[Pw_forum] Pseudoptential for Nd

2008-05-09 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
Javier Antonio Montoya wrote:

> Is there anyone in the forum who can provide me with a pseudo-potential 
> (nonlinear core-correction + ultrasoft + PBE) for any of the following 
> elements?  :  Sm, Nd, Pr, Ce  .  We are running experiments that include 
> those elements and I could provide feedback on how well those pseudos 
> reproduce experimental properties, such as vibrational spectra and 
> lattice parameters at different pressure conditions; in order to include 
> them in the PWscf.org web page.  Nd is the one that we are going to 
> measure first, so, getting that one would be cool.

as I already mentioned several times in this forum: the problem with
such elements is not much the pseudopotential (which IS anyway a
problem: generating ultrasoft PP's for those elements is a full-time
job) but the reliability of the current DFT. Years ago I tried something
with Pr, with less than moderate success. I'll try to locate those
files if they still exists.

Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Defining an antiferromagnetic graphene nanoribbon

2008-05-09 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
Adriano.Mosca.Conte at roma2.infn.it wrote:

> 3) I'm not sure at 100% that the symbols "-" and "+" are allowed to
> specify atomic names.

I think they are. They are read and treated as fortran character

Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Defining an antiferromagnetic graphene nanoribbon

2008-05-09 Thread adriano.mosca.co...@roma2.infn.it
It seems ok apart some details:
1) You have to define DIR.
2) The cell parameters with ibrav=8 have to be specified by:
3) I'm not sure at 100% that the symbols "-" and "+" are allowed to
specify atomic names.

> Dear PW users:
> I want to carry out a single point calculation of an antiferromagnetic
> graphene nanoribbon with PWscf. Since such a system is magnetic, with a
> specific magnetic orientation for the edge carbons, I have to perform a
> spin-polarized calculation. I'd like to know if the following PW input is
> suitable for such a calculation.
>calculation = 'scf' ,
>   restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
> pseudo_dir = '$DIR' ,
>  ibrav = 8,
>  A = 17.482046 ,
>  B = 20.00 ,
>  C = 15.00 ,
>nat = 70 ,
>   ntyp = 4,
>ecutwfc = 20.00 ,
>ecutrho = 80.00 ,
>occupations = 'smearing' ,
>degauss = 0.01 ,
>   smearing = 'gaussian' ,
>  nspin = 2 ,
>  starting_magnetization(1) = -1.0 ,
>  starting_magnetization(2) =  1.0 ,
>  starting_magnetization(3) =  0.0 ,
>  starting_magnetization(4) =  0.0 ,
>   conv_thr = 1.0D-6 ,
>startingpot = 'atomic',
>startingwfc = 'atomic',
>mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
>mixing_beta = 0.25 ,
>diagonalization = 'david' ,
>   /
> C-1   12.0107  C.pbe.UPF
> C+1   12.0107  C.pbe.UPF
> C 12.0107  C.pbe.UPF
> H  1.0079  H.pbe.UPF
>   C+1   1.249543   -0.7110740.00
>   C   0.000947   -0.016393   -0.01
>   C   0.0008441.443145   -0.01
>   C   1.2493812.1599540.01
>   C   1.2494093.6089460.01
>   C   0.0008434.325668   -0.01
>   C   0.0009395.7852830.00
>   C-1   1.2495156.479991   -0.01
>   H   1.249981   -1.8256310.00
>   H   1.2499817.5944130.00
>   C+1   3.746978   -0.7110740.00
>   C   2.498382   -0.016393   -0.01
>   C   2.4982791.443145   -0.01
>   C   3.7468162.1599540.01
>   C   3.7468443.6089460.01
>   C   2.4982784.325668   -0.01
>   C   2.4983745.7852830.00
>   C-1   3.7469506.479991   -0.01
>   H   3.747416   -1.8256310.00
>   H   3.7474167.5944130.00
>   C+1   6.244413   -0.7110740.00
>   C   4.995817   -0.016393   -0.01
>   C   4.9957141.443145   -0.01
>   C   6.2442512.1599540.01
>   C   6.2442793.6089460.01
>   C   4.9957134.325668   -0.01
>   C   4.9958095.7852830.00
>   C-1   6.2443856.479991   -0.01
>   H   6.244851   -1.8256310.00
>   H   6.2448517.5944130.00
>   C+1   8.741849   -0.7110740.00
>   C   7.493253   -0.016393   -0.01
>   C   7.4931501.443145   -0.01
>   C   8.7416872.1599540.01
>   C   8.7417153.6089460.01
>   C   7.4931494.325668   -0.01
>   C   7.4932455.7852830.00
>   C-1   8.7418216.479991   -0.01
>   H   8.742287   -1.8256310.00
>   H   8.7422877.5944130.00
>   C+1  11.239284   -0.7110740.00
>   C   9.990688   -0.016393   -0.01
>   C   9.9905851.443145   -0.01
>   C  11.2391222.1599540.01
>   C  11.2391503.6089460.01
>   C   9.9905844.325668   -0.01
>   C   9.9906805.7852830.00
>   C-1  11.2392566.479991   -0.01
>   H  11.239722   -1.8256310.00
>   H  11.2397227.5944130.00
>   C+1  13.736719   -0.7110740.00
>   C  12.488123   -0.016393   -0.01
>   C  12.4880201.443145   -0.01
>   C  13.7365572.1599540.01
>   C  13.7365853.6089460.01
>   C  12.4880194.325668   -0.01
>   C  12.4881155.7852830.00
>   C-1  13.7366916.479991   -0.01
>   H  13.737157   -1.8256310.00
>   H  13.7371577.5944130.00
>   C+1  16.234154   -0.7110740.00
>   C  14.985558   -0.016393   -0.01
>   C  14.9854551.443145   -0.01
>   C  16.2339922.1599540.01
>   C  16.2340203.6089460.01
>   C  14.9854544.325668   -0.01
>   C  14.9855505.7852830.00
>   C-1  16.2341266.479991   -0.01

