Re: [one-users] The virtual machine failure migration!

2012-07-04 Thread Jhon Masschelein


Sounds like libvirt/qemu have a problem restarting the VM. Are the
config files for those daemons under /etc/libvirt set up identically
on all your hosts? Did you make sure that the user that starts the
kvm process is able to read en write to the files? (In my install I
added the user "qemu" to the "oneadmin" group to make that work.)

You should have a log file for this particular VM in
/var/log/libvirt/qemu/one-[vm-id].log. What does it say?

You say it happens occasionally, so not always? Does it always fail
when you migrate tot this particular host, or also occasionally? If
occasionally, you have to look for things that change from time to
time. Do you have config files maintained by chef/puppet/cfengine?
Do you have user accounts maintained by ldap/nis? If this host
always fails, it must be bad config of this host; compare it to the
other hosts that do work.

Where does the "unable to read from monitor" come from. Is it
opennebula? That is kind of normal: it tries to read the status for
the VM but since it is not up, it fails. But actually, that should
not give you a "connection reset"... 

What you can do to test your setup when it fails:

Go to the directory with the files and before you change anything,
so a "virsh create deployment.X" where X is the highest number you
can find in that dir. )In your example, it would be 2). (You will
need to be root for this or you will not be able to use the "system"
libvirt space.)

If that "just works" then you have a real strange problem. If it
gives you errors, try to solve them. :)
(If you do not know "virsh", you should read up a bit on it.)

Hope this is a bit helpful.


On 07/04/2012 12:59 PM, David wrote:

  Hi, All
       I used
  OpenNebula3.2.1 version.
       When I execute VM
  migrate operation,Occasionally the
VM appears a migration failure,
       following log:
  Thu Jun 28 15:16:24 2012
  [LCM][I]: New VM state is RUNNING
  Thu Jun 28 15:17:09 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM
  Thu Jun 28 15:17:42 2012 [VMM][I]: save:
Executed "virsh --connect qemu:///system [^] save one-383
  Thu Jun 28 15:17:42 2012 [VMM][I]:
ExitCode: 0
  Thu Jun 28 15:17:42 2012 [VMM][I]:
Successfully execute virtualization driver operation: save.
  Thu Jun 28 15:17:43 2012 [VMM][I]:
ExitCode: 0
  Thu Jun 28 15:17:43 2012 [VMM][I]:
Successfully execute network driver operation: clean.
  Thu Jun 28 15:17:43 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]: Moving /one_images/383/images
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]: Executed "ssh compute-56-5.local mkdir -p
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]: Executed "scp -r
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]: Executed "ssh compute-56-4.local rm -rf
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]:
ExitCode: 0
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM
state is BOOT
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:05 2012 [VMM][I]:
ExitCode: 0
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:05 2012 [VMM][I]:
Successfully execute network driver operation: pre.
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][I]: Command
execution fail: /var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/restore
/one_images/383/images/checkpoint compute-56-5.local 383
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][E]:
restore: Command "virsh --connect qemu:///system [^] restore
/one_images/383/images/checkpoint" failed.
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][E]:
restore: error: Failed to restore domain from
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][I]: error:
internal error process exited while connecting to monitor:
qemu-kvm: -drive
could not open disk image /one_images/383/images/disk.0:
Permission denied
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][E]: Could
not restore from /one_images/383/images/checkpoint
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][I]:
ExitCode: 1
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][I]: Failed
to execute virtualization driver operation: restore.
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][E]: Error
restoring VM: Could not restore from
  Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [DiM][I]: New VM
state is FAILED
  execute command : chmod +x *

Re: [one-users] Sunstone does not load any stats. (Users Digest, Vol 53, Issue 14)

2012-07-04 Thread Rolandas Naujikas


If that started to appear in Monday after Saturday leap second then it 
could be related to 
Our opennebula server had increased load (to ~20) after that also. 
Reboot helped.

Regards, Rolandas Naujikas

On 2012-07-05 05:48, Tao Craig wrote:

Hi Hector,

At first, I see the orange spinning balls... then after some time, this
is replaced with "undefined". I also noticed that ruby seems to be
fairly stable until I try to load these graphs. Then one ruby script
will jumpt to 100+ CPU usage and pretty much stay there. Sometimes, I
will get a "Could not connect..." alert during this time and ruby will
return to normal.

