Re: [IronPython] IronPython and C# not giving the same result

2010-06-16 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
I was able to successfully run that python code under both IronPython 2.0.3 and 
IronPython 2.6.1 and it produced a list of all top-level applications.  I 
modified the one line

if rae.Current.Name == 'Untitled - Notepad':

to be

if not rae.Current.Name == '':

just to see what was actually being found.

Note: I'm running Windows XP SP3.

[] On Behalf Of yngipy hernan
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:09 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] IronPython and C# not giving the same result

Hi All,

I have tried to transliterate the following C# code to IronPython:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Automation;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AutomationElement eNode;
eNode = 
while(eNode != null) {
if (eNode.Current.Namehttp://eNode.Current.Name == Untitled 
- Notepad)
AutomationElement ae;
ae = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetFirstChild(eNode);
while (ae != null)
System.Console.WriteLine(Name: {0}, 
ae = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetNextSibling( ae);
eNode = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetNextSibling(eNode);

The output of this program looks like:

Name: test1
Name: Untitled - Notepad
Name: Application

This is my IronPython code:

import clr


import System.Windows.Automation as swu

rae = swu.TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetFirstChild( 
swu.AutomationElement.RootElement )
while rae:
if rae.Current.Namehttp://rae.Current.Name == 'Untitled - Notepad':
print '-'*24
ae = swu.TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetFirstChild( rae )
while ae:
print ae.Current.Namehttp://ae.Current.Name
ae = swu.TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetNextSibling( ae )
print '-'*24
rae = swu.TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetNextSibling( rae )

The output of this shows:


I read somewhere that IronPython used to have issues with UI Automation. Is 
still the case?

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] WPF/IronPython event handlers question - multiple event handlers

2010-06-07 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
This link,, has more 
information about event handlers and the order in which they are called.  The 
order is not specified in the CLR reference and therefore you should not depend 
on a specific order.

[] On Behalf Of Curt Hagenlocher
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 2:41 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] WPF/IronPython event handlers question - multiple 
event handlers

These are CLR-level issues. The first basically comes down to the fact that 
there's really no way to enumerate the handlers which have already been added 
to an event. As for the second, there is no contract that defines the order on 
which the handler will be called. But I suspect that the default implementation 
of an event -- which corresponds to just declaring public event EventHandler 
MyEvent; in C# -- would probably give consistent in-order results.
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Ken MacDonald wrote:
I've got a whole stack of event handlers, assigned via the usual something 

my_button.Click += button_was_clicked

As it turns out, the initialization for the thing that has all these handlers 
may need to be run several times, and it seems like I ended up with multiple 
copies of the same event handler, and button_was_clicked() now gets invoked 
multiple times for EACH time I click my_button. It seems to be solved by just 
skipping the handler assignment if I've already done it before, but it seems 
odd that the same EH would be assigned and fired twice. Is this really what I'm 
seeing? I can see a case for assigning multiple different EH's:

my_button.Click += event_handler_1
my_button.Click += event_handler_2

but then this begs the question, is there a defined order in which the EH's 
will fire? I looked thru multiple python/IronPython books and googled, but came 
up empty on both questions. Hopefully someone here understands these things 
better than I do

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Re: [IronPython] ImportError: No module named

2010-04-08 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P

Try changing the suffix on the files to be .py instead of .ipy.  It appears 
that in IronPython 2.0 and 2.6, the import statement requires the modules to 
end in .py -- at least in the situation you are describing.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Richard Steventon
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 1:13 PM
Subject: [IronPython] ImportError: No module named

Hi all,

I am moving some code from Python to IronPython (latest) so I can
access Excel XLSX files.  The code is a loose bunch of files in a
single directory.


Within main.ipy, I do:
   from accessFunctions import *
Which gives:
   ImportError: No module named accessFunctions

Checked the path.  That's ok.  So I googled, and found Ben Hall's
Which shows that it should work

Any ideas ?

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Re: [IronPython] socket.getfqdn problem on 2.6.1 RC1.

2010-04-07 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
In IronPython, using socket.getfqdn('') returns the local host name.  
Under CPython, this always returns 'localhost'.

The CPython documentation for getfqdn() does explicitly state If name is 
omitted or empty, it is interpreted as the local host.

Therefore, if you change your call to leave out the '', then the code 
will behave the same on both CPython and IronPython.

 import socket

 import socket

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Carlos Alberto Costa 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 7:26 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] socket.getfqdn problem on 2.6.1 RC1.

Hi, I´m trying to use the HTTPServer class from de
on standard library on IronPython 2.6.1 RC1.

But the server stops with an socket exception on startup as shown bellow.

C:\Program Files\Toolsipy
IronPython 2.6.1 (2.6.10920.0) on .NET 2.0.50727.3607
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import BaseHTTPServer
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File C:\Program Files\IronPython\Lib\, line 584, in test
  File C:\Program Files\IronPython\Lib\, line 400, in __init__
  File C:\Program Files\IronPython\Lib\, line 110, in server_
ValueError: IPv4 address and IPv6 address ::0 are unspecified addresses
that cannot be used as a target address.
Parameter name: hostNameOrAddress

This is because the method getfqdn of the socket class is blowing up
when the string '' is passed to it. For example:

C:\Program Files\Toolsipy
IronPython 2.6.1 (2.6.10920.0) on .NET 2.0.50727.3607
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import socket
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ValueError: IPv4 address and IPv6 address ::0 are unspecified addresses
that cannot be used as a target address.
Parameter name: hostNameOrAddress

On CPython the same call returns the current host name, like bellow.

Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import socket

Is it possible to fix this for the 2.6.1 release?
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[IronPython] IronPython 2.6.1 RC1, ctypes, and c_int.value

2010-02-11 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
Thank you for your efforts with IronPython 2.6.1.  I am looking forward to the 
final product.

I was testing 2.6.1 RC1 to see if an issue I was having with v2.6.0 was fixed 
and I ran into an interesting problem with pyReadLine (v1.13), which I had 
installed under CPython v2.6.4.  A python-based program I am testing requires 
the readline module but I am getting an odd  error when readline is loaded.  
The error is SystemError: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is 
often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

I created a simple test case that shows the problem in action.  This test case 
runs fine under CPython v2.6.4 but fails under IronPython v2.6.1 RC1.  Please 
ignore the fact that it is really weird-looking code and not something that 
would normally be used.  The test case demonstrates the problem in as few lines 
as possible while exercising the same steps that readline uses (see the 
install_readline() function in readline's

import ctypes
msvcrt = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt)
systemfn = ctypes.c_int.from_address(ctypes.addressof(msvcrt.system))
systemfn.value = 

The last line triggers the error: SystemError: Attempted to read or write 
protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

Apparently readline overwrites a function pointer 
(PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer) inside the DLL that implements the sys module 
so that the line input functionality passes through the python readline module. 
 Since readline uses the sys.dllhandle to get access to the DLL and in 
IronPython v2.6.1 RC1 the sys.dllhandle is 0, I'm thinking the pyReadline 
package won't work on IronPython even if the above error is fixed.

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.6.1 RC1, ctypes, and c_int.value

2010-02-11 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P

The readline module is patching the PyOS_ReadLineFunctionPointer variable in 
the DLL that implements the sys module (in CPython's case, this is the 
Python26.dll).  Since IronPython doesn't support intercepting line reads in 
this way (or at all, apparently), this isn't going to work on IronPython in any 

[] On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:40 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.6.1 RC1, ctypes, and c_int.value

I've created 
but I already have a fix for this.

[] On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:14 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.6.1 RC1, ctypes, and c_int.value

Actually this looks like a bug in IronPython.  ctypes.addressof(msvcrt.system) 
is returning the wrong value - in CPython it's returning the address which 
points to the function.  In IronPython it's returning the address of the 
function it's self.

Hopefully the real code is doing something more useful than this though because 
this seems to only be patching the ctypes pointer to the function, not any 
other pointers to the function.  So every call to system() will still go 
directly to the msvcrt impl.  I would assume this code really wanted to patch 
the exported address over in msvcrt.dll so all callers would be intercepted.   
This doesn't even patch it if someone gets a 2nd copy of msvcrt via ctypes:

On my machine ctypes.addressof(msvcrt.system) is 12ff940 and msvcrt.system is 
_FuncPtr object at 0x012FF918.  Then I do:

msvcrt2 = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt)

I get a new _FuncPtr object:

_FuncPtr object at 0x012FF990

And now a different address would be patched.

[] On Behalf Of Curt Hagenlocher
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 7:50 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.6.1 RC1, ctypes, and c_int.value

Wow, that's awful.

I imagine that you would need to use VirtualProtect to make that page writeable 
in order for this to work. I can't see how modifying IronPython's ctypes to 
make this possible would be a good idea -- the vast majority of uses for ctypes 
don't involve writing into arbitrary DLL code pages, and it's an extremely 
useful protection against stray writes.
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 7:39 AM, Lepisto, Stephen P wrote:
Thank you for your efforts with IronPython 2.6.1.  I am looking forward to the 
final product.

I was testing 2.6.1 RC1 to see if an issue I was having with v2.6.0 was fixed 
and I ran into an interesting problem with pyReadLine (v1.13), which I had 
installed under CPython v2.6.4.  A python-based program I am testing requires 
the readline module but I am getting an odd  error when readline is loaded.  
The error is SystemError: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is 
often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

I created a simple test case that shows the problem in action.  This test case 
runs fine under CPython v2.6.4 but fails under IronPython v2.6.1 RC1.  Please 
ignore the fact that it is really weird-looking code and not something that 
would normally be used.  The test case demonstrates the problem in as few lines 
as possible while exercising the same steps that readline uses (see the 
install_readline() function in readline's

import ctypes
msvcrt = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt)
systemfn = ctypes.c_int.from_address(ctypes.addressof(msvcrt.system))
systemfn.value = 

The last line triggers the error: SystemError: Attempted to read or write 
protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

Apparently readline overwrites a function pointer 
(PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer) inside the DLL that implements the sys module 
so that the line input functionality passes through the python readline module. 
 Since readline uses the sys.dllhandle to get access to the DLL and in 
IronPython v2.6.1 RC1 the sys.dllhandle is 0, I'm thinking the pyReadline 
package won't work on IronPython even if the above error is fixed.

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[IronPython] Apparent bug with redirecting output in IronPython 2.6

2010-01-06 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P

I've been evaluating a suite of python code originally targeting CPython 2.5 to 
see what needs to be fixed/changed to run under IronPython 2.6.  I ran into a 
problem in IronPython 2.6 where I redirect sys.stdout through a class object 
that forwards output to the original sys.stdout.  When control returns to the 
python command prompt, an exception is displayed in an infinite loop.

If I redirect sys.stderr first (to the same object) before redirecting 
sys.stdout, IronPython 2.6 shows two exception errors then abruptly exits.

