[Pw_forum] from cp_read_cell : error # 2

2011-09-22 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Sep 22, 2011, at 19:32 , Luis Antonio Leon Martinez wrote:

> Hi, no

then you are trying to restart from a nonexistent
restart file. You need to understand how a
Car-Parrinello simulation works before starting to
run anything.

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] LDA norm-conserving pseudopotential for Fe

2011-09-22 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Sep 22, 2011, at 16:53 , helen at fh.huji.ac.il wrote:

> My problem is the fhi2upf code doesn't  include values for principle
> number and assumes a s-p-d-f ordering, which doesn't make sense
> for Fe which doesn't have any occupied f orbitals.

I wouldn't be so sure that it doesn't make sense.  A PP for Fe could
have been generated using 4s2 4p0 3d6 4f0 states.

> Could they have used 3s3p3d3f and ignored 4s completely in the fhi
> file?

3f, unlikely, but another possibility is 3s2 3p6 3d6 4f0, with no 4s  
and 4p

> Is this the way the fhi2upf code is written because that is how
> fhi files are organized (only s-p-d-f ordering)?

he who originally wrote the fhi2upf converter (not myself) had to dig
into the format of the fhi file and to make some educated guess.
I have no evidence until now that those guesses were not good.

> Fritz-Haber

so YOU are from FHI, you should know what is inside those files...

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] charge density plot in xcrysden

2011-09-22 Thread Tone Kokalj
On Wed, 2011-09-21 at 15:37 -0600, Tram Bui wrote:
> Dear Everyone,
> I have an output file of the SiC bulk charge density (bulk.xsf). I
> open it using xcrysden and do data grid to get the display of
> color-plane and isoline, etc. I'd also like to make the isoline with
> different color other than just the gray scale, how can I do so in
> xcrysden?

Dear Tram,

Here you will find the information you need:

Anton Kokalj
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 
(tel: +386-1-477-3523 // fax:+386-1-477-3822)

Please, if possible, avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

[Pw_forum] from cp_read_cell : error # 2

2011-09-22 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Sep 22, 2011, at 19:13 , Luis Antonio Leon Martinez wrote:

>  cannot open restart file for reading: .//si_52.save/data-file.xml

did you run with "restart_mode='from_scratch" first?

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] NEB procedure

2011-09-22 Thread Tone Kokalj
Dear Ettore,

putting intermediate images will not help to locate the presumable
maximum in your case. 

(increasing the num_of_images may help though, but even that can be
insufficient if transition state is very close to final state)

Intermediate images are used to do a better initial guess of the
reaction path. Intermediate images are not really used, but all the
input images (initial+intermediates+final) are connected so as to
produce a piecewise-linear path and then the EQUIDISTANT linear
interpolation is performed on this piecewise-linear path.

In your case you should set the CI_scheme = 'manual'
and specify as the climbing image the last image before the final image
in the CLIMBING_IMAGES card, i.e.:

num_of_images = N
CI_scheme = 'manual'


By doing that the N-1'th image will climb up to the transition state
(TS) by the CI-NEB scheme, provided the TS is indeed there before the
top site.

Best regards, 
Anton Kokalj
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 
(tel: +386-1-477-3523 // fax:+386-1-477-3822)

Please, if possible, avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

[Pw_forum] LDA norm-conserving pseudopotential for Fe

2011-09-22 Thread he...@fh.huji.ac.il
Thank you for your help. My problem is the fhi2upf code doesn't  
include values for principle number and assumes a s-p-d-f ordering,  
which doesn't make sense for Fe which doesn't have any occupied f  

   DO i=1, nwfs
  PRINT '("Wavefunction # ",i1,": label, occupancy > ",$)', i
  READ (5,*) els(i), oc(i)
  nns (i)  = 0
  lchi(i)  = i-1
  rcut(i)  = 0.0d0
  rcutus(i)= 0.0d0
  epseu(i) = 0.0d0

