[Pw_forum] About Pseudo-Potential generation

2007-01-25 Thread Lawrence Lee
Dear Paolo,

Thanks very much for your answering. But I still do not fully understand your 
answers about fractional occupation.

In my example, some may use [Ne]3s1.5 for Mg. And you said that this is for 
computational convenience. Can you elaborate more on this point?

By the way, if this config is used, should I correspondingly set zval=1.5 , 
instead of let it default?

Thanks a lot!


 YM - 
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[Pw_forum] Debye temp, phonon DOS and sum rules.

2007-01-25 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Jan 25, 2007, at 17:59 , Miguel Mart?nez Canales wrote:

> On a side note, the difference between a 40 40 40 and a 12 12 12  
> phonon
> dos is like night and day. Is such difference to be expected?

maybe not like "day and night", but it takes quite a dense grid
if you want to see a DOS with all the singularities as in textbooks

> I suppose it's related to the way the phonon dos is computed within  
> the code.

it is a rather straightforward tetrahedron method

> Finally, it might interest you to know that fitting a parabola to  
> the low w
> regime and using the pseudopotential's equilibrium lattice parametre,
> the Debye temperature is 152 K, very close to the value presented in
> Table 23.3 of Ashcroft's and Mermin's book.

so now we know that Ashcroft's and Mermin's book is correct :-)

Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Debye temp, phonon DOS and sum rules.

2007-01-25 Thread Miguel Martínez Canales
Dear Paolo,

Thank you very much for your answers. I am particularly thankful for the 
reference to Nicola Marzari's paper.

MMC> 3) Is the hoop I'm seeing at around 17cm-1 a van Hove singularity I
MMC> haven't covered in my dispersion curves or something more profound?

PG> hard to say, especially without seeing

OK, as I've seen attachments sometimes fail, I'll later provide the first 
21 files of my phdos. Anyway, I think I've found the issue. It was related 
to the nk's I was using to get the phonon density of states. It seems that 
a regular 6,6,6 or 8,8,8 mesh is not enough, although with that mesh the 
IFC seems to have converged. Using a 20,20,20 or higher mesh would yield a 
more logical behaviour.

$ head -21 na.phdos
  -0.2601E-05  0.E+00
   0.1000E+01  0.4175E-05
   0.2000E+01  0.1670E-04
   0.3000E+01  0.3758E-04
   0.4000E+01  0.6680E-04
   0.5000E+01  0.1044E-03
   0.6000E+01  0.1503E-03
   0.7000E+01  0.2046E-03
   0.8000E+01  0.2672E-03
   0.9000E+01  0.3382E-03
   0.1000E+02  0.4175E-03
   0.1100E+02  0.5052E-03
   0.1200E+02  0.6012E-03
   0.1300E+02  0.7056E-03
   0.1400E+02  0.8183E-03
   0.1500E+02  0.2017E-02
   0.1600E+02  0.2252E-02
   0.1700E+02  0.2474E-02
   0.1800E+02  0.2683E-02
   0.1900E+02  0.2880E-02
   0.2000E+02  0.3064E-02

One can easily see the hop and the lack of parabolic behaviour above 14 
cm^-1. On a side note, the difference between a 40 40 40 and a 12 12 12 
phonon dos is like night and day. Is such difference to be expected? I 
suppose it's related to the way the phonon dos is computed within the code.

Finally, it might interest you to know that fitting a parabola to the low w 
regime and using the pseudopotential's equilibrium lattice parametre, the 
Debye temperature is 152 K, very close to the value presented in Table 23.3 
of Ashcroft's and Mermin's book.

Thanks again,



Miguel Mart?nez Canales
Dto. F?sica de la Materia Condensada
Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnolog?a
Apdo. 644
48080 Bilbao (Spain)
Fax:  +34 94 601 3500
Tlf:  +34 94 601 5437

  "If you have an apple and I have an apple and
  we exchange these apples then you and I will
  still each have one apple. But if you have an
  idea and I have an idea and we exchange these
  ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."

George Bernard Shaw

[Pw_forum] Debye temp, phonon DOS and sum rules.

2007-01-25 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Jan 24, 2007, at 9:50 , Miguel Mart?nez Canales wrote:

> 1) Is trying to calculate the Debye temperature from the phonon DOS
> too na?ve?

It should be possible; for sufficiently isotropic dispersions you might
also try to estimate the coefficient c in w(q)=cq for q->0

> 2) What are the practical differences between simple and crystal asr?

'simple' asr consists in modifying the diagonal term only of the force
constant matrix so that the sum over all atoms of the induced forces
is zero. 'crystal' asr modifies the matrix in such a way to conserve the
symmetry, I think.

> Could be translated to: What does "optimized corrections of the IFC"
> in pwtools/q2r.f90 mean?

it means that you have to read the original reference, if any (try this:
PRB 71, 205214 (2005) )

> 3) Is the hoop I'm seeing at around 17cm-1 a van Hove singularity I  
> haven't
> covered in my dispersion curves or something more profound?

hard to say, especially without seeing

Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Zr, Y and Lu NC pseudo

2007-01-25 Thread jeremie
Dear all


I am intensively trying to build (or convert) pseudo potentials of Zr, Y and
Lu to make phonon calculations. Unfortunately, all the PP?s I got, gave
weird band structures, very far from what I got with US PPS.

As anybody these PPS files or a reliable way to check if a PP is ok or not
before trying it in a very long calculation?

Thanks for your help.




Jeremie Teyssier


24 quai Ernest Ensermet

CH-1211 Geneve 4


tel: (41) 22 379 65 78

fax: (41) 22 379 68 69

web:  <http://optics.unige.ch/jeremie/home_jeremie.html>


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[Pw_forum] nuclear charge change

2007-01-25 Thread Axel Kohlmeyer
On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Amin Babazadeh wrote:

AB> Dear users
AB> Would you please tell me that how i can change nuclear charge in quantum
AB> espresso code.We know that the nuclear charge in H(hydrogen) is 1 (Z=1) but
AB> in my calculation it should be .5 (Z=.5) or 1.5 (Z=1.5) but i don't how
AB> to do it in espresso.

dear amin,

you will have to create special pseudopotentials for that.
this is not an entirely unusual case, so perhaps somebody
here on the list has potentials for that case and can help
you out.


AB> I will appreciate if helps me
AB> sincerely yours

Axel Kohlmeyer   akohlmey at cmm.chem.upenn.edu   http://www.cmm.upenn.edu
   Center for Molecular Modeling   --   University of Pennsylvania
Department of Chemistry, 231 S.34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323
tel: 1-215-898-1582,  fax: 1-215-573-6233,  office-tel: 1-215-898-5425
If you make something idiot-proof, the universe creates a better idiot.