Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP/2.0 500 Server error occurred (6/SL)

2022-10-27 Thread Kneeoh via Users
 I think we're running out of branches.. I believe the default is 12. Would 
this result in an internal 500 6/SL? What would I need to change and recompile 
to increase this?
ERROR:tm:add_uac: maximum number of branches exceeded
ERROR:tm:t_forward_nonack: failure to add branches
On Thursday, October 27, 2022, 12:29:26 PM EDT, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
 Do you see any error logs ?
  Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
OpenSIPS Bootcamp 5-16 Dec 2022, online On 10/27/22 6:51 
PM, Kneeoh via Users wrote:
 Hi all, i'm trying to track down the root cause of a SIP/2.0 500 Server error 
occurred (6/SL) response from Opensips and can't find any definition for what 
type of issue would cause this. It seems to happen after receiving several 503s 
from downstream endpoints, then this internal error is generated and sent. Any 
guidance is appreciated, Thanks in advance.  
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[OpenSIPS-Users] SIP/2.0 500 Server error occurred (6/SL)

2022-10-27 Thread Kneeoh via Users
Hi all, i'm trying to track down the root cause of a SIP/2.0 500 Server error 
occurred (6/SL) response from Opensips and can't find any definition for what 
type of issue would cause this. It seems to happen after receiving several 503s 
from downstream endpoints, then this internal error is generated and sent. Any 
guidance is appreciated, Thanks in advance.___
Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Fwd: STIR/Shaken payload issue.

2021-05-24 Thread Kneeoh via Users
I was having a similar issue... it looks like part 2 of the base64 string 
decodes to:

My problem was that I was using sngrep to find my identity header and it 
appears to have been truncating my string. upon using ngrep to get the raw 
packet data I found the identity string was totally different and decoded 
On Monday, May 24, 2021, 02:13:08 AM EDT, Sunil More 
 Hello All,
I tried the same with Opensips version 3.1.2 , Still the same result. The 
Payload is not a valid JSON.

version: opensips 3.1.2 (x86_64/linux)
poll method support: poll, epoll, sigio_rt, select.
git revision: 539ab0b3a
main.c compiled on 05:43:20 May 24 2021 with gcc 7
Regards,Sunil More
-- Forwarded message -
From: Sunil More 
Date: Thu, 20 May 2021 at 15:55
Subject: STIR/Shaken payload issue.

Hello All, 


I was working to use stir shaken module. The certificates are put in place and 
Identity Header is also created. However the Identity when tried to put on for validation , I can observe that the payload is not good.  

Here is the identity Heade

Header for algorithm and token type  looks ok ..

  "alg": "ES256",

  "ppt": "shaken",

  "typ": "passport",

  "x5u": ";


However payload looks like this which is probably some invalid JSON, I am not 
sure what could cause this.


Here is the code snippet used .

stir_shaken_auth("B", $var(origid),$var(cert), 


I am using opensips version as below 


version: opensips 3.1.1 (x86_64/linux)



poll method support: poll, epoll, sigio_rt, select.

git revision: 229ec0793

main.c compiled on 11:50:44 Jan 15 2021 with gcc 7


Kindly let me know if there is something wrong that I could be doing. I checked 
the sample from

The Identity from this example shows a good payload. 




Sunil More

Phone : 919503338275

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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[OpenSIPS-Users] Stir/Shaken Certificate Failed to Load

2021-05-20 Thread Kneeoh via Users
Hi, following the docs and blog post here: and here:

I'm getting an error regarding certificate parsing and loading. I'm guessing
it's got to do with how I'm loading the certs. I just want to see if I can
make it add the identity header and this is a test run so it's just a simple
hard code:

 # Do Stir/Shaken Signing
$var(cert) = "/home/homey/key.pem-public.pem";
$var(privKey) = "/home/homey/private_key.pem";
stir_shaken_auth("A", "$ci", "$var(cert)", "$var(privKey)",

results in no identity header and the following in the logs:
May 20 18:16:10 stir-shaken /usr/local/sbin/opensips[65744]:
ERROR:stir_shaken:load_cert: Failed to parse certificate
May 20 18:16:10 stir-shaken /usr/local/sbin/opensips[65744]:
ERROR:stir_shaken:w_stir_auth: Failed to load certificate

Any guidance would be appreciated.

Sent from:

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[OpenSIPS-Users] siptrace trace_dialog() not capturing ACKs or other replies 1.11.11

2018-06-13 Thread Kneeoh via Users
I've followed the documentation for using the siptrace module to capture 
packets and transmit them to a sipcapture node. Things are kind of working, 
however, I'm not getting ACKs or other replies in the capture node. I'm using 
the following in my script. Any ideas or pointers on what I might be doing 
 SIP Trace moduleloadmodule ""modparam("siptrace", "db_url", 
"mysql://user:passwd@host/dbname")modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_uri", 
"sip:")modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_with_hep", 
1)modparam("siptrace", "trace_to_database", 0)modparam("siptrace", 
"enable_ack_trace", 1)modparam("siptrace", "trace_on", 1)modparam("siptrace", 
"trace_flag", "TRACE_FLAG")modparam("siptrace", "hep_version", 2)

# create dialog with timeout and hide topology if ( !create_dialog("B") ) { 
xlog("L_INFO", "Unable to create dialog \n"); send_reply("500","Internal Server 
Error"); exit;
 } else {
 # We have a dialog, Lets hide the topology from where the call originated 
topology_hiding(); $T_fr_timeout = 5; }

# Trace this dialog setflag(TRACE_FLAG); #sip_trace(); trace_dialog();___
Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ Heartbeat issue

2017-08-07 Thread Kneeoh via Users
kneeoh: Hello, I'm trying to chase down an issue where opensips simply breaks 
it's connection with rabbitmq, howerver opensipsctl fifo subscribers_list shows 
3 active subscriptions. Rabbitmq shows NO connections, I even have a timer 
route that runs every 30 seconds that executes even subscribe. I have heartbeat 
set: modparam("event_rabbitmq", "heartbeat", 3) and rabbitmq is running on the 
localhost. Has anyone ever dealt with this? [5:56pm] kneeoh: opensipsctl fifo 
subscribers_list[5:56pm] kneeoh: Event:: E_ACC_EVENT id=4[5:56pm] kneeoh:  
Subscriber::  socket=rabbitmq:rabbit@localhost/whsl_cdrs expire=never[5:56pm] 
kneeoh: Event:: E_ACC_CDR id=5[5:56pm] kneeoh:  Subscriber::  
socket=rabbitmq:rabbit@localhost/whsl_cdrs expire=never[5:56pm] kneeoh: Event:: 
E_ACC_MISSED_EVENT id=6[5:56pm] kneeoh:  Subscriber::  
socket=rabbitmq:rabbit@localhost/whsl_missed expire=never[6:10pm] kneeoh: 
opensipsctl fifo version[6:10pm] kneeoh: Server:: OpenSIPS (1.11.3-notls 
(x86_64/linux))[6:10pm] kneeoh: librabbitmq-dev                        0.4.1-1 
I also re-compiled to 1.11.11 and am still getting connections closed. I had to 
remove the heartbeat modparam to get this working, but I'm still concerned that 
threads will lock if there is an issue writing to rabbitmq.___
Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIPTrace not sending to duplicate_uri

2016-03-31 Thread Kneeoh
Apparently setting the trace flag is required before trace_dialog() contrary to 
the docs. I've set that and am seeing packets egress (although I don't think 
I'm seeing the full dialog trace. Only 3 packets on a call setup) It looks like 
i'm not getting the replys. Do I need to arm trace_dialog() again in the 
on_reply route? My understanding was that you only have to set it once. 

Issue 2: SIP traffic goes across eth0, my public facing interface. I want the 
siptrace module to shoot trace data out of eth1, my private interface. The 
kernel has a static route that says to get to my duplicate_uri host, use eth1. 
Which works at the kernel level. I can issue a ping to the duplicate_uri host 
and I see requests going out the private and replys, etc.
However, when running tcpdump and placing a call via this opensips box, I see 
that eth0 is the egress interface that is being used to try to reach the 
duplicate_uri host. I've tried adding a separate listen statement for that 
private interface, but that didn't do anything. I thought perhaps the 
trace_local_ip parameter controlled, this but was informed by Liviu that this 
was not the case. Any idea on how to solve this problem or the problem with 
missing replys when using trace_dialog()?
Thanks in advance! (I'm on IRC if anyone has any more detailed questions...or 
just ask here.)

On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 11:49 AM, Kneeoh <> wrote:

 Hi Liviu, I did confirm that trace_on was already set to 1. I did define the 
trace flag as you suggested and tried it with both trace_dialog() and 
sip_trace() but am still not seeing any packets egress from the source host to 
the dest host. Here's what I have set up. I had to fill in a bogus DB (not 
using it anyway) because it wouldn't let me start opensips if it wasn't 
defined. My goal is to have this sip_trace node send captures to a sipcapture 
(homer) node. 

 SIP Trace module
loadmodule ""
modparam("siptrace", "db_url", "mysql://user:passwd@host/dbname")
modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_uri", "sip:")
modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_with_hep", 1)
modparam("siptrace", "trace_to_database", 0)
modparam("siptrace", "trace_on", 1)
modparam("siptrace", "trace_flag", "TRACE_FLAG")
modparam("siptrace", "hep_version", 2)

    # create dialog with timeout and hide topology
    if ( !create_dialog("B") ) {
        xlog("L_INFO", "Unable to create dialog \n");
        send_reply("500","Internal Server Error");

    } else {

        # We have a dialog, Lets hide the topology from where the call 

    # Trace this dialog

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIPTrace not sending to duplicate_uri

2016-03-30 Thread Kneeoh
Hi Liviu, I did confirm that trace_on was already set to 1. I did define the 
trace flag as you suggested and tried it with both trace_dialog() and 
sip_trace() but am still not seeing any packets egress from the source host to 
the dest host. Here's what I have set up. I had to fill in a bogus DB (not 
using it anyway) because it wouldn't let me start opensips if it wasn't 
defined. My goal is to have this sip_trace node send captures to a sipcapture 
(homer) node. 

