Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] loadbalancer in opensips 1.8

2012-08-27 Thread Iulian Macare
Did you checked this: ?

It's pretty much the same in 1.8 so you can adapt it.

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Engineer voip wrote:

 I have 2 GW and i want to send 50% of calls on each one by usine the
 loadbalancer module but i don't have any idea to do that.

 can you help me please !

 thank you

 Users mailing list

Iulian Macare
System Administrator
+40 0744-389.218

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] CDRTool Question

2012-04-06 Thread Iulian Macare
I had something similiar and I solved it by putting my domain in the
domain table in opensips database

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Brian ipt wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Brian ipt wrote:

 I have worked with version 6.7.1 for a long time.
 Just setting up version 8.2.5

 I can't seem to get it to rate by domain with this version.

 With all the exact same radius fields populated my domain field is
 always blank when I check SIP SIGNALLLING.
 In the older version the domain field using the same datasource has
 the correct domain name.

 Where is CDRTool 8.2.5 looking for the domain from?

 AcctSessionId, UserName, CalledStationId and CallingStationID all are
 in the format number@my.correct.domain but CDRTool will not rate if I
 just put my.correct.domain in the customer table.

 I can't see where I am going wrong here and I've been looking at this
 for quite some time now.

 Any help much appreciated.

 Thanks in advance.

 Hi AG People,

 This seems to be a bug (or maybe design..?).

 My SIP domain is currently and when I add this to
 billing_customer table and try to match against it CDRTool always

 Apr  6 08:33:49 sip cdrtool[3109]: Error: no customer found in
 billing_customers table for billing, domain=,
 Apr  6 08:33:49 sip cdrtool[3109]: Error: Cannot find any profiles for, dest_id=123)

 If I change the domain that I am sending the call to OpenSIPS to and amend in billing_customer

 Apr  6 08:40:49 sip cdrtool[3109]: Increment=1 ConnectFee=0. Span=1 Duration=1
 DestId=123 Profile=100 Period=weekday Rate=1001
 Interval=8-18 Cost=.10/60 Price=.1 PriceIn=.1

 So it will work with but not

 I've looked in library/rating.php but I'm not sure where I need to
 change the code to work. Any help appreciated.


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Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips blocked when using with Radius accounting and mysql stops

2012-03-23 Thread Iulian Macare
The Opensips error are:

Mar 22 10:58:52 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15230]:
ERROR:acc:acc_aaa_request: Radius accounting request failed for
status: 'Failed' Call-I.
Mar 22 10:58:52 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15230]: rc_send_server:
no reply from RADIUS server localhost:1813
Mar 22 10:58:23 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15231]:
ERROR:acc:acc_aaa_request: Radius accounting request failed for
status: 'Stop' Call-Id
Mar 22 10:58:23 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15231]: rc_send_server:
no reply from RADIUS server localhost:1813
Mar 22 10:58:22 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15229]:
ERROR:acc:acc_aaa_request: Radius accounting request failed for
status: 'Stop' Call-I...
Mar 22 10:58:22 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15229]: rc_send_server:
no reply from RADIUS server localhost:1813
Mar 22 10:58:22 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15232]:
ERROR:acc:acc_aaa_request: Radius accounting request failed for
status: 'Failed' Call-: ...
Mar 22 10:58:22 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15232]: rc_send_server:
no reply from RADIUS server localhost:1813
Mar 22 10:58:22 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15230]:
ERROR:acc:acc_aaa_request: Radius accounting request failed for
status: 'Stop' Call-I...
Mar 22 10:58:22 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[15230]: rc_send_server:
no reply from RADIUS server localhost:1813

I will try something to use sql failover in radius ... primary to use
my DB server and if fails to write data in  a different DB server to
check if this will work ...

Or perhaps there is somekind of parameter in opensips that will not
block opensips if acc module fails to do accounting

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Iulian Macare wrote:

 I have the following scenario:

 1 x Opensips with CDRTool installed on a machine ( Opensips,Mysql,
 Freeradius  CDRTool )
 1 x DB with MySQL that I have only the radius database

 So on the Opensips machine I have the opensips  cdrtool databases ,
 and on the DB server I have the radius database

 Opensips aaa module sends the accounting information to Freeradius
 that is configured to write sql queries on the DB server . If the DB
 server get's overloaded ( I make a big select that locks the table )
 or unavailable , opensips get's blocked and no other calls can be made

 Of course, in radius log i get:

 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Couldn't insert SQL
 accounting START record - rlm_sql_mysql: no connection to db
 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): reconnect failed,
 database down?
 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Failed to connect DB handle 
 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql_mysql: Mysql error 'Can't
 connect to MySQL server on '' (111)'
 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql_mysql: Couldn't connect
 socket to MySQL server radius@

 But when this is happening, all opensips childs use 100% of CPU and
 nothing works. How can I prevent opensips in getting blocked if my
 database server containing the radius database fails?