Since this particular part of my python code runs fine under CPython 2.5, 2.6 
and IronPython 2.0.3, I'm thinking it may be a bug in IronPython 2.6.

What follows is a reproduction case showing IronPython 2.6 exiting after two 
exceptions.  Note that the redirection is actually working and that the 
exception occurs only when the python console prompt is displayed.

1. Create a file called with the following code:

import sys

class _StreamLog(object):
def __init__(self, ostream):
self.ostream = ostream

def write(self, *args):

def flush(self):

if not sys.stderr.__class__ == _StreamLog:
sys.stderr = _StreamLog(sys.stderr)
if not sys.stdout.__class__ == _StreamLog:
sys.stdout = _StreamLog(sys.stdout)

print  sys.stderr, Redirected stderr\n
print  sys.stdout, Redirected stdout\n

2. Open an IronPython 2.6 console and import the testredirect module.  This 
produces the following output:

IronPython 2.6 (2.6.10920.0) on .NET 2.0.50727.1433
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import testredirect
{Redirected stderr
}{Redirected stdout
}{ }{Traceback (most recent call last):
SystemError: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
}Unhandled exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
SystemError: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

4. Rerunning the above test with -X:ExceptionDetail enabled, I get the 

C:\ ipy -X:ExceptionDetail
IronPython 2.6 (2.6.10920.0) on .NET 2.0.50727.1433
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import testredirect
{Redirected stderr
}{Redirected stdout
}{ }{Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at IronPython.Runtime.OutputWriter.Flush()
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell.BasicConsole.Write(String text, Style 
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell.CommandLine.ReadStatement(Boolean 
   at IronPython.Hosting.PythonCommandLine.RunOneInteraction()
   at IronPython.Hosting.PythonCommandLine.TryInteractiveActionWorker()
   at IronPython.Hosting.PythonCommandLine.TryInteractiveAction()
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell.CommandLine.RunInteractiveLoop()
SystemError: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
}Unhandled exception:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at IronPython.Runtime.OutputWriter.Flush()
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell.BasicConsole.Write(String text, Style 
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell.BasicConsole.WriteLine(String text, 
Style style)
   at IronPython.Runtime.Operations.PythonOps.PrintException(CodeContext 
context, Exception exception, IConsole console)
   at IronPython.Hosting.PythonCommandLine.UnhandledException(Exception e)
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell.CommandLine.RunInteractiveLoop()
   at IronPython.Hosting.PythonCommandLine.RunInteractive()
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell.CommandLine.Run()
   at IronPython.Hosting.PythonCommandLine.Run()
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell.CommandLine.Run(ScriptEngine engine, 
IConsole console, ConsoleOptions options)
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell.ConsoleHost.RunCommandLine()
SystemError: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Type analysis of expression

2009-10-19 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
What about treating the return type of the python expression as object then 
coerce the object into the type required by the database?  If the coercion 
fails, then that could be treated as a type error.

For example, after using python to evaluate the expression '2+(4*5)', the 
returned object could be converted to an integer using System.Convert.ToInt32() 
or to a string with System.Convert.ToString().  System.Convert throws 
InvalidCastException for those cases that cannot be converted.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 4:21 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Type analysis of expression

Christian Schmidt wrote:

 we are using IronPython embedded into our application to evaluate user
 defined expression. The variables used in the expressions are strongly
 typed and the results need to be written back into a database.

 I know that the return type of a dynamic expression cannot be determined
 in general. But what would be a pragmatic way to guess the return type
 of an expression?

Hehe. If you're evaluating arbitrary functions provided by the user then 
I don't know of any way of 'inferring' the return type - beyond parsing 
it and modelling the type flow through the expression (which would be a 
lot of work).

All the best,



 Users mailing list


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Re: [IronPython] Type analysis of expression

2009-10-19 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P

Even if the variables going into the expression are strongly typed, python will 
evaluate the expression however it can, with the result being some type based 
on the coercion python applied to each variable.  However, I read Christian's 
problem as one where he needed to get the value into a database and to me that 
was the deciding factor as to which type to coerce the result of the 
expression, regardless of the original types of the variables going into the 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jonathan Hartley
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 7:19 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Type analysis of expression

Hey all,
Stephen, I infer that Christian can't evaluate the expression yet. (If 
he could, then deriving the type of the result would be trivial) 
Presumably the variables in the expression don't yet have known values.

So he has an expression which cannot be evaluated, but he wants to guess 
what type the return value would be if the variables in the expression 
were known.

The variables in the expression do have known types. So I wonder if you 
could pick a prototypical value for each variable, (eg. set all floats 
to 1.0, and all integers to 1) and then evaluate the expression to see 
what type the result is?

Obviously this won't work for all expressions (eg. x / (x - 1)), but 
maybe it would work enough of the time, depending on what form your 
expressions take.

Am I misunderstanding entirely, or only partially?


Lepisto, Stephen P wrote:
 What about treating the return type of the python expression as object then 
 coerce the object into the type required by the database?  If the coercion 
 fails, then that could be treated as a type error.

 For example, after using python to evaluate the expression '2+(4*5)', the 
 returned object could be converted to an integer using 
 System.Convert.ToInt32() or to a string with System.Convert.ToString().  
 System.Convert throws InvalidCastException for those cases that cannot be 

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
 Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 4:21 AM
 To: Discussion of IronPython
 Subject: Re: [IronPython] Type analysis of expression

 Christian Schmidt wrote:

 we are using IronPython embedded into our application to evaluate user
 defined expression. The variables used in the expressions are strongly
 typed and the results need to be written back into a database.