[Pw_forum] Pseudoptential for Nd

2008-05-09 Thread Javier Antonio Montoya
Hi Paolo

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Paolo Giannozzi 

> Javier Antonio Montoya wrote:
as I already mentioned several times in this forum: the problem with
> such elements is not much the pseudopotential (which IS anyway a
> problem: generating ultrasoft PP's for those elements is a full-time
> job) but the reliability of the current DFT. Years ago I tried something
> with Pr, with less than moderate success. I'll try to locate those
> files if they still exists.

> Paolo
> --

Thanks a lot, I would really appreciate if you can find your Pr pseudo, I am
willing to take that risk. Same regarding the other ones, in case somebody
already have them.  The matter is that experimentally we already have the
Raman and Infrared peak positions, plus the lattice constants, therefore, it
will be pretty easy to decide whether or not the results make some sense and
then, to use them to support some microscopic analysis of the physics that
is going on in our samples. Each material contains a single rare-earth
element but it also contains oxygen and iron, I think there isn't a big risk
on using the ones available from the repository in PWscf.org for those other
two, therefore I just need to satisfy the NLCC, Van-US, PBE requirement also
for the rare-earths in order to make them match.


-- next part --
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[Pw_forum] Pseudoptential for Nd

2008-05-09 Thread Axel Kohlmeyer
On Fri, 9 May 2008, Javier Antonio Montoya wrote:


JAM> Thanks a lot, I would really appreciate if you can find your Pr pseudo, I 
JAM> willing to take that risk. Same regarding the other ones, in case somebody
JAM> already have them.  The matter is that experimentally we already have the
JAM> Raman and Infrared peak positions, plus the lattice constants, therefore, 
JAM> will be pretty easy to decide whether or not the results make some sense 

what paolo was pointing out is that you have a _fundamental_ 
problem. so even if you get a match, it will be by accident
and not by design. what would that prove? only that you got
lucky! yes, you want to match the experiment, but you want
to match it for right reasons.

i've seen this with uranium for example. it was giving reasonable 
results for some uranium oxide compounds at some lattice constant 
values but then it would just give complete crap at some others.