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips blocked when using with Radius accounting and mysql stops

2012-03-22 Thread Iulian Macare

I have the following scenario:

1 x Opensips with CDRTool installed on a machine ( Opensips,Mysql,
Freeradius  CDRTool )
1 x DB with MySQL that I have only the radius database

So on the Opensips machine I have the opensips  cdrtool databases ,
and on the DB server I have the radius database

Opensips aaa module sends the accounting information to Freeradius
that is configured to write sql queries on the DB server . If the DB
server get's overloaded ( I make a big select that locks the table )
or unavailable , opensips get's blocked and no other calls can be made

Of course, in radius log i get:

Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Couldn't insert SQL
accounting START record - rlm_sql_mysql: no connection to db
Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): reconnect failed,
database down?
Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Failed to connect DB handle #13
Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql_mysql: Mysql error 'Can't
connect to MySQL server on '' (111)'
Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql_mysql: Couldn't connect
socket to MySQL server radius@

But when this is happening, all opensips childs use 100% of CPU and
nothing works. How can I prevent opensips in getting blocked if my
database server containing the radius database fails?

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips blocked when using with Radius accounting and mysql stops

2012-03-22 Thread Iulian Macare
Tried like this.

Opensips with radius proxy on the same machine  radius doing the sql
on the different machine

If I stop radius doing the sql opensips still works but if I stop the
mysql on the 2nd machine opensips still blocks...

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Tijmen de Mes wrote:

 A work around is use a radius as a proxy on the Opensips machine. So the
 proxy will always be available even if the radius server is not.

 The setup would look like the following:
 Opensips -- radius proxy -- radius server doing the sql

 Tijmen de Mes
 AG Projects

 On 03/22/2012 11:14 AM, Iulian Macare wrote:


 I have the following scenario:

 1 x Opensips with CDRTool installed on a machine ( Opensips,Mysql,
 Freeradius  CDRTool )

 1 x DB with MySQL that I have only the radius database

 So on the Opensips machine I have the opensips  cdrtool databases ,

 and on the DB server I have the radius database

 Opensips aaa module sends the accounting information to Freeradius
 that is configured to write sql queries on the DB server . If the DB
 server get's overloaded ( I make a big select that locks the table )
 or unavailable , opensips get's blocked and no other calls can be made

 Of course, in radius log i get:

 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Couldn't insert SQL
 accounting START record - rlm_sql_mysql: no connection to db
 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): reconnect failed,
 database down?
 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Failed to connect DB
 handle #13
 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql_mysql: Mysql error 'Can't
 connect to MySQL server on '' (111)'
 Thu Mar 22 11:05:17 2012 : Error: rlm_sql_mysql: Couldn't connect
 socket to MySQL server radius@

 But when this is happening, all opensips childs use 100% of CPU and
 nothing works. How can I prevent opensips in getting blocked if my
 database server containing the radius database fails?

 Users mailing list

 Users mailing list

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Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] error while instaling opensips1.7

2012-03-21 Thread Iulian Macare
In that tutorial you have a step that you haven't made

Edit /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensipsctlrc and uncomment the line that

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 3:55 PM, prasad kelkar wrote:
 i am trying steps given in

 when i tried opensipsdbctl create i got following error
 ERROR: database engine not specified, please setup one in the config script
 plese help

 Users mailing list

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Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] error in installing opensips1.7

2012-03-21 Thread Iulian Macare
Are you sure that the path you use is correct?

if you type   ls
/usr/src/opensips-1.7.0-tls/packaging/rpm/opensips.init  is something
showing up ?

You don't have to create the opensips folder in /etc/init.d

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 4:25 PM, prasad kelkar wrote:
 i am trying steps given in

 when i tried  cp /usr/src/opensips-1.7.0-tls/packaging/rpm/opensips.init
 i got NO such file
 i even created folder opensips in /etc/init.d/
 plese help
 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 load balancing performance

2012-03-07 Thread Iulian Macare
I have installed Opensips 1.7.2 on debian and I have the same problem.

Mar  7 10:23:59 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[18883]: sending call
with callid 3817a6411cec76292a8d1c2811ad7def@ and ruri
sip:0103629834@ to sip:
Mar  7 10:23:59 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[18882]: sending call
with callid 3817a6411cec76292a8d1c2811ad7def@ and ruri
sip:0103629834@ to sip:
Mar  7 10:23:59 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[18880]: sending call
with callid 3817a6411cec76292a8d1c2811ad7def@ and ruri
sip:0103629834@ to sip:
Mar  7 10:23:59 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[18880]: sending call
with callid 3817a6411cec76292a8d1c2811ad7def@ and ruri
sip:0103629834@ to sip:

The called number is 0103629834 sent both to and many times

In the configuration file I have

if (uri=~^sip:0[1-9][0-9]*@) {
xlog(sending call with callid $ci and ruri $ru to $du\n);

if (!t_relay())
  {  sl_reply_error();

