Re: [IronPython] My takes on C Extensions for IronPython

2007-10-18 Thread Paolo Molaro
I'll just reply here and try to summarize some things.

On 10/18/07 Seo Sanghyeon wrote:
 It's certainly more than 200 lines, and it's not completely trivial
 because some parts of Python/C API are C macros, not C functions.
 (Reference counting is the most important, but also getting
 type(=vtable) of Python objects and like.)
 The good news is that this part is already developed, debugged, and
 pretty much finished -- for Python 2.3 to 2.6, and for wide and narrow
 unicode builds of Python. Get it here (~ 1600 lines):

That code has each dllimport method spanning 5 lines of code.
I don't consider a cut and pasted [DllImport()] attribute as
something that is hard to write:)
So this complete work that covers 4 major versions of python
is less than 200 p/invokes. It's missing a few structure definitions.
Nothing an intern can't write in an afternoon.
My point still stands: interoperating with the C code is not an issue.

 I understand MC++ or Managed C++ is used to refer related
 technologies, but in the narrow sense it is a compiler that shipped
 with .NET 1.x which produced mix of managed and x86 code. I
 believe .NET 2.x compiler, i.e. C++/CLI is what is currently

Yes, Managed C++ referes to the old broken and already abandoned
technology, but it's sometimes used also to refer to the new C++/CLI
lanaguage, likely because C++/CLI is not a really good name:)

 It would be nice to be able to compile without Microsoft tools, but I
 don't think it's essential. If assembly compiled with C++/CLI /
 clr:pure can be made to run on Mono that's fine.

First, someone should investigate if clr:pure actually provides seamless
integration with C code. I doubt it works, but I'll wait for someone
using windows to confirm this.
The issue then is that, even if the above would work, the MS C++/CLI compiler
will emit code that depends on the windows ABI (specifically always
considering long to be 32 bits, they even put this in the standard, sigh).
What this means for people not familiar with low-level details, is that
such code is not portable and hence won't work on Linux 64 bit systems
(this is always assuming the interoperability with C code works at all
even on 32 bit systems). So, while it's not essential that this code be
built with non-Microsoft tools, only the MS tools are able to compile
that code and they compile it incorrectly (and as the C++/CLI standard
requires, sadly, so there is no chance this will be ever fixed).

 Also Mono page doesn't mention this, but GCC backend to emit CLI code
 *is* complete and working. It's available right now from GCC SVN. But
 it's yet another project, not Google Summer of Code attempts. This
 project is backed by STMicroelectronics, a big corporation, probably
 for its own use.
 Remember, Mono doesn't need to be the sole provider of non-Microsoft
 CLI tools. :) I believe GCC/CLI can be made to help this project.

See above for the portability issues: they'd have to either not follow
the standard or to produce non-working code. Also the gcc CLI backend
is not really complete and even if it were it doesn't mean that C++/CLI
would be any easier to implement on top of it.
My estimate is that C++/CLI on top of gcc will require at least 4-5
years, if someone implements it at all (there is not much demand for it,
there are the portability and standard issues I mentioned above and by
that time Mono will have an extension to semalessly dllimport C++ code,
lowering demand for C++/CLI even more).
In 4-5 years Microsoft itself will pull the plug on C++/CLI, so I think
basing a new design on it is a mistake.

Anyway, I'm not the one who's going to write the code, so more power to
people that will, I just wanted to make people aware that using
managed C++ or C++/CLI will prevent the sw to work on anything but
windows with the .net runtime.

Happy hacking!


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Re: [IronPython] Announcement: Project to get some CPython C extensions running under IronPython

2007-10-18 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 10/17/07 Tony Djordjevski wrote:
  You do need to write C code as the API is a C API. I didn't list in the
  last mail because the C implementation of these functions is not a
  difference between the C# impl and the C++ impl of the rest of the code.
  The dllimport declarations I mentioned above would pinvoke to these C
 Those C functions you speak about will need to execute managed code.
 So, either way, what needs to be done is to allow Reverse P/Invoke or 
 some form of DllExport.  Assuming this project is successful, native 
 C/C++ will have to, at some point, execute managed code.
 There are only two ways that I know of that you can accomplish this in .NET:
 1. C++ Interop
 2. Modifying a compiled assembly

or 3, the easiest of all: using function pointers in the C code which
the runtimes will generate automatically when passing a delegate
to a p/invoked method.
Besides being trivial compared to both 1 and 2, it works on Mono and it
works on the MS CLR.
Happy hacking!