Seeing stuff like this when I trace the PID of the ruby script:

rt_sigreturn(0x1a)  = 121
--- SIGVTALRM (Virtual timer expired) @ 0 (0) ---


Wed Jul 04 19:32:04 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:04]
"GET /vmtemplate?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 3907 53.3096
Wed Jul 04 19:32:08 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:07]
"GET /acl?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 377 33.8135
Wed Jul 04 19:32:12 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:11]
"GET /vnet?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 649 39.9651
Wed Jul 04 19:32:22 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:22]
"GET /datastore?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 2335 55.5165
Wed Jul 04 19:32:28 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:28]
"GET /user?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 1505 44.8972
Wed Jul 04 19:32:41 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:41]
"GET /cluster?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 27 26.3875
Wed Jul 04 19:32:44 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:44]
"GET /image?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 2957 65.6978
Wed Jul 04 19:32:48 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:48]
"GET /host?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 0 139.9275
Wed Jul 04 19:32:51 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:51]
"GET /group?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 796 36.0109
Wed Jul 04 19:32:58 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:58]
"GET /datastore?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 2335 56.8328

sunstone.error is empty, except for this:

== Sinatra/1.3.2 has taken the stage on 9869 for development with backup
from Thin

"gem list"

addressable (2.2.8)
amazon-ec2 (0.9.17)
bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1)
curb (0.8.0)
daemons (1.1.8)
data_mapper (1.2.0)
data_objects (0.10.8)
dm-aggregates (1.2.0)
dm-constraints (1.2.0)
dm-core (1.2.0)
dm-do-adapter (1.2.0)
dm-migrations (1.2.0)
dm-mysql-adapter (1.2.0)
dm-serializer (1.2.1)
dm-sqlite-adapter (1.2.0)
dm-timestamps (1.2.0)
dm-transactions (1.2.0)
dm-types (1.2.1)
dm-validations (1.2.0)
do_mysql (0.10.8)
do_sqlite3 (0.10.8)
eventmachine (0.12.10)
fastercsv (1.5.4)
json (1.7.0, 1.6.7)
json_pure (1.6.7)
multi_json (1.0.4)
mysql (2.8.1)
net-ldap (0.3.1)
nokogiri (1.5.2)
rack (1.4.1)
rack-protection (1.2.0)
rake (0.8.7)
sequel (3.35.0)
sinatra (1.3.2)
sqlite3 (1.3.6)
stringex (1.3.3)
thin (1.3.1)
tilt (1.3.3)
uuidtools (2.1.2)
xml-simple (1.1.1)

I am running sunstone and opennebula on the same box... it does seem to
be ruby related, but I never had a problem until Monday. Prior to that,
nothing had changed on my end. I just came into the office on Monday and
discvoered I could not log in to the older, private cloud and the public
cloud was very slow. Upgrading the public cloud seemed to help (aside
from the issues mentioned above), but I can't upgrade the private cloud
just yet and I would rather identify the source of this problem first.

The CLI is very fast and responsive and other tools such as, VNC console
work fine.

I haven't really been using the self-service portal (although I would
like to in the future), but when I try to start it -I get the following

Wed Jul 04 19:43:17 2012 [E]: Error initializing authentication system
Wed Jul 04 19:43:17 2012 [E]: [UserPoolInfo] User couldn't be
authenticated, aborting call.

Thanks again for your help.

- Original Message - From: "Hector Sanjuan"

To: ; "Tao Craig" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [one-users] Sunstone does not load any stats.


monitoring graphs on my hosts and virtual machines no longer appear.

Is there an empty graph in place or is there an error message? If you can
attach sunstone.log and sunstone.error (if not empty) after trying to see
those graphs etc. perhaps I see something...

It's not normal that the dashboard takes 30secs to load. I guess the CLI
is not so slow when issuing a listing command (onehost list, onevm list
etc..) right?

And what is the ruby script consuming 100% exactly? (grep pid from 'ps
aux' or press 'c' during the execution of 'top' to find the full command).

If you have this long-wait problem in two different clouds and ruby is
consuming so much cpu I would think there is an issue with your boxes
configuration related to ruby perhaps. What's the output of 'gem list'?
Are you running sunstone and opennebula on the same box? Have you tried

[one-users] opennebula3.4.1&&vSphere4.0 CPU&&MEM problem

2012-07-04 Thread 张光鹏
I encountered a strange problem .
I use the following template to create a virtual machine.

NAME = BCI00a0
MEMORY = 512
CPU = 1
VCPU = 1.0
OS = [ BOOT = hd, ARCH = x86_64 ]
DISK = [ IMAGE_ID = 58 ]
INPUT = [ TYPE = tablet,BUS = usb ]
GRAPHICS = [ TYPE = vnc,LISTEN =,PORT = -1 ]
NIC = [ MODEL = e1000,NETWORK = ]
"zhanggp@123",FILES = "/opt/nebula/images/",TARGET = hdc ]

Then , i use onevm show command to list the info of this vm :
MEMORY="512" ...
NET_TX  : 0   
NET_RX  : 0   

But after a few minutes, a strange thing happened . The info of the vm was 
CPU="2" , 
NET_TX : 0 
NET_RX : 0 

Please help to explain .

tel:  13718913184

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Users mailing list

Re: [one-users] Sunstone does not load any stats.

