Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Music On Hold Opensips

2010-01-29 Thread Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

osiris123d wrote:
 So say RTPProxy can successfully do MOH, if your current VoIP infrastructure
 uses Mediaproxy then you would need to set up a RTPProxy server and have the
 customers that wish to have MOH use RTPProxy instead of Mediaproxy correct?

sort of
 I guess the only caveat is that RTPProxy doesn't work with CDRTool as far as
 the BYE message is concerned.
you can try to make it - RTPproxy is also able to report the timeouts at 
media level and to trigger and external script (where you can push a 
radius/acc/etc event)


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Private IP in registered AOR causing failure

2010-01-29 Thread Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
Hi Brian, wrote:
 1) the BLA part is sending the SUBSCRIBEs based on user location
 and it is using the received field if present, so it should be
 ok. Unless you set in the bla module the outbound param - this
 will override the received info.

 I know that at least some part of the BLA logic or presence logic
 is indeed using the 'received' field, because OpenSIPS is sending
 to the correct UAS 1/2 the time. It is equially clear that some
 other part of BLA or presence is ignoring the 'received' field.
 For each UAS which registers tcpdump shows two SUBSCRIBE messages.
 One with the 'received' IP and one with the private IP.

 My module parameters for presence and BLA are:

 modparam(presence, server_address,
 modparam(presence_xml, force_active, 1)
 modparam(pua_bla, server_address,
 modparam(pua_bla, default_domain,
 modparam(pua_bla, header_name, Sender) I'm not setting the 'outbound' parameter it seems, right?

 I'm using:

   Solaris 11 x86 (nv-b91)
   OpenSIPS 1.6.0 with TLS

In such a case, check in usrloc if the registrations for the user the 
SUBSCRIBE belongs to, do has the received field - maybe the error is 
when saving the contacts and not when using them.

 2) the subscribe you posted - as you captured it, I supposed it
 exists on network. But I see that the transport in TLS (so TCP
 based), but how come you see the message if opensips is not able to
 open the TCP conn to the private IP..

 Good question, but I showed you just how I was capturing traffic
 to the private IP. You probably missed it, so here it is again:

 After running a socket listener on on the OpenSIPS host:

$ socat TCP4-LISTEN:2310,bind=,reuseaddr -
 sip:mylogin-os...@;transport=tls;line=2acy67zm SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=G4z9hb82dK8.f144.0
Call-ID: b1c04118-8...@
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: OpenSIPS (1.6.1-tls)
Max-Forwards: 70
Event: dialog;sla
Expires: 610

 It's plain old TCP/IP networking. First do a ifconfig to create
 a virtual interface with IP, then set a static route,
 and finally run software to listen on the TCP socket on the address.
 This works as long as I do it on the same machine that OpenSIPS (the
 presence modules) are running on.

 Any ideas?

If you could try to get a capture of the whole flow - starting with 
REGISTER, the logs...
But first check the usrloc (see 1) )



 Users mailing list


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] What is protocol/port mismatch?

2010-01-29 Thread Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
Hi Brian,

Do you use force_send_socket() functions in your script, before the 
t_relay ?

Bogdan wrote:
 Hello list,

 I'm using:

   Solaris 11 x86 (nv-b91)
   OpenSIPS 1.6.0 with TLS

 ...and I see this in the log:

   warning opensips[2717]: WARNING:core:get_send_socket: protocol/port 

 some hundreds of times per day (about once every 20 minutes
 per registered UAC.)

 I have this in the route script:

   listen =

 There is a voicemail server (not OpenSIPS) listening on TCP (not
 TLS) port 5080 on the same host. OpenSIPS and the other server
 exchange traffic such as SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY for MWI and INVITEs
 to voicemail. The voicemail server sends SIP messages to OpenSIPS
 port 5061 over TLS (I think.)

 What exactly is the meaning of these warnings in the log, and does
 it seem that I'm doing something wrong in the route script?


 Users mailing list


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Query regarding Rtp Proxy opensips

2010-01-29 Thread Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

I doubt you can change that as RTPproxy is not decoding the RTP stream - 
as the name says, the tool is only RTP aware, so cannot interpret the 
content. But I guess you can google for some other audio tools to help 
mixing the 2 streams.