 SIP Trace module
loadmodule ""
modparam("siptrace", "db_url", "mysql://user:passwd@host/dbname")
modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_uri", "sip:")
modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_with_hep", 1)
modparam("siptrace", "trace_to_database", 0)
modparam("siptrace", "trace_on", 1)
modparam("siptrace", "trace_flag", "TRACE_FLAG")
modparam("siptrace", "hep_version", 2)

    # create dialog with timeout and hide topology
    if ( !create_dialog("B") ) {
        xlog("L_INFO", "Unable to create dialog \n");
        send_reply("500","Internal Server Error");

    } else {

        # We have a dialog, Lets hide the topology from where the call 

    # Trace this dialog
Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIPTrace not sending to duplicate_uri

2016-03-30 Thread Kneeoh
Hi Liviu, Thanks for responding. I did not set the parameters you mention b/c 
the documentation said I didn't need to.
"1.4.2.  trace_dialog()  The function triggers the tracing of all messages 
belonging to a dialog. The function must be called for the initial request 
(that starts the dialog) and it will automatically take care of tracing 
evertyhing related to that dialog.  When using this function, you do not have 
to explicity set any tracing flag or to explicitly call anothe trace function.  
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE."

I'll re-test with the parameters and report back to you. trace_on makes 
sense...that's probably my problem.
Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] SIPTrace not sending to duplicate_uri

2016-03-28 Thread Kneeoh
I need a little help figuring out why my implementation of the siptrace module 
isn't working as expected. I've placed:# Trace this dialog
In my main route block right after:if ( !create_dialog("B") ) {
        xlog("L_INFO", "Unable to create dialog \n");
        send_reply("500","Internal Server Error");


When I place a call and tcpdump the destination host defined 
in:modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_uri", "sip:")
I do not see any packets heading towards that host. I've run a debug 4 and am 
getting the following output. Which is confusing me, since I've established a 
dialog and have issued the trace_dialog command. There should be "something to 
trace here". Where am I going wrong? I'm on 1.11.5

DBG:siptrace:trace_dialog: Nothing to trace here
DBG:siptrace:trace_sl_onreply_out: trace slonreply out
DBG:siptrace:trace_sl_onreply_out: nothing to trace...
DBG:siptrace:trace_onreq_in: trace on req in
DBG:siptrace:trace_onreq_in: nothing to trace...
DBG:siptrace:trace_msg_out: trace off...

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Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips 2.1.x siptrace not sending packet to homer

2016-03-24 Thread Kneeoh
I have the same issue in 1.11.5. Did you ever get a resolution to this?

View this message in context:
Sent from the OpenSIPS - Users mailing list archive at

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[OpenSIPS-Users] Segfault 1.11.5

2015-09-16 Thread Kneeoh
Any ideas on what this may be? I just had a segfault / crash of opensips. Looks 
like something in the TM module.
opensips[17425]: segfault at c ip 7f24be7da046 sp 7fff4cb3bf00 error 4 
I don't see anything else interesting in the logs.

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] Couchbase Integration Issues with RateLimit Module

2015-09-14 Thread Kneeoh
Hi I've been using the couchbase module for cachedb for a while now with no 
issues. Recently I started tracking and enforcing channels w/ the dialog module 
and shared profiles as well as CPS via the ratelimit module. For the past week 
I've been getting sporadic opensips crashes (b/c all of the children fill up) 
and it looks related to the rl module not being able to increase the counter. 
I've attached the logs before it crashes.
ERROR:cachedb_couchbase:couchbase_arithmetic_cb: Failure to perform arithmetic 
termlimit_total_cps - The key does not exist on the server 
ERROR:ratelimit:rl_change_counter: cannot change counter for pipe total_cps 
with 1 
ERROR:ratelimit:w_rl_check_3: cannot increase counter 

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Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] For-Each Example

2015-09-14 Thread Kneeoh
Thanks Bogdan, that did the trick.

 On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 6:14 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
<> wrote:

 If you have an AVP holding multiple value (instances), you can iterate through 
all of them as:
 $var(n) = 0;
 while ( $(avp(my_avp)[$var(n)]) != NULL ) {
     xlog("value of my avp on position $var(n) is $(avp(my_avp)[$var(n)]) \n");
     $var(n) = $var(n) + 1 ;
  Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer On 09.09.2015 00:01, Kneeoh wrote:
  I'm trying to figure out how to iterate through an indexed $avp that holds 
json query results. The docs are kind of spotty. Can someone share a working 
snippet of code that iterates through an $avp ? This one isn't quite working 
for me. First off it says only $var and $avp can be iterated, but this example 
has a $json var.
  # iterate through all JSON documents returned by a MongoDB query
cache_raw_query("mongodb:location", "{... find ...}", "$avp(res)");
for ($json(contact) in $(avp(res)[*]))
xlog("Found: $json(contact/phone) $json(contact/email)\n");
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[OpenSIPS-Users] For-Each Example

2015-09-08 Thread Kneeoh
I'm trying to figure out how to iterate through an indexed $avp that holds json 
query results. The docs are kind of spotty. Can someone share a working snippet 
of code that iterates through an $avp ? This one isn't quite working for me. 
First off it says only $var and $avp can be iterated, but this example has a 
$json var.

# iterate through all JSON documents returned by a MongoDB query
cache_raw_query("mongodb:location", "{... find ...}", "$avp(res)");
for ($json(contact) in $(avp(res)[*]))
xlog("Found: $json(contact/phone) $json(contact/email)\n");

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Failed to replicate Dialog

2015-09-03 Thread Kneeoh
Liviu, I'm still getting the stream of errors on the back up host with the 
configuration I've posted on this thread and -m 2048 -M 512 on both hosts. I'm 
running around 4-500 CPS at the moment. I saw some notes that this has since 
been moved to TCP in opensips 2. I'm guessing the replicated dialogs are 
greater than 1500 bytes and are truncated when received on the backup host. 
That's all I can figure w/o doing a tcp dump on the replication port to 
confirm...I'll do that next.

 On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 10:04 AM, Kneeoh <> wrote:

 Thanks Liviu, I'm running Opensips with the following memory allocations on 
both the primary and secondary hosts. Doesn't this mean I'm allocating 2G of 
shared mem and 512 Megabytes of Pkg mem? I think i'm not running more than 1000 
calls per second per your last email which should take only 640Mb of ram. I am 
running dialog profiling and ratelimit enforcement so I'm not sure how that 
factors in to increasing the memory requirement or if it's causing the 
replicated dialog to truncate and miss data.
-m 2048 -M 512 

 On Thursday, June 4, 2015 3:03 PM, Kneeoh <> wrote:

 I just popped up to 1.11.5 and am still getting a stream of dialog replication 
failure even though the non-active host IS listening on the same socket as the 
primary host. I'm banging my head on the desk, I can't figure out what this 
isn't working.

Host 2 (passive host)
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27448]: 
ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet! 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_update: dialog not found, building new 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet! 
Netstat on Host 1netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
7304/opensips   <---virtual ip
udp    0  0*   
7304/opensips   <---virtual ip
udp    0  0*       
    7304/opensips   <---binary replication binding (bin_listen)

Netstat on Host 2netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
27441/opensips  <---virtual ip
udp    0  0*   
27441/opensips  <---virtual ip
udp 2176  0*      
 27441/opensips  <---binary replication binding (bin_listen) 

 On Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:36 PM, Kneeoh <> wrote:

 Hi Bogdan, Both Opensips hosts are set to use corosync/heartbeat to failover 
the two IPs in our config. Both hosts are set to non-localbind and opensips is 
explicitly listening on both of the VIPs. This is why I'm confused. It seems 
that everything is configured correctly yet I'm getting these errors on the 
inactive opensips instance.

 On Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:05 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
<> wrote:

  Hi Kneeoh,
 The dialog replication is done assuming that both opensips servers do share 
the listening interface (via vrrp, heartbeat, etc). Do you different listening 
IPs on the 2 opensips instances ?
  Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer On 29.04.2015 20:35, Kneeoh wrote:
  Hello, I've got two VIPs on two instances of opensips and am doing dialog 
replication. I'm getting a steady stream of failed to replicate dialog errors 
in my opensips log. are the two VIPs. Both have a listen = on both 
opensips configs. I'm not sure if this line in the log is the problem but it 
looks like it: " DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0]" I'm not sure how the 
receive IP could be an empty string.
   DBG:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Received replicated dialog!
  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: 'udp:' [22]
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13 &&  [] == 
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13 &&  [] == 
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0]
  ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 
  DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: destroing dialog 0x7f09ddd9f958
  DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: dlg expired or not in list - dlg 0x7f09ddd9f958 
[2225:721583693] with clid 'f4f2446c-6937-1233-f798-0024e869f1eb' and tags 

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Failed to replicate Dialog

2015-09-03 Thread Kneeoh
Liviu, I think I have found the problem. I ran a capture of the replicated 
messages and looked at the payload. It looks to me like opensips is adding an 
extra 0 to the socket port See the 50600 below?




 On Thursday, September 3, 2015 1:26 PM, Kneeoh <> wrote:

 Liviu, I'm still getting the stream of errors on the back up host with the 
configuration I've posted on this thread and -m 2048 -M 512 on both hosts. I'm 
running around 4-500 CPS at the moment. I saw some notes that this has since 
been moved to TCP in opensips 2. I'm guessing the replicated dialogs are 
greater than 1500 bytes and are truncated when received on the backup host. 
That's all I can figure w/o doing a tcp dump on the replication port to 
confirm...I'll do that next.

