Hi Christoph,

This is a bug. I have opened a ticket describing it in order to fix it [1].

Thank you very much for your valuable input. If you are in a hurry to
see the VNC working, I believe it may currently work when the VM is
deployed on localhost.

Best wishes,


[1] http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/757

El 29/07/11 12:16, Christoph Raible escribió:
> I send the Email to fast... some more information...
> I run the novnc.sh skript an this also works fine!
> I tested Firefox 5.0.1, 4.x.x, 3.6.18
> And Chrome 12.xxx
> noVNC directory is /srv/cloud/one/share/noVNC  and read / writeable from
> all hosts.
> VM is running no on Master... It's on another host and no SElinux oder
> Firwall is between thos hosts.
> Regards,
> Christoph
> Am 29.07.2011 12:03, schrieb Christoph Raible:
>> So I have new Questions...
>> After installing right gems and configuring, Sunstone works fine.. Login
>> an creation of VM works fine.
>> But now I can't connect to a VM per noVNC in Sunstone. There is always
>> shown the following error on the top of the noVNC pop-up:
>> "Failed to connect to server"
>> Has someone an idea how to solve this problem?
>> Regards
>> Christoph
>> Am 27.07.2011 11:14, schrieb Héctor Sanjuán:
>>> Hi Christoph,
>>> it seems the ruby gem 'sequel' is not present in your system. This gem
>>> is needed by the monitoring system (requirements in [1], also seems you
>>> are missing sqlite3), which is used by Sunstone (requirements in [2]).
>>> You can install the missing dependencies manually issuing 'gem
>>> install...'.
>>> Also, in order to assure that you have all the dependencies necessary
>>> for OpenNebula in general, we recommend to use the 'install_gems' script
>>> [3], which will try to install all the ruby gems for you in their
>>> correct versions.
>>> For Scientific linux, this means however that you will need to install
>>> the packages listed in the doc manually before the script can proceed to
>>> install the gems.
>>> Don't hesitate to write back if you have more questions,
>>> Hector
>>> [1]
>>> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.0:acctd_conf#requirements_installation
>>> [2]
>>> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.0:sunstone#requirements_installation
>>> [3]
>>> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.0:ignc#ruby_libraries_requirements_front-end
>>> El 27/07/11 10:21, Christoph Raible escribió:
>>>> Hi @all,
>>>> I got the following error on Starting sunstone-server with
>>>> OpenNebula 3.0 Beta1.
>>>> http://pastebin.com/SdBJZSc5
>>>> My System is a 64-Bit Scientific Linux 6.0
>>>> Selinux disabled
>>>> iptables disabled
>>>> One networkinterface as bridge
>>>> Following Gems are installed:
>>>> daemons (1.1.4)
>>>> eventmachine (0.12.10)
>>>> json (1.5.3)
>>>> mkrf (0.2.3)
>>>> nokogiri (1.5.0)
>>>> rack (1.3.2)
>>>> rake (0.9.2, 0.8.7)
>>>> sinatra (1.2.6)
>>>> thin (1.2.11)
>>>> tilt (1.3.2)
>>>> and my sunstone-server.conf is configured so:
>>>> http://pastebin.com/4bjn1bqX
>>>> I hope someone can help me with my problem...
>>>> I need the Sunstone server for an article in the linux-admin magazin
>>>> (Germany ;) )
>>>> Regards
>>>> Chr.Raible

Héctor Sanjuán
OpenNebula Sunstone Developer
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