 I know that the return type of a dynamic expression cannot be determined
 in general. But what would be a pragmatic way to guess the return type
 of an expression?

 Hehe. If you're evaluating arbitrary functions provided by the user then 
 I don't know of any way of 'inferring' the return type - beyond parsing 
 it and modelling the type flow through the expression (which would be a 
 lot of work).

 All the best,


 Users mailing list


Jonathan Hartley  Made of meat.   +44 7737 062 225   twitter/skype: tartley

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Re: [IronPython] Type analysis of expression

2009-10-19 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P

Would it be possible to leave the columns as text then coerce at the time the 
data is read from the database?  In other words, convert the result of the 
python expression to a string and store the string in the database.  Then, when 
the result is needed, coerce the string to a more suitable type.  In other 
words, defer when the type needs to be known until the value is used.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christian Schmidt
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 12:12 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Type analysis of expression

Hi all,

thanks for your discussion.

Actually I'm having an in-memory table of strongly typed columns. The 
user can provide per-row (python-)expressions as additional columns. Now 
if the user wants his result to be exported to a database (e.g. SQL 
Server or Oracle) I need to set a type for each column - also for the 
expression columns.

I thought there might be a way to figure out the return type in a 
similar way for example Boo ( does at compile time. 
When an expression is parsed at runtime, the interpreter also needs to 
decide which .NET-functions to call. For strongly typed input these 
functions should normally have typed return values... Wouldn't this work 

If the Boo way is not possible then the only option is evaluating the 
expressions for some random rows and coerce to a common type. What would 
be the rules? int-float-string is trivial, but what about decimal, 
int64, double, ...? I assume python must have implemented these rules 
somewhere. How would one have to implement the general function:

Type GetCoercedType(IEnumerableobject list) { ... }


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Re: [IronPython] IronPython in Action and Pro IronPython

2009-07-10 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
IronPython in Action does a good job at explaining how to embed IronPython 
(an entire, lengthy chapter is devoted to it).  It answered several questions I 
had about the process.  It does not cover IronPython 2.6, but the approach is, 
I believe, very similar to 2.0.

I have not read Pro IronPython.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Slide
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 2:57 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] IronPython in Action and Pro IronPython

I am assuming the authors of these two books are possibly on this
mailing list, so I am not sure if this is really a good question to
ask :-) , but can anyone comment on these two books, their accuracy to
the latest IronPython versions and how they do at explaining embedding
the runtime to make applications scriptable and such?



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Re: [IronPython] IronPython question

2009-06-29 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
You have to have a version of CPython installed such as v2.5 (for IronPython 
2.0) or v2.6 (for IronPython 2.6).

From IronPython:

import sys
sys.path.append(r'\c:\python25\lib')  # adjust to whatever version of CPython 
you have installed.
import urllib

[] On Behalf Of Marty Nelson
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 1:55 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] FW: IronPython question

Using the Iron Python libraries for extensibility in a C# app, what do we need 
to do to make the Python module loadable?

Quick question:  I am trying to use a built-in Python module (not .NET) in a SN 
script, and I am not sure how to reference it.  I tried:

import urllib

and I am getting:

Symyx.Framework.Scripting.ScriptExecutionException: Exception executing script 
'test.toolbarItem1'. No module named urllib --- 
IronPython.Runtime.Exceptions.ImportException: No module named urllib

Is it possible to use Python built-in modules?
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Re: [IronPython] Random Number Generation

2009-06-25 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
If global.asax can set an environment variable, you can set (or append to) 
IRONPYTHONPATH to the path if interest.  When IronPython starts up, it takes 
the paths in IRONPYTHONPATH and adds them to the sys.path list.

[] On Behalf Of Adam Brand
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 12:16 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Random Number Generation

Awesome, thanks that worked. I was using IronPython for and did not 
have a pointer to the standard library.

One last question though if anyone there a way to do this 
sys.path.append from Global.asax? I know there is a python equivalent, but we right now have a bunch of code in global.asax and would need 
to rewrite that in python if not. Or can they co-exist?


Adam Brand
SilverKey Technologies

 On Behalf Of David DiCato
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 9:31 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Random Number Generation

Seo is correct; in order to import random, you need the CPython standard 
library in sys.path. There are 3 ways to do this:

1.   Run IronPython from the standard library directory (the working 
directory is in sys.path by default)

2.   Append the standard lib directory to sys.path for invocation of 
IronPython, e.g.:
import sys
sys.path.append(r'c:\Program Files\IronPython 2.6\Lib')

3.   (Recommended) Set the environment variable IRONPYTHONPATH to point to 
the standard lib directory

System.Random is implemented in terms of .NET integers, which are 32-bit. When 
your script passed 99, IronPython tried to represent it in 32 bits, 
causing an arithmetic overflow. In a pinch, you can use slightly more 
complicated logic to suit your needs, e.g.:
var_utmn = randgen.Next(1,10) * 10 + 
But using the CPython library is much cleaner :).

A final word of advice: Both standard libraries' random number generators use 
the convention that the first argument is inclusive and the second is 
exclusive. This means that your code will generate random numbers from 
10 to 98, which may or may not be what you want.

Good luck,
- David

 On Behalf Of Adam Brand
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 5:22 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] Random Number Generation

I feel newbish writing this, but I'm having problems generating random numbers 
in IronPython.