Destination:: sip: id=3 group=1 enabled=yes auto-re=on
Resource:: pstn max=200 load=36
Destination:: sip: id=1 group=1 enabled=yes auto-re=on
Resource:: pstn max=200 load=36
Destination:: sip: id=6 group=1 enabled=yes auto-re=on
Resource:: pstn max=200 load=36

The number 0103629834 I don't see it in opensips in accounting ( I use
CDRTool ) and I also don't see it in any logs on or ( wich are Asterisks )

opensips 1.6.4 load balancing performance

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Iulian Macare wrote:
 I see also something like this:

 Mar 15 18:47:36 opensipsvl /usr/local/sbin/opensips[4547]: sending call with
 callid 3b77e3325a8c75f8571c4fcf37a8ba3c@ and ruri
 sip:0758553307@ to sip:
 Mar 15 18:47:36 opensipsvl /usr/local/sbin/opensips[4539]: sending call with
 callid 3b77e3325a8c75f8571c4fcf37a8ba3c@ and ruri
 sip:0758553307@ to sip:
 Mar 15 18:47:36 opensipsvl /usr/local/sbin/opensips[4556]: sending call with
 callid 3b77e3325a8c75f8571c4fcf37a8ba3c@ and ruri
 sip:0758553307@ to sip:

 Same call 3 times.. 2 to one server and another time to the other

 On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

 Hi Iulian,

 Related to the second issue (with 2 logs for a single call), I suspect it
 may be a retransmission issue. To be sure, print in your xlog the callid
 also (to be sure it is the same request) . Var for callid is $ci.


 Iulian Macare wrote:


 I have installed OpenSips 1.6.4 on CentOS 5.5 32bit with load balancing 
 mysql support ; I want to balance calls to 2 asterisk servers . I am sending
 traffic to opensips from 1 x  gnudialer  1 x vicidial ( so from predictive
 dialers ). Situation is like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri                  | resources | probe_mode |
 description |

 |  1 |        1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |          0 |             |
 |  2 |        1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |          0 |             |


 600 channels in total , and I send around 500 channels ; OpenSips drops a
 lot of calls; By drop I mean a call that is not sent to one of those 2
 asterisk servers that I have.

 The code for balancing in this situation is:

 if (uri=~^sip:0[1-9][0-9]*@) {
    xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n);

 ! An important thing to say is that in /var/log/messages I see the
 specific number that is sent to for example ; So the
 parameter xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n); works ; The problem is that in
 logs on that number never arrives in asterisk logs ; In logs
 of vicidial  gnudialer I see it like congestion.

 If I do something like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri             | resources | probe_mode |
 description |

 |  1 |        1 | sip:    | pstn=150   |          0 |
 |  2 |        2 | sip:    | pstn=150   |          0 |
 |  3 |        1 | sip:    | pstn=150   |          0 |
 |  4 |        2 | sip:    | pstn=150   |          0 |

 And I split opensips balancing in 2

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 load balancing performance

2012-03-07 Thread Iulian Macare
I think I solved the problem. It's related to the fact that I use
opensips as registrar also

For exampel I have users 300 with password 300 on opensips and also an
extension 300 with pass 300 on the asterisk servers that I balance the

The solution for me was to remove the secret for extension 300 in asterisk.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Iulian Macare wrote:
 I have installed Opensips 1.7.2 on debian and I have the same problem.

 Mar  7 10:23:59 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[18883]: sending call
 with callid 3817a6411cec76292a8d1c2811ad7def@ and ruri
 sip:0103629834@ to sip:
 Mar  7 10:23:59 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[18882]: sending call
 with callid 3817a6411cec76292a8d1c2811ad7def@ and ruri
 sip:0103629834@ to sip:
 Mar  7 10:23:59 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[18880]: sending call
 with callid 3817a6411cec76292a8d1c2811ad7def@ and ruri
 sip:0103629834@ to sip:
 Mar  7 10:23:59 opensipsnew /usr/sbin/opensips[18880]: sending call
 with callid 3817a6411cec76292a8d1c2811ad7def@ and ruri
 sip:0103629834@ to sip:

 The called number is 0103629834 sent both to and many times

 In the configuration file I have

 if (uri=~^sip:0[1-9][0-9]*@) {
    xlog(sending call with callid $ci and ruri $ru to $du\n);

    if (!t_relay())
  {  sl_reply_error();

 Destination:: sip: id=3 group=1 enabled=yes auto-re=on
        Resource:: pstn max=200 load=36
 Destination:: sip: id=1 group=1 enabled=yes auto-re=on
        Resource:: pstn max=200 load=36
 Destination:: sip: id=6 group=1 enabled=yes auto-re=on
        Resource:: pstn max=200 load=36

 The number 0103629834 I don't see it in opensips in accounting ( I use
 CDRTool ) and I also don't see it in any logs on or ( wich are Asterisks )

 opensips 1.6.4 load balancing performance

 On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Iulian Macare 
 I see also something like this:

 Mar 15 18:47:36 opensipsvl /usr/local/sbin/opensips[4547]: sending call with
 callid 3b77e3325a8c75f8571c4fcf37a8ba3c@ and ruri
 sip:0758553307@ to sip:
 Mar 15 18:47:36 opensipsvl /usr/local/sbin/opensips[4539]: sending call with
 callid 3b77e3325a8c75f8571c4fcf37a8ba3c@ and ruri
 sip:0758553307@ to sip:
 Mar 15 18:47:36 opensipsvl /usr/local/sbin/opensips[4556]: sending call with
 callid 3b77e3325a8c75f8571c4fcf37a8ba3c@ and ruri
 sip:0758553307@ to sip:

 Same call 3 times.. 2 to one server and another time to the other

 On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

 Hi Iulian,

 Related to the second issue (with 2 logs for a single call), I suspect it
 may be a retransmission issue. To be sure, print in your xlog the callid
 also (to be sure it is the same request) . Var for callid is $ci.


 Iulian Macare wrote:


 I have installed OpenSips 1.6.4 on CentOS 5.5 32bit with load balancing 
 mysql support ; I want to balance calls to 2 asterisk servers . I am 
 traffic to opensips from 1 x  gnudialer  1 x vicidial ( so from predictive
 dialers ). Situation is like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri                  | resources | probe_mode |
 description |

 |  1 |        1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |          0 |             |
 |  2 |        1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |          0 |             |


 600 channels in total , and I send around 500 channels ; OpenSips drops a
 lot of calls; By drop I mean a call that is not sent to one of those 2
 asterisk servers that I have.

 The code for balancing in this situation is:

 if (uri=~^sip:0[1-9][0-9]*@) {
    xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n);

 ! An important thing to say is that in /var/log/messages I see the
 specific number that is sent to for example ; So the
 parameter xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n); works ; The problem is that in
 logs on that number never arrives in asterisk logs ; In 
 of vicidial  gnudialer I see it like congestion.

 If I do something like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri             | resources | probe_mode |

[OpenSIPS-Users] Replace From Field

2012-03-02 Thread Iulian Macare

My setup is the following:

Serveral asterisk boxes (let's name them asteriskG) that register and
send calls to opensips that balance the outbound calls to other 3 x
asterisk servers (let's name them asteriskO) that  futher sends the
calls to my SIP ITSP. ( I have 3 ITSP , each one connected to a
asteriskO )

So by having this setup , I can balance the calls generated by
asteriskG to my 3 ITSP providers.

What I would like to do is to get rid of the 3 asteriskO server that I
use to connect to the ITSP and use MediaProxy for rtp relay.

In order to do this I must replace the from field that contains my
internal usernamespasswords that asteriskG connect to opensips with
the usernamepassword that my ITSP require

I have tried doing this with uac_replace_from but I keep get SIP/2.0
403 Forbidden

What I have found is the following:

Let's say that asteriskG ( ) connects to opensips ( ) with user 9000 and the user for ITSP ( )
is 30

I tried the following: uac_replace_from(30,sip:30@;
and the sip log is:

INVITE sip:05954543@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK58a2.12e355c3.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-2f50b813447d8503-1---d8754z-;rport=26838
Max-Forwards: 69
Contact: sip:9000@
To: 05954543sip:05954543@
From: 30sip:30@;tag=ca42eb7f
Content-Type: application/sdp
Proxy-Authorization: Digest
Content-Length: 420

Sending to : 5060 (NAT)
Using INVITE request as basis request -
Found user '30'
--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to ---
SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK58a2.12e355c3.0;received=
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-2f50b813447d8503-1---d8754z-;rport=26838
From: 30sip:30@;tag=ca42eb7f
To: 05954543sip:05954543@;tag=as388b4f7b
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Supported: replaces
Content-Length: 0

Why do I get forbidden ? why in Proxy-Authorization: Digest username
is still 9000 ?

If I set user 30 on AsteriskG ( ) works fine I use
opensips 1.6.4

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Replace From Field

2012-03-02 Thread Iulian Macare
I have solved this .. now it authenticates.. the problem is that calls
are not established   It stays like bellow and it gives in the end
Request Timeout . Can it be due to cseq limitation?

INVITE sip:059545413@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK9ed4.aa345c52.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6125d472ea5ddf5b-1---d8754z-;rport=30714
Max-Forwards: 69
Contact: sip:9000@
To: 059545413sip:059545413@
From: 9000sip:30@;tag=a2421324
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 420

Ignoring this INVITE request
--- SIP read from ---
INVITE sip:059545413@ SIP/2.0
Record-Route: sip:;lr=on;ftag=da42cb79;did=cec.f1edf3b5
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK02de.af806845.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK02de.9f806845.1
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-33588c5a3017375b-1---d8754z-;rport=30714
Max-Forwards: 68
Contact: sip:9000@
To: 059545413sip:059545413@
From: 9000sip:30@;tag=da42cb79
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 420
Proxy-Authorization: Digest username=30, realm=asterisk,
nonce=002a73e0, uri=sip:059545413@,
response=86b0f446f0d0d17d41db4c7791f41f4e, algorithm=MD5

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 11:14 PM, Vlad Paiu wrote:

 The uac_replace_from() just modifies the FROM header, is does not touch the
 Authorization header or any other header.