JAM> then, to use them to support some microscopic analysis of the physics that
JAM> is going on in our samples. Each material contains a single rare-earth
JAM> element but it also contains oxygen and iron, I think there isn't a big 

so if you get crap for one element out of many (and i would not
be so certain about iron either, that can be pretty nasty, too),
how does that make your results better than if all elements
would be doubtful. the only difference is that the error will
be less obvious.

JAM> on using the ones available from the repository in PWscf.org for those 
JAM> two, therefore I just need to satisfy the NLCC, Van-US, PBE requirement 
JAM> for the rare-earths in order to make them match.

why? all you have to match is the functional! ...and as paolo had 
pointed out in some other mail, it looks like the vanderbilt type 
ultrasofts don't perform so well for "tricky" elements. it is 
definitely tricky to even get those potentials created with the 
vanderbilt code in a way they look reasonable to begin with.


JAM> Cheers,
JAM> Javier.

Axel Kohlmeyer   akohlmey at cmm.chem.upenn.edu   http://www.cmm.upenn.edu
   Center for Molecular Modeling   --   University of Pennsylvania
Department of Chemistry, 231 S.34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323
tel: 1-215-898-1582,  fax: 1-215-573-6233,  office-tel: 1-215-898-5425
If you make something idiot-proof, the universe creates a better idiot.

[Pw_forum] Defining an antiferromagnetic graphene nanoribbon

2008-05-09 Thread Roberto G. A. Veiga
Hi, Konstantin:

thank you very much. Such a large cutoff (80 Ry) is necessary for convergence? 
Or maybe I'm using one quite small (20 Ry)...



Konstantin Kudin  wrote:  Hi Roberto,

 Here is a ribbon input that works for sure:
 (get PPs from the PWSCF website)

 Good luck!


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  
Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.
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[Pw_forum] openmp vs mpich performance with MKL 10.x

2008-05-09 Thread Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
Thank you Axel, for all the time and the explanations of the deep numerical
I will give up at his point. I am satisfied to know that I am not
wasting CPU resources due to bad configuration, and I will keep both MPI and
OpenMP compilations.. I will try to add to the benchmark of Nicola with CP.
Best regards
Eduardo Menendez
-- next part --
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[Pw_forum] Au relaxation error

2008-05-09 Thread mohamed.majd...@mail.uh.edu
Dear Axel,

Thanks for pointing this out! I am already aware of it. I thought that
we only need to specify the single unit cell parameter. For my case, I
have like 6 unit cell aligned in one direction. How can I find out the
new lattice parameter and symmetry of the nanostructure (6 unit cell)? 

Your suggestions are welcomed!

Thanks in advance for your help!

Mohamed Sabri Majdoub

PhD candidate Mechanical Engineering

University of Houston, TX,USA

- Original Message -
From: Axel Kohlmeyer <akohl...@cmm.chem.upenn.edu>
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008 2:34 pm
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Au relaxation error
To: Mohamed.Majdoub at mail.uh.edu
Cc: pw_forum at pwscf.org