I tried import random but that doesn't seem to work (module not found).

I tried creating a System.Random but when I run
var_utmn = randgen.Next(10,99) I get a buffer overflow.

Any ideas? The random number needs to be above those two numbers indicated 

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] clarification on current state of embedding

2009-06-18 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
From MSDN (

Differences Between .NET Framework Versions
All three versions of the .NET Framework are based on version 2.0 of the CLR. 
The versions of the .NET Framework differ from each other in the list of 
assemblies that each makes available for you to reference in your projects. For 
example, LINQ is a new technology that is included in Visual Studio 2008. .NET 
Framework 3.5 is the only version of the .NET Framework that has LINQ-related 
assemblies. Therefore, you cannot use LINQ unless your project specifically 
targets .NET Framework 3.5. Similarly, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is 
included in Windows Vista. You cannot build WPF applications unless your 
project targets .NET Framework 3.0 and later versions of the .NET Framework.

In addition, .Net 3.0 changed the compiler to add support for lambdas in C#, 
although the resulting code can still run on .Net 2.0 runtime.  The lambdas are 
converted to anonymous functions by the compiler.  There may be other 
syntactic sugar changes as well.

In Visual Studio, when you select the target runtime, you are primarily telling 
Visual Studio (and the underlying .Net compiler tools) to filter out elements 
from later versions of .Net.  Of course, if you include a reference to a .Net 
3.5 assembly, you have to make sure .Net 3.5 is installed on the target system.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 4:49 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] clarification on current state of embedding

Justin Regele wrote:
 This brings up another question I've encountered. My understanding was 
 that IPy had problems with 3.5, and so I have been targeting 2.0. But 
 when I try to reference the IronPython and Microsoft.Scripting 
 assemblies, Visual Studio says I need 3.5

I've created many projects in Visual Studio referencing IronPython 
assemblies and targeting .NET 2.0. Which means I don't know what is 
wrong, but it *should* work fine... :-)

Michael Foord

 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Curt Hagenlocher wrote:

 Good point!

 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Michael Foord wrote:

 Curt Hagenlocher wrote:

 ...except through the hosting API *and through the new C#
 dynamic functionality in .NET 4.0*.

 And how do you get to the classes to use them with the new
 dynamic functionality if it isn't through the hosting API?

 What you do with them once you get them is your own business
 of course...


 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Michael Foord wrote:

Justin Regele wrote:

What is the status of referencing IPy libraries
 compiled to
dlls by other CLR languages? Google turned up that
 as of 1.1
you had to use the embedding/hosting api's, since
 the dlls
were not compatible with say C# assemblies. There were
allusions made to this being changed.

You can't access Python classes except through the
 hosting API.
There are no (public) plans for this to change anytime



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Re: [IronPython] Embedding IronPython and calling python functions from C#

2009-06-11 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
What I do when I want to work with python modules from embedded IronPython is 
set the IronPython search path with the path of the module to load then  create 
and execute a small python script that loads the main python modules into the 
current scope.

string moduleName = Path.GetFileName(modulePath);
string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(modulePath);

ICollectionstring paths = _pythonEngine.GetSearchPaths();
if (!paths.Contains(path))
string modInvoke = String.Format(import {0}\nfrom {0} import *\n, moduleName);
ScriptSource source = _pythonEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(modInvoke,

Where modulePath is the full path to the python module or package to load.

I can then invoke methods or access attributes using the IronPython scope.  In 
this way, I can interact with the python modules for as long as necessary 
before closing down the scope/engine.

[] On Behalf Of Dody Gunawinata
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:09 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Embedding IronPython and calling python functions 
from C#

You can read all yours file scripts, then using StringBuilder to combine then 
and call CreateScriptSourceFromString()
Then you can call your functions within the combined scripts normally. Pretty 
much you are creating a giant source code on the fly.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Patrick van der Willik wrote:
I'm currently attempting to embed the IronPython 2 runtimes into an existing 
application written in C#. However, I find the amount of documentation lacking 
on what I'm trying to do. I currently have a proof-of-concept version which 
uses Lua and LuaInterface, but the people who have to write the scripts dislike 
Lua(Well, more hate it with a passion) and would love to see this working with 

My host application is a networked application that must trigger certain 
scripts functions on events generated by the connected clients. The idea is 
that when my application starts, it will load the IronPython script 
environment, launches an '' which will load various other scripts 
files and do some housekeeping. Once this all is completed, it will start 
listening to incoming connections. However, in various scenarios, the 
application has to trigger scripted functions when data is received from a 
client. Which script function is called is different per client and per event. 
I have events for connecting, logging on, disconnecting and a set of data 
specific events after receiving data. This highly depends on the received 

My question here is: How do I embed IronPython in such a fashion that I can 
load my scripts and then trigger various functions within that? I've seen many 
examples that just call CreateScriptSourceFromString() or File each time in 
which just 1 piece of code is implemented. This is not suitable for the needs 
here because the scripted systems can become quite complex.

With regards,

Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] with_statement in IronPython 2.6 Alpha

2009-05-21 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P

PYTHONPATH is an environment variable and can be set on Windows by going to 
Control Panel -- System.  Select the Advanced tab then click on the 
Environment Variables button.  In the lower pane, click the New button and 
enter PYTHONPATH for the Variable name and enter the path or paths you want in 
the Variable value.  Use semi-colons to separate multiple paths.  Click OK, 
click OK, and click OK to exit.