Indiver wrote:
 Hi Bodgan,

 Yes. These files are raw rtp files. When ever call is ended rtp proxy
 storing the 2 raw rtp files in to specified destination folder. One for
 callee and other for caller. The problem i faced is i have to merge these 2
 raw rtp files of each call and convert into wav file to hear the
 conversation. Is there any other solution that to record call directly as a
 wav file using rtpproxy? Thanks in advance!

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Private IP in registered AOR causing failure

2010-01-29 Thread opensipslist

Hello Bogdan,

An ven., janv 29, 2010, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu schrieb: wrote:
 1) the BLA part is sending the SUBSCRIBEs based on user location
 and it is using the received field if present, so it should be
 ok. Unless you set in the bla module the outbound param - this
 will override the received info.

 My module parameters for presence and BLA are:

 modparam(presence, server_address,
 modparam(presence_xml, force_active, 1)
 modparam(pua_bla, server_address,
 modparam(pua_bla, default_domain,
 modparam(pua_bla, header_name, Sender) I'm not setting the 'outbound' parameter it seems, right?

In such a case, check in usrloc if the registrations for the user
the SUBSCRIBE belongs to, do has the received field - maybe the
error is when saving the contacts and not when using them.

That would be nice, but I don't think so:

  # /pfx/sbin/opensipsctl ul show
  AOR:: user1
Contact:: sip:us...@;transport=tls;line=9hm7f0ua Q=1
  Expires:: 352
  Callid:: 703c26357076-zmjcebpdyaey
  Cseq:: 1058
  User-agent:: Unimportant
  Received:: sip:;transport=TLS
  State:: CS_SYNC
  Flags:: 0
  Cflag:: 64
  Socket:: tls:
  Methods:: 7999

 After running a socket listener on on the OpenSIPS host:

$ socat TCP4-LISTEN:2310,bind=,reuseaddr -
 sip:mylogin-os...@;transport=tls;line=2acy67zm SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=G4z9hb82dK8.f144.0
Call-ID: b1c04118-8...@
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: OpenSIPS (1.6.1-tls)
Max-Forwards: 70
Event: dialog;sla
Expires: 610

 Any ideas?
If you could try to get a capture of the whole flow - starting with
REGISTER, the logs...  But first check the usrloc (see

I'll do that next, when I have time over the weekend. Capturing is
actually quite difficult because everything is TLS, and there are
more than one phone, as well as a voicemail server...

Thanks for helping so far, and if you think of anything based on
your suggestion 1) and my answer, then please advise.


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] What is protocol/port mismatch?

2010-01-29 Thread opensipslist

Hello Bogdan,

An ven., janv 29, 2010, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu schrieb: wrote:
 ...and I see this in the log:

   warning opensips[2717]: WARNING:core:get_send_socket: protocol/port 

 some hundreds of times per day (about once every 20 minutes
 per registered UAC.)

 I have this in the route script:

   listen =

Do you use force_send_socket() functions in your script,
before the t_relay ?

No, I have 'force_rport()' in the script, but neither
'force_send_socket()' nor 'force_tcp_alias()' is there at
all. Are you suggesting that I use it before t_relay to the
server with a different transport?

Is the basic idea of this warning message that OpenSIPS
exchanges a SIP message with a UA over a certain transport
(TLS in this case) and port number (5061 in this case), but
a t_relay in the route script forwards the message over a
different transport or to a different port number?

If so, what is being compared and how is it compared?

  Port1 == Port2
  Transport1 == Transport2
  Transport1  Port1 == Transport2  Port2


Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] B2Bua : send 2 INVITE without caring about the 200 OK

2010-01-29 Thread marie.gremillot
I have a question concerning the B2Bua : I'd like to send 2 INVITE without 200 
OK. Indeed I'd like to send the second INVITE even if I haven't received the 
200 OK of the first one.
But I find that the B2Bua is too much sequetial
Is there a solution ?

thank you

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Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] B2BUA - Opensips crash on b2b_init_request(top hiding);

2010-01-29 Thread Anca Vamanu
Hi Max,

I am investigating the reported crash and I will find the problem. I 
will let you know when it is done to update your code.

Thanks and regards,

Anca Vamanu

Max Mühlbronner wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I have a problem with opensips 1.6.1-notls, everything else worked fine 
 but at this point i can not get the b2bua module (topology hiding 
 scenario) to work.
 Lately i have added the b2bua module and while testing Opensips crashes 
 whenever a request hits b2b_init. I thought it could be an 
 misconfiguration on my side,
 but could not find anything wrong. I tried many things but could not 
 find any solution, now i see there is also an open bug which describes 
 the same problem:
 Does anyone else have these issues or similar crashes with b2bua, or any 
 ideas to verify if this could be a valid bug?

