Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] setup openxcap

2008-12-22 Thread Iñaki Baz Castillo
2008/12/22 troxlinux

 service openxcap start
 Starting OpenXCAP server: openxcap Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/bin//openxcap, line 9, in module
from application.process import process, ProcessError
 ImportError: No module named application.process

You must install the Python library containing Application. I don't
remember now which one library it is, but when I installed OpenXCAP
some time ago I installed it by reading step by step the installation

Iñaki Baz Castillo
Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Problem with Mediaproxy2.3.0 start

2008-12-22 Thread mmarzuola

Someone can help me!!!

Hi all.
I have installed Mediaproxy-2.3.0 in the same machine of the Opensips proxy in 
the directory /usr/local/src/mediaproxy-2.3.0 running the commands:

./ build
./ install

The installation appears to be successful because I have not received errors.
I have copied the files mediaproxy-dispatcher.init and mediaproxy-relay.init in 
/etc/init.d and changed permissions to be able to run.
I have edited the config.ini and changed in this way:


dispatchers =

passport = None

;relay_ip =

port_range = 5:6

stream_timeout = 90

on_hold_timeout = 7200

dns_check_interval = 60

reconnect_delay = 10

traffic_sampling_period = 15


socket_path = dispatcher.sock

listen_management =

management_use_tls = yes

passport = None

management_passport = None

relay_timeout = 5

;accounting =




socket_path = '/var/run/opensips/socket'
max_connections = 10

When I try to run media-relay I have in the syslog:

Dec 19 16:43:35 opensips-lab media-relay[13823]: [-] Log opened.

Dec 19 16:43:35 opensips-lab media-relay[13823]: [-] Starting MediaProxy Relay 

Dec 19 16:43:39 opensips-lab media-relay[13823]: [-] fatal error: failed to 
create MediaProxy Relay: Could not initialize the iptables 'nat' table. 
Missing kernel support or running without root priviliges.

The version of my kernel is 2.6.18-6-686 and I run the command from root.

Instead when I try to run media-dispatcher, I have:

Dec 19 16:45:21 opensips-lab media-dispatcher[13839]: [-] Log opened.

Dec 19 16:45:21 opensips-lab media-dispatcher[13839]: [-] Starting MediaProxy 
Dispatcher 2.3.0

Dec 19 16:45:22 opensips-lab media-dispatcher[13839]: [-] Twisted is using 

Dec 19 16:45:22 opensips-lab media-dispatcher[13839]: [-] fatal error: failed 
to create MediaProxy Dispatcher: missing or unreadable file: tls/dispatcher.crt

But the file tls/dispatcher.crt there is in the subdirectory tls and I try also 
to change the permission to read.

Someone can help me?

Thanks in advance.

Marzuola Matteo

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[OpenSIPS-Users] Help needed for OPENXCAP start

2008-12-22 Thread ASHWINI NAIDU
hi all,
When i start openxcap these errors were logged to

2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] Log opened.
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] Starting OpenXCAP 1.0.6
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] Traceback (most recent call last):
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-]   File /usr/local/bin/openxcap, line 55, in
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] from xcap.server import XCAPServer
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-]   File
/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/xcap/, line 11, in
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] from twisted.web2 import channel, resource,
http, responsecode, http_headers, server
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-]   File
line 7, in module
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] from import
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-]   File
/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/web2/channel/, line
4, in module
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] from zope.interface import implements
2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] ImportError: No module named zope.interface

can anyone help abt how to solve this error.

Thankin You,
Ashwini BR Naidu
Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS VS Asterisk as registrar (SIPp test)

2008-12-22 Thread Iñaki Baz Castillo
2008/12/19 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
 Also, looking at the error you sent (build_res_buf_from_sip_req: out of pkg
 memory  ; needs 25296) - the function requests 25K of mem for the reply
 :Dmy question is - do you register multiple contacts per single AOR ?
 this is the only way (except a bug) I can explain this huge amount of mem

Ok, now i've tryed with 5000 different AoR's (instead of 5000
different contacts for just 2 AoR's) and the conslusion is awesome!

- OpenSIPS is capable of handling 500 REGISTER (with authentication)
per second. Doing it for 5000 registrations in total caused no
retransmission, so the process finished correctly in 10 seconds:
  usrloc:registered_users = 5000

- For the same test, Asterisk (which doesn't need to query a DB for
users since it uses a plain text file sip.conf) it created 17366
retransmissions, 375 timeouts, and finally, just 4495 users were
correctly registered.
  5000 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 4495
online, 505 offline]

If I set more registrations per second, the maybe OpenSIPS requires
some retransmissions (children=4) but all the registrations end
correctly. Asterisk instead...

