[Pw_forum] same Problem with BFGS

2006-07-12 Thread Stefano de Gironcoli
your scf convergence threshold (10^-4) looks very lousy to me.
In particular it's larger than the required energy convergence 
in the bfgs relaxation (10^-5) !!
Lousy self consitency affects the quality of the computed forces ... 
indeed the "scf correction" is larger that the force itself.


Quoting mnunez at ncsu.edu:

> I am getting the same bfgs error posted before:
> -
>  from bfgs : error # 1
>  bfgs history already reset at previous step
> stopping ...
> the bfgs algorithm seems to get stucked.
> the total forces along the minimization  before it stops are:
>  Total force = 0.002868 Total SCF correction = 0.034876
>  Total force = 0.042610 Total SCF correction = 0.039637
>  Total force = 0.008934 Total SCF correction = 0.029486
>  Total force = 0.003953 Total SCF correction = 0.016921
>  Total force = 0.012592 Total SCF correction = 0.010567
>  Total force = 0.004110 Total SCF correction = 0.009995
>  Total force = 0.001633 Total SCF correction = 0.012211
>  Total force = 0.001412 Total SCF correction = 0.019146
>  Total force = 0.001607 Total SCF correction = 0.021538
>  Total force = 0.001555 Total SCF correction = 0.012259
>  Total force = 0.001361 Total SCF correction = 0.012868
>  Total force = 0.001432 Total SCF correction = 0.013882
>  Total force = 0.001343 Total SCF correction = 0.011201
>  Total force = 0.001422 Total SCF correction = 0.013635
>  Total force = 0.001369 Total SCF correction = 0.005947
>  Total force = 0.001317 Total SCF correction = 0.011391
>  Total force = 0.001485 Total SCF correction = 0.006279
>  Total force = 0.001351 Total SCF correction = 0.014118
>  Total force = 0.001475 Total SCF correction = 0.011927
> the input file
> &control
> calculation = "relax",
> title='scf BaOPtAl big slab 1 001'
> restart_mode="from_scratch",
> prefix="BaOPtAlSlabMeth",
> pseudo_dir ="/spin/home/mnunez/pwcheetah/pseudo/",
> outdir="/tmp/work/mnunez/BaOPtAlSlabMethod/",
> forc_conv_thr = 1.0d-4
> etot_conv_thr = 1.0d-5
> tstress = .true.,
> tprnfor = .true.
>  /
>  &system
> ibrav = 6,
> celldm(1) =7.297,
> celldm(3) = 16.9397,
> nat = 42,
> ntyp = 4,
> nbnd=230,
> ecutwfc =35,
> ecutrho=245,
> occupations ='smearing',
> smearing='gaussian',
> degauss=0.008
>  / &electrons
> mixing_mode= 'local-TF'
> diagonalization= 'cg'
> mixing_beta = 0.3,
> mixing_ndim = 11,
> conv_thr =  1.0d-4
>  /
>  &ions
> upscale=11
>  /
> O 15.9994  O.pz-rrkjus.UPF
> Ba 137.327 Ba.vdb.UPF
> Pt 195.078  Pt.pz-rrkjus.UPF
> Al 26.981538  Al.pz-vbc.UPF
> Pt   0.5   0.5  -5.843889151
> Pt   0.0   0.0  -5.841443397
> Pt   0.5   0.0  -5.341181221
> Pt   0.0   0.5  -5.341181221
> Pt   0.5   0.5  -4.831963549
> Pt   0.0   0.0  -4.829809502
> Pt   0.5   0.0  -4.316032074
> Pt   0.0   0.5  -4.316032074
> Pt   0.5   0.5  -3.800183390
> Pt   0.0   0.0  -3.799129595
> Pt   0.5   0.0  -3.250938002
> Pt   0.0   0.5  -3.250938002
> Al   0.5   0.5  -2.892741738
> Al   0.0   0.0  -2.774954863
> Ba   0.5   0.5  -2.105588663
> O0.0   0.0  -2.318966082
> Ba   0.0   0.0  -1.375247423
> O0.5   0.5  -1.434073949
> Ba   0.5   0.5  -0.681716547
> O0.0   0.0  -0.728523986
> Ba   0.0   0.0   0.025502608
> O0.5   0.5  -0.009862356
> Ba   0.5   0.5   0.726855678
> O0.0   0.0   0.705024595
> Ba   0.0   0.0   1.435097711
> O0.5   0.5   1.393104543
> Ba   0.5   0.5   2.115982686
> O0.0   0.0   2.118086625
> Pt   0.5   0.5   2.836917653
> Pt   0.0   0.0   2.696183926
> Pt   0.5   0.0   3.298956976
> Pt   0.0   0.5   3.298956976
> Pt   0.5   0.5   3.810364151
> Pt   0.0   0.0   3.819965483
> Pt   0.5   0.0   4.332138351
> Pt   0.0   0.5   4.332138351

