[Pw_forum] Pseudopotential for Europium

2010-07-29 Thread Payam Norouzzadeh
Dear Quantum-Espresso users

Does anyone have a pseudopotential for element Europium(Eu) ?

Breg,Payam Norouzzadeh
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[Pw_forum] Temperature and Pressure control in FPMD simulation

2010-07-29 Thread Lily Anh
H?? 0.62256 0.02125 
H?? 0.62256 0.52125 
H?? 0.09972 0.13926 
H?? 0.09972 0.63926 
H?? 0.59972 0.13926 
H?? 0.59972 0.63926 
H?? 0.37744 0.47875 
H?? 0.37744 0.97875 
H?? 0.87744 0.47875 
H?? 0.87744 0.97875 
H?? 0.40028 0.36074 
H?? 0.40028 0.86074 
H?? 0.90028 0.36074 
H?? 0.90028 0.86074 
H?? 0.22875 0.37256 
H?? 0.22875 0.87256 
H?? 0.72875 0.37256 
H?? 0.72875 0.87256 
H?? 0.11074 0.34972 
H?? 0.11074 0.84972 
H?? 0.61074 0.34972 
H?? 0.61074 0.84972 0.70107
H?? 0.27125 0.12744 0.85225
H?? 0.27125 0.62744 0.85225
H?? 0.77125 0.12744 0.85225
H?? 0.77125 0.62744 0.85225
H?? 0.38926 0.15028 0.20107
H?? 0.38926 0.65028 0.20107
H?? 0.88926 0.15028 0.20107
H?? 0.88926 0.65028 0.20107
H?? 0.12744 0.27125 0.14775
H?? 0.12744 0.77125 0.14775
H?? 0.62744 0.27125 0.14775
H?? 0.62744 0.77125 0.14775
H?? 0.15028 0.38926 0.79893
H?? 0.15028 0.88926 0.79893
H?? 0.65028 0.38926 0.79893
H?? 0.65028 0.88926 0.79893
H?? 0.37256 0.22875 0.64775
H?? 0.37256 0.72875 0.64775
H?? 0.87256 0.22875 0.64775
H?? 0.87256 0.72875 0.64775
H?? 0.34972 0.11074 0.29893
H?? 0.34972 0.61074 0.29893
H?? 0.84972 0.11074 0.29893
H?? 0.84972 0.61074 0.29893
H?? 0.02125 0.12256 0.89775
H?? 0.02125 0.62256 0.89775
H?? 0.52125 0.12256 0.89775
H?? 0.52125 0.62256 0.89775
H?? 0.13926 0.09972 0.54893
H?? 0.13926 0.59972 0.54893
H?? 0.63926 0.09972 0.54893
H?? 0.63926 0.59972 0.54893
H?? 0.47875 0.37744 0.39775
H?? 0.47875 0.87744 0.39775
H?? 0.97875 0.37744 0.39775
H?? 0.97875 0.87744 0.39775
H?? 0.36074 0.40028 0.04893
H?? 0.36074 0.90028 0.04893
H?? 0.86074 0.40028 0.04893
H?? 0.86074 0.90028 0.04893

And the averaged physical quantities from output file:
? accomulated? this run
?? ekinc :??? 0.00655?? 0.00655 (AU)
?? ekin? :? 216.67593 216.67593 (AU)
?? epot? : -497.28571??? -497.28571 (AU)
?? total energy? : -293.97401??? -293.97401 (AU)
?? temperature?? :??? 0.02392?? 0.02392 (K )
?? enthalpy? : -274.59255??? -274.59255 (AU)
?? econs : -274.58884??? -274.58884 (AU)
?? pressure? :??? 0.10872?? 0.10872 (Gpa)
?? volume??? : 2851.11076??? 2851.11076 (AU)

Also, the averaged temperaure and pressure are far away from the target value 
set in the input file. Could someone please give me some clue?
Thanks and Regards
Lily (PhD candidate)
Nanyang Technological University

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[Pw_forum] input for d3.x

2010-07-29 Thread Stefano Baroni
Hi! To my understending, vibronic linewidths in any finite system (such as the 
CO2) cannot have anything to do with anharmonic effects. In an infinite system, 
the anharmonic contribution to a phonon linewidth is due to the (anharmonic) 
coupling between a state of interest and a *continuuum* of quasi-degenerate 
harmonic states. In the symple case of a Raman or IR line, the state of 
interest is a zone-center (IR or Raman) active mode, while the continuum is 
made by pairs of acoustic modes of opposite momenta and frequencies whose sum 
is equal to the frequency of the optic mode.  In a molecule, all the harmonic 
modes are discrete, so that no coupling among them can cause any broadening. SB