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Re: [IronPython] Announcement: Project to get some CPython C extensions running under IronPython

2007-10-17 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 10/15/07 Giles Thomas wrote:
 Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
   My two cents would be this: using Managed C++, try for source 
 compatibility first. 

As python extensions use a C API, I don't see how Managed C++
would provide source compatibility. Managed C++ would be an ill-advided
method, IMHO.

 Binary compatibility would be a great thing in the long term - after 
 all, we don't want to run the risk of branching the target library's 
 codebase! - but my gut feeling is that you're right, Curt: it would be 
 much easier, at least as an exploratory first stage, to target source 
 compatibility only.  So perhaps we should start off in that direction.

I agree you should aim for source compatibility first, it's not like
people commonly use binary proprietary python modules (and if they do
it's the same people that wrote them and so can recompile).
Binary compatibility is harder to prove correct, anyway and you'll have
already your share of issues to overcome:)

 Does anyone know how this would impact the potential for Mono compatibility?

A Managed C++ implementation would be pretty useless for a mono port,
but I think it would be pretty useless for the .net runtime, as you need
to expose a C API anyway.
You'd have two components: the C API headers and some C code (this is
required in any case) is the first. Then you need an assembly that
translates from the C API to the IronPython model. You can write this
in nice C# + a few dllimports or with the ugly managed C++ (assuming
managed C++ can actually consume the python headers).


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Re: [IronPython] Announcement: Project to get some CPython C extensions running under IronPython

2007-10-17 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 10/17/07 Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
 On 10/17/07, Paolo Molaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As python extensions use a C API, I don't see how Managed C++
  would provide source compatibility. Managed C++ would be an ill-advided
  method, IMHO.
  You'd have two components: the C API headers and some C code (this is
  required in any case) is the first. Then you need an assembly that
  translates from the C API to the IronPython model. You can write this
  in nice C# + a few dllimports or with the ugly managed C++ (assuming
  managed C++ can actually consume the python headers).
 MC++ lets you create a single module that contains both normal machine
 code and MSIL, and takes care of the transitions between the two.  There's
 no reason you can't compile the existing C code and link it directly with
 the MC++ wrapper -- which is exactly what I originally meant.

The python API requires a couple dozen structure definitions plus a few
dozen dllimport declarations. This can be about 200 lines of trivial
to write declarative stuff.

The rest of the code is likely in the order of 50 K lines, so now ask
yourself: would you rather write

a) 50 K lines of nice C# code + 200 lines of trivial declarations
b) 50 K lines of orrible C++ code?

I know what I would answer:)
The managed C++ discussion is focused on avoiding the 200 lines of
trivial declarations, when the issue is the 50 KLOC.

Managed C++ might make sense if you have lots of legacy C++ code you
need to integrate (at least until MS itself will pull the plug on it).
For new code like this case, managed C++ is the wrong tool, IMHO.


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Re: [IronPython] Announcement: Project to get some CPython C extensions running under IronPython

2007-10-17 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 10/17/07 Giles Thomas wrote:
 I must admit I'd also misunderstood how a MC++ option would work, in the 
 same way as Paolo Molaro, but this sounds really useful.  Is there any 

I don't think I misunderstood anything:)
I said that there are two modules, the C one and the one that bridges
the C code to the ironpython world. That the two modules can be combined
into the same binary image doesn't change the fact that they are two
different things, it's just an implementation detail.


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Re: [IronPython] Announcement: Project to get some CPython C extensions running under IronPython

2007-10-17 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 10/17/07 Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
 On 10/17/07, Paolo Molaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The python API requires a couple dozen structure definitions plus a few
  dozen dllimport declarations. This can be about 200 lines of trivial
  to write declarative stuff.
 I'm having trouble understanding what you mean by this.  Let's say I've got
 an extension method that looks like this:
 PyObject * ModifyColumns(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
 In order to use this extension from IronPython, I need C implementations of
 each of those API functions.  The PySequence_ methods should to be able to
 understand CLR arrays or any other IEnumerable-like object.  I'm not sure
 what PyTuple_New should return, but whatever it is will need to have
 PyObject*-like semantics.
 How does DllImport fit into this picture?  How can I avoid implementing all
 these functions in C or C++?