 Vlad Paiu
 OpenSIPS Developer

 Pe 3/2/2012 10:13 PM, Iulian Macare a scris:


 My setup is the following:

 Serveral asterisk boxes (let's name them asteriskG) that register and
 send calls to opensips that balance the outbound calls to other 3 x
 asterisk servers (let's name them asteriskO) that  futher sends the
 calls to my SIP ITSP. ( I have 3 ITSP , each one connected to a
 asteriskO )

 So by having this setup , I can balance the calls generated by
 asteriskG to my 3 ITSP providers.

 What I would like to do is to get rid of the 3 asteriskO server that I
 use to connect to the ITSP and use MediaProxy for rtp relay.

 In order to do this I must replace the from field that contains my
 internal usernamespasswords that asteriskG connect to opensips with
 the usernamepassword that my ITSP require

 I have tried doing this with uac_replace_from but I keep get SIP/2.0
 403 Forbidden

 What I have found is the following:

 Let's say that asteriskG ( ) connects to opensips ( ) with user 9000 and the user for ITSP ( )
 is 30

 I tried the following: uac_replace_from(30,sip:30@;
 and the sip log is:

 INVITE sip:05954543@ SIP/2.0

 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK58a2.12e355c3.0
 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-2f50b813447d8503-1---d8754z-;rport=26838
 Max-Forwards: 69
 To: 05954543sip:05954543@
 From: 30sip:30@;tag=ca42eb7f
 Content-Type: application/sdp
 Proxy-Authorization: Digest

 Content-Length: 420

 Sending to : 5060 (NAT)
 Using INVITE request as basis request -
 Found user '30'
 --- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to ---
 SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK58a2.12e355c3.0;received=
 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-2f50b813447d8503-1---d8754z-;rport=26838
 From: 30sip:30@;tag=ca42eb7f
 To: 05954543sip:05954543@;tag=as388b4f7b
 User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
 Supported: replaces
 Content-Length: 0

 Why do I get forbidden ? why in Proxy-Authorization: Digest username
 is still

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 load balancing performance

2011-03-15 Thread Iulian Macare
Mar 15 11:22:59 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[14890]: sending call with
callid 9156d332a17a761aNzBmMWU4NGIzMjIzNWQ3NDVkYjAyNmYwNTI1MzM4YjM. and ruri
sip:0525545413@ to sip:
Mar 15 11:22:59 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[14897]: sending call with
callid 9156d332a17a761aNzBmMWU4NGIzMjIzNWQ3NDVkYjAyNmYwNTI1MzM4YjM. and ruri
sip:0525545413@ to sip:

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

 Hi Iulian,

 Regarding your first issue, with the load:

 1) I suppose you do the lb stuff only for the initial request right ?

 2) you say you see the xlog() for all the received calls, so all received
 calls pass the lb function...but you do not see all calls being sent out,
 right ?

 Related to the second issue (with 2 logs for a single call), I suspect it
 may be a retransmission issue. To be sure, print in your xlog the callid
 also (to be sure it is the same request) . Var for callid is $ci.


 Iulian Macare wrote:


 I have installed OpenSips 1.6.4 on CentOS 5.5 32bit with load balancing 
 mysql support ; I want to balance calls to 2 asterisk servers . I am sending
 traffic to opensips from 1 x  gnudialer  1 x vicidial ( so from predictive
 dialers ). Situation is like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri  | resources | probe_mode |
 description |

 |  1 |1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |  0 | |
 |  2 |1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |  0 | |


 600 channels in total , and I send around 500 channels ; OpenSips drops a
 lot of calls; By drop I mean a call that is not sent to one of those 2
 asterisk servers that I have.

 The code for balancing in this situation is:

 if (uri=~^sip:0[1-9][0-9]*@) {
xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n);

 ! An important thing to say is that in /var/log/messages I see the
 specific number that is sent to for example ; So the
 parameter xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n); works ; The problem is that in
 logs on that number never arrives in asterisk logs ; In logs
 of vicidial  gnudialer I see it like congestion.

 If I do something like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri | resources | probe_mode |
 description |

 |  1 |1 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |
 |  2 |2 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |
 |  3 |1 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |
 |  4 |2 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |

 And I split opensips balancing in 2

 if(src_ip== )
   xlog(sending call to $du\n);

 if(src_ip== )
   xlog(sending call to $du\n);

 and by doing this I get the same numbers of channels on opensips ( around
 500 channels ) but I am splitting in 2 groups of load balancing; It can
 process all the calls.