On Jul 29, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Martin Andersson wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was trying to find information on how to use the d3.x program. I have
> successully calculated frequencies, ir and raman intensities for my test
> system, a CO2 molecule. I would like to try and calculate anharmonic
> effects on linewidths using d3.x but can't seem to get it to work. If
> anyone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful.
> Thanks,
> Martin Andersson,
> NanoGeoScience,
> University of Copenhagen
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center - Trieste
http://stefano.baroni.me [+39] 040 3787 406 (tel) -528 (fax) / stefanobaroni 

La morale est une logique de l'action comme la logique est une morale de la 
pens?e - Jean Piaget

Please, if possible, don't  send me MS Word or PowerPoint attachments
Why? See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

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[Pw_forum] Fourier interpolation

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting HaoPan :

> On each q point I got, the phone frequencies are positive. But after 
> the Fourier interpolation process, There exist negative frequencies.

hard to say what is happening. When you re-generate phonon from
the force constant matrix, you should find exactly the same phonon
frequencies for the wave-vector grid used to generate force constants
in real space. If not, something has gone wrong in the generation
of interatomic force constants


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[Pw_forum] Units of Raman Tensor

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting "S. Sanchez" :

> My question arises given the fact that the dchi/dr tensor can be obtained as
> the third order derivative of the Energy (in units of Ry or Ha) with respect
> to the atomic displacement (bohr) and two times the electric field (e/bohr).
> dchi/dr=d^3E/(dr*de1*de2)
> where E is the Energy; r the displacement, e1 and e2 the electric fields.

I don't have here my notes, but e^2/8\pi (e=electric field)
is an energy density, i.e. energy per unit volume, so 
dchi/dr=d^3E/(dr*de1*de2) has the dimension of r^2.


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[Pw_forum] Is there a tutorial for generating a PAW pseudopotential

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Haowei Peng :

> I am looking for a tutorial about generating a PAW pseudopotential, any
> comments?

if you find one, please let us know!


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[Pw_forum] Ni.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF: one pseudopotential for two oxidation states?

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Merlin Meheut :

> Said otherwise, I would be very interested in a pseudopotential 
> transferable from Ni metal to compounds where Ni is ionic. I will 
> give a try at generating it, but would be very interested in some 
> hints on this matter.

good luck. In my opinion, you should put 3s and 3p semicore states in 
valence. Ni.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF does that, by the way, if the
naming is correct; Ni.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF doesn't


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[Pw_forum] EXX error

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Amene Nouri :

> : warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line

not sure why this message is issued, but it is harmless

> iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
> INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.?? [VAL]
> subroutine

as above

>  from? read_namelists? : error #??? 19
> ? reading namelist system

I don't see the message


You are likely running the non-EXX version with EXX input data.

> Another problem is that I want to use openmp.

you need to compile with openmp enabled. For recent versions:
   ./configure --enable-openmp
should do the job


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[Pw_forum] input for d3.x

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Martin Andersson :

> I was trying to find information on how to use the d3.x program

see examples/example14. There isn't much more than this available


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[Pw_forum] Temperature and Pressure control in FPMD simulation

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Lily Anh :
> ??? calculation ='fpmd'

this is old and has been replaced by 'cp'.


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[Pw_forum] input for d3.x

2010-07-29 Thread Martin Andersson
Hi all,

I was trying to find information on how to use the d3.x program. I have
successully calculated frequencies, ir and raman intensities for my test
system, a CO2 molecule. I would like to try and calculate anharmonic
effects on linewidths using d3.x but can't seem to get it to work. If
anyone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful.

Martin Andersson,
University of Copenhagen

[Pw_forum] Fourier interpolation

2010-07-29 Thread Eyvaz Isaev
Dear Hao,

> The kpoint grid I chose is 60*60*60. 

I suppose you vast time with such kind incredibly large k-mesh.

Try increasing nq's for phonon calculations (ph.in). Play around 
cutoff energy and the threshold parameter for phonons.

What is the accuracy of your q2r.x (FFT) run?

Prof. Eyvaz Isaev, 
Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (IFM), Linkoping University, 

Theoretical Physics Department, Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys, 

isaev at ifm.liu.se, eyvaz_isaev at yahoo.com

From: HaoPan 
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
Sent: Thu, July 29, 2010 9:49:32 PM
Subject: [Pw_forum] Fourier interpolation

Dear Baroni,

The kpoint grid I chose is 60*60*60. 
nk1=60, nk2=60, nk3=60,

I think that is fine enough. Because the q point grid is just 6*6*6. 
For metal, the frequencies of the gamma point are  alway not zero (some small 
negative value) . 

Some may cause the frequencies around the gamma point negative. But even all q 
points I got are 

positive, there exit negative frequencies after the matdyn.x calculation. I 
don't know why.