2012-07-04 Thread Tao Craig

Hi Hector,

At first, I see the orange spinning balls... then after some time, this is 
replaced with "undefined". I also noticed that ruby seems to be fairly 
stable until I try to load these graphs. Then one ruby script will jumpt to 
100+ CPU usage and pretty much stay there. Sometimes, I will get a "Could 
not connect..." alert during this time and ruby will return to normal.

Seeing stuff like this when I trace the PID of the ruby script:

rt_sigreturn(0x1a)  = 121
--- SIGVTALRM (Virtual timer expired) @ 0 (0) ---


Wed Jul 04 19:32:04 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:04] "GET 
/vmtemplate?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 3907 53.3096
Wed Jul 04 19:32:08 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:07] "GET 
/acl?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 377 33.8135
Wed Jul 04 19:32:12 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:11] "GET 
/vnet?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 649 39.9651
Wed Jul 04 19:32:22 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:22] "GET 
/datastore?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 2335 55.5165
Wed Jul 04 19:32:28 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:28] "GET 
/user?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 1505 44.8972
Wed Jul 04 19:32:41 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:41] "GET 
/cluster?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 27 26.3875
Wed Jul 04 19:32:44 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:44] "GET 
/image?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 2957 65.6978
Wed Jul 04 19:32:48 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:48] "GET 
/host?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 0 139.9275
Wed Jul 04 19:32:51 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:51] "GET 
/group?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 796 36.0109
Wed Jul 04 19:32:58 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 19:32:58] "GET 
/datastore?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 2335 56.8328

sunstone.error is empty, except for this:

== Sinatra/1.3.2 has taken the stage on 9869 for development with backup 
from Thin

"gem list"

addressable (2.2.8)
amazon-ec2 (0.9.17)
bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1)
curb (0.8.0)
daemons (1.1.8)
data_mapper (1.2.0)
data_objects (0.10.8)
dm-aggregates (1.2.0)
dm-constraints (1.2.0)
dm-core (1.2.0)
dm-do-adapter (1.2.0)
dm-migrations (1.2.0)
dm-mysql-adapter (1.2.0)
dm-serializer (1.2.1)
dm-sqlite-adapter (1.2.0)
dm-timestamps (1.2.0)
dm-transactions (1.2.0)
dm-types (1.2.1)
dm-validations (1.2.0)
do_mysql (0.10.8)
do_sqlite3 (0.10.8)
eventmachine (0.12.10)
fastercsv (1.5.4)
json (1.7.0, 1.6.7)
json_pure (1.6.7)
multi_json (1.0.4)
mysql (2.8.1)
net-ldap (0.3.1)
nokogiri (1.5.2)
rack (1.4.1)
rack-protection (1.2.0)
rake (0.8.7)
sequel (3.35.0)
sinatra (1.3.2)
sqlite3 (1.3.6)
stringex (1.3.3)
thin (1.3.1)
tilt (1.3.3)
uuidtools (2.1.2)
xml-simple (1.1.1)

I am running sunstone and opennebula on the same box... it does seem to be 
ruby related, but I never had a problem until Monday. Prior to that, nothing 
had changed on my end. I just came into the office on Monday and discvoered 
I could not log in to the older, private cloud and the public cloud was very 
slow. Upgrading the public cloud seemed to help (aside from the issues 
mentioned above), but I can't upgrade the private cloud just yet and I would 
rather identify the source of this problem first.

The CLI is very fast and responsive and other tools such as, VNC console 
work fine.

I haven't really been using the self-service portal (although I would like 
to in the future), but when I try to start it -I get the following error:

Wed Jul 04 19:43:17 2012 [E]: Error initializing authentication system
Wed Jul 04 19:43:17 2012 [E]: [UserPoolInfo] User couldn't be authenticated, 
aborting call.

Thanks again for your help.

- Original Message - 
From: "Hector Sanjuan" 

To: ; "Tao Craig" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [one-users] Sunstone does not load any stats.


monitoring graphs on my hosts and virtual machines no longer appear.

Is there an empty graph in place or is there an error message? If you can
attach sunstone.log and sunstone.error (if not empty) after trying to see
those graphs etc. perhaps I see something...

It's not normal that the dashboard takes 30secs to load. I guess the CLI
is not so slow when issuing a listing command (onehost list, onevm list
etc..) right?

And what is the ruby script consuming 100% exactly? (grep pid from 'ps
aux' or press 'c' during the execution of 'top' to find the full command).

If you have this long-wait problem in two different clouds and ruby is
consuming so much cpu I would think there is an issue with your boxes
configuration related to ruby perhaps. What's the output of 'gem list'?
Are you running sunstone and opennebula on the same box? Have you tried
Self-Service interface? Is it so slow as well?