 On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 10:04 AM, Kneeoh <> wrote:

 Thanks Liviu, I'm running Opensips with the following memory allocations on 
both the primary and secondary hosts. Doesn't this mean I'm allocating 2G of 
shared mem and 512 Megabytes of Pkg mem? I think i'm not running more than 1000 
calls per second per your last email which should take only 640Mb of ram. I am 
running dialog profiling and ratelimit enforcement so I'm not sure how that 
factors in to increasing the memory requirement or if it's causing the 
replicated dialog to truncate and miss data.
-m 2048 -M 512 

 On Thursday, June 4, 2015 3:03 PM, Kneeoh <> wrote:

 I just popped up to 1.11.5 and am still getting a stream of dialog replication 
failure even though the non-active host IS listening on the same socket as the 
primary host. I'm banging my head on the desk, I can't figure out what this 
isn't working.

Host 2 (passive host)
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27448]: 
ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet! 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_update: dialog not found, building new 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet! 
Netstat on Host 1netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
7304/opensips   <---virtual ip
udp    0  0*   
7304/opensips   <---virtual ip
udp    0  0*       
    7304/opensips   <---binary replication binding (bin_listen)

Netstat on Host 2netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
27441/opensips  <---virtual ip
udp    0  0*   
27441/opensips  <---virtual ip
udp 2176  0*      
 27441/opensips  <---binary replication binding (bin_listen) 

 On Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:36 PM, Kneeoh <> wrote:

 Hi Bogdan, Both Opensips hosts are set to use corosync/heartbeat to failover 
the two IPs in our config. Both hosts are set to non-localbind and opensips is 
explicitly listening on both of the VIPs. This is why I'm confused. It seems 
that everything is configured correctly yet I'm getting these errors on the 
inactive opensips instance.

 On Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:05 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
<> wrote:

  Hi Kneeoh,
 The dialog replication is done assuming that both opensips servers do share 
the listening interface (via vrrp, heartbeat, etc). Do you different listening 
IPs on the 2 opensips instances ?
  Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer On 29.04.2015 20:35, Kneeoh wrote:
  Hello, I've got two VIPs on two instances of opensips and am doing dialog 
replication. I'm getting a steady stream of failed to replicate dialog errors 
in my opensips log. are the two VIPs. Both have a listen = on both 
opensips configs. I'm not sure if this line in the log is the problem but it 
looks like it: " DBG:core:bin_

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS Data Base tables in a MySQL Cluster

2015-07-30 Thread Kneeoh
Victor, you'll need to change all of the opensips tables to InnoDB (not sure 
why they're not that way by default) in order for it to be compatible with 
galera. I do this before installing the DB by cd'ing to the 
/usr/local/share/opensips/mysql dir and running the following command:
sed -i 's/MyISAM/InnoDB/g' *
Once done proceed with installing the DB to your galera cluster. Galera and 
MariaDB works great and has saved my tail several times. Make sure you always 
have an ODD number of nodes in the cluster to avoid split brain conflicts.
Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] Drouting Probing broken 1.11.1

2015-07-20 Thread Kneeoh
Hi All, when implementing gateway probing type (2) - probing all the time. If 
disabled, the destination will be automatically re-enabled when the probing 
will succeed next time;
If a gateway fails it does not come back automatically. I have to go into the 
DB, set state to 0 and reload drouting. Upon reloading I see opensips probe the 
gateway and get a response which keeps it active.

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] opensipsctl fifo rl_list

2015-06-24 Thread Kneeoh
When executing opensipsctl fifo rl_list, Does the counter integer represent 
CPS or do I need to divide that number by the ratelimit modules' interval i.e. 
10 by default?

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] missing from user 500 Internal Server Error

2015-06-19 Thread Kneeoh
Can someone tell me if this is illegal per RFC and if so where the language is?
From: sip:
Opensips is kicking out a 500 Internal Server Error and the following in the 
ERROR:core:parse_from_header: bad from header 
ERROR:dialog:pre_match_parse: failed to get From header

Id like to either fix it with some Opensips magic, (like ignore from and just 
pass the call) or point the originator to the right documentation to go fix 
their switch.
Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Failed to replicate Dialog

2015-06-10 Thread Kneeoh
Thanks Liviu, I'm running Opensips with the following memory allocations on 
both the primary and secondary hosts. Doesn't this mean I'm allocating 2G of 
shared mem and 512 Megabytes of Pkg mem? I think i'm not running more than 1000 
calls per second per your last email which should take only 640Mb of ram. I am 
running dialog profiling and ratelimit enforcement so I'm not sure how that 
factors in to increasing the memory requirement or if it's causing the 
replicated dialog to truncate and miss data.
-m 2048 -M 512 

 On Thursday, June 4, 2015 3:03 PM, Kneeoh wrote:

 I just popped up to 1.11.5 and am still getting a stream of dialog replication 
failure even though the non-active host IS listening on the same socket as the 
primary host. I'm banging my head on the desk, I can't figure out what this 
isn't working.

Host 2 (passive host)
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27448]: 
ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet! 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_update: dialog not found, building new 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet! 
Netstat on Host 1netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
7304/opensips   ---virtual ip
udp    0  0*   
7304/opensips   ---virtual ip
udp    0  0*       
    7304/opensips   ---binary replication binding (bin_listen)

Netstat on Host 2netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
27441/opensips  ---virtual ip
udp    0  0*   
27441/opensips  ---virtual ip
udp 2176  0*      
 27441/opensips  ---binary replication binding (bin_listen) 

 On Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:36 PM, Kneeoh wrote:

 Hi Bogdan, Both Opensips hosts are set to use corosync/heartbeat to failover 
the two IPs in our config. Both hosts are set to non-localbind and opensips is 
explicitly listening on both of the VIPs. This is why I'm confused. It seems 
that everything is configured correctly yet I'm getting these errors on the 
inactive opensips instance.

 On Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:05 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:

  Hi Kneeoh,
 The dialog replication is done assuming that both opensips servers do share 
the listening interface (via vrrp, heartbeat, etc). Do you different listening 
IPs on the 2 opensips instances ?
  Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer On 29.04.2015 20:35, Kneeoh wrote:
  Hello, I've got two VIPs on two instances of opensips and am doing dialog 
replication. I'm getting a steady stream of failed to replicate dialog errors 
in my opensips log. are the two VIPs. Both have a listen = on both 
opensips configs. I'm not sure if this line in the log is the problem but it 
looks like it:  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0] I'm not sure how the 
receive IP could be an empty string.
   DBG:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Received replicated dialog!
  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: 'udp:' [22]
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13   [] == 
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13   [] == 
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0]
  ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 
  DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: destroing dialog 0x7f09ddd9f958
  DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: dlg expired or not in list - dlg 0x7f09ddd9f958 
[2225:721583693] with clid 'f4f2446c-6937-1233-f798-0024e869f1eb' and tags 
  ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet!
Users mailing list



Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Failed to replicate Dialog

2015-06-04 Thread Kneeoh
I just popped up to 1.11.5 and am still getting a stream of dialog replication 
failure even though the non-active host IS listening on the same socket as the 
primary host. I'm banging my head on the desk, I can't figure out what this 
isn't working.

Host 2 (passive host)
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27448]: 
ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet! 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_update: dialog not found, building new 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 
Jun  4 18:34:50  /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27445]: 
ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet! 
Netstat on Host 1netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
7304/opensips   ---virtual ip
udp    0  0*   
7304/opensips   ---virtual ip
udp    0  0*       
    7304/opensips   ---binary replication binding (bin_listen)

Netstat on Host 2netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
27441/opensips  ---virtual ip
udp    0  0*   
27441/opensips  ---virtual ip
udp 2176  0*      
 27441/opensips  ---binary replication binding (bin_listen) 

 On Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:36 PM, Kneeoh wrote:

 Hi Bogdan, Both Opensips hosts are set to use corosync/heartbeat to failover 
the two IPs in our config. Both hosts are set to non-localbind and opensips is 
explicitly listening on both of the VIPs. This is why I'm confused. It seems 
that everything is configured correctly yet I'm getting these errors on the 
inactive opensips instance.

 On Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:05 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:

  Hi Kneeoh,
 The dialog replication is done assuming that both opensips servers do share 
the listening interface (via vrrp, heartbeat, etc). Do you different listening 
IPs on the 2 opensips instances ?
  Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer On 29.04.2015 20:35, Kneeoh wrote:
  Hello, I've got two VIPs on two instances of opensips and am doing dialog 
replication. I'm getting a steady stream of failed to replicate dialog errors 
in my opensips log. are the two VIPs. Both have a listen = on both 
opensips configs. I'm not sure if this line in the log is the problem but it 
looks like it:  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0] I'm not sure how the 
receive IP could be an empty string.
   DBG:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Received replicated dialog!
  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: 'udp:' [22]
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13   [] == 
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13   [] == 
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0]
  ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 
  DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: destroing dialog 0x7f09ddd9f958
  DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: dlg expired or not in list - dlg 0x7f09ddd9f958 
[2225:721583693] with clid 'f4f2446c-6937-1233-f798-0024e869f1eb' and tags 
  ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet!
Users mailing list


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Failed to replicate Dialog

2015-05-07 Thread Kneeoh
Hi Bogdan, Both Opensips hosts are set to use corosync/heartbeat to failover 
the two IPs in our config. Both hosts are set to non-localbind and opensips is 
explicitly listening on both of the VIPs. This is why I'm confused. It seems 
that everything is configured correctly yet I'm getting these errors on the 
inactive opensips instance.