 - *opensips crashes on reply recieved to b2bua - ID: 2937441

 Looking forward to any ideas.

 Best Regards

 Max M.


 Users mailing list


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] B2BUA not passing ACKs

2010-01-29 Thread Anca Vamanu
Hi Brian, wrote:
 Hello Anca,

 Sorry for the delay.

 An lun., janv 04, 2010, Anca Vamanu schrieb:
 There is a misunderstanding from your side in what the b2b scenario
 documents are concerned ( please read carefully the documentation - ).

 It's hard to figure out which document to read, as the documents are
 so unclear that they need documentation themselves. What I mean is:

 Why are there two documents listed on the website for the same
 thing. One called 'B2buaTutorial' and the other 'B2buaTutorial16'?
 Is the second a older document only useful for OpenSIPS 1.6.0, or
 is it a newer version of the document B2buaTutorial?

The documentation versions, as it is normal, refer to the version of 
code, so the newest version is for the devel branch. Anyhow, the only 
addition in devel is support for REFER scenario.

 There are also no links to plain text config files, and everything
 is HTML. A complete working route script is not available.

You are right about the scripts, I will add links to text files.
There is a complete working opensips script here:
 The important thing is that there should only be rules in the
 scenario for requests that need a special handling. In the prepaid
 scenario - when the BYE from the media server is received the
 caller must be connected to a human operator, so we have a rule for
 this. All the other requests need only simple pass forward - so if
 an ACK is received from one side it only need to be forwarded to
 the other. 'pass forward' is the implicit action and it will be
 applied to all requests that don't match a rule.

 Thanks for clearing that up (about the implicit action.) I think
 I understand better now, but still I would like to start from the
 beginning and use the supplied prepaid.xml (which I assume is
 correctly written.)

Yes, it is correctly written.
 I see that you say that the prepaid scenario does not work for you.
 What version are you testing with?

   Solaris 11 x86 (nv-b91)
   OpenSIPS 1.6.0 with TLS

 I've copied the example 'prepaid.xml' word for word from the URL:

 Here are the relevant parts of the route script:

 listen =
 listen =

 modparam(tm, pass_provisional_replies, 1)
 modparam(b2b_entities, server_address,
 modparam(b2b_logic, script_scenario, 

 if (has_totag()) {
 if (loose_route()) {
 # code here

 if (!is_method(REGISTER|MESSAGE)) {

 if (is_method(INVITE)  src_ip != myself) {  # Start of B2BUA
 if (!t_newtran()) { # logic block, do
 sl_reply_error();   # media announcements
 exit;   # to users
 b2b_init_request(prepaid, sip:playso...@, 

 if (src_ip != myself) {
 if ($hdr(P-hint) != outbound) {
 append_hf(P-hint: outbound\r\n);

 Does that look like it should work? What about the parameters
 ''? Is 't_newtran' necessary?
t_newtran is necessary because b2b should not handle retransmissions. 
And yes, the configuration file seems correct and should work. If it 
doesn't, try to find the exact problem. Check if there are errors in 
opensips log and watch the network traffic.
If you see something not working as in the schema from the 
documentation, send a detailed report.


Anca Vamanu


 Users mailing list


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Experimenting with B2b modules

2010-01-29 Thread Anca Vamanu
Hi Jayesh,

FIrst of all, the error that those parameters do not exist is normal 
since they do not exist :). costum_headers is a parameter that was added 
in devel branch, and the correct name for the other parameter is 
clean_period. But I have checked now, and in the documentation it is in 
fact written cleanup_period. I will fix this in the code to really 
have cleanup_period.
Can you please investigate the core file with gdb and print here the 
backtrace? There is also another crash report and I am investigating it now.


Anca Vamanu

Jayesh Nambiar wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have been trying to do some experiments with B2b modules in 
 Opensips. What I am trying to do is create another OpenSips instance 
 which will only act as Topology Hiding Server in front of my proxy.
 So calls processed from my proxy will go to the B2b Opensips instance, 
 the B2b instance will extract a header which will contain the 
 destination domain and route the call to that domain in B2b mode (Is 
 this doable?).
 First issue:
 I get these errors on loading the parameters:
 parameter cleanup_period not found in module b2b_logic
 parameter custom_headers not found in module b2b_logic
 I have compiled Opensips 1.6.1 from source in Debian.