En Thu, 05 Jul 2012 00:40:19 +0200, Tao Craig  escribió:


Thanks for the prompt reply. I am ashamed to admit that browser cache  was 
the problem in this case. The dashboard still takes about 30 seconds  to 
load, but at least it

Re: [one-users] Sunstone does not load any stats.

2012-07-04 Thread Hector Sanjuan


monitoring graphs on my hosts and virtual machines no longer appear.

Is there an empty graph in place or is there an error message? If you can  
attach sunstone.log and sunstone.error (if not empty) after trying to see  
those graphs etc. perhaps I see something...

It's not normal that the dashboard takes 30secs to load. I guess the CLI  
is not so slow when issuing a listing command (onehost list, onevm list  
etc..) right?

And what is the ruby script consuming 100% exactly? (grep pid from 'ps  
aux' or press 'c' during the execution of 'top' to find the full command).

If you have this long-wait problem in two different clouds and ruby is  
consuming so much cpu I would think there is an issue with your boxes  
configuration related to ruby perhaps. What's the output of 'gem list'?  
Are you running sunstone and opennebula on the same box? Have you tried  
Self-Service interface? Is it so slow as well?


En Thu, 05 Jul 2012 00:40:19 +0200, Tao Craig  escribió:


Thanks for the prompt reply. I am ashamed to admit that browser cache  
was the problem in this case. The dashboard still takes about 30 seconds  
to load, but at least it is loading now. I noticed a few other minor  
issues though that I can not track down in my logs. For example, the  
monitoring graphs on my hosts and virtual machines no longer appear.

... any advice?

Part of the reason I didn't catch the browser cache issue earlier is  
because I have a second CentOS/KVM cloud running version 3.2.0 and the  
dashboard recently stopped loading on it as well. This was not fixed by  
clearing my browser cache. Eventually, I get a "Could not connect..."  
alert and the page never finishes loading. During this time, there is a  
ruby script consuming 100+ percent of CPU resources. When I kill this  
script, the cloud is still functional but Sunstone is no longer running.

The logs all appear normal as far as I can tell and all CLI commnands  
work without error. Any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated as  

- Original Message - From: "Hector Sanjuan"  

Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 4:17 AM
Subject: Re: [one-users] Sunstone does not load any stats.


can you try to remove browsers cache and see if that fixes it?


En Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:10:34 +0200, Tao Craig   

Hi everybody,

I recently upgraded my CentOS Open Nebula installation from 3.4 to 3.6  

Prior to the upgrade, I noticed my Sunstone dashboard was loading  
slowly on login (the page would load fine, but it took awhile to load  
the graphs, number of hosts, etc). I saw there were some improvements  
with the Sunstone dashboard with this upgrade, so I applied it hoping  
it would help. Now, my Sunstone dashboard doesn't load any stats or  
graphs... I just see those spinning orange dots and the rest of the  
Sunstone interface does not work either (I'm assuming because this  
information is never gathered).

There are no errors in my logs anywhere that I can find. The only  
thing I am noticing is that ruby scripts are consuming a large amount  
of CPU resources.

If it helps, I am currently running 13 virtual machines on 9 hosts and  
all "one" CLI commands work fine.

Any help would be appreciated.


-- Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer
Users mailing list

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 2012.0.2193 / Virus Database: 2437/5109 - Release Date:  

Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer
Users mailing list

Re: [one-users] Sunstone does not load any stats.

2012-07-04 Thread Tao Craig


Thanks for the prompt reply. I am ashamed to admit that browser cache was 
the problem in this case. The dashboard still takes about 30 seconds to 
load, but at least it is loading now. I noticed a few other minor issues 
though that I can not track down in my logs. For example, the monitoring 
graphs on my hosts and virtual machines no longer appear.

... any advice?

Part of the reason I didn't catch the browser cache issue earlier is because 
I have a second CentOS/KVM cloud running version 3.2.0 and the dashboard 
recently stopped loading on it as well. This was not fixed by clearing my 
browser cache. Eventually, I get a "Could not connect..." alert and the page 
never finishes loading. During this time, there is a ruby script consuming 
100+ percent of CPU resources. When I kill this script, the cloud is still 
functional but Sunstone is no longer running.

The logs all appear normal as far as I can tell and all CLI commnands work 
without error. Any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated as well.

- Original Message - 
From: "Hector Sanjuan" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 4:17 AM
Subject: Re: [one-users] Sunstone does not load any stats.


can you try to remove browsers cache and see if that fixes it?


En Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:10:34 +0200, Tao Craig  escribió:

Hi everybody,

I recently upgraded my CentOS Open Nebula installation from 3.4 to 3.6 

Prior to the upgrade, I noticed my Sunstone dashboard was loading slowly 
on login (the page would load fine, but it took awhile to load the 
graphs, number of hosts, etc). I saw there were some improvements with 
the Sunstone dashboard with this upgrade, so I applied it hoping it 
would help. Now, my Sunstone dashboard doesn't load any stats or 
graphs... I just see those spinning orange dots and the rest of the 
Sunstone interface does not work either (I'm assuming because this 
information is never gathered).