Could they have used 3s3p3d3f and ignored 4s completely in the fhi  
file? Is this the way the fhi2upf code is written because that is how  
fhi files are organized (only s-p-d-f ordering)? Or should I manually  
change the UPF file afterwards to have a more likely 3s3p3d4s ordering?
Thank you again,

Dr. Helen Eisenberg
Fritz-Haber, Hebrew University, Israel

On Thu, 2011-09-22 at 11:29 +0300, helen at fh.huji.ac.il wrote:
My problem is that it asks me for the label and occupancy of the
   wavefunctions, and I don't know what was used to generate the
fhi file on the abinit site.

guess something sensible, then verify if it works. The wavefunction
label is used only for the printout of projected dos. The l value
is used, but I think that the code always assume s-p-d-f ordering.


This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

[Pw_forum] semi conducting / metallic

2011-09-22 Thread swapnil chandratre
Dear users,

The question I have is not very technical. I just wanted put a doubt ahead.
I submitted a metallic structure ( what I analyzed using bandstructures from
other software) into espresso. and I did not define smearing and degauss,
but I did not receive and warning or error of system is metallic. definer
smearing etc. Does this mean I have analyzed  the bandstructure in a wrong
way when I visualized it , or it happens. Can anyone comment

Swapnil Chandratre
Graduate Student
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Houston,
Houston, TX
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[Pw_forum] band structure calculation

2011-09-22 Thread Tram Bui
Dear Everyone,
I have run DOS calculation on my bulk SiC and I also wonder how to do
the band structure and plot the band structure. Would you give me some
information or some examples regarding generating the band structure?

Thank you very much,

Tram Bui

M.S. Materials Science & Engineering
trambui at u.boisestate.edu
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[Pw_forum] charge density map

2011-09-22 Thread Tram Bui
Dear Everyone,
I have done my charge density calculation and the contour maps for my
bulk SiC. I also see the scale based on the thermometer around each atom
(Si, C). But my questions is what should I focus on in order to help me
understand the charge density map ? what information can I get out of the
charge density contour maps?


Tram Bui

M.S. Materials Science & Engineering
trambui at u.boisestate.edu
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[Pw_forum] NEB procedure

2011-09-22 Thread Layla Martin-Samos
Dear Ettore, you can put more intermediate images by hand and the NEB
algorythm will "relax" then for you. I put relax within "" because neb
relaxes along the perpendicular directions of the chain.

best regards


2011/9/22 Ettore Baldini-Neto 

> Dear users,
> I have some questions regarding a NEB calculation.
> As input to a neb file I should use, at least, the initial and final
> positions (both well previously relaxed).
> What I want is to calculated the energy barrier for the transition of a
> metal from one stable position (let's say a hollow position on a C ring) to
> another one (also stable but with slightly higher total energy than first,
> let's say the Top position).
> When I use just the initial and final positions and perform the
> calculations, asking the code to automatically divide the grid, I get an
> ascendent curve form the first to the last as expected.
> But at a position just before the Top position I also expect the energy
> barrier to be a little higher than the energy at this final site (Top)
> because the metal is at a unstable position.
> So here are is my question, a very basic one since I have no previous
> experience with this kind of calculation.
> I can put more intermediate images, automatically or by hand, in order to
> better mapping the region around this position (Top).
> In the second case, should these intermediate images be previously
> optimized or the neb does it for me??
> Thanks in advance,
> ***
> Ettore Baldini-Neto
> Researcher at W. von Braun Center for Advanced Research, Campinas, Brazil
> ***
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
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[Pw_forum] epsilon.x and scissor shift renormalization of momentum operator