 On Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:05 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:

  Hi Kneeoh,
 The dialog replication is done assuming that both opensips servers do share 
the listening interface (via vrrp, heartbeat, etc). Do you different listening 
IPs on the 2 opensips instances ?
  Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer On 29.04.2015 20:35, Kneeoh wrote:
  Hello, I've got two VIPs on two instances of opensips and am doing dialog 
replication. I'm getting a steady stream of failed to replicate dialog errors 
in my opensips log. are the two VIPs. Both have a listen = on both 
opensips configs. I'm not sure if this line in the log is the problem but it 
looks like it:  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0] I'm not sure how the 
receive IP could be an empty string.
   DBG:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Received replicated dialog!
  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: 'udp:' [22]
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13   [] == 
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13   [] == 
  DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0]
  ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 
  DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: destroing dialog 0x7f09ddd9f958
  DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: dlg expired or not in list - dlg 0x7f09ddd9f958 
[2225:721583693] with clid 'f4f2446c-6937-1233-f798-0024e869f1eb' and tags 
  ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet!
Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] Failed to replicate Dialog

2015-04-29 Thread Kneeoh
Hello, I've got two VIPs on two instances of opensips and am doing dialog 
replication. I'm getting a steady stream of failed to replicate dialog errors 
in my opensips log. the two VIPs. Both have a listen = on both 
opensips configs. I'm not sure if this line in the log is the problem but it 
looks like it:  DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0] I'm not sure how the 
receive IP could be an empty string.

 DBG:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Received replicated dialog!
 DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: 'udp:' [22]
 DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13   [] == 
 DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
 DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13   [] == 
 DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060
 DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0]
 ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 
 DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: destroing dialog 0x7f09ddd9f958
 DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: dlg expired or not in list - dlg 0x7f09ddd9f958 
[2225:721583693] with clid 'f4f2446c-6937-1233-f798-0024e869f1eb' and tags 
 ERROR:dialog:receive_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet!

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips 1.11.3 crash (Federico Edorna)

2015-04-07 Thread Kneeoh
Ok I wasn't able to get a core file generated...looking in to that now. 
However, at debug 6 here is what I get in my log file when I run opensipsctl 
fifo get_statistics all | grep udp. The first time it works, the second time I 
get this and a crash:
Apr  7 14:42:45 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17299]: 
DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [6]: 0x7fee1b3f6ac8 (9900)
Apr  7 14:42:45 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17299]: 
DBG:tm:retransmission_handler: retransmission_handler : done
Apr  7 14:42:45 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17299]: 
DBG:tm:utimer_routine: timer routine:5,tl=0x7fee1a9fdb38 next=0x7fee1a9f9d18, 

Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17277]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_tree: adding node  ; val all
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17277]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_node: end of input tree
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17277]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_fifo_server: done parsing the mi tree
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17311]: 
CRITICAL:core:receive_fd: EOF on 16
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17311]: 
DBG:core:handle_ser_child: dead child 10, pid 17286 (shutting down?)
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17311]: 
DBG:core:io_watch_del: io_watch_del op on index -1 16 (0x812d00, 16, -1, 
0x0,0x1) fd_no=44 called
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17275]: 
DBG:core:handle_sigs: status = 139
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17275]: 
INFO:core:handle_sigs: child process 17286 exited by a signal 11
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17275]: 
INFO:core:handle_sigs: core was generated
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17275]: 
INFO:core:handle_sigs: terminating due to SIGCHLD
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17310]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17309]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17308]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17307]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17306]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17305]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17304]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17303]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17302]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17301]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17300]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17277]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17298]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17311]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received 

 On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 10:09 AM, Kneeoh wrote:

 Federico, we are seeing similar crashes with both 1.11.3 and 1.11.4 when the 
system is under load and we perform back to back fifo get_statistics all 
commands (about 10 seconds apart). Opensips will segfault. I'm going to try to 
get some back traces, but for immediate time being, I'm going to go back to a 
1.10 branch and see if it happens there too. My suspicion is that something is 
broken in the mi in 1.11. In order to prove it we'll have to setup a lab and 
run sipp against it, i can't afford to play with production.

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips 1.11.3 crash (Federico Edorna)

2015-04-07 Thread Kneeoh
Federico, we are seeing similar crashes with both 1.11.3 and 1.11.4 when the 
system is under load and we perform back to back fifo get_statistics all 
commands (about 10 seconds apart). Opensips will segfault. I'm going to try to 
get some back traces, but for immediate time being, I'm going to go back to a 
1.10 branch and see if it happens there too. My suspicion is that something is 
broken in the mi in 1.11. In order to prove it we'll have to setup a lab and 
run sipp against it, i can't afford to play with production.

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips 1.11.3 crash (Federico Edorna)

2015-04-07 Thread Kneeoh
I've got a back trace on this issue. Who can I send it to?

 On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 10:46 AM, Kneeoh wrote:

 Ok I wasn't able to get a core file generated...looking in to that now. 
However, at debug 6 here is what I get in my log file when I run opensipsctl 
fifo get_statistics all | grep udp. The first time it works, the second time I 
get this and a crash:
Apr  7 14:42:45 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17299]: 
DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [6]: 0x7fee1b3f6ac8 (9900)
Apr  7 14:42:45 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17299]: 
DBG:tm:retransmission_handler: retransmission_handler : done
Apr  7 14:42:45 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17299]: 
DBG:tm:utimer_routine: timer routine:5,tl=0x7fee1a9fdb38 next=0x7fee1a9f9d18, 

Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17277]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_tree: adding node  ; val all
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17277]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_node: end of input tree
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17277]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_fifo_server: done parsing the mi tree
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17311]: 
CRITICAL:core:receive_fd: EOF on 16
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17311]: 
DBG:core:handle_ser_child: dead child 10, pid 17286 (shutting down?)
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17311]: 
DBG:core:io_watch_del: io_watch_del op on index -1 16 (0x812d00, 16, -1, 
0x0,0x1) fd_no=44 called
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17275]: 
DBG:core:handle_sigs: status = 139
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17275]: 
INFO:core:handle_sigs: child process 17286 exited by a signal 11
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17275]: 
INFO:core:handle_sigs: core was generated
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17275]: 
INFO:core:handle_sigs: terminating due to SIGCHLD
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17310]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17309]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17308]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17307]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17306]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17305]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17304]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17303]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17302]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17301]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17300]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17277]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17298]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Apr  7 14:42:49 osipslb03 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17311]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received 

 On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 10:09 AM, Kneeoh wrote:

 Federico, we are seeing similar crashes with both 1.11.3 and 1.11.4 when the 
system is under load and we perform back to back fifo get_statistics all 
commands (about 10 seconds apart). Opensips will segfault. I'm going to try to 
get some back traces, but for immediate time being, I'm going to go back to a 
1.10 branch and see if it happens there too. My suspicion is that something is 
broken in the mi in 1.11. In order to prove it we'll have to setup a lab and 
run sipp against it, i can't afford to play with production.


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Users Digest, Vol 81, Issue 7

2015-04-06 Thread Kneeoh
Hi Liviu. Thanks for replying. Can you give me a bit more detail on what I 
should be looking for? I've put the listen and bin_listen ips and ports above 
along with the netstat for opensips. Is there something else I should be 
checking? Thanks.

 On Monday, April 6, 2015 11:09 AM, wrote:

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Today's Topics:

  1. Failed to Replicate Dialog - Dialog in DB doesn't match any
      listening sockets (Kneeoh)
  2. Re: Failed to Replicate Dialog - Dialog in DB doesn't match
      any listening sockets (Liviu Chircu)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2015 14:38:23 + (UTC)
From: Kneeoh
Subject: [OpenSIPS-Users] Failed to Replicate Dialog - Dialog in DB
    doesn't match any listening sockets
To: Opensips Users
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hello, I'm getting a stream of errors in my log when using binary replication. 
The error at log level 0 is Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening sockets. 
However, opensips is infact listening on the socket. I've got non-local-bind 
set to 1 and opensips is listening on the shared IP. If I tail the log in real 
time on the standby host, I'm just getting a flood of these socket errors.

# opensipsctl fifo version
Server:: OpenSIPS (1.11.3-notls (x86_64/linux))

Apr? 6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:dialog:build_new_dlg: new dialog 0x7f5d4706f5f0 
 on hash 968 
Apr? 6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Received replicated dialog! 
Apr? 6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: 'udp:' [22] 
Apr? 6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13 ? [] == 
Apr? 6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060 
Apr? 6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0] 
Apr? 6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 

# netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp??? 0? 0*?? 
udp??? 0? 0 ??*?? 18101/opensips??

osips-lb-02 config:

# Binary Interface Settings

modparam(dialog, accept_replicated_dialogs, 1)
modparam(dialog, replicate_dialogs_to,

osips-lb-01 config:
# Binary Interface Settings

modparam(dialog, accept_replicated_dialogs, 1)
modparam(dialog, replicate_dialogs_to,
# netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp??? 0? 0*?? 
udp??? 0? 0 ? ? ? ?*?? 31940/opensips? 

-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 06 Apr 2015 18:09:31 +0300
From: Liviu Chircu
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Failed to Replicate Dialog - Dialog in
    DB doesn't match any listening sockets
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; Format=flowed

Hi Kneeoh!

Your setup looks flawless. By any change, are you advertising different 
ports on the two listeners? It's the only thing that pops 
up right now.

Best regards,

Liviu Chircu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 06.04.2015 17:38, Kneeoh wrote:
 Hello, I'm getting a stream of errors in my log when using binary 
 replication. The error at log level 0 is Dialog in DB doesn't match 
 any listening sockets. However, opensips is infact listening on the 
 socket. I've got non-local-bind set to 1

[OpenSIPS-Users] Failed to Replicate Dialog - Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening sockets

2015-04-06 Thread Kneeoh
Hello, I'm getting a stream of errors in my log when using binary replication. 
The error at log level 0 is Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening sockets. 
However, opensips is infact listening on the socket. I've got non-local-bind 
set to 1 and opensips is listening on the shared IP. If I tail the log in real 
time on the standby host, I'm just getting a flood of these socket errors.

