Hello Guys,

Not sure what is going on here, nor whether it indicates a bug in 
IronPython, but it is certainly odd. Loading a CPython interpreter 
through the Python.NET assembly seems to change the IronPython (2a5) 
import machinery.

I have a test module 'xyzz.py' that has an unused name 'wibble'. 
Unsurprisingly, attempting to import this into IronPython 2.0a5 raises a 
name error:

IronPython console: IronPython 2.0A5 (2.0.11011.00) on .NET 2.0.50727.1378
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 >>> import xyzz
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File , line 0, in ##7
  File , line 0, in _stub_##2
  File C:\compile\cext\trunk\cext\xyzz.py, line 1, in Initialize
NameError: name 'wibble' is not defined

Executing the following code, (using the 'Python.Runtime' assembly from 
Python.NET with Python 2.4):

IronPython console: IronPython 2.0A5 (2.0.11011.00) on .NET 2.0.50727.1378
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 >>> import clr
 >>> clr.AddReference('Python.Runtime')
 >>> from Python.Runtime import PythonEngine
 >>> engine = PythonEngine()
 >>> engine.Initialize()
 >>> import xyzz
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File , line 0, in ##18
  File , line 0, in _stub_##2
  File mscorlib, line unknown, in DefineDynamicAssembly
  File mscorlib, line unknown, in InternalDefineDynamicAssembly
TypeError: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Reflection.Module' to 
type 'Sys

Just importing the 'PythonEngine' isn't enough. The problem only happens 
if the PythonEngine is instantiated and initialized.

All the best,


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