[Pw_forum] Open postdoctoral position in computational molecular modelling for geochemical applications

2011-10-05 Thread Marc Blanchard
A 2 years postdoctoral position is available at the IMPMC laboratory  
(Paris, France).

The proposing group is one of the world-leading groups in the field of  
the theoretical determination of isotopic properties of a system from  
ab initio calculation of the vibrational density of states. The method  
has been successfully applied to solids (e.g. Blanchard et al. 2009).  
The post-doctoral fellowship will be mainly devoted to the development  
of this method to liquid phases. This work will be conducted within a  
collaborative project involving mineralogists and physicists, which  
aims at improving our understanding of the crystal-chemistry of iron- 
bearing minerals and of the geochemistry of minor and trace metal  
pollutants at solid-solution interfaces.

Applicants should have a strong background in quantum molecular  
computer simulations (computer codes employed in this project are  
based on density functional theory). Knowledge in geosciences will be  
greatly appreciated.
See attachment for further information.

Dr Marc Blanchard
Equipe de Min?ralogie Environnementale
Institut de Min?ralogie et de Physique des Milieux Consens?s (IMPMC)
Tour 23 - Couloir 23/24 - 4e ?tage - Bureau 23
Case courrier 115
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05
Tel: +33 (0)1 44 27 98 22
Fax: +33 (0)1 44 27 37 85
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[Pw_forum] Can we obtain anharmonic vibration energy from s3.x?

2011-10-05 Thread GAO Zhe
Dear QE developer and users:
I am using ph.x and QHA to calculate thermodynamics properties of some 
compositions and their solid-solutions. However, for some materials and their 
solid-solution, the results shows agaist to the thermodynamics "general sense", 
for example, DeltaG,Delta Gibbs Free Energy, lower than ideal solution at low 
temperature but higher at high temperature. But in "general sense", the ideal 
solution line cannot be overcome, that means if one solution's DeltaG was once 
lower than ideal solution's, then ideal solution line should be its limitation 
even at very high temperature.
Therefore, I want to check whether this phenomenon was due to anharmonic effect 
or not. I have known that we can calculate anharmonic dynamic matrix for 
specified q-point by s3.x code, but I also want to know whether we can gather 
the anharmonic dynamic matrics to form IFC and anharmonic-phDOS. Moreover, if 
we can obtain IFC and phDOS for anharmonic case, is it possible to calculate 
Fvib from them?

CMC Lab, MSE, SNU, Seoul, S.Korea
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[Pw_forum] A Question about ILDOS on different planes

2011-10-05 Thread pari shok
Dear Gabriel,
Thank you very much for your answer.
The original problem that I need to solve is getting the local density of
states on different planes of the structure. As you know, QE calculates
3D-DOS of the structure and I need to convert it to quasi-2D-DOS, somehow.
This is what is done by "Takahiro Yamasaki et al.", in "Geometric and
electronic structures of SiO2/Si(001)? interfaces"; they divided the unit
cell into 1.0 a.u. (50.529 ?) thick slices parallel to the interface, and
specify each slice as a local region, and then define a local density of
states for each region.
I need to do the same thing for my structure, and I was wondering if (and
how)I can get it with QE.
I know ILDOS is the integration in a range of energy.
What I wanted to do was finding ILDOS on planes (I don't know how) for a
very small fraction of energy each time to get them all in a wide range of
energies to have a rough estimate of LDOS on the parallel planes.
My structure is hexagonal with vacuum in z direction. I got all the x0(i)=0
(I thought I didn't need to change the origin given by x0(i), while I change
e3) and iflag=2.
I need to get 2D-DOS for further calculation, thus I don't need to
visualize, just the data.
A couple of months ago, I thought that I might have got LDOS on planes by
summing the partial projected DOS of all atoms at the interface (which I
guess it was silly).
If you (or anybody) could give me hints, I would really appreciate.
P Shock
PhD candidate UMD
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[Pw_forum] problem in vc-relax

2011-10-05 Thread Alexander G. Kvashnin
I compiled it with gfortran, and also did it with g95, but I also have this

On 4 October 2011 23:18, Paolo Giannozzi  wrote:

> On Oct 4, 2011, at 23:03 , Alexander G. Kvashnin wrote:
> > Yes, I check that, it works
> it is the same as your case (H atom with local pseudopotential).
> Are you by any chance compiling with g95?
> P.
> ---
> Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
> Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Sincerely yours
*Alexander G. Kvashnin*

Second year of master degree study
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology  http://mipt.ru/
141700, Institutsky lane 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia

Junior research scientist
Technological Institute for Superhard
and Novel Carbon Materials
142190, Central'naya St. 7a, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia

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[Pw_forum] nspin=1 in NEB calculation

2011-10-05 Thread He Jinghui
Dear QE users:

 I was wondering once i set nspin=1, do i have to settot_magnetization?

 In my calculation, i was going to perform a geometry relaxation on a
 cluster model. Then I will search the transition state by the NEB
 calculation. The system is of even number of electrons.

 The transition state probably involve free radical. So I want to
 switch on the spin, then let the system determine the spin in SCF 
 When I set nspin=1, the pw.x program require me the tot_magnetization.

 Since I just move from siesta to QE, the former only need to set
 spin_polarized true. So I was a little confused about the setting 
in QE.
 How could I do?