 Second Issue:
 I commented these parameters and tried running opensips but ran into 
 Snippet of my cfg file:

 modparam(b2b_entities, server_address,

 #modparam(b2b_logic, cleanup_period, 60)
 #modparam(b2b_logic, custom_headers, Status)

 route {
  if(method==INVITE) {
  $rd = $hdr(Dest);
  b2b_init_request(top hiding);

 Can i find few more examples somewhere of using the B2B modules in 
 opensips so that i can start thinking of how do I integrate these 
 features into my current setup !!
 Any help is very much appreciated as always.


 --- Jayesh

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] B2BUA - Opensips crash on b2b_init_request(top hiding);

2010-01-29 Thread Max Mühlbronner
Hi again,

i have made a recompile/ new setup and still receive a segmentation 
fault, it was fine for one call and so i thought it was finally working 
(looked at the trace on another machine and the contact header was 
modified correctly by B2bua) and then on the next Call it crashed again. 
I hope the coredump may help in any way.

Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
[New process 31135]
#0  parse_headers (msg=0x2e343331, flags=18446744073709551615, next=0) 
at parser/msg_parser.c:298
298 end=msg-buf+msg-len;
(gdb) bt
#0  parse_headers (msg=0x2e343331, flags=18446744073709551615, next=0) 
at parser/msg_parser.c:298
#1  0xb7b13cf4 in b2b_send_reply (et=B2B_SERVER, b2b_key=0xa79cfdb8, 
code=200, text=0x81bd994, body=0xbf8f220c, extra_headers=0xbf8f2204) at 
#2  0xb7b04f23 in b2b_logic_notify (src=1, msg=0x81bd978, 
key=0xa79ca46c, type=1, param=0xa79cdedc) at logic.c:444
#3  0xb7b06343 in b2b_client_notify (msg=0x81bd978, key=0xa79ca46c, 
type=1, param=0xa79cdedc) at logic.c:938
#4  0xb7b14a14 in b2b_tm_cback (htable=0xa7961638, ps=0xb7b66e54) at 
#5  0xb7b0cf1b in b2b_client_tm_cback (t=0xa79cee44, type=512, 
ps=0xb7b66e54) at client.c:44
#6  0xb7b4250b in run_trans_callbacks (type=512, trans=0xa79cee44, 
req=0x0, rpl=0x81bd978, code=200) at t_hooks.c:208
#7  0xb7b58cae in local_reply (t=0xa79cee44, p_msg=0x81bd978, branch=0, 
msg_status=200, cancel_bitmap=0xbf8f2540) at t_reply.c:1339
#8  0xb7b59ff1 in reply_received (p_msg=0x81bd978) at t_reply.c:1484
#9  0x08067172 in forward_reply (msg=0x81bd978) at forward.c:559
#10 0x080978db in receive_msg (
buf=0x8174380 SIP/2.0 200 OK\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bKe2c8.d65d92e.0\r\nFrom:
s..., len=950, rcv_info=0xbf8f2664) at receive.c:200
#11 0x080d8a14 in udp_rcv_loop () at udp_server.c:492
#12 0x0806e329 in main (argc=9, argv=0xbf8f2804) at main.c:818

also more detailed :