2011-09-22 Thread Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
Hi all,
Recently a  reviewer has warned me about a problem of the dielectric
function calculation that I performed using the epsilon code, where I
applied the scissor shift (option shift in the input) to correct the
infamous gap problem.  Following the referee's criticism I got to an article
by Rodolfo del Sole and Rafaello Girlanda, PRB 48, 11780 (1993), when a
scissor shift  is applied to correct the LDA underestimation of the
transition energies, the momentum matrix elements <c|e.p|v> must be
multiplied by (Ec-Ev)/(Ec0-Ev0), (see unnumbered equation after Eq. (15) in
the cited paper) , where Ec0-Ev0 is the LDA transition energy and
Ec-Ev=Ec0-Ev0 +\Delta  ( \Delta is the scissor shift). Equivalently, one can
replace the \omega^2 in the denominator by (\omega-\Delta/\hbar)^2  (Eq. 17
and 19 of the above article) . As shown by del Sole and Girlanda (and
repeated many times in the literature)  this is a simple approximation for
the fact that "exact" transition energies Ec-Ev arise from non-local
self-energy (e.g. from GW) and for non-local one electron hamiltonians the
interaction with an electromagnetivc wabe is not longer A.p.

It is very easy to set this correction in the code epsilon.x, for example ,
in subroutine eps_calc one can change

   etrans = ( et(iband2,ik) -et(iband1,ik) ) * RYTOEV + shift
   epsi(:,iw) = epsi(:,iw) + dipole(:,iband1,iband2) *
intersmear * w* &
 RYTOEV**3 * (focc(iband1,ik))/
  (( (etrans**2 -w**2 )**2 + intersmear**2 *
w**2 )* etrans )

   epsr(:,iw) = epsr(:,iw) + dipole(:,iband1,iband2) *
RYTOEV**3 * &
 (focc(iband1,ik)) * &
 (etrans**2 - w**2 ) / &
  (( (etrans**2 -w**2 )**2 + intersmear**2 *
w**2 )* etrans )

by the following

   etrans = ( et(iband2,ik) -et(iband1,ik) ) * RYTOEV + shift
   shift_renorm = ( etrans/(etrans-shift) )**2

   epsi(:,iw) = epsi(:,iw) + dipole(:,iband1,iband2)
*shift_renorm* intersmear * w* &
 RYTOEV**3 * (focc(iband1,ik))/
  (( (etrans**2 -w**2 )**2 + intersmear**2 *
w**2 )* etrans )

   epsr(:,iw) = epsr(:,iw) + dipole(:,iband1,iband2)
*shift_renorm* RYTOEV**3 * &
 (focc(iband1,ik)) * &
 (etrans**2 - w**2 ) / &
  (( (etrans**2 -w**2 )**2 + intersmear**2 *
w**2 )* etrans )

and similarly in a few other parts of the code.

This is equivalent to replace epsilon_2(omega) by epsilon2(omega-
shift/hbar) , at least for small broadening parameter so that the "delta
function" is sharp  ,  and it corrects automatically the real part of the
dielectric function.

This is valid for LDA, and in principle not valid for GGA, although I
suspect that in practice gives the same results. In fact

I would appreciate a feedback to this comment.

Best regards


Eduardo Menendez Proupin
Departamento de Qu?mica Fisica Aplicada
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Aut?noma de Madrid
28049 Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 91 497 6706

On leave from: Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de
Chile URL: http://fisica.ciencias.uchile.cl/~emenendez

"*Padece, espera y trabaja para gentes que nunca conocer? y que a su vez
padecer?n, esperar?n y trabajar?n para otros, que tampoco ser?n felices,
pues el hombre ans?a siempre una felicidad situada m?s all? de la porci?n
que le es otorgada. Pero la grandeza del hombre est? precisamente en querer
mejorar lo que es. En imponerse Tareas. En el Reino de los Cielos no hay
grandeza que conquistar, puesto que all? todo es jerarqu?a establecida,
inc?gnita despejada, existir sin t?rmino, imposibilidad de sacrificio,
reposo y deleite. Por ello, agobiado de penas y de Tareas, hermoso dentro de
su miseria, capaz de amar en medio de las plagas, el hombre puede hallar su
grandeza, su m?xima medida en el Reino de este Mundo*".
Alejo Carpentier, El reino de este mundo, (1949).

