Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] using OpenSIPS as outbound proxy

2010-08-31 Thread S . Millard
Thanks Bogdan, I appreciate the answer and i will do my best to figure out 
this configuration.


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] using OpenSIPS as outbound proxy

2010-08-30 Thread S . Millard
Iñaki Baz Castillo 
> Asking for free support/consultance or customized full configuration
> scripts is not the purpose of this mailist, neither asking for
> configuration files for *another* software (FreeSwitch).
> If you ask here for help not related to the purpose of this maillist,
> other members CAN complaint. We are not forced just to help or to be
> quiet.
> Regards.

I think i was very clear in the begining, I addressed my questions to Bogdan as 
a novice and not for profit, so please keep it quiet, i never asked and will 
never ask for your help.

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] using OpenSIPS as outbound proxy

2010-08-30 Thread S . Millard
Iñaki Baz Castillo  writes:
> The configuration file of OpenSIPS is not a XML file so such question
> makes no sense. Neither asking for a FreeSwitch configuration file in
> a OpenSIPS maillist.
Iñaki Baz Castillo,
I know I got mixed up because i stated in the begining that I am not 
experienced in this field and i put XML between brackets like an example only. 
So if you can help you're welcome otherwise we're not here to blast eachother 
and waiste the space of this usefull userslist.


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] using OpenSIPS as outbound proxy

2010-08-29 Thread S . Millard
Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for the answer. Basically, I know there is no magic and just matering 
the routing techniques; service are completely transparent to the 
end users (sip UA) the way that an SIP UA can use it and connect to any VOIP 
provider if the ISP is blockind SIP UDP ports. My question is (and for sure if 
I am not too much asking!) do you have any configuration files (XML) for 
opensisps or freeswitch that I can use to achieve this function the same way are doing ?

Thanks in advance,

Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] using OpenSIPS as outbound proxy

2010-08-13 Thread S . Millard
Hi Bogdan,

I have an VOIP account with a provider in canada and i am using this account 
when traveling overseas. Some ISPs in the middle east are blocking UDP port 
5060 causing the registration issue with my provider. I found a temporary 
solution with a free outbound proxy ( that went down 
lately. If you don't mind, my question is : how this free service work and is 
it possible for me to use opensip as my own outbound roxy and how to configure 
it using you liveDVD ?

Thanks in advance and please excuse my novice question.


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