v'); itimer = ITIMER_VIRTUAL; break;
 default: prt('?'); break; //error(optarg);

 if (tv_sec == -1)  tv_sec  = TWO_MINUTES; // 120 seconds.
 if (tv_usec == -1) tv_usec = 0;
 if (itimer == -1) itimer = ITIMER_REAL;

 itv0.it_value.tv_sec  = tv_sec;
 itv0.it_value.tv_usec = tv_usec;
 itv0.it_interval.tv_sec  = (long)0;
 itv0.it_interval.tv_usec = (long)0;

 doit.sa_handler = alarm_handler;

 if (itimer == ITIMER_VIRTUAL)
 sigaction(SIGVTALRM, doit, (struct sigaction *)NULL);
 elsesigaction(SIGALRM, doit, (struct sigaction *)NULL);
 if (itimer == ITIMER_VIRTUAL)
 setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, itv0, (struct itimerval *)NULL);
 elsesetitimer(ITIMER_REAL, itv0, (struct itimerval *)NULL);

 while(intr == 0) count++;
 ms = ((unsigned)t1.time * 1000 + (unsigned)t1.millitm) -
  ((unsigned)t0.time * 1000 + (unsigned)t0.millitm);

 fprintf(stderr, alarm after %u milliseconds \n, ms);
 // Above fprintf is just to show that the timer indeed ran for the 

Re: Computing cpu's clock in cycles per second

2010-09-26 Thread Tom Horsley
On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 13:10:34 -0700
JD wrote:

   Since I have not been successful to determine the runtime
 cpu frequency using the fedora tools:

How about cat /proc/cpuinfo | fgrep 'cpu MHz'

Of course, I have no idea where that number comes from.
I have some virtual machines which sometimes get a 0
for that number when they boot.
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Re: Computing cpu's clock in cycles per second

2010-09-26 Thread JD

On 09/26/2010 01:21 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
 On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 13:10:34 -0700
 JD wrote:

Since I have not been successful to determine the runtime
 cpu frequency using the fedora tools:
 How about cat /proc/cpuinfo | fgrep 'cpu MHz'

 Of course, I have no idea where that number comes from.
 I have some virtual machines which sometimes get a 0
 for that number when they boot.

That gives the bios reported value at bootup, which is
not the AMD sstaated clock which is 2.4 GHz.
Once it boots, and I run programs to load the cpu to
99%, couinfo still reports 790MHz.
Which is totally bogus!

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Re: Computing cpu's clock in cycles per second

2010-09-26 Thread Michael Miles
JD wrote:

 On 09/26/2010 01:21 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:

 On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 13:10:34 -0700
 JD wrote:

 Since I have not been successful to determine the runtime
 cpu frequency using the fedora tools:

 How about cat /proc/cpuinfo | fgrep 'cpu MHz'

 Of course, I have no idea where that number comes from.
 I have some virtual machines which sometimes get a 0
 for that number when they boot.
 That gives the bios reported value at bootup, which is
 not the AMD sstaated clock which is 2.4 GHz.
 Once it boots, and I run programs to load the cpu to
 99%, couinfo still reports 790MHz.
 Which is totally bogus!

What does your Bios say for speed of cpu?
It sure sounds like cool and quiet is on or C2 - C3 is still on

[ami...@localhost ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | fgrep 'cpu MHz'
cpu MHz: 3600.164
cpu MHz: 3600.164
cpu MHz: 3600.164
cpu MHz: 3600.164
[ami...@localhost ~]$

This is accurate and my Bios is reflecting this speed as well

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