Translate from spanish here
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[Pw_forum] NEB procedure

2011-09-22 Thread Ettore Baldini-Neto
Thanks a lot Anton,

Best regards,


On Sep 22, 2011, at 2:16 PM, Tone Kokalj wrote:

> Dear Ettore,
> putting intermediate images will not help to locate the presumable
> maximum in your case. 
> (increasing the num_of_images may help though, but even that can be
> insufficient if transition state is very close to final state)
> Intermediate images are used to do a better initial guess of the
> reaction path. Intermediate images are not really used, but all the
> input images (initial+intermediates+final) are connected so as to
> produce a piecewise-linear path and then the EQUIDISTANT linear
> interpolation is performed on this piecewise-linear path.
> In your case you should set the CI_scheme = 'manual'
> and specify as the climbing image the last image before the final image
> in the CLIMBING_IMAGES card, i.e.:
>num_of_images = N
>CI_scheme = 'manual'
> /
>   N-1
> By doing that the N-1'th image will climb up to the transition state
> (TS) by the CI-NEB scheme, provided the TS is indeed there before the
> top site.
> Best regards, 
> -- 
> Anton Kokalj
> J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 
> (tel: +386-1-477-3523 // fax:+386-1-477-3822)
> Please, if possible, avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
> See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] LDA norm-conserving pseudopotential for Fe: to Pengju Ren

2011-09-22 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Thu, 2011-09-22 at 11:29 +0300, helen at fh.huji.ac.il wrote:

> My problem is that it asks me for the label and occupancy of the
>  wavefunctions, and I don't know what was used to generate the  
> fhi file on the abinit site.

guess something sensible, then verify if it works. The wavefunction 
label is used only for the printout of projected dos. The l value 
is used, but I think that the code always assume s-p-d-f ordering. 

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] stable phase

2011-09-22 Thread Mike Mehl
If you found a phonon with an imaginary frequency, then you can find a 
supercell of the L10 structure, displace the atoms in it according to 
the symmetry of the phonon, and relax the structure to obtain another 
structure with lower energy (enthalpy if you are working at fixed 
pressure).  Here's how I did it:

Michael J. Mehl, Gus L. W. Hart and Stefano Curtarolo
Density functional study of the L10??IrV transition in IrV and RhV
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Volume 509, Issue 3, 21 January 2011, Pages 560-567

Note that the instabilities we found in the IrV L10 structure will not 
necessarily be the same as you find in L10 M-C.

On 09/22/2011 01:30 PM, bhabya sahoo wrote:
> i am calulated  b1 to b2 transition of some metal carbide
> i found b1 to b2 transition at 140 gpa
> from phonon dispersion i found dyanamical unstabilty at 140 gpa b1 phase
> but i am also
> found b2 is dyanamical unstable(in X and M) directions so i thought
> there must be other phase which may be stable at 140 gpa
> for this calculated L10 phase which will less enthalpy than b2 at 140
> gpa but also this shows imaginary frequency  in X  direction
> so what is the stable phase?
> b d sahoo barc
> mumbai

Michael J. Mehl
Head, Center for Computational Materials Science
Naval Research Laboratory Code 6390
Washington DC

[Pw_forum] Other example with cpx problem on qe-43

2011-09-22 Thread Luis Antonio Leon Martinez

   the requested type of NH chains is 0
   total number of thermostats used 1 0 0
   ionic degrees of freedom for each chain9

   nose` mass(es) for chain1 =  14.437

   atom i (in sorted order) is assigned to this thermostat :
   1   1   1

   Cell Dynamics Parameters (from STDIN)
   internal stress tensor calculated
   Starting cell generated from CELLDM
   Cell parameters will be re-read from restart file
   Constant VOLUME Molecular dynamics
   cell parameters are not allowed to move

   Verbosity: iprsta =  1

   Simulation dimensions initialization

   unit vectors of full simulation cell
   in real space: in reciprocal space (units
   110.0.0.  1.0.0.
   2 0.   10.0.  0.1.0.
   3 0.0.   10.  0.0.1.