There are no errors in my logs anywhere that I can find. The only thing 
I am noticing is that ruby scripts are consuming a large amount of CPU 

If it helps, I am currently running 13 virtual machines on 9 hosts and 
all "one" CLI commands work fine.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer
Users mailing list

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 2012.0.2193 / Virus Database: 2437/5109 - Release Date: 07/03/12

Users mailing list

Re: [one-users] Public IPs on an internal private network of an OpenNebula Cluster

2012-07-04 Thread Alberto Zuin - Liste

Hello Patrizio,
If I correctly understood, the master server is the OpenNebula server 
and the slaves are the KVM hosts. The master is connected to Internet, 
has a public ip address and is also connected to a private lan; slaves 
(kvm servers) are connected only to private lan.
You use also the master server to masquerade traffic form VM to Internet 
via iptables.

If it's correct, you have 2 possible solution:
1) configure the public IPs as secondary in master servers and set 
iptalbles to DNAT traffic from public IP to the private one
2) install a second ethernet card on slave server, connect it to public 
internet and create a second bridge (without a real public IP address).

The second solution for me is better.


On 04/07/2012 16:36, Patrizio Dazzi wrote:

Dear all OpenNebulers,

 As a researcher of the HPCLab at ISTI-CNR I am working for the CONTRAIL
EU project (, which main aim is to
conceive and develop
an holistic system for building cloud federation that can be managed
in an integrated and
seamless way.

For the reference implementation of CONTRAIL system, we decided to exploit
OpenNebula as Provider-level IaaS. As a consequence, CNR and a few other
project partners are setting up an OpenNebula Cloud each.

Unfortunately, at CNR we are experiencing some issues related to OpenNebula
configuration. These are mainly due to the lack of public IPs
availability on our side and
the consequent decision to reserve them for the VMs hence avoiding to
assign to each
Physical machine a public IP.

Let me describe what's going on on our side.

We have installed the tarball distribution of open nebula 3.4.1 for
running virtual machines on a (kvm based) cluster made of 5 computers:
a front-end machine and 4 slaves machines. Currently, the master has 2
network interfaces configured whereas the slaves have only a single
network interface configured each. All the nodes of the cluster are
running Ubuntu server 12.04 64 bit.

The slaves of the cluster are connected to the front-end via a gigabit
switch. The front-end uses the second network interface to connect to
Internet. Such front-end is the only machine having a public IP.
Indeed, the internal network exploits a class of private IPs
(192.168.100.X). The front-end iptables has been already properly
configured to forward and masquerade the connections from the slaves
to the internet. Indeed, we are able to connect to ubuntu update sites
directly from the slaves.

I also have a few public IPs that I would like to assign to certain
Virtual Machines that will be run on the cluster.

Unfortunately, the slaves are connected to a private network, hence
their virtual bridges, as far as I know, can receive only packets sent
to IPs having the same network address/mask. As a consequence
assigning them a public IP would result in a useless operation because
the packets won't be properly routed to the physical machine hosting
such a public IP.

Can you help me ? Do you have any suggestion ?

Best Regards,
-- Patrizio

Dr Patrizio Dazzi, Ph.D.
HPC Lab @ ISTI-CNR, Via Moruzzi, 1 - 56126, Pisa, Italy
Phone: +39 050 315 30 74  --  Fax: +39 050 315 20 40

"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration"
- Thomas Alva Edison
Users mailing list


Alberto Zuin
via Mare, 36/A
36030 Lugo di Vicenza (VI)
P.I. 04310790284
Tel. +39.0499271575
Fax. +39.0492106654
Cell. +39.3286268626 -

Users mailing list

Re: [one-users] Public IPs on an internal private network of an OpenNebula Cluster

