$openshift_master_default_subdomain would be resolvable to your users in
exactly the same way google.com would be. It’s a real domain. It’s not
OpenShift specific.

You will manage this domain in your enterprise per usual, and create
wildcard DNS A records for the subdomain which return the IPs of your

On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 3:50 AM Robert Dahlem <robert.dah...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am totally new to OpenShift. I managed to setup a master and a node,
> then tried:
>         oc login -u dev -p dev
>         oc new-project ...
>         oc new-app ...
>         oc expose ...
> After exposing my application it can be reached at
>         http://$appname-$projectname.$openshift_master_default_subdomain
> I can reach that from my browser on another system if I add the IP
> address of my master with this name to my local hosts file.
> My question is: in which DNS would this be resolveable? The masters DNS
> does not know about it:
> os-master # dig @ \
>         $appname-$projectname.$openshift_master_default_subdomain +short
> comes back empty.
> Kind regards,
> Robert
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