(gdb) bt full
#0  parse_headers (msg=0x2e343331, flags=18446744073709551615, next=0) 
at parser/msg_parser.c:298
hf = value optimized out
itr = value optimized out
tmp = 0x0
rest = value optimized out
end = 0xa79cfde3 
orig_flag = value optimized out
__FUNCTION__ = parse_headers
#1  0xb7b13cf4 in b2b_send_reply (et=B2B_SERVER, b2b_key=0xa79cfdb8, 
code=200, text=0x81bd994, body=0xbf8f220c, extra_headers=0xbf8f2204) at 
hash_index = 274
local_index = 0
dlg = (b2b_dlg_t *) 0xa79cdaec
to_tag = value optimized out
tm_tran = (struct cell *) 0xa79c1b88
msg = (struct sip_msg *) 0x2e343331
buffer = \206òõ·h\000\000\000È÷d\b\b \000\000\b 
\217¿\226øï·Ð÷d\bÐ÷d\b\\\000\000\000\...@\000\000 \224÷·X \217¿...
p = value optimized out
ehdr = {s = 0x2 Address 0x2 out of bounds, len = -1482891545}
table = (b2b_table) 0xa796062c
pto = value optimized out
TO = {error = -1081139060, body = {s = 0xbf8f20a8 ¾, len = 
134783674}, uri = {s = 0x81bd978 ., len = 135930932}, display = {
s = 0xbf8f208c ÆD\027\b\001, len = 9}, tag_value = {s = 0x0, len = 
0}, parsed_uri = {user = {s = 0x10058 Address 0x10058 out of bounds,
  len = 136042872}, passwd = {s = 0x81a2e00 \017, len = 
135933548}, host = {s = 0x7e Address 0x7e out of bounds, len = 
135742662}, port = {
  s = 0x1 Address 0x1 out of bounds, len = -1081138960}, params = 
{s = 0xbf8f2108 =í\033\b, len = 135204128}, headers = {
  s = 0xbf8f20f0  \\\031\bv, len = 136044600}, port_no = 190, 
proto = 0, type = 3080147028, transport = {s = 0xbf8f20c8 , len = 
135931420}, ttl = {
  s = 0x6 Address 0x6 out of bounds, len = 136042872}, user_param 
= {s = 0xbf8f2130 \001, len = 136044600}, maddr = {s = 0x0, len = 1}, 
method = {
  s = 0x81a432c \017, len = 0}, lr = {s = 0x81bece0 Ø, len = 
-1213161172}, r2 = {s = 0x8195c20 , len = -1081138684}, transport_val = {
  s = 0xbf8f2148 8\\217¿#O°·, len = -1213204822}, ttl_val = {s = 
0x8195c20 , len = 118}, user_param_val = {s = 0x0, len = 136044652}, 
maddr_val = {
  s = 0x16 Address 0x16 out of bounds, len = 10}, method_val = {s 
= 0x Address 0x out of bounds, len = 136047933}, 
lr_val = {
  s = 0x0, len = 0}, r2_val = {s = 0xb7b09b85 Require, len = 
-1213162611}}, param_lst = 0x0, last_param = 0x0}
__FUNCTION__ = b2b_send_reply
#2  0xb7b04f23 in b2b_logic_notify (src=1, msg=0x81bd978, 
key=0xa79ca46c, type=1, param=0xa79cdedc) at logic.c:444
hash_index = 

[OpenSIPS-Users] Problem with miss call logging in radius (radacct) database

2010-01-29 Thread ASHWINI NAIDU
Hi all,

I have upgraded my CDRTool-6.9.x to CDRTool-7.0.0 . I could see the cdrs
of miss calls when i was using the CDRTool-6.9.x but after upgrading i do
not see the missed call logs for CDRTool-7.0.0 nor in the radacct table. I
have followed all the instructions for the upgrade.

Below is the radius log.
*rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host port 60042, id=222,
Acct-Status-Type = Failed
Service-Type = Sip-Session
Sip-Response-Code = 487
Sip-Method = Invite
Event-Timestamp = Jan 29 2010 10:03:24 EST
Sip-From-Tag = 1b1bad63
Sip-To-Tag = 177306757
Acct-Session-Id =
User-Name =
Calling-Station-Id =
Called-Station-Id =
Sip-Translated-Request-URI = sip:1...@
Source-IP =
Source-Port = 50682
Canonical-URI =
Contact = sip:5...@
SIP-Proxy-IP =
NAS-Port = 5060
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
NAS-IP-Address =
+- entering group preacct {...}
++[preprocess] returns ok
[acct_unique] Hashing 'NAS-Port = 5060,Client-IP-Address =,NAS-IP-Address =,Acct-Session-Id =
3e19711acb6a541dYzE5ODJiZGU5NTg5ZWQ5MmE5NmE4MGFlOGMzYTI1NjA.,User-Name ='
[acct_unique] Acct-Unique-Session-ID = 0ef7a78049ee134a.
++[acct_unique] returns ok
++[files] returns noop
+- entering group accounting {...}
[detail] expand:
/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%d -
/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%d expands
to /usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct/
[detail] expand: %t - Fri Jan 29 10:03:24 2010
++[detail] returns ok
++[unix] returns noop
[radutmp] expand: /usr/local/var/log/radius/radutmp -
rlm_radutmp: NAS localhost port 5060 unknown packet type 15)
++[radutmp] returns noop
[sql] Unsupported Acct-Status-Type = 15
++[sql] returns noop
[attr_filter.accounting_response] expand: %{User-Name} -
 attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 12
++[attr_filter.accounting_response] returns updated
Sending Accounting-Response of id 222 to port 60042
Finished request 1.
Cleaning up request 1 ID 222 with timestamp +48
Going to the next request
Ready to process requests.*