 Another question that I saw is that when I make a single call to opensips
 and I involve load balancing in /var/log/messages I get 2 times the same
 message .. just like it send 2 time to asterisk server the call .. but on
 asterisk I receive only one time.

 Mar 10 14:58:47 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27611]: sending call to
 Mar 10 14:58:47 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27611]: sending call to

 Isn't load balancing fast enough the process the calls made by predictive
 dialers, when over 300 channels is sent .. ?  Or I have some mistakes made .


 Users mailing list

 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
 OpenSIPS eBootcamp - 28th February 2011
 OpenSIPS solutions and know-how

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 load balancing performance

2011-03-15 Thread Iulian Macare
1) Yes , only for the initial request

Before load balancing I have

 if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header(10)) {
sl_send_reply(483,Too Many Hops);
if (has_totag()) {
if (loose_route()) {
if (is_method(BYE)) {
setflag(1); # do accounting ...
setflag(3); # ... even if the transaction
} else if (is_method(INVITE)) {
} else {
if ( is_method(ACK) ) {
if ( t_check_trans() ) {
} else {
sl_send_reply(404,Not here);

#initial requests

# CANCEL processing
if (is_method(CANCEL))
if (t_check_trans())


if (!is_method(INVITE)) {
send_reply(405,Method Not Allowed);


if (uri=~^sip:0[1-9][0-9]*@) {
xlog(sending call with callid $ci and ruri $ru to $du\n);

2)  Yes, exactly . I don't see it being sent out

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

 Hi Iulian,

 Regarding your first issue, with the load:

 1) I suppose you do the lb stuff only for the initial request right ?

 2) you say you see the xlog() for all the received calls, so all received
 calls pass the lb function...but you do not see all calls being sent out,
 right ?

 Iulian Macare wrote:


 I have installed OpenSips 1.6.4 on CentOS 5.5 32bit with load balancing 
 mysql support ; I want to balance calls to 2 asterisk servers . I am sending
 traffic to opensips from 1 x  gnudialer  1 x vicidial ( so from predictive
 dialers ). Situation is like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri  | resources | probe_mode |
 description |

 |  1 |1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |  0 | |
 |  2 |1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |  0 | |


 600 channels in total , and I send around 500 channels ; OpenSips drops a
 lot of calls; By drop I mean a call that is not sent to one of those 2
 asterisk servers that I have.

 The code for balancing in this situation is:

 if (uri=~^sip:0[1-9][0-9]*@) {
xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n);

 ! An important thing to say is that in /var/log/messages I see the
 specific number that is sent to for example ; So the
 parameter xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n); works ; The problem is that in
 logs on that number never arrives in asterisk logs ; In logs
 of vicidial  gnudialer I see it like congestion.

 If I do something like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri | resources | probe_mode |
 description |

 |  1 |1 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |
 |  2 |2 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |
 |  3 |1 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |
 |  4 |2 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |

 And I split opensips balancing in 2

 if(src_ip== )
   xlog(sending call to $du\n);

 if(src_ip== )
   xlog(sending call to $du\n);

 and by doing this I get the same numbers of channels on opensips ( around
 500 channels ) but I am splitting in 2 groups of load balancing; It can
 process all the calls.

 Another question that I saw is that when I make a single call to opensips
 and I involve load balancing in /var/log/messages I get 2 times the same
 message .. just like it send 2 time to asterisk server the call .. but on
 asterisk I receive only one time.

 Mar 10 14:58:47 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27611

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 out of memory

2011-03-15 Thread Iulian Macare
I think this is the problem;

I took a look in logs and I saw ERROR:core:print_rr_body: too many RR 
more of this. Anyway since 3 days it didn't blocked anymore. I have
increased the parameter SHM_MEM ...

I still get from time to time those errors with too many RR and in that
moment the shm memory increasez ... but it doesn't reach to 512mb .. I don;t
know how to isolate the problem because I have so many calls

#define SHM_MEM_SIZE 512

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 1:21 PM, Vlad Paiu wrote:

  Hello Iulian,

 I took a look at the error output, and something seems very wrong. The
 ERROR:core:print_rr_body: too many RR
 suggest the fact the your SIP messages have more than 64 Record-Route
 headers, which is huge. Are you sure you are not having a traffic loop
 problem ? Please post a traffic capture of SIP messages that trigger the out
 of mem problems.


 Vlad Paiu
 OpenSIPS Developer

 On 03/11/2011 11:23 AM, Iulian Macare wrote:

 2-3 times per day my opensips configuration with 300 channels and a load
 balancer fails ; It's opensips 1.6.4 on centos 5.5. 32 bit

 The erors I get are :

 Any ideas?