Pan Hao
Tulane University

the kpoint grid you are using may be too coarse
dynamical matrices in metals are indeed smooth functions of k, unless you have 
Kohn anomalies

On Jul 28, 2010, at 5:33 PM, HaoPan wrote:

> Hi, everyone,
> On each q point I got, the phone frequencies are positive. But after the 
>Fourier interpolation process, There
> exist negative frequencies. I check the some special q points using ph.x, 
> there 
>are no negative frequencies. I
> know the dynamical matrices for metal are not smooth function of q, but how 
> do 
>I fix it to get the right
> dispersion curves? Thanks a lot.
> Sincerely,
> Pan Hao
> Tulane University ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

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[Pw_forum] Ni.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF: one pseudopotential for two oxidation states?

2010-07-29 Thread Merlin Meheut
Dear Ari,

Thank you very much for your answer. I was indeed able to use this 
pseudopotential. The problem is, for Ni metal, the pressure converges at 
about -275kbar for the experimental structure, which is rather large and 
different from the other pseudopotential available,  
Ni.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF (which gives around +5kbars). My guess is that this 
is related to the configuration: the "Ni2+" configuration used in  
Ni.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF is adapted to computation of NiO or other 
compounds with Ni ion, but not to Ni metal, whereas Ni.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF 
takes the 4s1 3d9 neutral configuration.

Said otherwise, I would be very interrested in a pseudopotential 
transferable from Ni metal to compounds where Ni is ionic. I will give a 
try at generating it, but would be very interrested in some hints on 
this matter.

Thanks again,

Merlin Meheut

Le 28/07/2010 12:16, Ari P Seitsonen a ?crit :
> Dear Merlin,
>   You can either
>  1) remove the whole GIPAW part from the pseudo potential,
>  2) modify the pseudo potential file:
> and
> 0.1
>   The version 4.1.2 of the code wants an integer in the latter case, 
> so you can modify the "0.1" into "1",
>  3) or you modify the source code in Modules/read_upf_v1.f90 so that 
> it accepts this syntax also.
>   Sorry for the confusion (I am partially guilty for it). Please tell 
> if this doesn't solve your problem.
> Greetings from Zurich,
> -=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=- 
>   Ari P Seitsonen / Ari.P.Seitsonen at iki.fi / http://www.iki.fi/~apsi/
>   Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut der Universitaet Zuerich
>   Tel: +41 44 63 54 497  /  Mobile: +41 79 71 90 935
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2010, Merlin Meheut wrote:
>> Dear PWSCF users,
>> I would like to compute fcc Nickel metal using the pseudopotential
>> Ni.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF, available on your website.
>> I do not need the GIPAW part, but I have been said that this should 
>> not be
>> an issue. However, using an input very
>> similar to example02, the calculation fails by "not recognizing the 
>> pseudo":
>> ---
>> %%% 
>> %%%
>>  from read_pseudo_gipaw : error # 1
>>  UPF/GIPAW in unknown format
>>  %% 
>>  stopping ...
>> I use Quantum Espresso version 4.1.2.
>> Below is my input file (which works with pseudo Ni.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF) :
>> &control
>>disk_io = 'default' ,
>> pseudo_dir = '$PBS_O_WORKDIR',
>> outdir = '/tmpdir/$PBS_O_LOGNAME/',
>> tprnfor= .true.,
>> tstress= .true.,
>> calculation= 'scf'
>> prefix = 'ni',
>> verbosity  = 'high',
>>  /
>> &system
>> ibrav=2, celldm(1) =6.65, nat=  1, ntyp= 1,
>> nspin=2,
>> starting_magnetization(1)=0.5,
>> degauss=0.02,
>> smearing='mp',
>> occupations='smearing',
>> ecutwfc =27.0
>> ecutrho =300.0
>>  /
>> &electrons
>> conv_thr =  1.0d-8
>> mixing_beta = 0.7
>>  /
>>  Ni  58.6934  Ni.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF
>>  Ni 0.00 0.00 0.00
>> 8 8 8 1 1 1
>> Thanks for any help,
>> Merlin Meheut
>> -- 
>> Merlin M?heut
>> Maitre de conf?rences LMTG- Universit? Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3
>> 14 avenue Edoaurd Belin
>> 31400 Toulouse
>> tel: (+33)5 61 33 26 21
>> Fax: (+33) 5 61 33 25 60
>> Mobile: (+33) 6 34 67 57 02
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Merlin M?heut
Maitre de conf?rences
LMTG- Universit? Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3
14 avenue Edoaurd Belin
31400 Toulouse
tel: (+33)5 61 33 26 21
Fax: (+33) 5 61 33 25 60
Mobile: (+33) 6 34 67 57 02

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[Pw_forum] problem with vc-relax

2010-07-29 Thread Olga Sedelnikova
Dear All,

I have improved the cutoff energy (30 Ry) and used C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF.
 All calculations of graphite and graphene were successful for damp and bfgs
Thank you very much for your kind help!