2012-07-04 Thread Olivier Sallou

Le 7/4/12 4:36 PM, Patrizio Dazzi a écrit :
> Dear all OpenNebulers,
> As a researcher of the HPCLab at ISTI-CNR I am working for the CONTRAIL
> EU project (, which main aim is to
> conceive and develop
> an holistic system for building cloud federation that can be managed
> in an integrated and
> seamless way.
> For the reference implementation of CONTRAIL system, we decided to exploit
> OpenNebula as Provider-level IaaS. As a consequence, CNR and a few other
> project partners are setting up an OpenNebula Cloud each.
> Unfortunately, at CNR we are experiencing some issues related to OpenNebula
> configuration. These are mainly due to the lack of public IPs
> availability on our side and
> the consequent decision to reserve them for the VMs hence avoiding to
> assign to each
> Physical machine a public IP.
> Let me describe what's going on on our side.
> We have installed the tarball distribution of open nebula 3.4.1 for
> running virtual machines on a (kvm based) cluster made of 5 computers:
> a front-end machine and 4 slaves machines. Currently, the master has 2
> network interfaces configured whereas the slaves have only a single
> network interface configured each. All the nodes of the cluster are
> running Ubuntu server 12.04 64 bit.
> The slaves of the cluster are connected to the front-end via a gigabit
> switch. The front-end uses the second network interface to connect to
> Internet. Such front-end is the only machine having a public IP.
> Indeed, the internal network exploits a class of private IPs
> (192.168.100.X). The front-end iptables has been already properly
> configured to forward and masquerade the connections from the slaves
> to the internet. Indeed, we are able to connect to ubuntu update sites
> directly from the slaves.
> I also have a few public IPs that I would like to assign to certain
> Virtual Machines that will be run on the cluster.
> Unfortunately, the slaves are connected to a private network, hence
> their virtual bridges, as far as I know, can receive only packets sent
> to IPs having the same network address/mask. As a consequence
> assigning them a public IP would result in a useless operation because
> the packets won't be properly routed to the physical machine hosting
> such a public IP.
> Can you help me ? Do you have any suggestion ?
Can't you connect slaves to "public" network with, by default,  the
interface down.
Then, in your boot script, if the template assigns a public IP,
configure the public interface to use it and start the interface (of
course routing tables should also be modified to get direct access).

> Best Regards,
> -- Patrizio
> Dr Patrizio Dazzi, Ph.D.
> HPC Lab @ ISTI-CNR, Via Moruzzi, 1 - 56126, Pisa, Italy
> Phone: +39 050 315 30 74  --  Fax: +39 050 315 20 40
> "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration"
> - Thomas Alva Edison
> ___
> Users mailing list

Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

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Users mailing list

[one-users] Public IPs on an internal private network of an OpenNebula Cluster

2012-07-04 Thread Patrizio Dazzi
Dear all OpenNebulers,

As a researcher of the HPCLab at ISTI-CNR I am working for the CONTRAIL
EU project (, which main aim is to
conceive and develop
an holistic system for building cloud federation that can be managed
in an integrated and
seamless way.

For the reference implementation of CONTRAIL system, we decided to exploit
OpenNebula as Provider-level IaaS. As a consequence, CNR and a few other
project partners are setting up an OpenNebula Cloud each.

Unfortunately, at CNR we are experiencing some issues related to OpenNebula
configuration. These are mainly due to the lack of public IPs
availability on our side and
the consequent decision to reserve them for the VMs hence avoiding to
assign to each
Physical machine a public IP.

Let me describe what's going on on our side.

We have installed the tarball distribution of open nebula 3.4.1 for
running virtual machines on a (kvm based) cluster made of 5 computers:
a front-end machine and 4 slaves machines. Currently, the master has 2
network interfaces configured whereas the slaves have only a single
network interface configured each. All the nodes of the cluster are
running Ubuntu server 12.04 64 bit.

The slaves of the cluster are connected to the front-end via a gigabit
switch. The front-end uses the second network interface to connect to
Internet. Such front-end is the only machine having a public IP.
Indeed, the internal network exploits a class of private IPs
(192.168.100.X). The front-end iptables has been already properly
configured to forward and masquerade the connections from the slaves
to the internet. Indeed, we are able to connect to ubuntu update sites
directly from the slaves.

I also have a few public IPs that I would like to assign to certain
Virtual Machines that will be run on the cluster.

Unfortunately, the slaves are connected to a private network, hence
their virtual bridges, as far as I know, can receive only packets sent
to IPs having the same network address/mask. As a consequence
assigning them a public IP would result in a useless operation because
the packets won't be properly routed to the physical machine hosting
such a public IP.

Can you help me ? Do you have any suggestion ?

Best Regards,
-- Patrizio

Dr Patrizio Dazzi, Ph.D.
HPC Lab @ ISTI-CNR, Via Moruzzi, 1 - 56126, Pisa, Italy
Phone: +39 050 315 30 74  --  Fax: +39 050 315 20 40

"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration"
- Thomas Alva Edison
Users mailing list

[one-users] Reminder: call for translations (deadline 06th July 9am CEST)

2012-07-04 Thread Hector Sanjuan

Dear community,

This is a reminder of the call for translations for our web interfaces:  
Sunstone and Self-Service.

The deadline has been moved some hours ealier, to Friday 6th of July, 9am  
CEST, in order to be able to comply better with the testing and packaging  
of the new OpenNebula 3.6 version, to be released on 9th of July.

For instructions on how to translate check [1].

As corrections and improvements have been carried out during the beta  
phase, there have been minor changes to some translations strings. These  
changes are now reflected in the Transifex project page[2].

Therefore we kindly ask all translators to complete the translations as  
much as possible before July 6th, 9am CEST.