Thanking You,
Ashwini BR Naidu
Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] t_relay() not relaying payload

2010-01-29 Thread Thamer Alharbash
We currently have opensips setup to route through another carrier for  
certain calls. All signaling and media works well except for reinvites.

 if (has_totag()) {

 # sequential request within a dialog should
 # take the path determined by record-routing

 if (loose_route()) {
 if (is_method(BYE)) {
 setflag(1); # do accounting ...
 setflag(3); # ... even if the  
transaction fails
 } else if (is_method(INVITE)) {
 # even if in most of the cases is  
useless, do RR for
 # re-INVITEs alos, as some buggy  
clients do change route set
 # during the dialog.

The first reinvite passes through fine with the nated contact fixed  
for the contact field. The second reinvite does not get relayed  
correctly. Instead a udp packet with no SIP payload at all is sent to  
the UA. We can't find any particular error in the debug log.

Does anyone have thoughts on this?


Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] carrierroute rule_fixup log entry

2010-01-29 Thread Kyle Romulas
Hello All,

Quick question on a log file entry with regards to carrierroute 1.4.5-notls.

opensips[32717]: INFO:carrierroute:rule_fixup: fixing tree 0
opensips[32717]: INFO:carrierroute:rule_fixup_recursor: hashless rule with
host x.x.x.x hash hash_index 1

The second line repeats for entry in the table.

I have 6 carriers defined in the route_tree; 4 NANP PSTN providers, 1
International for LCR weighting via prob, and default.

I use cr_user_carrier to load the avp of the preferred NANP PSTN provider
before calling cr_route.

Is there need for concern with the INFO log entries at startup and route
Kyle Romulas 
DH Platform-Services

attachment: winmail.dat___
Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Problem with miss call logging in radius (radacct) database

2010-01-29 Thread Saúl Ibarra Corretgé

El 29/01/10 16:28, ASHWINI NAIDU escribió:
 Hi all,

  I have upgraded my CDRTool-6.9.x to CDRTool-7.0.0 . I could see the
 cdrs of miss calls when i was using the CDRTool-6.9.x but after
 upgrading i do not see the missed call logs for CDRTool-7.0.0 nor in the
 radacct table. I have followed all the instructions for the upgrade.

Did you also upgrade the MySQL stored procedures?


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] lookup b flag - one registration at a time

2010-01-29 Thread Jeff Pyle

Over the last day or so I've noticed some other weirdness too, particularly 
with engage_media_proxy() not working reliably.  I'm thinking I might have 
pieces-parts of different builds laying around.  I'm not always the best at 
removing /usr/local/lib/opensips before I install a new build.

I started fresh with 6547 tonight being sure to remove the old lib directory 
before installing.  Both this issue and the Mediaproxy one seem to have 
resolved themselves.

How much manual housekeeping should be required after an update from svn?  I'd 
prefer not to believe I'm the only one who has encountered issues like this.  :)

- Jeff

On Jan 27, 2010, at 6:54 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:

 Hi Jeff,
 Got your email - I used the SB you had and from script check_address() - 
 to be able to check with your IPs . It worked
 Also I tested using some IPs from our network versus 
 check_source_address() and again, It worked.
 Please apply the attached patched (just debugs) and use debug=4 to 
 capture the logs to see what is going wrong in your case.
 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
 I do not think this is related to the registrar update, but rather to 
 the permissions fixes from today (see rev 6539).
 I did some tests and seams to work ok - if you want, you can privately 
 send me the dump of the address table and the IP which does not match, 
 just to check what is going on.
 Jeff Pyle wrote:
 I didn't catch it before, but it appears the update seems to have broken 
 the following:
 if (check_source_address(1,$avp(s:peer_uuid))) { 
  .. do stuff  ..
 The check_source_address returns false.  As a temporary workaround I've 
 added lines the following lines:
 if ($si == '') {
  .. do stuff ..
 } else if ($si == '') {
  .. do the same stuff .. {
 } else if ...
 - Jeff
 On Jan 25, 2010, at 11:49 PM, Jeff Pyle wrote:
 Early results have this update working perfectly.
 - Jeff
 On Jan 25, 2010, at 10:29 AM, Jeff Pyle wrote:
 Will do.  Thanks.
 - Jeff
 On Jan 25, 2010, at 9:35 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
 Hi Jeff,
 See revision #6527 on trunk - if you could run some more tests on it and 
 report if works ok, it will be great.
 Jeff Pyle wrote:
 The f flag sounds fantastic.  Thanks.
 - Jeff
 On Jan 18, 2010, at 9:24 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
 Hi Jeff,
 Jeff Pyle wrote:
 On Jan 9, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
 El Sábado, 9 de Enero de 2010, Jeff Pyle escribió:
 The docs say that when using the b flag with lookup() when 
 records are present, it will load only the one with the highest q.  
 if the q is the same for all?  How does it decide which to use?
 I've not tested it with multiple users sharing same q. however it 
 fetch all the users with highest q, not just one of them.
 Perhaps I'm asking the wrong question.  I'm looking to allow only one 
 registration per user in the sense that if a second successful 
 registration comes in it will replace tne existing one.  My approach 
 so far is to use a max_contacts=2 and the lookup() function with the 
 b flag to retrieve only one. 
 maybe without the b flag as the b flag will return you all the 
 registered contacts.
 max_contacts=1 returns a 503 to the new replacement registration 
 request, so that's out.
 Perhaps the hot ticket is to run an all-DB mode running a manual 
 mysql query with avp_db_query after successful REGISTER 
 authentication but before the save() so we can remove any existing 
 registrations before the new one is saved.  Thoughts?
 No way - the SIP contact matching is much to complicated to do it at 
 As I found that kind of behaviour was more and more asked by people, I 
 will add a new flag f to force at save() time the override of the 
 existing contacts if the max_contacts() was exceeded.
 - Jeff
 Users mailing list
 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
 Users mailing list
 Jeff Pyle
 Director, Voice Engineering
 Fidelity Voice  Data | 23250 Chagrin Blvd, Suite 250 | Beachwood, Ohio 
 P: 216-245-4106
 F: 216-595-0706
 Visit us at
 2008  2009 Inductee to the prestigious Weatherhead 100
 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 97

2010-01-29 Thread Jayesh Nambiar
Hi Anca,
Thanks for your reply.
I was checking the module documentation of 1.6 version for b2b_logic where
both the parameters custom_headers as well as cleanup_period is documented.
Later I realized that it points to the devel folder.
I will check with the devel version anyways. But just for my understanding;
is the code snippet pasted kind of correct. I mean if the $rd is specified
to the script and b2b_init is called will rest of the work like initiating
dialogs on both sides and bridging calls will be handled automatically.
Nothin else needs to be done??

Thanks for all the help !!

--- Jayesh

Hi Jayesh,

 FIrst of all, the error that those parameters do not exist is normal
 since they do not exist :). costum_headers is a parameter that was added
 in devel branch, and the correct name for the other parameter is
 clean_period. But I have checked now, and in the documentation it is in
 fact written cleanup_period. I will fix this in the code to really
 have cleanup_period.
 Can you please investigate the core file with gdb and print here the
 backtrace? There is also another crash report and I am investigating it


 Anca Vamanu

 Jayesh Nambiar wrote:
  Hi All,
  I have been trying to do some experiments with B2b modules in
  Opensips. What I am trying to do is create another OpenSips instance
  which will only act as Topology Hiding Server in front of my proxy.
  So calls processed from my proxy will go to the B2b Opensips instance,
  the B2b instance will extract a header which will contain the
  destination domain and route the call to that domain in B2b mode (Is
  this doable?).
  First issue:
  I get these errors on loading the parameters:
  parameter cleanup_period not found in module b2b_logic
  parameter custom_headers not found in module b2b_logic
  I have compiled Opensips 1.6.1 from source in Debian.
  Second Issue:
  I commented these parameters and tried running opensips but ran into
  Snippet of my cfg file:
  modparam(b2b_entities, server_address,
  #modparam(b2b_logic, cleanup_period, 60)
  #modparam(b2b_logic, custom_headers, Status)
  route {
   if(method==INVITE) {
   $rd = $hdr(Dest);
   b2b_init_request(top hiding);
  Can i find few more examples somewhere of using the B2B modules in
  opensips so that i can start thinking of how do I integrate these
  features into my current setup !!
  Any help is very much appreciated as always.
  --- Jayesh
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