   Stick Mesh
   nst =  1117,  nstw =   277, nsts =  1117
   n.st   n.stw   n.stsn.gn.gw   n.gs
   min2233 5532233   791179843   79117
   max2233 5532233   791179843   79117
   2233 5532233   791179843   79117

   Real Mesh
   Global Dimensions   Local  Dimensions   Processor Grid
   .X.   .Y.   .Z. .X.   .Y.   .Z. .X.   .Y.   .Z.
545454  545454   1 1 1
   Array leading dimensions ( nr1x, nr2x, nr3x )   = 545454
   Local number of cell to store the grid ( nrxx ) = 157464
   Number of x-y planes for each processors:
   nr3l =54

   Smooth Real Mesh
   Global Dimensions   Local  Dimensions   Processor Grid
   .X.   .Y.   .Z. .X.   .Y.   .Z. .X.   .Y.   .Z.
545454  545454   1 1 1
   Array leading dimensions ( nr1x, nr2x, nr3x )   = 545454
   Local number of cell to store the grid ( nrxx ) = 157464
   Number of x-y planes for each processors:
   nr3sl =54

   Reciprocal Space Mesh
   Large Mesh
 Global(ngm_g)MinLocal   MaxLocal  Average
  39559  39559  39559   39559.00
   Smooth Mesh
 Global(ngms_g)   MinLocal   MaxLocal  Average
  39559  39559  39559   39559.00
   Wave function Mesh
 Global(ngw_g)MinLocal   MaxLocal  Average
   4922   4922   49224922.00

   System geometry initialization

   Scaled positions from standard input
   O0.500990E+00  0.500990E+00  0.50E+00
   H0.683250E+00  0.477570E+00  0.40E+00
   H0.477570E+00  0.683250E+00  0.499980E+00

   Position components with 0 are kept fixed
 ia  x  y  z
  1  0  0  0
  2  1  1  1
  3  1  1  1

 from cp_read_cell : error # 1
 cannot open restart file for reading: .//h2o_mol_52.save/data-file.xml

 stopping ...

Thanks for your attention.

Luis A. Leon.
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[Pw_forum] from cp_read_cell : error # 2

2011-09-22 Thread Luis Antonio Leon Martinez
Hi, no. I have tried the examples that comes with the program, and I
get the same
error. I have changed this order, and I get the same error. I do not know.

Thanks for your collaboration.

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 12:25 PM, Paolo Giannozzi wrote:

> On Sep 22, 2011, at 19:13 , Luis Antonio Leon Martinez wrote:
> >  cannot open restart file for reading: .//si_52.save/data-file.xml
> did you run with "restart_mode='from_scratch" first?
> P.
> ---
> Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
> Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
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[Pw_forum] from cp_read_cell : error # 2

2011-09-22 Thread Luis Antonio Leon Martinez
7.65 2.55 7.65
   Ionic position will be re-read from restart file

   All atoms are allowed to move
   Ionic temperature is not controlled

   Cell Dynamics Parameters (from STDIN)
   internal stress tensor calculated
   Starting cell generated from CELLDM
   Cell parameters will be re-read from restart file
   Volume dynamics with newton equations
   Volume dynamics: the temperature is not controlled
   Constant PRESSURE Molecular dynamics:
   External pressure (GPa) =0.00
   Volume mass =7.00

   Verbosity: iprsta =  1

   Simulation dimensions initialization

   unit vectors of full simulation cell
   in real space: in reciprocal space (units
   110.20000.0.  1.0.0.
   2 0.   10.20000.  0.1.0.
   3 0.0.   10.2000  0.0.1.