We would like to thank all the contributors for the great response and the  
efforts carried out so far. It is great to count with so many languages :)

Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer

Users mailing list

Re: [one-users] Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)

2012-07-04 Thread Jan Benadik


I forgot to set LISTEN parameter ...

Thanks, Hector!


Dňa 04.07.2012 15:34, Hector Sanjuan
  wrote / napísal(a):

  En Wed, 04 Jul 2012 15:28:18 +0200, Jan Benadik
  - no, I cannot connect to running VM via
another VNC viewer

  Well, then it's a problem with the hypervisor or the connectivity
  to the VM physical host? You should try to fix that and then check
  if the problem still persists in Sunstone.
  Im assuming that you defined the GRAPHICS section correctly in
  your VM template and that the LISTEN param is set to

Ján Beňadik
 Managed Services - Solution
  Design Architect
  +421 46 5151 332
  +421 903 691 634
  Vinohradnícka 6, 971 01 Prievidza


Users mailing list

Re: [one-users] Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)

2012-07-04 Thread Hector Sanjuan
En Wed, 04 Jul 2012 15:28:18 +0200, Jan Benadik   

- no, I cannot connect to running VM via another VNC viewer

Well, then it's a problem with the hypervisor or the connectivity to the  
VM physical host? You should try to fix that and then check if the problem  
still persists in Sunstone.

Im assuming that you defined the GRAPHICS section correctly in your VM  
template and that the LISTEN param is set to

Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer
Users mailing list

Re: [one-users] Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)

2012-07-04 Thread Jan Benadik

- /var/log/one/sunstone.error is empty
- websockify is not running
- I ran /usr/share/one/ already at the end of
installation, config files in /etc/one were modified and I restarted
one, occi-server and sunstone-server after that
- no, I cannot connect to running VM via another VNC viewer
- I installed OpenNebula 3.6 from scratch (virgin installation, no
- yes, line "starting VNC proxy" appears in sunstone.log (see below)

   Server configuration
  Wed Jul 04 17:47:57 2012 [I]: Starting vnc proxy:
  /usr/share/one/noVNC/utils/websockify  35777 myto:5901
  Wed Jul 04 17:47:57 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:47:57]
  "POST /vm/1/startvnc HTTP/1.1" 200 30 0.0518
  Wed Jul 04 17:48:04 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:48:04]
  "GET /vnet?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 790 0.0139
  Next line in log is after closing window with error message:
  Wed Jul 04 17:48:06 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:48:06]
  "POST /vm/1/stopvnc HTTP/1.1" 200 - 0.0028
  Wed Jul 04 17:48:06 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:48:06]
  "GET /vmtemplate?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 948 0.0159
  Wed Jul 04 17:48:07 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:48:07]
  "GET /image?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 901 0.0142
  Wed Jul 04 17:48:30 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:48:30]
  "GET /acl?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 377 0.1223
  Wed Jul 04 17:48:34 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:48:34]
  "GET /datastore?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 2312 0.0284
  Wed Jul 04 17:48:34 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:48:34]
  "GET /group?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 605 0.0105
  Wed Jul 04 17:48:35 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:48:35]
  "GET /cluster?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 27 0.0072
  Wed Jul 04 17:48:39 2012 [I]: - - [04/Jul/2012 17:48:39]
  "GET /vm?timeout=true HTTP/1.1" 200 2254 0.0278


Dňa 04.07.2012 15:11, Hector Sanjuan
  wrote / napísal(a):

Hi, let see,
  Check sunstone.error too.
  Check that no websockify from a previous session is running (ps
  aux | grep websockify).
  Check that you have run ./ after your upgrade.
  Check that you can still connect to the machine VNC with a
  different vnc client directly.
  Is the "starting vnc proxy" line showing up in sunstone.log?
  From which version were you upgrading? You can attach sunstone.log
  so I can check if I see something that you missed.
  En Wed, 04 Jul 2012 14:56:14 +0200, Jan Benadik
  Hi all,

I've installed the newest version of OpenNebula (3.6 beta) on
Ubuntu Server 12.04

(management node and host too). When I try to click on VNC icon
of running VM in

Sunstone UI, open window with this error message appears:

Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)

The same behaviour in the newest Chromium and Firefox 13 browser

Nothing in /var/log/syslog (host nor management node),
/var/log/one/oned.log, /var/log/one/sunstone.log

(management node).

Where can be an issue?



Ján Beňadik
 Managed Services - Solution
  Design Architect
  +421 46 5151 332
  +421 903 691 634
  Vinohradnícka 6, 971 01 Prievidza


Users mailing list

Re: [one-users] Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)

2012-07-04 Thread Hector Sanjuan

Hi, let see,

Check sunstone.error too.

Check that no websockify from a previous session is running (ps aux | grep  

Check that you have run ./ after your upgrade.

Check that you can still connect to the machine VNC with a different vnc  
client directly.

Is the "starting vnc proxy" line showing up in sunstone.log?

