Hi All,

When I make a call opensips sends the radius info to freeradius without any 
indication of error.
But a strange thing happens, when I look at the radius.log in the freeradius 
I get between 2 and 100 times these repeated messages:

Fri Nov 20 18:14:31 2009 : Error: rlm_sql_mysql: MySQL error 'Duplicate entry 
'NWFiYTY4NWVmYWZlNjc4OTYyNWMxZWMwZWZlZjIwYWI.-7f47744f-as27abee74' for key$
Fri Nov 20 18:14:31 2009 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Couldn't insert SQL accounting 
START record - Duplicate entry 'NWFiYTY4NWVmYWZlNjc4OTYyNWMxZWMwZWZlZjIw$
Fri Nov 20 18:14:31 2009 : Error: rlm_sql_mysql: Cannot store result

And this increments the KBIn and KBOut in CDRTool
It looks like the radiusclient-ng is sending the same record sometimes more 
than 100 times !!! 

Does anyone have a suggestion?


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