[Pw_forum] projwfc.x

2006-07-12 Thread Alain Allouche
Dear all,

Running PROJWFC I often get the message:
  from davcio : error #10
  i/o error in davcio

although the pw.x step worked allright, what is the problem ?
Thanks a lot

[Pw_forum] projwfc.x

2006-07-12 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Wednesday 12 July 2006 09:00, Alain Allouche wrote:

> Running PROJWFC I often get the message: 

>   from davcio : error #10
>   i/o error in davcio

> although the pw.x step worked allright, what is the problem ?

it depends. The above error means that the code could not read
some data files, presumably because their format was not what
was expected. In order to find out why, one needs to know 
exactly under which (reproducible) circumstances this happens.

Paolo Giannozzi Phone:   +39/050-509876
DEMOCRITOS and SNS  Fax: +39/050-563513 
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7  I-56126 Pisa, Italy

[Pw_forum] about phonon calculation

2006-07-12 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 10:59, Ezad Shojaee wrote:

> i have made a phonon calculation with a small grid (221)  [...]
> when i  want to calculate the IFC's in the real space with q2r.x ,
> there is no dielectric tensor 

this is normal, if you do not explicitly require its calculation
by ph.x (epsil=.true.)

> & i have this error too : 

>from init : error # 1
>  q not allowed

there is a mismatch between what the q2r.x code thinks 
q-points should be, and what you provided. It is sufficient
that a coordinate differs by 10^-5 from what it should be
to get this error. Please check what you used as q-points

Paolo Giannozzi Phone:   +39/050-509876
DEMOCRITOS and SNS  Fax: +39/050-563513 
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7  I-56126 Pisa, Italy

[Pw_forum] Problems with PH.X in QE-31

2006-07-12 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 04:29, Sigifredo Sanchez-Carrera wrote:

> I compiled espresso-3.1 using an intel fortran compiler (IFC) on a 
> machine that has intel xeon processors. I had no problem with pw.x 
> using MPI for parallel use, but whe I try to use the ph.x program 
> after a few seconds the following error message appears:

> Timeout alarm signaled

it looks like  a compiler problem or a problem with MPI libraries
or the interactions of the two. Your system administrator might be
able to understand where the code stops and why. You might try
a different compiler version and/or different MPI libraries

Paolo Giannozzi Phone:   +39/050-509876
DEMOCRITOS and SNS  Fax: +39/050-563513 
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7  I-56126 Pisa, Italy

[Pw_forum] Input file for cp.x system of C(111)2x1: diagonalization failed

2006-07-12 Thread Tim Teatro
Hello all.

Thank you in advance for your time.

I have been trying to get a C or Si (111) 2x1 surface to work in cp
for some time. I am using a small cluster, Intel processors (Itanium
32bit I think), IFC 9.0 with MKL. The version of cp.x I am working
with is from ESPRESSO 3.1.1, although I have had the same problems
with 3.1.

