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I'm not sure I understand what you want to achieve. Could you describe 
functionality your framework provides? 

Every language that integrates with DLR might use a different way of expressing 
late bound calls. C#'s dynamic type is one way of doing that. The code that 
actually performs the dynamic dispatch via DLR call sites usually looks like:

// Lazy-initialize a dynamic call-site object; provide a language specific 
binder that performs the runtime binding
if (site == null) { site = CallSite<Func<CallSite, T1, .. Tn, 
TResult>>>.Create(runtime_binder); }

// call the Target delegate of the site.
result = Site.Target(Site, args);

The runtime_binder for the site carries information about the dynamic operation 
available at compile-time. This includes e.g. a method name, the current 
accessibility context, etc.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alexander Morou
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 6:39 AM
To: Iron Python Mailing List
Subject: [IronPython] Writing a Compiler framework: Static typing use of the DLR


I'm not really sure where to ask this question, so I figured I'd ask on the 
mailing list of the project that largely started the DLR (assuming memory 
serves correctly.)  I'm writing a compiler framework, and I was wondering what 
kind of work, in AST rewrites I would need to perform, or classes from the DLR 
object model I would need to use, in order to support, what C# calls, a static 
type dynamic?  From what I can tell of C#, it uses its own model to wrap some 
of the concepts provided by the DLR, so I'm not exactly sure how to handle the 
late-bound dispatch so that it's marshaled by the appropriate language binder 
for a given object instance.  I could go deeper into how C# does it, but I 
don't really like the idea of looking at the code that was written by someone 
else (since the only way I can look at it is through a disassembler), my own 
code rewritten by C#'s compiler is fine, but the innards of what that code 
uses: no.

I understand the basic concept behind the DLR, but it's too complex to go over 
with a fine tooth comb.  Search algorithms aren't sophisticated enough to ask 
questions like this through google or bing (especially on, largely intangible, 
intent in code), which is why I ask here.  I originally asked Jeff Hardy
( for insight, and he suggested I look here.

Any insight anyone here can provide into this is appreciated.


-Allen [Alexander Morou] Copeland Jr.
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