# opensipsctl fifo version
Server:: OpenSIPS (1.11.3-notls (x86_64/linux))

Apr  6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:dialog:build_new_dlg: new dialog 0x7f5d4706f5f0 
 on hash 968 
Apr  6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Received replicated dialog! 
Apr  6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: 'udp:' [22] 
Apr  6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if host==us: 13==13   [] == 
Apr  6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:core:grep_sock_info: checking if port 5060 matches port 5060 
Apr  6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
DBG:core:bin_pop_str: Popped: '' [0] 
Apr  6 13:58:32 osips-lb-02 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[18106]: 
ERROR:dialog:dlg_replicated_create: Dialog in DB doesn't match any listening 

# netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
udp    0  0*  

osips-lb-02 config:

# Binary Interface Settings

modparam(dialog, accept_replicated_dialogs, 1)
modparam(dialog, replicate_dialogs_to,

osips-lb-01 config:
# Binary Interface Settings

modparam(dialog, accept_replicated_dialogs, 1)
modparam(dialog, replicate_dialogs_to,
# netstat -nlp | grep opensips
udp    0  0*   
udp    0  0*

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] 1.11.3 Crash on Fifo query

2015-03-16 Thread Kneeoh
I just spun up a light system for testing some new things. I've been getting 
system crashes while running get_statistics. I've included all of the data I 
have. I was hoping someone could point me towards a solution to fix. Thank you.


Cores: 2 x 
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz

Memory: 8 Gb

Opensips 1.11.3

Children = 4



opensipsctl fifo get_statistics all | grep udp

Debug 6 Output during crash:

Mar 16 16:47:23 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17059]: DBG:tm:timer_routine: 
timer routine:0,tl=0x7f4fda24cf58 next=0x7f4fda575850, timeout=88
Mar 16 16:47:23 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17059]: DBG:tm:timer_routine: 
timer routine:0,tl=0x7f4fda575850 next=0x7f4fda5719f8, timeout=88
Mar 16 16:47:23 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17059]: DBG:tm:timer_routine: 
timer routine:0,tl=0x7f4fda5719f8 next=0x7f4fda56d798, timeout=88
Mar 16 16:47:23 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_tree: adding node  ; val all
Mar 16 16:47:23 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_node: end of input tree
Mar 16 16:47:23 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_fifo_server: done parsing the mi tree
Mar 16 16:47:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_tree: adding node  ; val all
Mar 16 16:47:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_node: end of input tree
Mar 16 16:47:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_fifo_server: done parsing the mi tree
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_tree: adding node  ; val all
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_parse_node: end of input tree
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: 
DBG:mi_fifo:mi_fifo_server: done parsing the mi tree
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: DBG:core:handle_sigs: 
status = 139
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: 
INFO:core:handle_sigs: child process 17057 exited by a signal 11
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: 
INFO:core:handle_sigs: core was generated
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: 
INFO:core:handle_sigs: terminating due to SIGCHLD
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17051]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17050]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17053]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17052]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17049]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17058]: INFO:core:sig_usr: 
signal 15 received
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: INFO:core:cleanup: 
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: 
NOTICE:cachedb_couchbase:destroy: destroy module cachedb_couchbase ...
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: DBG:tm:tm_shutdown: 
tm_shutdown : start
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: 
DBG:tm:unlink_timer_lists: emptying DELETE list for set 0
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: DBG:tm:tm_shutdown: 
emptying hash table
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: DBG:tm:tm_shutdown: 
releasing timers
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: DBG:tm:tm_shutdown: 
removing semaphores
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: DBG:tm:tm_shutdown: 
destroying callback lists
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: DBG:tm:tm_shutdown: 
tm_shutdown : done
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: 
DBG:core:shm_mem_destroy: destroying the shared memory lock
Mar 16 16:47:25 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[17048]: DBG:core:handle_sigs: 
terminating due to SIGCHLD

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] acc_evi_request firing to incorrect event interface

2015-01-14 Thread Kneeoh
Per the acc module:


Like acc_log_request, acc_evi_request reports on a request. The report is 
packed as an event sent through the OpenSIPS Event Interface as E_ACC_EVENT if 
the reply code is a positive one (lower than 300), or E_ACC_MISSED_EVENT for 
negative or no codes. 

I'm firing an event:

acc_evi_request(703 Admin Block);

But its being published to the 
E_ACC_EVENT queue instead of the E_ACC_MISSED_EVENT queue

703  300 so it should be treated as a negative reply.

I'm running 1.11.3

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] $DLG_timeout Not Setting or Printing

2014-12-06 Thread Kneeoh
Hi. I’m running 1.11.1 and am xloging $DLG_Timeout. it always prints 0 even 
though I have modparam(dialog, default_timeout, 28800) set

Additionally. I try to set $DLG_timeout with $DLG_timeout = $avp(new_timeout) 
and then xlog and again it’s 0 in the log

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in my version?

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] Binary Dialog Replication + DRouting Polling Feature Request

2014-11-20 Thread Kneeoh
Hello, after fighting all day trying to maintain drouting polling and binary 
replication of dialogs between two servers, I had to sacrifice drouting polling 
to accommodate dialog replication.

2 Opensips Servers as Load Balancers
Corosync/Pacemaker with VIP
Drouting as LB engine


Issue 1: Drouting polling. In order to check the status of down stream opensips 
servers drouting is configured to send options pings to each server. On failure 
it auto disables the server. In order to do this with a VIP config, each host 
must use it's local IP to poll the servers otherwise the standby server won't 
have a socket with which to ping from as the active server will own the VIP.

Issue 2: Opensips must be running to accept dialog updates from the binary 
interface, so you can't simply allow Opensips to start/stop with the IP 
failover or it won't get any dialog updates.

Issue 3: When running in mhomed=1 mode, you are letting the kernel decide which 
IP to use to communicate out. IE, you may get a packet on the VIP: 
but the Kernel uses to send the packet. This is the IP that the 
dialog is nailed up on. So if you failover the VIP, the backup server will try 
to process the incoming packets per the dialg out of the interface 
which doesn't exist on server 2 and it fails.

The only thing I could do was to have both servers listen on the VIP with 
non-local bind enabled in linux. Then turn off drouting polling so that the 
standby server wouldn't disable the downstream servers in Drouting. This also 
ensures that the dialogs are nailed up to the IP and when I failover 
the IP, the backup server can process the packets.

I'd like to put in a request to have the drouting (and other similar modules) 
have a configurable polling interface which is separate from the socket it uses 
to send traffic.

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] Fw: CRITICAL:core:timer_ticker:

2014-11-11 Thread Kneeoh
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

On Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:25 PM, Kneeoh wrote:
Hi all, I just stood up a new set of proxies on version: Server:: OpenSIPS 
(1.11.3-notls (x86_64/linux)) and I'm running the following dialog settings:

# Write to DB every 2 minutes
modparam(dialog, db_update_period, 120)

However, I'm seeing the following in my opensips.log. Does this mean 2 minutes 
is to aggressive for updating the DB? Or is it indicative of a different 
problem? Any suggestions or ideas would be awesome.

Nov  6 17:13:55 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[21907]: 
CRITICAL:core:timer_ticker: timer handler dlg-dbupdate lasted (268 us) 
for more than timer tick (100 us) - potential timer shifting 
Nov  6 17:15:56 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[21907]: 
CRITICAL:core:timer_ticker: timer handler dlg-dbupdate lasted (272 us) 
for more than timer tick (100 us) - potential timer shifting 
Nov  6 17:17:57 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[21907]: 
CRITICAL:core:timer_ticker: timer handler dlg-dbupdate lasted (267 us) 
for more than timer tick (100 us) - potential timer shifting 


Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] CRITICAL:core:timer_ticker:

2014-11-06 Thread Kneeoh
Hi all, I just stood up a new set of proxies on version: Server:: OpenSIPS 
(1.11.3-notls (x86_64/linux)) and I'm running the following dialog settings:

# Write to DB every 2 minutes
modparam(dialog, db_update_period, 120)

However, I'm seeing the following in my opensips.log. Does this mean 2 minutes 
is to aggressive for updating the DB? Or is it indicative of a different 
problem? Any suggestions or ideas would be awesome.

Nov  6 17:13:55 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[21907]: 
CRITICAL:core:timer_ticker: timer handler dlg-dbupdate lasted (268 us) 
for more than timer tick (100 us) - potential timer shifting 
Nov  6 17:15:56 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[21907]: 
CRITICAL:core:timer_ticker: timer handler dlg-dbupdate lasted (272 us) 
for more than timer tick (100 us) - potential timer shifting 
Nov  6 17:17:57 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[21907]: 
CRITICAL:core:timer_ticker: timer handler dlg-dbupdate lasted (267 us) 
for more than timer tick (100 us) - potential timer shifting 


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ Timer Route Not Working

2014-07-31 Thread Kneeoh
This did not work either. I've removed the haproxy setup and simply put a 
floating vip between the rabbitmq servers. However if I fail the vip to another 
rabbit server the connection is dropped. I've tried placing an 
unsubscribe/resubscribe in a timer route and have activated the keep alive 
modparam, but that is not working. It would be great if there were some sort of 
multi entrance or auto-resubscribe function. As it stands right now after 
testing with haproxy and with a vip the only thing that works is to restart 
opensips if a rabbit node goes down.

modparam(event_rabbitmq, heartbeat, 3)


 if (!subscribe_event(E_KEEPALIVE, 
rabbitmq:user:rabbit@ {
  xlog(L_INFO, Can't connect to RabbitMQ E_KEEPALIVE\n);


timer_route[event_keepalive, 5] {   
rabbitmq:user:rabbit@,0); # I was told this would 

 # This does not work   
 if (!subscribe_event(E_KEEPALIVE, 
rabbitmq:user:rabbit@ {
  xlog(L_INFO, Can't connect to RabbitMQ E_KEEPALIVE\n);

 $json(rabbit_keepalive) := {};
 $json(rabbit_keepalive/time) = $time(%Y-%m-%d %T %Z);
 $json(rabbit_keepalive/type) = KEEPALIVE;
 $avp(rabbit_keepalive) := $json(rabbit_keepalive); 
 if (!raise_event(E_KEEPALIVE, $avp(rabbit_keepalive))) {
        xlog(L_INFO, Can't raise E_KEEPALIVE event\n);

On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 1:08 PM, Kneeoh wrote:
Is there an unsubscribe option? I'm going to try removing haproxy and just let 
the vip be shared among the rabbit cluster nodes and see if that tricks it.

On Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:01 AM, Răzvan Crainea wrote:
Hi, Kneeoh!

I think that the only solution that would work properly was your first 
approach. However, since this is not yet implemented, all I can think of 
is an external process that periodically test if the node is up. If it 
is not, unsubscribe it and re-subscribe the second node.

PS: I haven't really used haproxy so I have no idea how it works.

Best regards,

Razvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Core Developer

On 06/06/2014 06:15 PM, Kneeoh wrote:
 Hi Razvan, thank you for the reply. I don't necessarily need expiration of 
 subscriptions to rabbit or the timer route per se. I'm just trying to figure 
 out (with the existing capabilities) how to make opensips fail to another 
 member in the rabbit cluster in the event that the current node dies. My 
 first thought was that you could simply stack entry points like:


 However, it sounds like that's not in the present implementation of the 
 rabbit module.

 So my second thought was to trick opensips and put HAProxy between it and 
 Rabbit, which works, but if I fail an HAProxy via corosync to the other 
 HAproxy something with the subscription breaks. Since it looked like the two 
 options were either put the subscribes in the startup route (only happens 
 once so probably won't failover) OR use the timer route to subscribe (which 
 is what i'm doing) I figured that in the event of an HAProxy failure, I might 
 miss a few messages but on the next timer fire opensips would resubscribe to 
 haproxy which would relay that to the appropriate rabbit server (I haven't 
 failed over any rabbit servers in this scenario so haproxy2 is talking to the 
 same rabbit server as haproxy1. All i'm doing is killing haproxy1 right now 
 and letting the VIP go to haproxy2). However it doesn't look like this is 
 working and I can't tell if its because the subscription isn't happening, OR 
 it is happening but opensips sees it already exists in the
   subscribers list and does nothing (I think this is the case). If this IS 
the case perhaps a solution would be to kill the subscriber entry on new 
subscribe. If I'm way off, let me know, I'd really like to figure this out. Am 
I going about this all wrong? How would you handle a rabbit node failure?


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] DRouting Feature Request

2014-07-24 Thread Kneeoh
|      1 | 1       |        |         |        0 | NULL    | #cr1,three 
| NULL  |             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And it works, I get in log (for an xlog(GW IDs are      : 
$(avp(dr_gw)[*]) \n); after do_routing(1) )  :

GW IDs are      : two, three 
GW IDs are      : one, three 

Keep in mind is a probabilistic dispersion (not a rigorous round robin), 
so running 2-3 times may not be relevant. Do a larger set of tests (like 
10 or so).


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 23.07.2014 18:37, Kneeoh wrote:
 I thought that would work too. But if I put (dr_carriers table) 
 gwlist:gw1=50,gw2=50 flags:3 it Always picks gw1. I want it to alternate 
 between gw1 and gw2

 Ultimately I'm trying to do something like: dr_rules: gwlist: #cr1=50,#cr2=50 
 lets say it picks cr1, then go to the dr_carriers table where it will pick 
 ONE of the carrier gateways based on weight, if that gateway fails or times 
 out use the next carrier cr2, not the next gateway for cr1

 On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:07 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:

 Actually you can combine the flags and use 0x03 - ordering by weights
 and use only first. Just give it a try.


 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
 OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

 On 23.07.2014 03:29, Kneeoh wrote:
 It would be great if you could combine the binary Flags for dr_carrier 

 flags : 0x1 - use weight for sorting the list and not definition order; 0x2 
 - use only the first gateway from the carrier (depending on the sorting); 
 0x4 - disable the usage of this carrier

 such that where 1+2 = 3 the gateways are first sorted by weight then returns 
 only the top result for each carrier. This would allow for equitable 
 distribution between carrier gateways. This way gw1=100,gw2=100 would have a 
 roughly equal chance of being picked (if enabled=true). At present it either 
 cycles through all carrier gateways OR when the binary flag is set to 2, it 
 picks the first gateway ONLY, ALL THE TIME.

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] DRouting Feature Request

2014-07-24 Thread Kneeoh
Thats b/c the gateways are carrier facing proxies on my network. I pass headers 
to them to tell them where to route. Its a pain in the rear to get them to 
authorize new IPs so I do it this way. Not so nonsensical. I don't know why 
you're getting a different result than me with respect to use_next_gw. I've 
shared the tables and config bits, it doesn't sound like you see any issue with 
that other than my rather unorthodox gateway setup, no? I'll add the xlogs you 
suggest and report back. 

On Thursday, July 24, 2014 1:32 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 

Tested with latest 1.11 and works (with the setup explained below):

$ ./opensips -V
version: opensips 1.11.2-notls (x86_64/linux)
poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select.
git revision: 78a8c5f
main.c compiled on 11:05:33 Jul 24 2014 with gcc 4.8

Works both in terms of randomly selecting the first GW and as using only 
one GW (second GW from #cr1 is not used in use_next_gw).

Funny as for all three carriers you use the same set of GW. And for the 
rule you have listed all three carriers...Is is a bit of a non-sense as 
all three carriers will be used , but only one random GW from each - 
you will get a set of 3 GWs in any combination between GW1 and GW2 :D.

Try to add in your script, just after the do_routing():
     xlog(GW IDs are      : $(avp(dr_gw)[*]) \n);

Also put:
     modparam(drouting,gw_id_avp, $avp(dr_gw))

And paste the out of that xlog.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 24.07.2014 17:27, Kneeoh wrote:
 I ran 15 - 20 tests and was always getting gw 1 with the same settings. After 
 digging I found I some how got back on to 1.11.2 not sure if that's relevant. 
 But I've rolled back to 1.11.1 with the same config and DB settings. Now 
 almost every other test alternates the gateway which is good. However, it 
 still rolls to the next carrier gateway on: use_next_gw instead of going to 
 the next carrier which means that the drouting module is still returning both 
 gateways per carrier even though I have the flags set to 3 which should sort 
 on weight and return 1 if I'm not mistaken.

 My tables:

 select * from dr_rules;
 | ruleid | groupid | prefix | timerec | priority | routeid | gwlist           
  | attrs | description   |
 |      3 | 500     | 1800   |         |      100 | NULL    | #1=50,#2=50,#3 | 
       | Toll Free     |

 select * from dr_carriers;
 | id | carrierid | gwlist    | flags | state | attrs | description         |
 |  3 | 1 | 1=50,2=50 | 3 |     0 | 1 | Carrier 1 Toll Free  |
 |  6 | 2 | 1=50,2=50 | 3 |     0 | 2 | Carrier 2 Toll Free |
 |  9 | 3 | 1=50,2=50 | 3 |     0 | 3 | Carrier 3 Toll Free   |

 select * from dr_gateways;
 | id | gwid | type | address        | strip | pri_prefix | attrs | probe_mode 
 | state | socket | description |
 |  3 | 1    |    2 | |     0 | NULL       | NULL  |          0 |  
    1 | NULL   | gw_01      |
 |  6 | 2    |    2 | |     0 | NULL       | NULL  |          0 |  
    1 | NULL   | gw_02      |

 My script:

 route[sendcall] {
 if (is_method(INVITE)) {
    t_on_failure(toll free)

    xlog(L_INFO, In Toll Free Routing Block \n);



 failure_route[tf] {

 if (use_next_gw(,,$avp(carrier_id))) {

 xlog(L_INFO, Next Gateway $ru - CarrierID: $avp(carrier_id)\n);
   t_on_failure(toll free)
    else {
     xlog(L_INFO, No more Carriers!\n);
     t_reply(503, Service Unavailable);


 My Results:

 Using: CarrierID: 2
 new branch at sip:18005551212@

 In failure route toll free
 Next Gateway sip:18005551212@ - CarrierID: 2
 new branch at sip:18005551212@

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] DRouting Feature Request

2014-07-23 Thread Kneeoh
I thought that would work too. But if I put (dr_carriers table) 
gwlist:gw1=50,gw2=50 flags:3 it Always picks gw1. I want it to alternate 
between gw1 and gw2

Ultimately I'm trying to do something like: dr_rules: gwlist: #cr1=50,#cr2=50 
lets say it picks cr1, then go to the dr_carriers table where it will pick ONE 
of the carrier gateways based on weight, if that gateway fails or times out use 
the next carrier cr2, not the next gateway for cr1

On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:07 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 

Actually you can combine the flags and use 0x03 - ordering by weights 
and use only first. Just give it a try.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 23.07.2014 03:29, Kneeoh wrote:
 It would be great if you could combine the binary Flags for dr_carrier 

 flags : 0x1 - use weight for sorting the list and not definition order; 0x2 - 
 use only the first gateway from the carrier (depending on the sorting); 0x4 - 
 disable the usage of this carrier

 such that where 1+2 = 3 the gateways are first sorted by weight then returns 
 only the top result for each carrier. This would allow for equitable 
 distribution between carrier gateways. This way gw1=100,gw2=100 would have a 
 roughly equal chance of being picked (if enabled=true). At present it either 
 cycles through all carrier gateways OR when the binary flag is set to 2, it 
 picks the first gateway ONLY, ALL THE TIME.