 Thanks for your help in advance.



[Pw_forum] nspin=1 in NEB calculation

2011-10-05 Thread Guido Fratesi
Dear Jinghui,

> I was wondering once i set nspin=1, do i have to settot_magnetization?

do you mean "nspin=2"? This is indeed the option for a spin-polarized 
(collinear) calculation, see Doc/INPUT_PW.txt

In that case, yes, you have to specify the starting magnetization of the 
system (there are a number of ways, again have a look to 
Doc/INPUT_PW.txt). And yes, the default is different from SIESTA where 
-forbid me, I'm not experienced of that code- imposing "spin_polarized 
true" implies by default a ferromagnetic starting point.


  PS As for NEB, keep in mind that if the magnetization of your system is 
crucially depending on coordinates (as an example, if your transition 
state is magnetic but the initial and final states are not), then you 
might have some difficulty in imposing the true magnetized state for some 
image in the path, because the starting charge density might be 
extrapolated from previous steps where the system is not magnetic. In that 
case, you could either continue the calculation but restarting from atomic 
charges, or replace that charge from one of a separate, controlled SCF 

Guido Fratesi

Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy

[Pw_forum] server maintenance

2011-10-05 Thread Layla Martin-Samos
Dear all, this afternoon there will be probably some connection problems
with the Quantum ESPRESSO web page due to server maintenance.

thank you for your comprehension

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[Pw_forum] RE : how to calculate magnetic moment on each atoms

2011-10-05 Thread BARRETEAU Cyrille

You can use projwfc.x to obtain a lowdin projection onto atomic like 
wavefunctions of the electronic density.
You will obtain both local integrated quantities (local charges and moments) 
and local density of
states on each atom and orbital.


Cyrille Barreteau  phone : +33 (0)1 69 08 29 51 
CEA Saclay fax :   +33 (0)1 69 08 84 46 
IRAMIS, SPCSI,  Bat. 462   email  cyrille.barreteau at cea.fr 
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex 
Web: http://iramis.cea.fr/Pisp/cyrille.barreteau/ 

 Message d'origine
De: pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org de la part de patriot pershing
Date: mer. 05/10/2011 09:06
?: Pw_forum at pwscf.org
Objet : [Pw_forum] how to calculate magnetic moment on each atoms
dear any one:
i have performed scf calculations for Ferromagnetic (FM) and
anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) state of C doped ZnO and i would known how to
calculate the magnetic moment on each atoms in my supercell as well as
electronic charge density for the spin up and down
best regards

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[Pw_forum] how to calculate magnetic moment on each atoms

2011-10-05 Thread patriot pershing
dear any one:
i have performed scf calculations for Ferromagnetic (FM) and
anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) state of C doped ZnO and i would known how to
calculate the magnetic moment on each atoms in my supercell as well as
electronic charge density for the spin up and down
best regards
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[Pw_forum] Issue with phonon calculation on supercell.

2011-10-05 Thread Éric Germaneau
Dear all,

I'm attempting to compute phonon at gamma point of a 2x2x2 crystal 
structure but I get the error bellow :

  Atomic displacements:
  There are 192 irreducible representations

  Representation 1  1 modes - To be done

  Representation 2  1 modes - To be done
  Representation   191  1 modes - To be done

  Representation   192  1 modes - To be done

  Alpha used in Ewald sum =   2.8000
  PHONON   : 51m 2.98s CPU51m13.49s WALL

  Electric Fields Calculation

  from calbec : error # 1
  size mismatch

  stopping ...
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.
Signal 15 received.

Here is my input


   0.0 0.0 0.0

What sounds weird to me is that I don't have any problem when I perform 
the same calculation on the unit cell, I mean the 1x1x1 structure.
Before running ph.x I do a regular scf calculation at gamma point only 
which ends normally:

K_POINTS automatic
1 1 1   0 0 0

I generate my supercell from the optimized unit cell and do not 
optimized it again due to time consuming.
I don't have much experience in phonon calculations so any hits are welcome.
Thank you,


/Be the change you wish to see in the world
/ --- Mahatma Gandhi ---

Dr. ?ric Germaneau 

Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
College of Physical Sciences
Yuquan Road 19A
Beijing 100049

/Please, if possible, don't send me MS Word or PowerPoint attachments
Why? See: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html /

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[Pw_forum] how to calculate magnetic moment on each atoms

2011-10-05 Thread Arles V. Gil Rebaza
Hi Patriot, if you want to get the magnetic moment per atom just add the
variable "report = 1" in , please read the QE manual.


PhD stud Arles V. Gil Rebaza
IFLP - Argentina

2011/10/5 patriot pershing 

> dear any one:
> i have performed scf calculations for Ferromagnetic (FM) and
> anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) state of C doped ZnO and i would known how to
> calculate the magnetic moment on each atoms in my supercell as well as
> electronic charge density for the spin up and down
> best regards
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

###->   Arles V.   <-###
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[Pw_forum] problem in vc-relax

2011-10-05 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Oct 4, 2011, at 23:03 , Alexander G. Kvashnin wrote:

> Yes, I check that, it works

it is the same as your case (H atom with local pseudopotential).
Are you by any chance compiling with g95?

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222