Hi Opensips Team,

Please provide an update at your earliest convenience.

Best Regards
Saurabh Chopra

On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 11:37 AM Saurabh Chopra <saura...@3clogic.com>

> Hi All,
> Kindly look into this problem and please update us with your respected
> thoughts
> Best Regards
> Saurabh Chopra
> +918861979979
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 6:15 PM Saurabh Chopra <saura...@3clogic.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am trying to configure a HEP server on Opensips 3.1.0 but while testing
>> my server is crashing abruptly.
>> I am following the configuration defined under section 6.1 Homer5
>> integration on " https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Tutorials-Tracing
>> "
>> Below is the sample configuration at my opensips server.
>> log_level=4
>> log_stderror=no
>> log_facility=LOG_LOCAL5
>> socket=hep_udp:104.131.xx.xx:6xxx
>> *loadmodule "proto_hep.so"loadmodule
>> "sipcapture.so"modparam("sipcapture", "db_url",
>> "mysql://xxxx:xxxxx@localhost/homerdb")modparam("sipcapture",
>> "hep_capture_on", 1)modparam("sipcapture", "hep_route", "HEPR")#######
>> Routing Logic ######### main request routing logicroute{        if($rm =~
>> "REGISTER") {                $var(table) = "sip_capture_registration";
>>   }        else if($rm =~ "(INVITE|UPDATE|BYE|ACK|PRACK|REFER|CANCEL)$")
>>     {                $var(table) = "sip_capture_call";        }        else
>> if($rm =~ "(NOTIFY)$" && is_present_hf("Event") && $hdr(Event)=~"refer;")
>>       {                $var(table) = "sip_capture_call";        }
>> else if($rm =~ "(INFO)$")        {                $var(table) =
>> "sip_capture_call";        }        else if($rm =~ "(OPTIONS)$" )        {
>>           $var(table) = "sip_capture_rest";        }        else {
>>   $var(table) = "sip_capture_rest";        }        #$var(utc) = "%Y%m%d";
>>       xlog("WRITING NEWLY CAME PACKET INTO ($var(table))!\n");
>> if($var(table) == "sip_capture_call")
>> sip_capture("sip_capture_call_%Y%m%d");        else if($var(table) ==
>> "sip_capture_registration")
>> sip_capture("sip_capture_registration_%Y%m%d");        else
>> sip_capture("sip_capture_rest_%Y%m%d");}    route[HEPR] {
>> hep_get("11", $var(vid), $var(data));        if ( $var(data) == "SIP" ) {
>>           hep_resume_sip();        }        $var(proto) = $(var(data){s.int
>> <http://s.int>});        ### anything but xlog shall be dropped        if (
>> $var(proto) != 87 )            exit;        hep_get("0x0011",
>> "utf8-string", $var(vendor), $var(correlation));
>> report_capture($var(correlation_id), "rtcp_log", $var(proto_type));
>> #report_capture("logs_capture", $var(correlation));        exit;}*
>> Any prompt help would be highly appreciated.
>> Best Regards
>> Saurabh Chopra
>> +918861979979
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