PD: Just an issue. I use usrloc, db_mode = 1.
After the 5000 registrations OpenSIPS has problems related to memory
and I can't do simple tasks as:

  ~# opensipsctl ul show --brief
  Dec 22 12:04:13 [26421] ERROR:core:create_mi_node: no more pkg mem
  Dec 22 12:04:13 [26421] ERROR:mi_datagram:mi_datagram_server: failed
to process the command
  500 command failed

  Dec 22 12:07:08 [29435] INFO:benchmark:child_init: initing child...
  Dec 22 12:07:08 [29433] ERROR:db_mysql:db_mysql_convert_row: no
private memory left
  Dec 22 12:07:08 [29433] ERROR:db_mysql:db_mysql_fetch_result: error
while converting row #1488
  Dec 22 12:07:08 [29441] INFO:benchmark:child_init: initing child...
  Dec 22 12:07:08 [29433] ERROR:usrloc:preload_udomain: fetching rows failed
  Dec 22 12:07:08 [29433] ERROR:usrloc:child_init: child(1): failed to
preload domain 'location'
  Dec 22 12:07:08 [29433] ERROR:core:init_mod_child: failed to
initializing module usrloc, rank 1
  Dec 22 12:07:08 [29433] ERROR:core:main_loop: init_child failed for
UDP listener

I run OpenSIPS with -m 64. Should I increase it?
Running with -m 512 I get a different error:

  ~# opensipsctl ul show --brief
  Dec 22 12:09:44 [29741] ERROR:mi_datagram:datagram_recur_write_tree:
failed to write -line too long!!!
  Dec 22 12:09:44 [29741] ERROR:mi_datagram:mi_datagram_server: failed
to build the response

I assume this is an error related to opensipsctl command in some way.

But anyway, I cannot stop and start (or restart) opensips since I get
the following error:

  Dec 22 12:11:54 [30183] ERROR:db_mysql:db_mysql_convert_row: no
private memory left
  Dec 22 12:11:54 [30183] ERROR:db_mysql:db_mysql_fetch_result: error
while converting row #1488
  Dec 22 12:11:54 [30183] ERROR:usrloc:preload_udomain: fetching rows failed
  Dec 22 12:11:54 [30183] ERROR:usrloc:child_init: child(1): failed to
preload domain 'location'
  Dec 22 12:11:54 [30183] ERROR:core:init_mod_child: failed to
initializing module usrloc, rank 1
  Dec 22 12:11:54 [30183] ERROR:core:main_loop: init_child failed for
UDP listener
  Dec 22 12:11:54 [30221] CRITICAL:core:receive_fd: EOF on 13
  Dec 22 12:11:54 [30182] INFO:core:handle_sigs: child process 30183
exited normally, status=255
  Dec 22 12:11:54 [30182] INFO:core:handle_sigs: terminating due to SIGCHLD

This is very annoying and occurs when there are 5000 users in location
table. But I'm using 512 MB of shared memory! How to solve it?

Thanks a lot.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Help needed for OPENXCAP start

2008-12-22 Thread Iñaki Baz Castillo
2008/12/22 ASHWINI NAIDU
 2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] from zope.interface import implements
 2008-12-22 01:08:21-0800 [-] ImportError: No module named zope.interface

 can anyone help abt how to solve this error.

What about looking in Google for the exact error??

  ImportError: No module named zope.interface

It's obvious that you need a Python library/module called zope. What
about looking for such a library in your repository system? In case of

 ~# apt-cache search python zope

Please, first read the error and look for it. Later if you can't solve
it ask in the maillist. This is faster for all the people.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] Mediaproxy: problem with dns_check_interval

2008-12-22 Thread mmarzuola

Hi all.
I have installed the Mediaproxy-2.3.1 version.
In the syslog I noticed that every 60 seconds, i.e. every time that there is 
the check in DNS if the SRV and A records for the dispatcher have changed, 
there are this message:

Dec 22 16:01:52 opensips-lab media-relay[2951]: 
[twisted.names.dns.DNSDatagramProtocol (UDP)] Unhandled error in Deferred:
Dec 22 16:01:52 opensips-lab media-relay[2951]: 
[twisted.names.dns.DNSDatagramProtocol (UDP)] Traceback (most recent call 
Dec 22 16:01:52 opensips-lab media-relay[2951]: 
[twisted.names.dns.DNSDatagramProtocol (UDP)] Failure: 
twisted.names.error.DNSServerError: twisted.names.dns.Message instance at 

What do this messages mean?

Thanks in advance.

Marzuola Matteo

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Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] mysql support

2008-12-22 Thread troxlinux
opensipsdbctl create , with this command  you make the opensips
database, here this the opensips install..


2008/12/22 J Santos


 i compiled opensips with mysql support removing the exclude from the
 Makefile. It compiled fine but there is no mysql tables created.

  Is there any script that I have to run in order to create the tables ? Or
 do I have to run the *.sql files in the opensips-1.4.2-tls/scripts/mysql
 directory ? If yes, do I need all of them ?

 Any help will be appreciated.