Note: Visual Studio needs to be closed then reopened for it to recognize the 
new environment variable (this is true for Visual Studio 2005 and earlier, I 
actually haven't tested Visual Studio 2008 to see if it properly responds to a 
change in environment variables).

As for adding a reference to an assembly from IronPython, I found good success 
with using AddReference() with sys.path.append() instead of 
AddReferenceToFile().  For example,


[] On Behalf Of Elise Langham (Elanit)
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 4:23 AM
Subject: Re: [IronPython] with_statement in IronPython 2.6 Alpha

Hi Dave,
 Thanks for the reply- I'm running in the Visual Studio under 
debug. I don't know how to set pythonpath on a windows machine
Most of the info is for C shell and linux. I find that the with statement works 
fine when just using the command line ipy.exe but it can't pick up
The references to imported modules. The references work fine when running in 
Visual Studio though 

import System
from System import Console
from System import Array
from System import IO
import clr
import sys

think this only works when the .dlls are in the IronPython ipy.exe directory 
 'C:\\Users\\i-ellang\\IronPython 2.6'

Hope you can help,

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Compiling IronPythonConsole.exe

2009-05-06 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P

I've had no problems building IronPythonConsole.exe from the source drop for 
v2.0.1.  What kind of build errors are you getting?

[] On Behalf Of Andrew Evans
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 8:53 AM
Subject: [IronPython] Compiling IronPythonConsole.exe

Hello list I am new here :-)

I am trying to figure out how to get IronPythonConsole.exe as I need it for 
Pyreadline... I am using 2.01 version of IronPython

I have tried compiling from source to but to no avail. Is IronPythonConsole 

Thanks in

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Compiling IronPythonConsole.exe

2009-05-06 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
Andrew, based on your traceback output, I reconstructed the problem on my 
system and I get a similar error with IronPython 2.0.1 when trying to import 
readline.  However, on my system, I get the following error:

 import sys
 import readline
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\readline\, line 1, in 
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\readline\, line 12, in 
ImportError: No module named win32con

The win32con module is a .pyd module in python25.  IronPython 2.0 cannot load 
.pyd modules.

[] On Behalf Of Andrew Evans
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:30 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Compiling IronPythonConsole.exe

hmm same error

No Module named IronPythonConsole

I removed everything related to that but I still get that error in the same file

I am confused... it doesn't seem like my system is cached I have rebooted now 
several times

anyway here is the exact error I really appreciate your help so far :-)

IronPython 2.0 ( on .NET 2.0.50727.3053
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import readline
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pyreadline\console\, line 8, i
n C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pyreadline\console\
  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pyreadline\console\,
 line 28, in C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pyreadline\console\ironpython_console
  File , line unknown, in module
  File Snippets.scripting, line unknown, in Initialize
  File Snippets.scripting, line unknown, in Initialize
  File Snippets.scripting, line unknown, in Initialize
  File Snippets.scripting, line unknown, in Initialize
ImportError: No module named IronPythonConsole

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Dino Viehland wrote:

IConsole now lives in Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell, so you should be able 
to change this to:



from Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell import IConsole

class IronPythonWrapper(IConsole):

 On Behalf Of Andrew Evans
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 10:48 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython

Subject: Re: [IronPython] Compiling IronPythonConsole.exe

Hi the comes from pyreadine in the folder 

the file itself in the areas where IronPythonConsole are referenced are

import clr,sys
import IronPythonConsole

class IronPythonWrapper(IronPythonConsole.IConsole):
def ReadLine(self,autoIndentSize):
return hook_wrap()
def Write(self,text, style):
def WriteLine(self,text, style):
IronPythonConsole.PythonCommandLine.MyConsole = IronPythonWrapper()

I have not been able to find an updated pyreadline I have attached the file in 

to see which module I am refering to see


And thank you

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Dino Viehland wrote:

Where does come from?  There is no IronPythonConsole 
class anymore so knowing what exactly the .py file is trying to do would be 
helpful.  But likely you want to map existing things we're looking for into the 
Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell namespace which lives in 

 On Behalf Of Andrew Evans
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 10:30 AM


Subject: Re: [IronPython] Compiling IronPythonConsole.exe

Hello maybe I should explain I have been trying to get readline to work with no 

import readline fails with this message No Module Named IronPythonConsole

the line in question is in the file

import clr,sys
import IronPythonConsole

Just thought at this moment do I need to add anything to my environment 

it was mentioned on the readline web site to post here hope some one can help



using readline in IronPython produces and an error no mo

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:19 AM, 

Re: [IronPython] How to get access to enum?

2009-05-04 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
I believe you just need to import the enumeration:

from module import Visibility

where module is the module containing the definition of the enumeration.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kristian Jaksch
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 7:25 AM
Subject: [IronPython] How to get access to enum?

How can I get access to enums in IronPython?

For example, when running IronPython + Silverlight I need access to
the Visibility enum:

btnMaxPlot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed

This results in an error:
NameError: name 'Visibility' is not defined

Thanks for help!

Users mailing list
Users mailing list

[IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython sessions in a single process

2009-04-30 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
Hello, everyone!

I am working on an service manager application that provides embedded python 
support through a small set of generalized classes: PythonService, 
PythonSession, and PythonClass.  A client application asks the service manager 
for the PythonService object and then asks the PythonService object for a new 
PythonSession object.  The PythonSession object is used to access embedded 
python through a small set of generalized methods.  The PythonClass object is 
used to wrap a python class instance.

