[Pw_forum] Co Pseudopotential

2011-08-11 Thread Izaak Williamson
The paper I am referring to is: C.Y. Lin, B.A. Jones, Phys Rev B 83, 014413 

perform an all-electron calculation and find that one electron is
forfeit to the surface (so Co has a + charge), yet they still find the
spin to be 3/2. When I use pseudopotential calculations on the same
system, I get a similar charge (forfeiting one electron to the surface)
but my spin is 1.

How can this be?

Izaak Williamson
Research Assistant
Physics Department
Boise State University
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[Pw_forum] symmetry not found in pw.x and ph.x

2011-08-11 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Aug 11, 2011, at 6:22 , Riping WANG wrote:

> I am calculating scf for a  ibrav=4 structure with espresso-4.3.2.
> But it can not find the symmetry.

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] symmetry not found in pw.x and ph.x

2011-08-11 Thread Riping WANG
Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):
 atom1 type  2   force = 0.000368270.2292   -0.00059820
 atom2 type  2   force = 0.000137050.000205560.00038929
 atom3 type  2   force = 0.9817   -0.00015317   -0.00016344
 atom4 type  3   force = 0.000715560.2817   -0.00137366
 atom5 type  3   force = 0.000226620.000339060.00068870
 atom6 type  3   force = 0.00019071   -0.00028185   -0.00040866
 atom7 type  1   force = 0.000336040.27550.6190
 atom8 type  1   force =-0.00030375   -0.00013590   -0.00032493
 atom9 type  1   force =-0.00014438   -0.00019788   -0.1937
 atom   10 type  1   force =-0.000199830.00016599   -0.00010529
 atom   11 type  1   force = 0.00018213   -0.000236530.7906
 atom   12 type  1   force =-0.000809290.000453700.00115239
 atom   13 type  1   force = 0.00060665   -0.000406300.00039096
 atom   14 type  1   force =-0.000119320.00013773   -0.00021200
 atom   15 type  1   force =-0.00058975   -0.000293350.00029344
 atom   16 type  1   force =-0.000647590.00026839   -0.00041331
 atom   17 type  1   force = 0.000306910.29540.4003
 atom   18 type  1   force =-0.000354190.26370.00052308
 Total force = 0.002481 Total SCF correction = 0.04
 Writing output data file alpo4-154.0_0.save
 init_run : 26.25s CPU 29.95s WALL (   1 calls)
 electrons:703.87s CPU883.12s WALL (   1 calls)
 forces   : 11.24s CPU 15.92s WALL (   1 calls)
 Called by init_run:
 wfcinit  : 21.86s CPU 24.92s WALL (   1 calls)
 potinit  :  0.80s CPU  0.86s WALL (   1 calls)
 Called by electrons:
 c_bands  :571.02s CPU720.39s WALL (  13 calls)
 sum_band :104.28s CPU127.95s WALL (  13 calls)
 v_of_rho :  3.04s CPU  3.64s WALL (  14 calls)
 newd : 26.68s CPU 32.12s WALL (  14 calls)
 mix_rho  :  0.52s CPU  0.63s WALL (  13 calls)
 Called by c_bands:
 init_us_2:  4.41s CPU  4.67s WALL ( 728 calls)
 cegterg  :554.44s CPU701.58s WALL ( 338 calls)
 Called by *egterg:
 h_psi:420.10s CPU522.77s WALL (1196 calls)
 s_psi: 40.40s CPU 42.33s WALL (1196 calls)
 g_psi:  3.46s CPU  3.58s WALL ( 832 calls)
 cdiaghg  : 12.32s CPU 12.98s WALL (1170 calls)
 Called by h_psi:
 add_vuspsi   : 40.62s CPU 42.71s WALL (1196 calls)
 General routines
 calbec   : 58.93s CPU 75.22s WALL (1560 calls)
 fft  :  3.46s CPU  8.48s WALL ( 231 calls)
 ffts :  0.09s CPU  0.12s WALL (  27 calls)
 fftw :315.38s CPU414.00s WALL (  117346 calls)
 interpolate  :  0.45s CPU  0.74s WALL (  27 calls)
 davcio   :  0.05s CPU  2.03s WALL (1066 calls)
 Parallel routines
 fft_scatter  : 74.75s CPU165.11s WALL (  117604 calls)
 PWSCF: 12m21.62s CPU15m29.43s WALL
   This run was terminated on:  12:13:34  11Aug2011

WANG Riping
Ph.D student,
Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior,Okayama University,
827 Yamada, Misasa, Tottori-ken 682-0193, Japan
Tel: +81-858-43-3739(Office), +81-858-43-1215(Inst)
E-mail: wang.riping.81 at gmail.com
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[Pw_forum] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2011-08-11 Thread Stefano Baroni
Please, STOP here.
Thanks - SB

On Aug 10, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Mehrnoosh Hazrati via LinkedIn wrote:

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Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center - Trieste
http://stefano.baroni.me [+39] 040 3787 406 (tel) -528 (fax) / stefanobaroni 

La morale est une logique de l'action comme la logique est une morale de la 
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[Pw_forum] Problem in Xspectra calculation

2011-08-11 Thread isaac motochi
Check in your input .scf.in, there is an element there Ch. If it is
carbon since it has same mass as C in atomic species then modify your
file appropriately.

University of the Witwatersrand

[Pw_forum] Problem in Xspectra calculation

2011-08-11 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Aug 10, 2011, at 9:53 , Niharika Joshi wrote:

> wrong fft dimensions

> The Quantum espresso version that i am using is espresso 4.3

there is a known problem with XSpectra in  version 4.3:
Update to the current version (4.3.2)

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222