 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1718]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
 ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
 ERROR:load_balancer:do_load_balance: failed to create dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1725]:
 ERROR:core:print_rr_body: too many RR
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1714]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1720]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1721]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1710]:
 ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1718]:
 ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]:
 ERROR:dialog:init_leg_info: dlg_add_leg_info failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]:
 ERROR:dialog:init_leg_info: dlg_add_leg_info failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1725]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: no more shm mem
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 load balancing performance

2011-03-15 Thread Iulian Macare
I see also something like this:

Mar 15 18:47:36 opensipsvl /usr/local/sbin/opensips[4547]: sending call with
callid 3b77e3325a8c75f8571c4fcf37a8ba3c@ and ruri
sip:0758553307@ to sip:
Mar 15 18:47:36 opensipsvl /usr/local/sbin/opensips[4539]: sending call with
callid 3b77e3325a8c75f8571c4fcf37a8ba3c@ and ruri
sip:0758553307@ to sip:
Mar 15 18:47:36 opensipsvl /usr/local/sbin/opensips[4556]: sending call with
callid 3b77e3325a8c75f8571c4fcf37a8ba3c@ and ruri
sip:0758553307@ to sip:

Same call 3 times.. 2 to one server and another time to the other

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

 Hi Iulian,

 Related to the second issue (with 2 logs for a single call), I suspect it
 may be a retransmission issue. To be sure, print in your xlog the callid
 also (to be sure it is the same request) . Var for callid is $ci.


 Iulian Macare wrote:


 I have installed OpenSips 1.6.4 on CentOS 5.5 32bit with load balancing 
 mysql support ; I want to balance calls to 2 asterisk servers . I am sending
 traffic to opensips from 1 x  gnudialer  1 x vicidial ( so from predictive
 dialers ). Situation is like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri  | resources | probe_mode |
 description |

 |  1 |1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |  0 | |
 |  2 |1 | sip:
 | pstn=300  |  0 | |


 600 channels in total , and I send around 500 channels ; OpenSips drops a
 lot of calls; By drop I mean a call that is not sent to one of those 2
 asterisk servers that I have.

 The code for balancing in this situation is:

 if (uri=~^sip:0[1-9][0-9]*@) {
xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n);

 ! An important thing to say is that in /var/log/messages I see the
 specific number that is sent to for example ; So the
 parameter xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n); works ; The problem is that in
 logs on that number never arrives in asterisk logs ; In logs
 of vicidial  gnudialer I see it like congestion.

 If I do something like this:

 | id | group_id | dst_uri | resources | probe_mode |
 description |

 |  1 |1 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |
 |  2 |2 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |
 |  3 |1 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |
 |  4 |2 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0 |

 And I split opensips balancing in 2

 if(src_ip== )
   xlog(sending call to $du\n);

 if(src_ip== )
   xlog(sending call to $du\n);

 and by doing this I get the same numbers of channels on opensips ( around
 500 channels ) but I am splitting in 2 groups of load balancing; It can
 process all the calls.

 Another question that I saw is that when I make a single call to opensips
 and I involve load balancing in /var/log/messages I get 2 times the same
 message .. just like it send 2 time to asterisk server the call .. but on
 asterisk I receive only one time.

 Mar 10 14:58:47 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27611]: sending call to
 Mar 10 14:58:47 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27611]: sending call to

 Isn't load balancing fast enough the process the calls made by predictive
 dialers, when over 300 channels is sent .. ?  Or I have some mistakes made .


 Users mailing list

 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
 OpenSIPS eBootcamp - 28th February 2011
 OpenSIPS solutions and know-how

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 load balancing performance

2011-03-11 Thread Iulian Macare

I have installed OpenSips 1.6.4 on CentOS 5.5 32bit with load balancing 
mysql support ; I want to balance calls to 2 asterisk servers . I am sending
traffic to opensips from 1 x  gnudialer  1 x vicidial ( so from predictive
dialers ). Situation is like this:

| id | group_id | dst_uri  | resources | probe_mode |
description |
|  1 |1 | sip: | pstn=300  |  0
| |
|  2 |1 | sip: | pstn=300  |  0
| |

600 channels in total , and I send around 500 channels ; OpenSips drops a
lot of calls; By drop I mean a call that is not sent to one of those 2
asterisk servers that I have.

The code for balancing in this situation is:

if (uri=~^sip:0[1-9][0-9]*@) {
xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n);

! An important thing to say is that in /var/log/messages I see the specific
number that is sent to for example ; So the parameter
xlog(sending call $ru to $du\n); works ; The problem is that in logs on that number never arrives in asterisk logs ; In logs of
vicidial  gnudialer I see it like congestion.

If I do something like this:

| id | group_id | dst_uri | resources | probe_mode | description
|  1 |1 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0
| |
|  2 |2 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0
| |
|  3 |1 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0
| |
|  4 |2 | sip:| pstn=150   |  0
| |

And I split opensips balancing in 2

if(src_ip== )
   xlog(sending call to $du\n);

if(src_ip== )
   xlog(sending call to $du\n);

and by doing this I get the same numbers of channels on opensips ( around
500 channels ) but I am splitting in 2 groups of load balancing; It can
process all the calls.