> On Thu, 8 May 2008, Mohamed.Majdoub at mail.uh.edu wrote:
> MM> Dear users,
> mohamed,
> please _first_ study the online documentation, troubleshooting
> tips and the mailing list archives. this error is one of the
> most frequently reported ones...
> cheers,
> ?? axel.
> p.s.: ...and while you are at it, please consider the policy here
> to state your name and affiliation. thanks.
> MM> 
> MM> -
> ---? 
> MM> ?? warning: symmetry operation #? 2 not allowed.?? 
> fractional translation:
> MM> ?? 0.0139992 -0.0139992? 0.000? in crystal coordinates
> MM>  warning: symmetry operation #? 7 not allowed.?? 
> fractional translation:
> MM> ?? 0.0069996 -0.0069996 -0.0069996? in crystal coordinates
> MM>  warning: symmetry operation #? 8 not allowed.?? 
> fractional translation:
> MM> ?? 0.0069996 -0.0069996? 0.0069996? in crystal coordinates
> MM>  warning: symmetry operation # 27 not allowed.?? 
> fractional translation:
> MM> ?? 0.0069996 -0.0069996 -0.0069996? in crystal coordinates
> MM>  warning: symmetry operation # 28 not allowed.?? 
> fractional translation:
> MM> ?? 0.0069996 -0.0069996? 0.0069996? in crystal coordinates
> MM>  warning: symmetry operation # 29 not allowed.?? 
> fractional translation:
> MM> ?? 0.0139992 -0.0139992? 0.000? in crystal coordinates
> MM> ...
> MM> 
> MM> ? Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
> MM> 
> MM>  starting charge? 395.74037, renormalised to? 396.0
> MM>  Starting wfc are atomic
> MM> 
> MM> 
> ?%%MM>
>   from cdiaghg : error #?? 325
> MM>  info =/= 0
> MM> 
> ?%%MM>
> MM>  stopping ...
> MM> -
> ---
> MM> 
> MM> 
> MM> 
> -- 
> ===
> Axel Kohlmeyer?? 
> akohlmey at cmm.chem.upenn.edu?? http://www.cmm.upenn.edu
> ?? Center for Molecular Modeling?? --
> ?? University of Pennsylvania
> Department of Chemistry, 231 S.34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 
> 19104-6323
> tel: 1-215-898-1582,? fax: 1-215-573-6233,? office-
> tel: 1-215-898-5425
> ===
> If you make something idiot-proof, the universe creates a better 
> idiot.
-- next part --
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[Pw_forum] Au relaxation error

2008-05-09 Thread Stefano de Gironcoli
Dear Mohamed Majdoub,

   have you checked your structure with some visualization tool like 
xcrysden or similar ?
   remember that celldm(1) is given in bohr radii (7.6 a.u., about 4 
Angstrom) while your atomic positions, given in angstrom, extend
from 0 to 14 Angstrom..   it seems to me quite unlikely that your 
structure is what you think it is.
   hope it helps,

   stefano de Gironcoli - SISSA and DEMOCRITOS

Mohamed.Majdoub at mail.uh.edu wrote:
> Dear users,
> Thanks professor
> I am a new pwscf user. I have been trying to do a geometry relaxation 
> of a gold nanocluster (few wunit cells of Au). The objective is to put 
> this metal in contact with an MgO insulator and relax the 2 structures 
> to find out the optimal interface configuration. As a first trial, I 
> am relaxing only the Au alone. But I keep getting error message. The 
> Au has fcc unit cell with lattice constant 4.0783 angstrom = 7.70687 a.u.
>   calculation = "relax",
>   pseudo_dir  = "/pwscf/pseudo",
>   outdir  = "/pwscf/pwscftemp",
> /
>   ibrav   = 2,
>   celldm(1)   = 7.6533D0,
>   nat = 36,
>   ntyp= 1,
>   ecutwfc = 30.D0,
>   occupations = "smearing",
>   smearing= "gaussian",
>   degauss = 0.005D0,
> /
>   conv_thr= 1.D-6,
>   mixing_beta = 0.3D0,
> /
>   pot_extrapolation = "second_order",
>   wfc_extrapolation = "second_order",
> /
> Au  196.96655  Au.pz-d-van.UPF
> Au 0.00.0   -0.0
> Au 0.02.039152.03915
> Au 2.039150.02.03915
> Au 2.039152.039150.0
> Au 4.078300.0   -0.0
> Au 4.078302.039152.03915
> Au 0.04.07830   -0.0
> Au 2.039154.078302.03915
> Au
> Au 0.02.039156.11745
> Au 2.039150.06.11745
> Au 2.039152.039154.07830
> Au 0.04.078304.07830
> Au 2.039154.078306.11745
> Au 4.078300.04.07830
> Au 4.078302.039156.11745
> Au 4.078304.07830   -0.0
> Au 4.078304.078304.07830
> Au
> Au 0.02.03915   10.19575
> Au 2.039150.0   10.19575
> Au 2.039152.039158.15660
> Au 0.00.0   12.23490
> Au 0.02.03915   14.27405
> Au 2.039150.0   14.27405
> Au 2.039152.03915   12.23490
> Au 0.04.078308.15660
> Au 2.039154.07830   10.19575
> Au 0.04.07830   12.23490
> Au 2.039154.07830   14.27405
> Au 4.078300.08.15660
> Au 4.078302.03915   10.19575
> Au 4.078300.0   12.23490
> Au 4.078302.03915   14.27405
> Au 4.078304.078308.15660
> Au 4.078304.07830   12.23490
> K_POINTS automatic
> 6 6 1 0 0 0
>warning: symmetry operation #  2 not allowed.   fractional translation:
>0.0139992 -0.0139992  0.000  in crystal coordinates
>  warning: symmetry operation #  7 not allowed.   fractional 
> translation:
>0.0069996 -0.0069996 -0.0069996  in crystal coordinates
>  warning: symmetry operation #  8 not allowed.   fractional 
> translation:
>0.0069996 -0.0069996  0.0069996  in crystal coordinates
>  warning: symmetry operation # 27 not allowed.   fractional 
> translation:
>0.0069996 -0.0069996 -0.0069996  in crystal coordinates
>  warning: symmetry operation # 28 not allowed.   fractional 
> translation:
>0.0069996 -0.0069996  0.0069996  in crystal coordinates
>  warning: symmetry operation # 29 not allowed.   fractional 
> translation:
>0.0139992 -0.0139992  0.000  in crystal coordinates
> ...
>   Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
>  starting charge  395.74037, renormalised to  396.0
>  Starting wfc are atomic
> %%
>  from cdiaghg : error #   325
>  info =/= 0
> %%
>  stopping ...
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org