   Stick Mesh
   nst =   259,  nstw =69, nsts =   259
   n.st   n.stw   n.stsn.gn.gw   n.gs
   min 517 137 517909311899093
   max 517 137 517909311899093
517 137 517909311899093

   Real Mesh
   Global Dimensions   Local  Dimensions   Processor Grid
   .X.   .Y.   .Z. .X.   .Y.   .Z. .X.   .Y.   .Z.
252525  252525   1 1 1
   Array leading dimensions ( nr1x, nr2x, nr3x )   = 252525
   Local number of cell to store the grid ( nrxx ) =  15625
   Number of x-y planes for each processors:
   nr3l =25

   Smooth Real Mesh
   Global Dimensions   Local  Dimensions   Processor Grid
   .X.   .Y.   .Z. .X.   .Y.   .Z. .X.   .Y.   .Z.
252525  252525   1 1 1
   Array leading dimensions ( nr1x, nr2x, nr3x )   = 252525
   Local number of cell to store the grid ( nrxx ) =  15625
   Number of x-y planes for each processors:
   nr3sl =25

   Reciprocal Space Mesh
   Large Mesh
 Global(ngm_g)MinLocal   MaxLocal  Average
   4547   4547   45474547.00
   Smooth Mesh
 Global(ngms_g)   MinLocal   MaxLocal  Average
   4547   4547   45474547.00
   Wave function Mesh
 Global(ngw_g)MinLocal   MaxLocal  Average
595595595 595.00

   System geometry initialization

   Scaled positions from standard input
   Si   0.00E+00  0.00E+00  0.00E+00
   Si   0.50E+00  0.50E+00  0.00E+00
   Si   0.00E+00  0.50E+00  0.50E+00
   Si   0.50E+00  0.00E+00  0.50E+00
   Si   0.25E+00  0.25E+00  0.25E+00
   Si   0.75E+00  0.75E+00  0.25E+00
   Si   0.25E+00  0.75E+00  0.75E+00
   Si   0.75E+00  0.25E+00  0.75E+00

 from cp_read_cell : error # 2
 cannot open restart file for reading: .//si_52.save/data-file.xml

 stopping ...

Now, I want to know if you you have a list of errors showed in this program,
for instance, error # 1, error # 2, and so on. This is an example proposed
in a tutorial. What can I do?

Thanks for your colaboration.

Luis A. Leon.
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[Pw_forum] LDA norm-conserving pseudopotential for Fe: to Pengju Ren

2011-09-22 Thread he...@fh.huji.ac.il
Dear Pengju Ren,
Thank you very much for your reply. I've tried using fhi2upf.f90 in  
the upftools directory to covert the .fhi file I downloaded from the  
abinit site. My problem is that it asks me for the label and occupancy  
of the wavefunctions, and I don't know what was used to generate the  
fhi file on the abinit site. There appear to be 4 wavefunctions in  
this file so I tried guessing that they were 3s,3p,3d and 4s, as these  
are the obvious choices. However the generated UPF file then lists:

Generated using Fritz-Haber code
Author: unknownGeneration date: as well
iron, fhi98PP : Trouiller-Martins-type, LDA Ceperley/Alder Perdew/Wang  
(1992), l
 1The Pseudo was generated with a Scalar-Relativistic Calculation
nl pn  l   occ   RcutRcut US E pseu
3s  0  0  2.00  0.000  0.000  0.000
3p  0  1  6.00  0.000  0.000  0.000
3d  0  2  6.00  0.000  0.000  0.000
4s  0  3  2.00  0.000  0.000  0.000

and the angular momentum values do not make sense

This is the info given in the fhi file:
iron, fhi98PP : Trouiller-Martins-type, LDA Ceperley/Alder Perdew/Wang  
(1992), l= 1 local
  26.000  8.000011001  zatom,zion,pspdat
6 73   1521 0   pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well
   0.000  0.000  0.000 rchrg, fchrg, qchrg
5--- These two lines are available for giving more information, later
7-Here follows the cpi file from the fhi98pp code-