I started with a simple 8 atom bulk, which seems to work. Here is the
input file for reference:

   title='Carbon bulk'
   ndr = 51,
   ndw = 51,
   nstep = 2000,
   iprint = 10,
   isave = 100,
   tstress = .true.,
   tprnfor = .true.,
   dt  = 5.0d0,
   etot_conv_thr = 1.d-9,
   ekin_conv_thr = 1.d-4,
   pseudo_dir = '/home/tteatro/pseudo/',
   ibrav=1, celldm(1)=6.8d0,
   nat=8, ntyp=1,
   ecutwfc = 30.0d0,
   nr1b=10, nr2b=10, nr3b=10,
   xc_type = 'BLYP'
   emass = 400.d0,
   emass_cutoff = 2.5d0,
   electron_dynamics = 'verlet',
   fnosep = 32.d0,
   tempw = 300.0
 C  12.01  C.blyp-mt.UPF
C0.0   0.0   0.0   1 1 1
C0.25000   0.25000   0.25000   1 1 1
C0.5   0.5   0.0   1 1 1
C0.75000   0.75000   0.25000   1 1 1
C0.5   0.0   0.5   1 1 1
C0.25000   0.75000   0.75000   1 1 1
C0.0   0.5   0.5   1 1 1
C0.75000   0.25000   0.75000   1 1 1

I then changed only the geometry of the system to a 24 atom surface,
and got the following error:
  from rhoofr: total integrated electronic density
  in g-space =   96.00   in r-space =  96.00

from  dspev_drv  : error #47
 diagonalization failed

stopping ...
p0_12001:  p4_error: : 0

Here is a listing of the input file, but you should note that the
below file has additional changes beyond those of geom try. This is
because I tried changing various things, such as ibrav 8 to ibrav 14,
using, a different PP, etc.

   title='C(111)2x1 Surface'
   ndr = 51,
   ndw = 51,
   nstep = 2000,
   iprint = 10,
   isave = 100,
   tstress = .true.,
   tprnfor = .true.,
   dt  = 5.0d0,
   etot_conv_thr = 1.d-9,
   ekin_conv_thr = 1.d-4,
   pseudo_dir = '/home/tteatro/pseudo/',
   ibrav=8,  celldm(1)=8.206000,
   nat=24, ntyp=1,
   ecutwfc = 30.0d0,
   !emass = 400.d0,
   !emass_cutoff = 2.5d0,
   electron_dynamics = 'sd',
 C  12.01  C.pz-vbc.UPF
C  7.0186010.000  -10.447049
C  10.905062.368   -9.140353
C  4.4171840.000   -9.152089
C  8.3098872.368  -10.439228
C  5.4204610.000   -6.303335
C  9.7797002.368   -6.256876
C  2.7908150.000   -5.174785
C  6.8879452.368   -5.488460
C  2.7410550.000   -2.368432
C  6.8553682.368   -2.463769
C  0.000.000   -1.457720
C  4.1030802.368   -1.457720
C  0.000.0001.457720
C  4.1030802.3681.457720
C  -2.741055   0.0002.368432
C  1.3507922.3682.463769
C  -2.790815   0.0005.174785
C  1.3182152.3685.488460
C  -5.420461   0.0006.303335
C  -1.573540   2.3686.256876
C  -4.417184   0.0009.152089
C  -0.103727   2.368   10.439228
C  -7.018601   0.000   10.447049
C  -2.698906   2.3689.140353

I would think that the geometry is bad, except that these coordinates
have worked in both fhi98 AND pw.x!

Here is an input example for pw.x (which works)

   pseudo_dir = '/home/timtro/espresso-3.1/pseudo/',
   ibrav=8, celldm(1)=8.206000,
   nat=24, ntyp=1,
   ecutwfc = 30.0d0
   conv_thr =  1.0d-8,
   mixing_beta = 0.5
 C  12.01  C.pz-vbc.UPF
C 7.0186010.000  -10.447049
C10.9050662.368   -9.140353
C 4.4171840.000   -9.152089
C 8.3098872.368  -10

[Pw_forum] Plot |psi|^2 for an arbitary k point

2006-07-12 Thread Tianshu Li
Dear PWSCF users and developers:

In running post-processing pp.x, I got an error message  "from 
local_dos : error # 1
 k must be zero" when calculating |psi|^2 for a non-zero K point. 
I've searched the code "local_dos.F90" and find that the non-zero K 
point does not seem to be allowed. Since there is a "kpoint" keyword in 
the input list, I just wonder if the non-zero K point wavefunction 
visualization has not been implemented yet. Thanks

Tianshu Li