The key requirement in this is each client must have its own python session, 
independent of any other sessions currently running.  I've got this to work 
with CPython (specifically, python 2.5.4), by careful use of the global 
interpreter lock and swapping the thread state.  IronPython 2.0.1 has a nicer 
way of implementing all of this by using the CreateEngine() to create a new 
python engine.  However, in IronPython I've run into what appears to be a 
significant limitation that may prevent me from using IronPython in this 
particular situation as an embedded language.

The limitation is when I import a python package from disk into IronPython 
(using IronPython.Hosting.Python.ImportModule()) in one session and then import 
the same package into a different session, it turns out that both sessions are 
pulling from the same module's scope.  That is, if I make changes to the 
module's scope in one session (for example, changing a global variable), that 
change appears in the other session.

After tracing execution in the IronPython 2.0.1 code, it turns out that a 
module is cached in the LanguageContext (PythonContext) object, which in turn 
is a singleton in DLR, as it is associated with the language type.  This is 
okay if an application is embedding IronPython itself but in my scenario, this 
prevents multiple discrete python sessions in a single application.  Ideally, I 
would expect to see the system state be stored in the python engine 
(ScriptEngine) or python runtime (ScriptRuntime) objects.

Is there a way around this limitation?  Can I somehow create a unique 
PythonContext object for each of my python sessions so I get a completely 
discrete python instance in each session with no crosstalk?  Or do I have to 
resort to modifying the IronPython source to accomplish this (which I'm loathe 
to do since then I would have to maintain it going forward)?

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython sessions in a single process

2009-04-30 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P

That example you provided produced the following output under IronPython 2.0.1:


In other words, the two sessions appear to be sharing the same module in 
IronPython 2.0.1.

Are you using a later version of IronPython where this might be fixed?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:28 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython sessions in 
a single process

And this works for me:

using System;
using IronPython.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;

class foo {
static void Main(string[] args)
var engine = Python.CreateEngine();
ScriptScope scope1 = engine.ImportModule(foo);

var engine2 = Python.CreateEngine();
ScriptScope scope2 = engine2.ImportModule(foo);

scope1.SetVariable(foo, 42);
object res;
if(scope2.TryGetVariable(foo, out res)) {
} else {
Console.WriteLine(no foo);
print 'hello'

Printing out:

no foo

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:users-] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
 Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:08 AM
 To: Discussion of IronPython
 Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython
 sessions in a single process
 Dino Viehland wrote:
  You mention CreateEngine but are you also creating multiple runtimes?
  You're only allowed 1 ScriptEngine of a given type per ScriptRuntime.
  So you should create a new ScriptRuntime and then get the Python
  engine for each runtime and then be isolated.
 If you call Python.CreateEngine() twice it gives you two different
 engine objects with what *appear* to be different runtimes.
 If you then call Python.ImportModule for the same module but passing in
 the two different engines, you get two different (non-identical
 ScriptScopes - but changes in one are reflected in the other.
 Is CreateEngine not the correct way to get isolated engines?
  [] *On Behalf Of *Lepisto,
  Stephen P
  *Sent:* Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:26 AM
  *Subject:* [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython
  sessions in a single process
  Hello, everyone!
  I am working on an service manager application that provides embedded
  python support through a small set of generalized classes:
  PythonService, PythonSession, and PythonClass. A client application
  asks the service manager for the PythonService object and then asks
  the PythonService object for a new PythonSession object. The
  PythonSession object is used to access embedded python through a
  set of generalized methods. The PythonClass object is used to wrap a
  python class instance.
  The key requirement in this is each client must have its own python
  session, independent of any other sessions currently running. I've
  this to work with CPython (specifically, python 2.5.4), by careful
  of the global interpreter lock and swapping the thread state.
  IronPython 2.0.1 has a nicer way of implementing all of this by using
  the CreateEngine() to create a new python engine. However, in
  IronPython I've run into what appears to be a significant limitation
  that may prevent me from using IronPython in this particular
  as an embedded language.
  The limitation is when I import a python package from disk into
  IronPython (using IronPython.Hosting.Python.ImportModule()) in one
  session and then import the same package into a different session, it
  turns out that both sessions are pulling from the same module's
  That is, if I make changes to the module's scope in one session (for
  example, changing a global variable), that change appears in the
  After tracing execution in the IronPython 2.0.1 code, it turns out
  that a module is cached in the LanguageContext (PythonContext)
  which in turn is a singleton in DLR, as it is associated with the
  language type. This is okay if an application is embedding IronPython
  itself but in my scenario, this prevents multiple discrete python
  sessions in a single application. Ideally, I would expect to see the
  system state be stored in the python engine (ScriptEngine) or python
  runtime (ScriptRuntime) objects.
  Is there a way around this limitation? Can I somehow create a unique
  PythonContext object for each of my python sessions so I get a
  completely discrete python instance in each session with no
  Or do I have to resort to modifying the IronPython source to
  accomplish this (which

Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython sessions in a single process

2009-04-30 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
I voted for fixing the bug.  In the meantime, I will be putting on hold the use 
of IronPython as an embedded language in my project until this is fixed or 
IronPython 2.6 is released (if I can convince my manager and team it's a good 
idea to move to python 2.6 but it will affect a lot of people).

Thank you for the prompt responses!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 10:23 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython sessions in 
a single process

Looks like our threads crossed.  Yep, I was using the current 2.6 branch.

I opened a bug to fix this in 2.0.2 

Thanks for reporting this - this is a very bad bug.