From which version were you upgrading? You can attach sunstone.log so I  
can check if I see something that you missed.


En Wed, 04 Jul 2012 14:56:14 +0200, Jan Benadik   

Hi all,

I've installed the newest version of OpenNebula (3.6 beta) on Ubuntu  
Server 12.04
(management node and host too). When I try to click on VNC icon of  
running VM in

Sunstone UI, open window with this error message appears:

Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)

The same behaviour in the newest Chromium and Firefox 13 browser ...

Nothing in /var/log/syslog (host nor management node),  
/var/log/one/oned.log, /var/log/one/sunstone.log

(management node).

Where can be an issue?


Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer
Users mailing list

[one-users] Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)

2012-07-04 Thread Jan Benadik

Hi all,

I've installed the newest version of OpenNebula (3.6 beta) on Ubuntu
Server 12.04 (management node and host too). When I try to click on
VNC icon of running VM in Sunstone UI, open window with this error
message appears:

Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)

The same behaviour in the newest Chromium and Firefox 13 browser ...

Nothing in /var/log/syslog (host nor management node),
/var/log/one/oned.log, /var/log/one/sunstone.log (management node).

Where can be an issue?

Ján Beňadik
 Managed Services - Solution
  Design Architect
  +421 46 5151 332
  +421 903 691 634
  Vinohradnícka 6, 971 01 Prievidza

Users mailing list

Re: [one-users] Sunstone does not load any stats.

2012-07-04 Thread Hector Sanjuan


can you try to remove browsers cache and see if that fixes it?


En Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:10:34 +0200, Tao Craig  escribió:

Hi everybody,

I recently upgraded my CentOS Open Nebula installation from 3.4 to 3.6  

Prior to the upgrade, I noticed my Sunstone dashboard was loading slowly  
on login (the page would load fine, but it took awhile to load the  
graphs, number of hosts, etc). I saw there were some improvements with  
the Sunstone dashboard with this upgrade, so I applied it hoping it  
would help. Now, my Sunstone dashboard doesn't load any stats or  
graphs... I just see those spinning orange dots and the rest of the  
Sunstone interface does not work either (I'm assuming because this  
information is never gathered).

There are no errors in my logs anywhere that I can find. The only thing  
I am noticing is that ruby scripts are consuming a large amount of CPU  

If it helps, I am currently running 13 virtual machines on 9 hosts and  
all "one" CLI commands work fine.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer
Users mailing list

[one-users] The virtual machine failure migration??

2012-07-04 Thread David
Hi?? All
 I used OpenNebula3.2.1 version.
 When I execute VM migrate operation??Occasionally the VM appears a  
migration failure,
 following log??
Thu Jun 28 15:16:24 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM state is RUNNING
Thu Jun 28 15:17:09 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM state is SAVE_MIGRATE
Thu Jun 28 15:17:42 2012 [VMM][I]: save: Executed "virsh --connect 
qemu:///system [^] save one-383 /one_images/383/images/checkpoint".
Thu Jun 28 15:17:42 2012 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 0
Thu Jun 28 15:17:42 2012 [VMM][I]: Successfully execute virtualization driver 
operation: save.
Thu Jun 28 15:17:43 2012 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 0
Thu Jun 28 15:17:43 2012 [VMM][I]: Successfully execute network driver 
operation: clean.
Thu Jun 28 15:17:43 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM state is PROLOG_MIGRATE
Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]: Moving /one_images/383/images
Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]: Executed "ssh compute-56-5.local 
mkdir -p /one_images/383".
Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]: Executed "scp -r 
Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]: Executed "ssh compute-56-4.local rm 
-rf /one_images/383/images".
Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [TM][I]: ExitCode: 0
Thu Jun 28 15:56:03 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM state is BOOT
Thu Jun 28 15:56:05 2012 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 0
Thu Jun 28 15:56:05 2012 [VMM][I]: Successfully execute network driver 
operation: pre.
Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][I]: Command execution fail: 
/var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/restore /one_images/383/images/checkpoint 
compute-56-5.local 383 compute-56-5.local
Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][E]: restore: Command "virsh --connect 
qemu:///system [^] restore /one_images/383/images/checkpoint" failed.
Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][E]: restore: error: Failed to restore domain 
from /one_images/383/images/checkpoint
Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][I]: error: internal error process exited while 
connecting to monitor: qemu-kvm: -drive 
could not open disk image /one_images/383/images/disk.0: Permission denied
Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][E]: Could not restore from 
Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 1
Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][I]: Failed to execute virtualization driver 
operation: restore.
Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [VMM][E]: Error restoring VM: Could not restore from 
Thu Jun 28 15:56:06 2012 [DiM][I]: New VM state is FAILED

execute command : chmod +x *
but ??receive the following error message??
error: Unable to read from monitor: Connection reset by peer

This is what causes problems ?

Thanks! Hope after


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