is down

2017-06-19 Thread N. Harrison Ripps
Hi all,
Just sending this to let everyone know we are aware of the problem and are 
currently working on it.

Part of the issue involves an ongoing problem that is impacting our DNS 
provider[1], so we will not be able to bring back online 
until that issue is resolved.

Sorry for the inconvenience; our commercial documentation is still available 
through the Red Hat Customer Portal[2] and our community docs can be found at



users mailing list

Re: Let's encrypt routers

2017-01-17 Thread N. Harrison Ripps
This came up shortly before the holidays; CCing Tomas Nozicka who has 
investigated this. Tomas, have you had a chance to work on a proposal or are 
you still in the research stage? 


> On Jan 17, 2017, at 08:09, Philippe Lafoucrière 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any plan to support automatic Let's Encrypt ssl cert creation / 
> renewal in Openshift?
> Web servers like caddy ( 
> ) are supporting this natively.
> (Caddy has, like all modern web servers, proxy/reverseproxy/loadbalancing 
> capabilities 
> ).
> Thanks,
> Philippe
> -- 
> Philippe Lafoucrière - CEO
> France : +33 (0) 3 65 96 02 92
> Canada: +1 (418) 478-1175
> USA: +1 (954) 607-7443
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: Known-good iconClass listing?

2016-08-11 Thread N. Harrison Ripps

This is awesome, thanks Jessica!

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Jessica Forrester 
<> wrote:
If you don't set your own, it will fallback to the generic template 
icon.  In the new navigation the "application" icon is "fa fa-cubes"

You can use anything in fontawesome
Anything in patternfly
Or anything you see here:

Keep in mind that we do lock to a particular version of patternfly 
and fontawesome every release so if you arent seeing your icon of 
choice it may not be in the releases we are using, see 
  for the versions

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 10:26 AM, N. Harrison Ripps <> 

Hey there--
I am working on creating a template and was curious about the 
iconClass setting. I can grep for it in the origin codebase and I 
see several different icon names, but:

1) Is there an official list of valid iconClass values?
2) Is there a generic "Application" icon?


users mailing list

users mailing list

Known-good iconClass listing?

2016-08-11 Thread N. Harrison Ripps

Hey there--
I am working on creating a template and was curious about the iconClass 
setting. I can grep for it in the origin codebase and I see several 
different icon names, but:

1) Is there an official list of valid iconClass values?
2) Is there a generic "Application" icon?


users mailing list

Re: Chicken or the egg causality dilemma (Authorization Policies)

2016-07-05 Thread N. Harrison Ripps
Hey Olaf --
You can do this as the system:admin user, which is the built-in cluster
"superuser". In order to login as system:admin, you have to be SSH'd into
(one of) your master(s) as the root user:

[ ~] oc login -u system:admin

This account has no password but is only available from the shell of a
master with you as the root user.

Once you've done that, you can run the add-role-to-user command that you
were attempting.