 J Santos


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] setup openxcap

2008-12-22 Thread troxlinux
hello I continue trying to install openxcap, and I have the
dependences that he needs but when start it shows another error:

pegaso:~ # service openxcap restart
Stopping OpenXCAP server: openxcap .
Starting OpenXCAP server: openxcap Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/bin//openxcap, line 41, in module
from xcap.logutil import start_log
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/xcap/, line
4, in module
from twisted.web2 import responsecode
ImportError: No module named web2

help pls


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] setup openxcap

2008-12-22 Thread troxlinux
thank you iñaki, but I have installed those dependences not you
because he throws me that message

rpm -q python-twisted
pegaso:~ # rpm -q python-twisted-web2

I am already sick of looking for the problem  :(


2008/12/22 Iñaki Baz Castillo

 ~$ apt-cache search python web2
 python-twisted-web2 - An HTTP/1.1 Server Framework



Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP - Transaction

2008-12-22 Thread Alex Balashov
What do you mean by implement SIP-T?  SIP-T provides ISUP 
encapsulation in the payload to replace SS7 interworking;  it's still 
SIP, and you still treat it the same way you do any other SIP.

Bruno Rodrigues wrote:

 Hi All,
 Have any idea to implement SIP-T in opensips ?
 Thank You,
 Bruno Rodrigues
 Users mailing list

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Tel: (+1) (678) 954-0670
Direct : (+1) (678) 954-0671
Mobile : (+1) (706) 338-8599

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP - Transaction

2008-12-22 Thread Alex Balashov
OpenSIPS does not control this signaling, and is not involved at the 
MTP3 level.

Bruno Rodrigues wrote:

 I mean use Opensips like a SCP. The GW using SS7 sending the mtp3 to
 Opensips using sip-t and Opensips controlling this signaling. 
 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Balashov [] 
 Sent: segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008 23:14
 To: Bruno Rodrigues
 Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP - Transaction
 What do you mean by implement SIP-T?  SIP-T provides ISUP 
 encapsulation in the payload to replace SS7 interworking;  it's still 
 SIP, and you still treat it the same way you do any other SIP.
 Bruno Rodrigues wrote:
 Hi All,

 Have any idea to implement SIP-T in opensips ?


 Thank You,

 Bruno Rodrigues




 Users mailing list

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Tel: (+1) (678) 954-0670
Direct : (+1) (678) 954-0671
Mobile : (+1) (706) 338-8599

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP - Transaction

2008-12-22 Thread Bruno Rodrigues
I know OpenSips dont control the ISUP signaling and not is involved with
MTP3 Level. My doubts if the opensips will can control SigTran in future or
if have any idea to implement this. I ask about this because we don't have a
open source softswitch what can control Sigtran signaling using any protocol

-Original Message-
From: Alex Balashov [] 
Sent: segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008 23:37
To: Bruno Rodrigues
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP - Transaction

OpenSIPS does not control this signaling, and is not involved at the 
MTP3 level.

Bruno Rodrigues wrote:

 I mean use Opensips like a SCP. The GW using SS7 sending the mtp3 to
 Opensips using sip-t and Opensips controlling this signaling. 
 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Balashov [] 
 Sent: segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008 23:14
 To: Bruno Rodrigues
 Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP - Transaction
 What do you mean by implement SIP-T?  SIP-T provides ISUP 
 encapsulation in the payload to replace SS7 interworking;  it's still 
 SIP, and you still treat it the same way you do any other SIP.
 Bruno Rodrigues wrote:
 Hi All,

 Have any idea to implement SIP-T in opensips ?


 Thank You,

 Bruno Rodrigues




 Users mailing list

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Tel: (+1) (678) 954-0670
Direct : (+1) (678) 954-0671
Mobile : (+1) (706) 338-8599

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP - Transaction

2008-12-22 Thread Alex Balashov
For one, that would require some sort of user agent (M3UA), which 
OpenSIPS is not.  If anything, Asterisk would be better suited for that 
role if it could somehow combine its incipient SS7 ISUP support with 
real, solid call control/media gateway control support (i.e. MGCP or 

Bruno Rodrigues wrote:

 I know OpenSips dont control the ISUP signaling and not is involved with
 MTP3 Level. My doubts if the opensips will can control SigTran in future or
 if have any idea to implement this. I ask about this because we don't have a
 open source softswitch what can control Sigtran signaling using any protocol
 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Balashov [] 
 Sent: segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008 23:37
 To: Bruno Rodrigues
 Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP - Transaction
 OpenSIPS does not control this signaling, and is not involved at the 
 MTP3 level.
 Bruno Rodrigues wrote:
 I mean use Opensips like a SCP. The GW using SS7 sending the mtp3 to
 Opensips using sip-t and Opensips controlling this signaling. 
 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Balashov [] 
 Sent: segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008 23:14
 To: Bruno Rodrigues
 Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP - Transaction

 What do you mean by implement SIP-T?  SIP-T provides ISUP 
 encapsulation in the payload to replace SS7 interworking;  it's still 
 SIP, and you still treat it the same way you do any other SIP.

 Bruno Rodrigues wrote:

 Hi All,

 Have any idea to implement SIP-T in opensips ?


 Thank You,

 Bruno Rodrigues




 Users mailing list


Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Tel: (+1) (678) 954-0670
Direct : (+1) (678) 954-0671
Mobile : (+1) (706) 338-8599

Users mailing list