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] DRouting Feature Request

2014-07-22 Thread Kneeoh
It would be great if you could combine the binary Flags for dr_carrier routing:

flags : 0x1 - use weight for sorting the list and not definition order; 0x2 - 
use only the first gateway from the carrier (depending on the sorting); 0x4 - 
disable the usage of this carrier

such that where 1+2 = 3 the gateways are first sorted by weight then returns 
only the top result for each carrier. This would allow for equitable 
distribution between carrier gateways. This way gw1=100,gw2=100 would have a 
roughly equal chance of being picked (if enabled=true). At present it either 
cycles through all carrier gateways OR when the binary flag is set to 2, it 
picks the first gateway ONLY, ALL THE TIME.

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] 1.11.2-notls Bug: Extra columns in missed calls

2014-07-21 Thread Kneeoh
I just rolled back to the 1.11.1 tag. No issues with that tag.

On Friday, July 18, 2014 3:43 PM, Kneeoh wrote:
After adding the fields to see what would happen it's putting in values like 
this: -430292632

Additionally, it is not recording the AVPs in my db_extra statement.

On Friday, July 18, 2014 3:18 PM, Kneeoh wrote:
It looks like this may be a bug, but on the latest 1.11 build i'm throwing acc 
errors b/c the acc module is trying to insert columns into missed_calls that 
don't exist...and haven't prior. duration and setuptime

DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_do_prepared_query: new query=|insert into missed_calls 
(method,from_tag,to_tag,callid,sip_code,sip_reason,time,duration,setuptime ) 

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] 1.11.2-notls Bug: Extra columns in missed calls

2014-07-18 Thread Kneeoh
It looks like this may be a bug, but on the latest 1.11 build i'm throwing acc 
errors b/c the acc module is trying to insert columns into missed_calls that 
don't exist...and haven't prior. duration and setuptime

DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_do_prepared_query: new query=|insert into missed_calls 
(method,from_tag,to_tag,callid,sip_code,sip_reason,time,duration,setuptime ) 

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] 1.11.2-notls Bug: Extra columns in missed calls

2014-07-18 Thread Kneeoh
After adding the fields to see what would happen it's putting in values like 
this: -430292632

Additionally, it is not recording the AVPs in my db_extra statement.

On Friday, July 18, 2014 3:18 PM, Kneeoh wrote:
It looks like this may be a bug, but on the latest 1.11 build i'm throwing acc 
errors b/c the acc module is trying to insert columns into missed_calls that 
don't exist...and haven't prior. duration and setuptime

DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_do_prepared_query: new query=|insert into missed_calls 
(method,from_tag,to_tag,callid,sip_code,sip_reason,time,duration,setuptime ) 

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[OpenSIPS-Users] Equivalent to Kamailio Async Module

2014-07-11 Thread Kneeoh
Is there an equivalent to the async module in Kamailio? I want to hold messages 
on short duration calls to keep my upstreams happy. But I want to use opensips 
if possible.

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[OpenSIPS-Users] Ratelimit Question

2014-06-18 Thread Kneeoh
Any idea why a lab system with no traffic spits out these errors periodically?

Jun 18 21:16:51 osips-01 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1876]: 
ERROR:ratelimit:rl_timer: cannot get pipe counter
Jun 18 21:17:01 osips-01 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1876]: 
ERROR:ratelimit:rl_get_counter: cannot retrieve key
Jun 18 21:17:01 osips-01 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1876]: 
ERROR:ratelimit:rl_timer: cannot get pipe counter
Jun 18 21:17:11 osips-01 /usr/local/sbin/opensips[1876]: 
ERROR:ratelimit:rl_get_counter: cannot retrieve key

 Ratelimit module
modparam(ratelimit, cachedb_url, 
modparam(ratelimit, db_prefix, termlimit_)

Is it because the key is removed after a period of time and the RL module keeps 
polling for it on the default 10 second interval?

Any way to suppress it?

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ Timer Route Not Working

2014-06-11 Thread Kneeoh
Is there an unsubscribe option? I'm going to try removing haproxy and just let 
the vip be shared among the rabbit cluster nodes and see if that tricks it.

On Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:01 AM, Răzvan Crainea wrote:
Hi, Kneeoh!

I think that the only solution that would work properly was your first 
approach. However, since this is not yet implemented, all I can think of 
is an external process that periodically test if the node is up. If it 
is not, unsubscribe it and re-subscribe the second node.

PS: I haven't really used haproxy so I have no idea how it works.

Best regards,

Razvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Core Developer

On 06/06/2014 06:15 PM, Kneeoh wrote:
 Hi Razvan, thank you for the reply. I don't necessarily need expiration of 
 subscriptions to rabbit or the timer route per se. I'm just trying to figure 
 out (with the existing capabilities) how to make opensips fail to another 
 member in the rabbit cluster in the event that the current node dies. My 
 first thought was that you could simply stack entry points like:


 However, it sounds like that's not in the present implementation of the 
 rabbit module.

 So my second thought was to trick opensips and put HAProxy between it and 
 Rabbit, which works, but if I fail an HAProxy via corosync to the other 
 HAproxy something with the subscription breaks. Since it looked like the two 
 options were either put the subscribes in the startup route (only happens 
 once so probably won't failover) OR use the timer route to subscribe (which 
 is what i'm doing) I figured that in the event of an HAProxy failure, I might 
 miss a few messages but on the next timer fire opensips would resubscribe to 
 haproxy which would relay that to the appropriate rabbit server (I haven't 
 failed over any rabbit servers in this scenario so haproxy2 is talking to the 
 same rabbit server as haproxy1. All i'm doing is killing haproxy1 right now 
 and letting the VIP go to haproxy2). However it doesn't look like this is 
 working and I can't tell if its because the subscription isn't happening, OR 
 it is happening but opensips sees it already exists in the
   subscribers list and does nothing (I think this is the case). If this IS 
the case perhaps a solution would be to kill the subscriber entry on new 
subscribe. If I'm way off, let me know, I'd really like to figure this out. Am 
I going about this all wrong? How would you handle a rabbit node failure?


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ Timer Route Not Working

2014-06-06 Thread Kneeoh
Hi Razvan, thank you for the reply. I don't necessarily need expiration of 
subscriptions to rabbit or the timer route per se. I'm just trying to figure 
out (with the existing capabilities) how to make opensips fail to another 
member in the rabbit cluster in the event that the current node dies. My first 
thought was that you could simply stack entry points like:


However, it sounds like that's not in the present implementation of the rabbit 

So my second thought was to trick opensips and put HAProxy between it and 
Rabbit, which works, but if I fail an HAProxy via corosync to the other HAproxy 
something with the subscription breaks. Since it looked like the two options 
were either put the subscribes in the startup route (only happens once so 
probably won't failover) OR use the timer route to subscribe (which is what i'm 
doing) I figured that in the event of an HAProxy failure, I might miss a few 
messages but on the next timer fire opensips would resubscribe to haproxy which 
would relay that to the appropriate rabbit server (I haven't failed over any 
rabbit servers in this scenario so haproxy2 is talking to the same rabbit 
server as haproxy1. All i'm doing is killing haproxy1 right now and letting the 
VIP go to haproxy2). However it doesn't look like this is working and I can't 
tell if its because the subscription isn't happening, OR it is happening but 
opensips sees it already exists in the
 subscribers list and does nothing (I think this is the case). If this IS the 
case perhaps a solution would be to kill the subscriber entry on new subscribe. 
If I'm way off, let me know, I'd really like to figure this out. Am I going 
about this all wrong? How would you handle a rabbit node failure?


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ Timer Route Not Working

2014-06-05 Thread Kneeoh
DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: rabbitmq@ 

FAILs to send event to RabbitMQ

On Thursday, June 5, 2014 7:57 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 

Try to get some debug logs from that route. Do:

timer_route[event_subscribe, 4] {
  xlog(Subscribing from timer route\n);
  if (!subscribe_event(E_ACC_CDR, rabbitmq:cdr:rabbit@, 
5)) {
   xlog(L_INFO, Can't connect to RabbitMQ \n);


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 02.06.2014 17:55, Kneeoh wrote:
 After following the example here:

 Shouldn't this resubscribe every 4 seconds and expire in 5 (i.e. never)? in 
 my script it's not subscribing to rabbit at all. I'm running version: 
 Server:: OpenSIPS (1.10.1-notls (x86_64/linux))

 timer_route[event_subscribe, 4] {
   if (!subscribe_event(E_ACC_CDR, rabbitmq:cdr:rabbit@, 
5)) {
    xlog(L_INFO, Can't connect to RabbitMQ \n);

 root@osips:/var/log# tcpdump -s0 -ni eth1 host
 tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
 listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
 0 packets captured
 0 packets received by filter
 0 packets dropped by kernel

 Users mailing list

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Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ Timer Route Not Working