[Pw_forum] Defining an antiferromagnetic graphene nanoribbon

2008-05-09 Thread Konstantin Kudin
 Hi Roberto,

 Here is a ribbon input that works for sure:
 (get PPs from the PWSCF website)

 Good luck!


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[Pw_forum] Definition of the projector function output in the "file_beta" file by LD1.

2008-05-09 Thread Lorenzo Paulatto

On Thu, May 8, 2008 23:39, Wei Chen (weic at Princeton.EDU) wrote:
>  Am I right about the output in the "file_beta" file?

Dear Wei Chen,
you are right, the condition is: <\beta_i|\psi^PS_j> = \delta_{i,j}.


Lorenzo Paulatto
+39 040 3787 511

  SISSA Webmail https://webmail.sissa.it/
  Powered by SquirrelMail http://www.squirrelmail.org/

[Pw_forum] Defining an antiferromagnetic graphene nanoribbon

2008-05-09 Thread Roberto G. A. Veiga
2566.479991   -0.01
>   H  11.239722   -1.8256310.00
>   H  11.2397227.5944130.00
>   C+1  13.736719   -0.7110740.00
>   C  12.488123   -0.016393   -0.01
>   C  12.4880201.443145   -0.01
>   C  13.7365572.1599540.01
>   C  13.7365853.6089460.01
>   C  12.4880194.325668   -0.01
>   C  12.4881155.7852830.00
>   C-1  13.7366916.479991   -0.01
>   H  13.737157   -1.8256310.00
>   H  13.7371577.5944130.00
>   C+1  16.234154   -0.7110740.00
>   C  14.985558   -0.016393   -0.01
>   C  14.9854551.443145   -0.01
>   C  16.2339922.1599540.01
>   C  16.2340203.6089460.01
>   C  14.9854544.325668   -0.01
>   C  14.9855505.7852830.00
>   C-1  16.2341266.479991   -0.01
>   H  16.234592   -1.8256310.00
>   H  16.2345927.5944130.00
>   K_POINTS  automatic
>  2   1   1  0  0  0
> Regards,
> Roberto Veiga
> PhD student
> INSA-Lyon
> -
> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it
> now.___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.
-- next part --
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[Pw_forum] Defining an antiferromagnetic graphene nanoribbon

2008-05-09 Thread Roberto G. A. Veiga
Dear PW users:

I want to carry out a single point calculation of an antiferromagnetic graphene 
nanoribbon with PWscf. Since such a system is magnetic, with a specific 
magnetic orientation for the edge carbons, I have to perform a spin-polarized 
calculation. I'd like to know if the following PW input is suitable for such a 

   calculation = 'scf' ,
  restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
pseudo_dir = '$DIR' ,
 ibrav = 8,
 A = 17.482046 ,
 B = 20.00 ,
 C = 15.00 ,
   nat = 70 ,
  ntyp = 4,
   ecutwfc = 20.00 ,
   ecutrho = 80.00 ,
   occupations = 'smearing' ,
   degauss = 0.01 ,
  smearing = 'gaussian' ,
 nspin = 2 ,
 starting_magnetization(1) = -1.0 ,
 starting_magnetization(2) =  1.0 , 
 starting_magnetization(3) =  0.0 ,
 starting_magnetization(4) =  0.0 ,
  conv_thr = 1.0D-6 ,
   startingpot = 'atomic',
   startingwfc = 'atomic',
   mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
   mixing_beta = 0.25 ,
   diagonalization = 'david' ,
C-1   12.0107  C.pbe.UPF
C+1   12.0107  C.pbe.UPF 
C 12.0107  C.pbe.UPF
H  1.0079  H.pbe.UPF
  C+1   1.249543   -0.7110740.00
  C   0.000947   -0.016393   -0.01
  C   0.0008441.443145   -0.01
  C   1.2493812.1599540.01
  C   1.2494093.6089460.01
  C   0.0008434.325668   -0.01
  C   0.0009395.7852830.00
  C-1   1.2495156.479991   -0.01
  H   1.249981   -1.8256310.00
  H   1.2499817.5944130.00
  C+1   3.746978   -0.7110740.00
  C   2.498382   -0.016393   -0.01
  C   2.4982791.443145   -0.01
  C   3.7468162.1599540.01
  C   3.7468443.6089460.01
  C   2.4982784.325668   -0.01
  C   2.4983745.7852830.00
  C-1   3.7469506.479991   -0.01
  H   3.747416   -1.8256310.00
  H   3.7474167.5944130.00
  C+1   6.244413   -0.7110740.00
  C   4.995817   -0.016393   -0.01
  C   4.9957141.443145   -0.01
  C   6.2442512.1599540.01
  C   6.2442793.6089460.01
  C   4.9957134.325668   -0.01
  C   4.9958095.7852830.00
  C-1   6.2443856.479991   -0.01
  H   6.244851   -1.8256310.00
  H   6.2448517.5944130.00
  C+1   8.741849   -0.7110740.00
  C   7.493253   -0.016393   -0.01
  C   7.4931501.443145   -0.01
  C   8.7416872.1599540.01
  C   8.7417153.6089460.01
  C   7.4931494.325668   -0.01
  C   7.4932455.7852830.00
  C-1   8.7418216.479991   -0.01
  H   8.742287   -1.8256310.00
  H   8.7422877.5944130.00
  C+1  11.239284   -0.7110740.00
  C   9.990688   -0.016393   -0.01
  C   9.9905851.443145   -0.01
  C  11.2391222.1599540.01
  C  11.2391503.6089460.01
  C   9.9905844.325668   -0.01
  C   9.9906805.7852830.00
  C-1  11.2392566.479991   -0.01
  H  11.239722   -1.8256310.00
  H  11.2397227.5944130.00
  C+1  13.736719   -0.7110740.00
  C  12.488123   -0.016393   -0.01
  C  12.4880201.443145   -0.01
  C  13.7365572.1599540.01
  C  13.7365853.6089460.01
  C  12.4880194.325668   -0.01
  C  12.4881155.7852830.00
  C-1  13.7366916.479991   -0.01
  H  13.737157   -1.8256310.00
  H  13.7371577.5944130.00
  C+1  16.234154   -0.7110740.00
  C  14.985558   -0.016393   -0.01
  C  14.9854551.443145   -0.01
  C  16.2339922.1599540.01
  C  16.2340203.6089460.01
  C  14.9854544.325668   -0.01
  C  14.9855505.7852830.00
  C-1  16.2341266.479991   -0.01
  H  16.234592   -1.8256310.00
  H  16.2345927.5944130.00
  K_POINTS  automatic
 2   1   1  0  0  0


Roberto Veiga
PhD student

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