[OpenSIPS-Users] Problem in provisional media leg using OpenSIPS 3.2

2023-06-08 Thread Virgílio Cunha
Hi there!

I'm using the B2B module on OpenSIPS 3.2, and when I call b2b_bridge() with
provisional media all seems ok.
It's created a leg for provisional media and another one for the
destination entity, but when the provisional media is on call and the
destination is still ringing, if the call originator sends a re-invite (for
codec renegotiation or puts the call on hold), when the provisional media
server answer with 200 OK, the opensips is creating a new leg (same as the
destination leg) and terminates the dialogs sending a BYE to the
provisional media server and to originator call.

Why does opensips create another leg?
Is there anything I can do to prevent this behavior?

Virgílio Cunha
Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] Weird behaviour in B2BUA with provisional media

2020-12-17 Thread Virgílio Cunha
Hello everyone,

I have a problem in B2B behaviour with provisional media configured.

In my scenario, I have a call to a call center that transfers the call
(REFER) to another one. So, as I have a provisional media configured, a new
SIP leg is generated by B2B between the user terminal and the media server
until the call center answers it.

Up to this point the call doesn't show any problem, but if the user
terminal does a reINVITE to negotiate the SDP, I see weird behaviour.

In the provisional media SIP leg, everything seems right. The media server
answers to the reINVITE with 200 OK, but the 200 OK never was generated by
B2B on the terminal SIP leg, instead of it I saw a new ACK forwarded to the
user terminal (should be a 200 OK) and the B2B generates a new SIP leg to
same call center referred previously.

Why was a new SIP leg generated to the referred destination? If there's not
any reinvite from the user terminal the REFER scenario doesn't have any

Does anyone know if this behavior was fixed in the latest version?
Is there any additional configuration that I can do to fix this behaviour?

I am currently using opensips 3.0.2.

Best Regards,
Virgílio Cunha
Users mailing list