2014-06-05 Thread Kneeoh
That's correct, I move the ip via corosync by disabling the active node. 
Corosync does the moving automatically. The subscriber list never changes, and 
its odd that expire=never when I have it set to 5 in the opensips subscribe 

root@opensips:/var/log# opensipsctl fifo subscribers_list
Event:: E_ACC_EVENT id=6
        Subscriber::  socket=rabbitmq:rabbitmq@ expire=never
Event:: E_ACC_CDR id=7
        Subscriber::  socket=rabbitmq:rabbitmq@ expire=never
        Subscriber::  socket=rabbitmq:rabbitmq@ expire=never
Event:: E_CHANNEL_LIMIT id=9
        Subscriber::  socket=rabbitmq:rabbitmq@ expire=never
Event:: E_CPS_LIMIT id=10
        Subscriber::  socket=rabbitmq:rabbitmq@ expire=never

I think it may have to do with the fact that the subscription to rabbit comes 
from the local IP of the haproxy not the VIP. Opensips talks to the VIP, the 
local IP on the proxy is what shows up on RabbitMQ as the channel. I would 
think this would resolve via the resubscription I'm doing in the timer route, 
but it's not.

  | (haproxy VIP)
  /   \
     /     \ (haproxy01) (haproxy02)
    \        /
     \      /    

On Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:33 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
So it seems the subscribing works fine. You can check that via the 
subscribers_list MI command (see

The problem is when the actual event is generated - it looks like it 
cannot be delivered via the rabbitmq driver. What you do is you move the 
IP of the HAproxy on a different machine ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 05.06.2014 17:31, Kneeoh wrote:
 Jun  5 14:19:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: rabbitmq@
 Jun  5 14:19:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to 
 Jun  5 14:19:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: rabbitmq@
 Jun  5 14:19:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to 
 Jun  5 14:19:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: 
 Jun  5 14:19:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to CPS 
 Jun  5 14:19:24 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: 
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19020]: Enforcing Limits
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19020]: Account Channel 
 Limit OK. Channels Up: 0 Channel Limit: 1
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19020]: Call Rejected due 
 to Account CPS Limit. CPS Limit: 0
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to CDR 
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: rabbitmq@
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to ACC 
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: rabbitmq@
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to 
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: rabbitmq@
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to 
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: 
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to CPS 
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: 
 Jun  5 14:19:29 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19021]: ACK - Attempting to 
 match dialog
 Jun  5 14:19:33 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to CDR 
 Jun  5 14:19:33 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: rabbitmq@
 Jun  5 14:19:33 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to ACC 
 Jun  5 14:19:33 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: 
 DBG:event_rabbitmq:rmq_match: socket matched: rabbitmq@
 Jun  5 14:19:33 opensips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[19027]: Subscribing to 

[OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ Timer Route Not Working

2014-06-02 Thread Kneeoh
After following the example here:

Shouldn't this resubscribe every 4 seconds and expire in 5 (i.e. never)? in my 
script it's not subscribing to rabbit at all. I'm running version: Server:: 
OpenSIPS (1.10.1-notls (x86_64/linux))

timer_route[event_subscribe, 4] {
 if (!subscribe_event(E_ACC_CDR, rabbitmq:cdr:rabbit@, 5)) 
  xlog(L_INFO, Can't connect to RabbitMQ \n);

root@osips:/var/log# tcpdump -s0 -ni eth1 host
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
0 packets captured
0 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ multi-entrance points

2014-05-28 Thread Kneeoh
Thanks Razvan, I'm definitely interested in what you may have in the works. 
Please see my other post related to using haproxy. Not sure if thats an option 
you're considering.


Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ multi-entrance points

2014-05-27 Thread Kneeoh
Is it possible to stack an array of entry points to a rabbitmq cluster like you 
can with other modules?


if (!subscribe_event(E_EVENT, 

If no, how would you handle a node failure of the defined node?

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] RabbitMQ HAProxy

2014-05-27 Thread Kneeoh
In order to try to solve my multi-entry point problem to rabbitmq I put in a 
pair of Haproxy servers in front of the rabbitmq cluster and am running a 
virtual IP between them. I'm subscribing to the events in a startup route in 
opensips using the virtual IP and everything works great on initial startup. 
However, If I force the active haproxy offline and the virtual IP flips to the 
other host Opensips stops communicating with Rabbit. If I restart opensips it 
starts working again. I'm thinking that it has something do do with the channel 
being different but I'm not sure. I was hoping someone may have run in to this 
issue as well and solved it. If not I was hoping the devs might have an idea on 
what to do.

Opensips error:

ERROR:event_rabbitmq:rmq_process: cannot send message


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] dlg_end_dlg ALL?

2014-03-29 Thread Kneeoh
Thanks Liviu! I was speaking with a colleague yesterday about this and had a 
great idea for a feature while I have your attention. We thought it would be 
cool to have a hangup by dialog profile function.

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] dlg_end_dlg ALL?

2014-03-28 Thread Kneeoh
Is there a method to kill ALL calls with dlg_end_dlg blindly? w/o having to 
pass the hash of the dlg_id?

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] [RFC] Deprecating mi_xmlrpc

2014-03-19 Thread Kneeoh
I'm all for the deprecation as long as the documentation on the mi_xmlrpc_ng 
module is updated to a usable level. I find myself referencing the 
documentation for xmlrpc and hoping that it holds true for xmlrpc_ng.

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] codec_delete_except_re SDP Corruption

2014-03-05 Thread Kneeoh
Sure, I'll get that for you. I've got some additional data that may answer your 
question. The problem seems to occur when the codec being removed is at the end 
of the SDP offer. So you'll get something like

0 18 101 19 in the media description line and 19 is the one you remove. It 
leaves the space after the 101, which is causing the problem.

On Wednesday, March 5, 2014 12:57 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 

Is the codec deletion the only change you do over the SDP (codec related) ?

What opensips version are you using ?  Also, could you post (privately 
is needed) the exact original and modified SDP ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 28.02.2014 23:09, Kneeoh wrote:
 I am using the codec codec_delete_except_re function to remove unwanted 


 Apparently it is placing or leaving a space (hex 20) at the end of the media 
 description line if the codec at the end of the description is removed by 
 this function. Which I'm told is not syntactically correct.

 The net result is that upstream vendors 488 the calls on which codecs are 
 removed and have this space at the end of the media description line.

 Has anyone else encountered this issue and resolved it?

 Thanks in advance

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] codec_delete_except_re SDP Corruption

2014-02-28 Thread Kneeoh
I am using the codec codec_delete_except_re function to remove unwanted codecs: 


Apparently it is placing or leaving a space (hex 20) at the end of the media 
description line if the codec at the end of the description is removed by this 
function. Which I'm told is not syntactically correct.

The net result is that upstream vendors 488 the calls on which codecs are 
removed and have this space at the end of the media description line.

Has anyone else encountered this issue and resolved it?

Thanks in advance

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] [OpenSIPS-Devel] [RELEASES] Planing OpenSIPS 1.11.0 major

2013-11-14 Thread Kneeoh
Bogdan, what i'm interested in is 3 things. I'll expand on the distributed 
dialog request:

1. Have multiple Opensips write their dialog data to the cachedb engine of my 
choice so that if one goes down the others can respond for that dialog. 
(assuming i do ip failover etc.) I know the Binary interface does this, but I 
need it in cachedb so my external monitoring can look at the cachedb for 
certain things in dialogs.

2. Not sure if this an alternative to the above or in addition to. But I would 
like to have event firing on dialog state change. So if a dialog changes state 
I can fire something to Rabbit. Right now i can kind of fake it but it's not 

3. Expand the DB_CACHEDB to support other NoSQL DBs like Cassandra and 
Couchbase. The docs say the present iteration only supports MongoDB.

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] [OpenSIPS-Devel] [RELEASES] Planing OpenSIPS 1.11.0 major

2013-11-04 Thread Kneeoh
I'd like to request distributed dialogs via the cachedb interface for couchbase.

Thank you

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] 1.10 CacheDB Crash

2013-10-14 Thread Kneeoh
Hi, I'm having some difficulty hooking up the cachedb to couchbase. 
Everything appears to be configured for the documentation and Opensips 
appears to start successfully when looking at the opensipsctl start 
output (no errors). However, after looking at the process list opensips 
is not started. A debug level 5 reveals the following output. Any advice / 
feedback would be greatly appreciated. 

/usr/local/sbin/opensips[18386]: DBG:core:db_bind_mod: using db bind api for 
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[18386]: DBG:db_cachedb:db_cachedb_bind_api: BINDING 
API for : cachedb://couchbase:opensips
 DBG:db_cachedb:db_cachedb_init: Found matching URL : 
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[18386]: DBG:core:cachedb_bind_mod: Binded to mod 
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[18386]: DBG:core:parse_cachedb_url: parsing 
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[18386]: DBG:core:cachedb_do_init: opening new 
 DBG:cachedb_couchbase:couchbase_new_connection: Succesfully connected 
to Couchbase Server. Host: Bucket: opensips
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[18386]: DBG:db_cachedb:db_cachedb_init: Succesfully 
initiated connection to [couchbase:opensips]
opensips: DBG:core:wait_status_code: read code -128 ? rc = 0, errno=Success
opensips: INFO:core:daemonize: pre-daemon process exiting with -1

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] Dialog Timeout

2013-05-01 Thread Kneeoh
I have an odd occurrence and I want to know if I'm on the right track. I have a 
dialog default_timeout set to 10818 to catch and kill any long calls. The 
behavior I'm seeing in some cases is that if the UA is sending regular UPDATEs 
or Re-INVITEs my acc record will show the call ending at 10818 seconds, however 
the SIP trace shows the call actually lasts longer and I can see the BYE from 
the UA well after the dialog default_timeout. I THINK it's because I don't have 
a create_dialog(B); Set anywhere in my script. This being the case, does this 
behavior sound correct? And would I be able to solve this by inserting the 
create_dialog(B); in my script? Based on the dialog docs for OpenSIPS 1.8.1 
in section 1.6.1 it sounds like it will, and send a BYE in both directions. Am 
I on the right track with this? Thanks in Advance.

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