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:users-] On Behalf Of Lepisto, Stephen P
 Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 10:10 AM
 To: Discussion of IronPython
 Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython
 sessions in a single process
 That example you provided produced the following output under
 IronPython 2.0.1:
 In other words, the two sessions appear to be sharing the same module
 in IronPython 2.0.1.
 Are you using a later version of IronPython where this might be fixed?
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:users-] On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
 Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:28 AM
 To: Discussion of IronPython
 Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython
 sessions in a single process
 And this works for me:
 using System;
 using IronPython.Hosting;
 using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;
 class foo {
 static void Main(string[] args)
 var engine = Python.CreateEngine();
 ScriptScope scope1 = engine.ImportModule(foo);
 var engine2 = Python.CreateEngine();
 ScriptScope scope2 = engine2.ImportModule(foo);
 scope1.SetVariable(foo, 42);
 object res;
 if(scope2.TryGetVariable(foo, out res)) {
 } else {
 Console.WriteLine(no foo);
 print 'hello'
 Printing out:
 no foo
  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:users-] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
  Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:08 AM
  To: Discussion of IronPython
  Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython
  sessions in a single process
  Dino Viehland wrote:
   You mention CreateEngine but are you also creating multiple
   You're only allowed 1 ScriptEngine of a given type per
   So you should create a new ScriptRuntime and then get the Python
   engine for each runtime and then be isolated.
  If you call Python.CreateEngine() twice it gives you two different
  engine objects with what *appear* to be different runtimes.
  If you then call Python.ImportModule for the same module but passing
  the two different engines, you get two different (non-identical
  ScriptScopes - but changes in one are reflected in the other.
  Is CreateEngine not the correct way to get isolated engines?
   [] *On Behalf Of *Lepisto,
   Stephen P
   *Sent:* Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:26 AM
   *Subject:* [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython
   sessions in a single process
   Hello, everyone!
   I am working on an service manager application that provides
   python support through a small set of generalized classes:
   PythonService, PythonSession, and PythonClass. A client application
   asks the service manager for the PythonService object and then asks
   the PythonService object for a new PythonSession object. The
   PythonSession object is used to access embedded python through a
   set of generalized methods. The PythonClass object is used to wrap
   python class instance.
   The key requirement in this is each client must have its own python
   session, independent of any other sessions currently running. I've
   this to work with CPython (specifically, python 2.5.4), by careful
   of the global interpreter lock and swapping the thread state.
   IronPython 2.0.1 has a nicer way of implementing all of this by
   the CreateEngine() to create a new python engine. However, in
   IronPython I've run into what appears to be a significant
   that may prevent me from using IronPython in this particular

Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython sessions in a single process

2009-04-30 Thread Lepisto, Stephen P
Curt, thanks for the tip.  In my tests, I needed to use from modname import 
* since I needed the attributes in the module to be in the current scope.

[] On Behalf Of Curt Hagenlocher
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 10:31 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython sessions in 
a single process

If you import by executing the text import modname against the ScriptEngine 
instead of using the import API, you will avoid this particular incarnation of 
the bug.
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Lepisto, Stephen P wrote:
I voted for fixing the bug.  In the meantime, I will be putting on hold the use 
of IronPython as an embedded language in my project until this is fixed or 
IronPython 2.6 is released (if I can convince my manager and team it's a good 
idea to move to python 2.6 but it will affect a lot of people).

Thank you for the prompt responses!

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 10:23 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython sessions in 
a single process

Looks like our threads crossed.  Yep, I was using the current 2.6 branch.

I opened a bug to fix this in 2.0.2 

Thanks for reporting this - this is a very bad bug.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:users-mailto:users-] On Behalf 
 Of Lepisto, Stephen P
 Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 10:10 AM
 To: Discussion of IronPython
 Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython
 sessions in a single process


 That example you provided produced the following output under
 IronPython 2.0.1:


 In other words, the two sessions appear to be sharing the same module
 in IronPython 2.0.1.

 Are you using a later version of IronPython where this might be fixed?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:users-mailto:users-] On Behalf 
 Of Dino Viehland
 Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:28 AM
 To: Discussion of IronPython
 Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython
 sessions in a single process

 And this works for me:

 using System;
 using IronPython.Hosting;
 using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;

 class foo {
 static void Main(string[] args)
 var engine = Python.CreateEngine();
 ScriptScope scope1 = engine.ImportModule(foo);

 var engine2 = Python.CreateEngine();
 ScriptScope scope2 = engine2.ImportModule(foo);

 scope1.SetVariable(foo, 42);
 object res;
 if(scope2.TryGetVariable(foo, out res)) {
 } else {
 Console.WriteLine(no foo);
 print 'hello'

 Printing out:

 no foo

  -Original Message-
   [mailto:users-mailto:users-] On 
  Behalf Of Michael Foord
  Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:08 AM
  To: Discussion of IronPython
  Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question on Multiple Discrete IronPython
  sessions in a single process
  Dino Viehland wrote:
   You mention CreateEngine but are you also creating multiple
   You're only allowed 1 ScriptEngine of a given type per
   So you should create a new ScriptRuntime and then get the Python
   engine for each runtime and then be isolated.
  If you call Python.CreateEngine() twice it gives you two different
  engine objects with what *appear* to be different runtimes.
  If you then call Python.ImportModule for the same module but passing
  the two different engines, you get two different (non-identical
  ScriptScopes - but changes in one are reflected in the other.
  Is CreateEngine not the correct way to get isolated engines?
*On Behalf Of *Lepisto,
   Stephen P
   *Sent:* Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:26 AM