Openshift M5 Offline install

2017-02-03 Thread Sco
Working on getting Openshift M5 to install and run offline and running into
trouble with the app containers. Currently using 1.4 with 1.4.1 system
This document for the origin install seems to say that there are a few
variables that need to be set in order to point the installer to an
alternate docker registry:
"If you need to use a private registry to pull these images during the
installation, you can specify the registry information ahead of time. For
the advanced installation method, you can set the following Ansible
variables in your inventory file, as required:"


However if you search the ansible installer code on GitHub the variables
that are specified do not seem to exist in the code. If you search for the
end of the variables, i.e. docker_insecure_registries, you find there is a
variable in the code openshift_docker_insecure_registries.
Setting either the variables in the documentation or in the code in the
ansible hosts file still does not stop the ansible installer from
attempting to pull from and failing.

The Openshift Enterprise documentation has a whole document not present in
Origin on disconnected installs:
This specifies the rather odd procedure of docker pulling all the
containers, saving them, docker loading, retagging them and pushing them
into the internal registry. Then you must modify the image stream files in
/etc/origin/examples and make sure that the internal registry is the one
that is specified to get the image from. Then you can run an oc replace to
make sure openshift is aware of the new configs, with something like so:

oc replace -n openshift -f /etc/origin/examples/image-
In addition we have changed all the example app sources to point to our own
private git server hosting the example apps code.

Despite trying all of this we still cannot get containers to spin up on an
offline system. When we try doing so The front overview for an app like
cakephp says no deployments, A new deployment will start automatically when an
image is available

You can force a deployment by going to applications --> deployments -->
cakephpexample and clicking deploy. But it still fails.

Under Pods cakephp-mysql-example-1-deploy

run but cakephp-mysql-example-1-hook-pre

an error:
Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "lifecycle"
with ErrImagePull: "couldn't parse image reference \" \": invalid reference
Comparing the image stream files of my working online Openshift and not
working offline Openshift files there is no difference aside from addition
of the specification of the internal registry, nothing that should cause it
to try to pull \" \".

Any suggestions on how to get this system function without an internet
users mailing list

Re: oc get route

2016-08-17 Thread Sco
Unfortunately oc cluster up is not a solution that provides sufficient
evaluation capability for our use.

--all-namespaces returns:

#oc get routes --all-namespaces



rails-postgresql-example template=rails-postgresql-example

Also I redirected DNS traffic to the node and confirmed it was getting
there on port 53 with tcpdump but still no joy.
If I curl the cakephp-mysql-example apps 172 address on the node or the
master they work.
users mailing list

oc get route

2016-08-16 Thread Sco
Have been trying to get a working version of Openshift M5 up and running,
and have been running into trouble.
The ansible installer runs through with no errors, can login and create
app's but cannot get to them. I can see the traffic hit the master but the
browser only gets a refused to connect.
oc get route  comes back with nothing.
docker ps on the node does show that haproxy router is running.

Any ideas on where to look?
users mailing list

Offline Install

2016-01-29 Thread Sco
Is there any documentation on how to modify the ansible install script to
point to an alternative registry server? I need to be able to do an offline
install and I have created a repo of the necessary rpms and a private
registry but I have so far been unable to and have found no documentation
around how to change where the installer tells open shift to pull its
docker containers from. Thanks
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