On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:56 AM, Olaf Radicke 

> Hi,
> I added a first user over the htpasswd file. So far so good. Now I like to
> add this user to the cluster-admin role.  But I don't have permissions. So
> what is the right way?
> Best regards,
> Olaf
> --[ snip ]---
> [root@os-master ~]# oc login
> Authentication required for (openshift)
> Username: admin
> Password:
> Login successful.
> Using project "meteocontrol-testing".
> [root@os-master ~]# oc describe clusterPolicy default
> Error from server: User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicies at the cluster
> scope
> [root@os-master ~]# oadm policy add-role-to-user cluster-admin admin
> error: You must be logged in to the server (attempt to grant extra
> privileges: [PolicyRule{Verbs:[*], APIGroups:[*], Resources:[*],
> ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:}] user=&{admin
> fcd285f3-3cfe-11e6-8c1a-525400e34c10 [system:authenticated:oauth
> system:authenticated]} ownerrules=[PolicyRule{Verbs:[create delete
> deletecollection get list patch update watch], APIGroups:[],
> Resources:[configmaps endpoints persistentvolumeclaims pods pods/attach
> pods/exec pods/log pods/portforward pods/proxy replicationcontrollers
> replicationcontrollers/scale secrets serviceaccounts services
> services/proxy], ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:}
> PolicyRule{Verbs:[create delete deletecollection get list patch update
> watch], APIGroups:[], Resources:[buildconfigs buildconfigs/instantiate
> buildconfigs/instantiatebinary buildconfigs/webhooks buildlogs builds
> builds/clone builds/log deploymentconfigrollbacks deploymentconfigs
> deploymentconfigs/log deploymentconfigs/scale deployments
> generatedeploymentconfigs imagestreamimages imagestreamimports
> imagestreammappings imagestreams imagestreams/secrets imagestreamtags
> localresourceaccessreviews localsubjectaccessreviews processedtemplates
> projects resourceaccessreviews rolebindings roles routes
> subjectaccessreviews templateconfigs templates], ResourceNames:[],
> Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[create delete deletecollection get
> list patch update watch], APIGroups:[autoscaling],
> Resources:[horizontalpodautoscalers], ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:}
> PolicyRule{Verbs:[create delete deletecollection get list patch update
> watch], APIGroups:[batch], Resources:[jobs], ResourceNames:[],
> Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[create delete deletecollection get
> list patch update watch], APIGroups:[extensions],
> Resources:[horizontalpodautoscalers jobs replicationcontrollers/scale],
> ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[get list watch],
> APIGroups:[extensions], Resources:[daemonsets], ResourceNames:[],
> Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[get list watch], APIGroups:[],
> Resources:[bindings configmaps endpoints events imagestreams/status
> limitranges minions namespaces namespaces/status nodes
> persistentvolumeclaims persistentvolumes pods pods/log pods/status policies
> policybindings replicationcontrollers replicationcontrollers/status
> resourcequotas resourcequotas/status resourcequotausages routes/status
> securitycontextconstraints serviceaccounts services], ResourceNames:[],
> Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[get update], APIGroups:[],
> Resources:[imagestreams/layers], ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:}
> PolicyRule{Verbs:[update], APIGroups:[], Resources:[routes/status],
> ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[get], APIGroups:[],
> Resources:[], ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:}
> PolicyRule{Verbs:[create get], APIGroups:[],
> Resources:[buildconfigs/webhooks], ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:}
> PolicyRule{Verbs:[get], APIGroups:[], Resources:[], ResourceNames:[],
> Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[create], APIGroups:[],
> Resources:[builds/source], ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:}
> PolicyRule{Verbs:[create], APIGroups:[], Resources:[projectrequests],
> ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[create],
> APIGroups:[], Resources:[builds/docker], ResourceNames:[],
> Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[create], APIGroups:[],
> Resources:[builds/custom], ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:}
> PolicyRule{Verbs:[get], APIGroups:[], Resources:[users], ResourceNames:[~],
> Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[list], APIGroups:[],
> Resources:[projectrequests], ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:}
> PolicyRule{Verbs:[get list], APIGroups:[], Resources:[clusterroles],
> ResourceNames:[], Restrictions:} PolicyRule{Verbs:[list],

Re: mco command returns erros

2016-01-29 Thread N. Harrison Ripps
Hi Rumeha--
Referring your question to the OpenShift users list. I found this, which
may also be relevant:

When you run `oo-mco ping`, what is the specific error that you are seeing?
What shows up in the log files?


On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 4:14 AM, Rumeha rizwan 

> Hi
> I am installing openshift origin on centos 6.7. ia using two different
> systems for broker & host. i followed thw comprehensive deployment guide
> provided by redhat for the installation process. The broker is setup. now
> after installing mcollective on the node when i run oo-mco command on the
> broker host i am getting an error. it is notreturing the hostname of the
> node. can you please help me with this problem.
> Regards
> Rumeha
users mailing list

Re: best way to install openshift

2016-01-25 Thread N. Harrison Ripps
Hey Lorenz--
The BYO ansible playbook is probably your best bet. The easiest (but not
the only) way would be to set up your AWS hosts with passwordless SSH
access for the root user on each host. Then follow the docs for info on
how to list your AWS host in the ansible config file[1].

Hope this helps!


On 01/25/2016 01:35 PM, Lorenz Vanthillo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm searching for the best way to deploy an OpenShift cluster on AWS
> (origin 1.1).
> I know the advanced installation with ansible and it's very nice to
> create a big cluster.
> But all the prerequisitions are also a lot of work (installing docker
> with the extra volumes on eacht host, ...)
> Is there some way where this is automated or is this possible to
> automate with ansible?
> Or do you have to write some bash-script?
> I read this:
> but it's not very clear I think.
> Thanks
> ___
> users mailing list

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