Another question that I saw is that when I make a single call to opensips
and I involve load balancing in /var/log/messages I get 2 times the same
message .. just like it send 2 time to asterisk server the call .. but on
asterisk I receive only one time.

Mar 10 14:58:47 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27611]: sending call to
Mar 10 14:58:47 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27611]: sending call to

Isn't load balancing fast enough the process the calls made by predictive
dialers, when over 300 channels is sent .. ?  Or I have some mistakes made .
Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 out of memory

2011-03-11 Thread Iulian Macare
2-3 times per day my opensips configuration with 300 channels and a load
balancer fails ; It's opensips 1.6.4 on centos 5.5. 32 bit

The erors I get are :

Any ideas?

Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1718]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
out of mem
Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]:
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]:
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
ERROR:load_balancer:do_load_balance: failed to create dialog
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]:
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]:
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1725]:
ERROR:core:print_rr_body: too many RR
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1714]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1720]:
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1721]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
out of mem
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1710]:
ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1718]:
ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]:
ERROR:dialog:init_leg_info: dlg_add_leg_info failed
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]:
ERROR:dialog:init_leg_info: dlg_add_leg_info failed
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
out of mem
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
out of mem
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
out of mem
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
out of mem
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
out of mem
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
out of mem
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]:
ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1725]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]:
ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]:
ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: no more shm mem
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1714]:
ERROR:dialog:build_new_dlg: no more shm mem (202)
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1720]:
ERROR:tm:shm_clone_proxy: no more shm memory
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1721]:
ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1710]:
ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1718]:
ERROR:core:build_req_buf_from_sip_req: out of pkg memory
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
out of mem
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]:
ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]:
ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh 

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 out of memory

2011-03-11 Thread Iulian Macare
That's the version I am using. 1.6.4-2 ; I tried to double the SHM parameter
and recompile but the same problem happened.


On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Denis Putyato wrote:


 I had the same problem on 1.6.4, you should use 1.6.4-2 version

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Iulian Macare
 *Sent:* Friday, March 11, 2011 12:24 PM
 *Subject:* [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 out of memory

 2-3 times per day my opensips configuration with 300 channels and a load
 balancer fails ; It's opensips 1.6.4 on centos 5.5. 32 bit

 The erors I get are :

 Any ideas?

 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1718]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
 ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
 ERROR:load_balancer:do_load_balance: failed to create dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1725]:
 ERROR:core:print_rr_body: too many RR
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1714]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1720]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1721]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1710]:
 ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1718]:
 ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]:
 ERROR:dialog:init_leg_info: dlg_add_leg_info failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]:
 ERROR:dialog:init_leg_info: dlg_add_leg_info failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1725]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: no more shm mem
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1714]:
 ERROR:dialog:build_new_dlg: no more shm mem (202)
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1720]:
 ERROR:tm:shm_clone_proxy: no more shm memory
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 out of memory

2011-03-11 Thread Iulian Macare
I put the latest dialog module from svn; I will see if it will still happen.
Thank you

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Anca Vamanu wrote:

  Hi Iulian,

 I suggest to update the dialog module from svn, branch 1.6. There was a
 memory leak discovered after the 1.6.2 release and it was fixed in January.
 It might also be showing up in your configuration.

 Anca Vamanu
 OpenSIPS Developer

 On 03/11/2011 11:39 AM, Iulian Macare wrote:

 That's the version I am using. 1.6.4-2 ; I tried to double the SHM
 parameter and recompile but the same problem happened.


 On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Denis Putyato wrote:


 I had the same problem on 1.6.4, you should use 1.6.4-2 version

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Iulian Macare
 *Sent:* Friday, March 11, 2011 12:24 PM
 *Subject:* [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips 1.6.4 out of memory

 2-3 times per day my opensips configuration with 300 channels and a load
 balancer fails ; It's opensips 1.6.4 on centos 5.5. 32 bit

 The erors I get are :

 Any ideas?

 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1718]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
 ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:08 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
 ERROR:load_balancer:do_load_balance: failed to create dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1725]:
 ERROR:core:print_rr_body: too many RR
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1714]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1720]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1721]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1710]:
 ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1718]:
 ERROR:tm:sip_msg_cloner: no more share memory
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]:
 ERROR:dialog:init_leg_info: dlg_add_leg_info failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]:
 ERROR:dialog:init_leg_info: dlg_add_leg_info failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_create_dialog: could not add further info to the dialog
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1708]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:07 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1712]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1701]:
 ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1716]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1706]: ERROR:tm:new_t:
 out of mem
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1727]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1725]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: Failed to resize legs array
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1704]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1700]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1698]:
 ERROR:dialog:get_routing_info: failed to print route records
 Mar 11 11:15:04 opensipsh /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1723]:
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: no more shm mem
 Mar 11 11:15