Best wishes,
Olga Sedelnikova
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of SB RAS
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[Pw_forum] Full relativistic pseudopotential for Fe (Iron)

2010-07-29 Thread Juan Manuel Lopez
Dear all,

Somebody has a full relativistic pesudopotential for Sc-Zn serie?

Best regards,
Juan M. Lopez Encarnacion
Research associate, Institute of Physics, Universidad Aut?noma de Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic
Graduate Student Doctoral Program in Chemical Physics, University of Puerto
Rico, Rio Piedras Campus
P.O.Box 23343
San Juan, PR 00931-3343
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[Pw_forum] Full relativistic pseudopotential for Fe (Iron)

2010-07-29 Thread Juan Manuel Lopez
Dear all,

Somebody has a full relativistic pseudopotential for Fe?

Best regards,
Juan M. Lopez Encarnacion
Research associate, Institute of Physics, Universidad Aut?noma de Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic
Graduate Student Doctoral Program in Chemical Physics, University of Puerto
Rico, Rio Piedras Campus
P.O.Box 23343
San Juan, PR 00931-3343
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[Pw_forum] My Research

2010-07-29 Thread bayo mus
Dear QE users
?I am very new in the use of QE and I need to know all what exactly QE can do 
?for compounds comprising of many elements?e.g. NaAlSi3O8 (like optical 
properties, elastic properties or structural properties e.t.c.) so that i can 
channel my research and devote my studies on that. Please i wil appreciate ur 
quick and favourable reply. ?

Musari Abolore
University Of Agriculture

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[Pw_forum] My Research

2010-07-29 Thread Eyvaz Isaev
Dear Bayo,

From: bayo mus 

> I am very new in the use of QE 


>and I need to know all what exactly QE can do  for compounds comprising of 
>elements e.g. >NaAlSi3O8 (like optical properties, elastic properties or 
>structural properties e.t.c.) so that i can channel >my research and devote my 
>studies on that. Please i wil appreciate ur quick and favourable reply.  
Please read the User Guide in /Doc of your QE distribution, then download  
examples-tar from QE website, then try and fail. First try simple and well 
systems to understand what and how you are doing. This will save time, too. 

Prof. Eyvaz Isaev, 
Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (IFM), Linkoping University, 

Theoretical Physics Department, Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys, 

isaev at ifm.liu.se, eyvaz_isaev at yahoo.com

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[Pw_forum] EXX error

2010-07-29 Thread Amene Nouri
Hello all
after "make clean" I added the option to -DEXX to DFLAGS and the " make all "
I recieved the followig warrnings during compile:

: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.?? [VAL]
subroutine iotk_stream_read_LOGICAL1(unit,header,val,setpos,getpos,noval,ierr)
iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.?? [VAL]
subroutine iotk_stream_read_INTEGER1(unit,header,val,setpos,getpos,noval,ierr)
iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.?? [VAL]
subroutine iotk_stream_read_REAL1(unit,header,val,setpos,getpos,noval,ierr)
iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.?? [VAL]
subroutine iotk_stream_read_REAL2(unit,header,val,setpos,getpos,noval,ierr)
iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.?? [VAL]
subroutine iotk_stream_read_COMPLEX1(unit,header,val,setpos,getpos,noval,ierr)
iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.?? [VAL]
subroutine iotk_stream_read_COMPLEX2(unit,header,val,setpos,getpos,noval,ierr)
iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.?? [VAL]
subroutine iotk_stream_read_CHARACTER1(unit,header,val,setpos,getpos,noval,ierr)
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
: warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
ar: creating libiotk.a
ar: creating libqemod.a
ar: creating mglib.a
ar: creating clib.a
ar: creating flib.a
ar: creating ptools.a
ar: creating libee.a
ar: creating libpw.a
ar: creating libph.a
ar: creating libcp.a
ar: creating minpacklib.a
ar: creating libpw4gww.a
The run the rests the results were not very different from resources. 
But the example EXX-example: it did not run
for example the output?? was:

 Program PWSCF v.4.2??? starts on 29Jul2010 at 12:51:46 
 This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
 for quantum simulation of materials; please acknowledge
 "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
? URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org";, 
 in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
 Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
 Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
 Max number of k-points (npk) =? 4
 Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) =? 3
 Waiting for input...
 from? read_namelists? : error #??? 19
? reading namelist system 
 stopping ...
Another problem is that I want to use openmp.
I set PARA-PREFIX env OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 as is in the userguid, but just one of 
cores is used.
What the problem is?

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