I would be very grateful for any help with this,
Dr.Helen Eisenberg,
Post-doc, Fritz-Haber Research Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Dear Helen
If you have a abinit format PP, you can convert it to pwscf format by
the tools fhi2upf in upftools/ directory. I suggest you read
http://www.quantum-espresso.org/pseudo-notes.php for more information.

Good luck!

Pengju Ren

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

[Pw_forum] NEB procedure

2011-09-22 Thread Ettore Baldini-Neto
Thanks Layla,


On Sep 22, 2011, at 9:46 AM, Layla Martin-Samos wrote:

> Dear Ettore, you can put more intermediate images by hand and the NEB 
> algorythm will "relax" then for you. I put relax within "" because neb 
> relaxes along the perpendicular directions of the chain.
> best regards
> Layla
> 2011/9/22 Ettore Baldini-Neto 
> Dear users,
> I have some questions regarding a NEB calculation.
> As input to a neb file I should use, at least, the initial and final 
> positions (both well previously relaxed).
> What I want is to calculated the energy barrier for the transition of a metal 
> from one stable position (let's say a hollow position on a C ring) to another 
> one (also stable but with slightly higher total energy than first, let's say 
> the Top position).
> When I use just the initial and final positions and perform the calculations, 
> asking the code to automatically divide the grid, I get an ascendent curve 
> form the first to the last as expected.
> But at a position just before the Top position I also expect the energy 
> barrier to be a little higher than the energy at this final site (Top) 
> because the metal is at a unstable position.
> So here are is my question, a very basic one since I have no previous 
> experience with this kind of calculation.
> I can put more intermediate images, automatically or by hand, in order to 
> better mapping the region around this position (Top).
> In the second case, should these intermediate images be previously optimized 
> or the neb does it for me??
> Thanks in advance,
> ***
> Ettore Baldini-Neto
> Researcher at W. von Braun Center for Advanced Research, Campinas, Brazil
> ***
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[Pw_forum] NEB procedure

2011-09-22 Thread Ettore Baldini-Neto
Dear users,

I have some questions regarding a NEB calculation.

As input to a neb file I should use, at least, the initial and final positions 
(both well previously relaxed).
What I want is to calculated the energy barrier for the transition of a metal 
from one stable position (let's say a hollow position on a C ring) to another 
one (also stable but with slightly higher total energy than first, let's say 
the Top position). 

When I use just the initial and final positions and perform the calculations, 
asking the code to automatically divide the grid, I get an ascendent curve form 
the first to the last as expected.
But at a position just before the Top position I also expect the energy barrier 
to be a little higher than the energy at this final site (Top) because the 
metal is at a unstable position.

So here are is my question, a very basic one since I have no previous 
experience with this kind of calculation.

I can put more intermediate images, automatically or by hand, in order to 
better mapping the region around this position (Top). 
In the second case, should these intermediate images be previously optimized or 
the neb does it for me??

Thanks in advance,

Ettore Baldini-Neto
Researcher at W. von Braun Center for Advanced Research, Campinas, Brazil

[Pw_forum] cluster timing & delay -v.lousy way-

2011-09-22 Thread Mona M.O. Elfadil

Dear Changru,
Since there are other programs included such as Yambo
which are not compatible with the recent version of Q.E. , this version is