You do need to write C code as the API is a C API. I didn't list in the
last mail because the C implementation of these functions is not a
difference between the C# impl and the C++ impl of the rest of the code.
The dllimport declarations I mentioned above would pinvoke to these C


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Re: [IronPython] IronPython now runs faster on Mono

2007-06-05 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 06/05/07 Sanghyeon Seo wrote:
  This is because we JIT many more methods in 2.0 and the JIT time is
  accounted in the results. Adding a warmup call to will
  get the 1.1 and 2.0 results much closer than they appear to be
  with a default run (58k vs 46k in the default and 59k vs 55k with
  the warmup on my pentium M 1.6).
 How do I add a warmup call to

at the end of the file just before main(loops).
It should be 1 instead of 1, but the code is buggy and will result
in a division by zero error (and 1 may not be enough on a fast box,
so if you get an error you'll need to increase it...).


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Re: [IronPython] IronPython now runs faster on Mono

2007-06-04 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 06/03/07 Sanghyeon Seo wrote:
 Thanks to optimization works on delegate invocation, IronPython now
 runs faster on Mono. Conservatively, you can expect 5% speedup for
 1.1, and 10% speedup for 2.0a1.

Current svn mono should be a few percent faster as well (optimized

I got a few more insights into the performace issues with version 2.0 as
well: if you try to run pystone with more passes (200, 300, 500 K)
you'll notice the reported performance is significantly higher.

This is because we JIT many more methods in 2.0 and the JIT time is
accounted in the results. Adding a warmup call to will
get the 1.1 and 2.0 results much closer than they appear to be
with a default run (58k vs 46k in the default and 59k vs 55k with
the warmup on my pentium M 1.6).

The good news is that most of the additional methods compiled are just
because we haven't implemented in mono code sharing for generic methods
with reference generic arguments.

The bad news is that we haven't scheduled the time yet to implement
code sharing. I guess these data points will help us to prioritize it.


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Re: [IronPython] os.popen() + Mono == segfault

2006-12-13 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 12/09/06 Anthony Baxter wrote:
 On 12/8/06, Paolo Molaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The bug is fixed in svn (at least on non-win32): Process didn't handle
  the case when only the filename is set in ProcessStartInfo.
 Fabulous! Thanks for the quick response. This will be in the 1.2.3 release?

Yes. Note the workaround I mentioned: use an argument to the program
to get it to work on earlier versions.


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Re: [IronPython] IPCE and Mono 1.2 interactive interpreter sadness

2006-12-13 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 12/13/06 Miguel de Icaza wrote:
  IPCE on Mono 1.1.17 works really nicely in interactive mode. Backspace
  works, ^D to exit works, the lot. On 1.2.2, however, it's a world of
  broken. Backspace is just insane, ^D stopped working again... it's
  pretty much unusable. I'm not sure whether this is a Mono bug (in
  which case it should be logged) or a problem with the IPCE code. Can
  you provide a more informed opinion?
 I wonder if IPCE has any patches in the Console area in addition to
 standard IronPython, because we recently fixed the Console to work
 properly with IronPython (stock).

I used stock ipy.exe with svn mono and it fails, at least on a
gnome-terminal (TERM=xterm) see:


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Re: [IronPython] os.popen() + Mono == segfault

2006-12-07 Thread Paolo Molaro
On 12/07/06 Anthony Baxter wrote:
 On both IronPython 1.0.1 and IPCE release 4, os.popen() segfaults
 under Mono 1.17.1 (on Ubuntu edgy).
 To reproduce:
 ipy.exe -c import os; print os.popen('/bin/ls', 'r').read()
 Stacktrace follows, for whatever value it is... I can't tell
 immediately whether it's an IronPython or Mono problem, although it
 _appears_ to be in Mono. If other people agree, I'll log a Mono bug

The bug is fixed in svn (at least on non-win32): Process didn't handle
the case when only the filename is set in ProcessStartInfo.


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