Your sincerely,
Mona Elfadil
SudREN -
Network Engineer

> Dear Mona Elfadil,
> Q.E.3.0 was released on
2005. I would suggest you to try the newest
> version 4.3.2 first.
You can find it here:
> HTH,
> Changru
> On 21 Sep, 2011, at 17:19, Mona M.O.
Elfadil wrote:
>> Dear all,
had run an example -Q.E.3.0.1- from your package few days ago
>> on a linux cluster- CentOS 5-, and it worked although we had
>> BLAS, LAPACK nor an FFTW packages previously installed -
>> surprising,since you have said so in your user
>> Then we had tried an experimental data. It took a
single CPU 10 min to
>> get
>> the results. While,
unfortunately, it took a 16 CPUs more than 40 min to
>> process
the same data.
>> We had tried the following:
>> -
Referring to your user guide: It needs a detailed physics background
>> which is unavailable at the moment.
>> - Downloading
these mathematical packages:
>> FFTW 3.1.2-3 & FFTW
>> LAPACK 3_0-2
>> BLAS 3_0-2
(RPM versions)
>> In the configuration phase of Q.E. it said
that both LAPACK and FFTW are
>> not found although BLASS was
successfully configured.
>> We could not find
FFTWND in our internet search(As a packet). But in
>> your
>> archive you have said it is not an error.
>> Assuming that all other factors are well, what could be the
>> (P.S.: we are the system
>> --
>> Your
>> Mona Elfadil
>> SudREN - Network
>> www.suin.edu.sd
>> +249911319113
>> Pw_forum
mailing list
>> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> Changru Ma
> SISSA & Theory at Elettra group
> email: crma at sissa.it
> tel: +39 040 378 7870
> ---
> Pw_forum mailing
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] charge density plot in xcrysden

2011-09-22 Thread Stefano Baroni
Hi! I do not know how to help you. If you do not assistance on this mailing 
list, you may want to try with a specific mailing list for xcrysden users, 
which, I am sure, must exist. Good luck - SB

On Sep 21, 2011, at 11:37 PM, Tram Bui wrote:

> Dear Everyone,
> I have an output file of the SiC bulk charge density (bulk.xsf). I open 
> it using xcrysden and do data grid to get the display of color-plane and 
> isoline, etc. I'd also like to make the isoline with different color other 
> than just the gray scale, how can I do so in xcrysden?
> Regards,
> Tram Bui
> M.S. Materials Science & Engineering
> trambui at u.boisestate.edu
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
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Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center - Trieste
http://stefano.baroni.me [+39] 040 3787 406 (tel) -528 (fax) / stefanobaroni 

La morale est une logique de l'action comme la logique est une morale de la 
pens?e - Jean Piaget

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[Pw_forum] FFT on a small mesh

2011-09-22 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Sep 22, 2011, at 2:13 , dario rocca wrote:

> Dear Developers

(reminder: the proper place where to contact developers is the q-e- 
mailing list on qe-forge.org)

> I would be interested in calculating the FFT with a small  
> reciprocal space cutoff.
> Namely beyond the FFT for wavefunctions and density I would like to  
> use an
> additional FFT on an "object" that requires a cutoff smaller than  
> the wavefunctions
> (but of course the real space mesh would still be the same). All  
> the standard
> FFT machinery seems very specialized to the wavefunction/density case

it is, by construction. In the most recent versions, however, the FFT  
stuff is
encapsulated into a few "descriptors" that are initialized in a few  
routines. Note that the CP code has a third grid, the "small box"  
grid, a
subset of the dense grid in real space.This is used to deal with  
charges in the USPP framework. You may want to have a look at it.

I have heard of work done to speed up exact exchange and GW  
consisting in performing the needed FFT with a lower cutoff. Nothing  
has yet
percolated to the current development version, though.

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] Questions about pseudopotential generation.

2011-09-22 Thread Emine Kucukbenli
Dear Daniel,
I think you can find the answers to your questions in the guide inside  
the QE distribution (new address in svn version is atomic/Doc) plus  

I am linking the PAW one (the second) in case you want to do GIPAW  
calculations. It is important to understand the PAW formalism before  
doing so.
emine kucukbenli, phd student, sissa, italy

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