[Pw_forum] dvscf for dielectric response

2011-11-30 Thread David Strubbe
For phonon calculations, one can ask for the 'dvscf' file containing the
change in self-consistent potential for each mode to be written. Can the
corresponding quantity be written for dielectric response? I have not been
able to see a way to do this currently implemented.

David Strubbe
UC Berkeley
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[Pw_forum] pseudopotential

2011-11-30 Thread Hanghui Chen
To QE developers,
  I am now trying to simulate some XAS spectrum. In order to take into
account the electron-hole interaction, I need to generate a pseudo
potential which has a hole in the 1s state of O. I am wondering whether
such a special psp of O is equivalent to a psp of F with reference
configuration 1s^{1}2s^{2}2p^{5} i.e. +1 configuration but with one
electron missing in the 1s state? Is that the way to generate such a
special O psp?
  Thank you very much.

Hanghui Chen
Department of Physics
Yale University
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[Pw_forum] DC & BEC

2011-11-30 Thread Chengyang Li
Dear Suza It seems like BaTiO3 is not a simple cubic structure, so you should 
not choose ibrav=1. Chengyang - Original Message -
> From: "Suza W" 
> To: "PWSCF Forum" 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 3:32:15 PM
> Subject: [Pw_forum] DC & BEC
> Dear All,
> Being an epitome of ferroelectric, BaTiO3 has extensively been
> studied using PWSCF. However,? unfortunately, with several
> standard available USPP, I encounter? following unphysical? results :?
> ???
>  Dielectric constant in cartesian axis
> ? (-8142842.391767483?? 0.0?? 0.0 )
> ? (?? 0.0-8142842.391767481?? 0.0 )
> ? (?? 0.0?? 0.0-8142842.391767476 )
> ? Effective charges (d Force / dE) in cartesian axis
> ?? atom? 1?? Ba
> ? Ex? (??? -1136.43937??? 0.0??? 0.0 )
> ? Ey? (??? 0.0??? -1136.43937??? 0.0 )
> ? Ez? (??? 0.0??? 0.0??? -1136.43937 )
> ?? atom? 2?? Ti
> ? Ex? (??? -1874.03151??? 0.0??? 0.0 )
> ? Ey? (??? 0.0??? -1874.03151??? 0.0 )
> ? Ez? (??? 0.0??? 0.0??? -1874.03151 )
> ?? atom? 3?? O?
> ? Ex? (? 931.42284??? 0.0??? 0.0 )
> ? Ey? (??? 0.0 1067.39482??? 0.0 )
> ? Ez? (??? 0.0??? 0.0 1067.39482 )
> ?? atom? 4?? O?
> ? Ex? ( 1067.39482??? 0.0??? 0.0 )
> ? Ey? (??? 0.0? 931.42284??? 0.0 )
> ? Ez? (??? 0.0??? 0.0 1067.39482 )
> ?? atom? 5?? O?
> ? Ex? ( 1067.39482??? 0.0??? 0.0 )
> ? Ey? (??? 0.0 1067.39482??? 0.0 )
> ? Ez? (??? 0.0??? 0.0? 931.42284 )
> Any suggestion for correcting these errors will be highly
> appreciated.?
> Here goes the input file which renders such a blunder.?
> ?&system
> ??? ibrav =? 1,
> ??? celldm(1) = 7.5589,
> ??? nat = 5,
> ??? ntyp=3,
> ??? ecutwfc = 30.0,
> ??? ecutrho = 240.0,
> ?/
> ?&electrons
> ??? diagonalization = 'david'
> ??? conv_thr =? 1.0d-9
> ??? mixing_beta = 0.7
> ?/
> ?&ions
> ?/
> ?&cell
> ?/
> ?Ba? 137.327?? Ba.pbe-nsp-van.UPF
> ?Ti?? 47.867?? Ti.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF
> ?O??? 15.9994? O.pbe-van_ak.UPF
> Ba? 0.0? 0.0? 0.0
> Ti? 0.5? 0.5? 0.5
> O? 0.0? 0.5? 0.5
> O? 0.5? 0.0? 0.5
> O? 0.5? 0.5? 0.0
> K_POINTS {automatic}
> ?8 8 8? 1 1 1
> Thanking you,
> Yours sincerely,
> Suza W
> PhD Student
> Department of Materials Science
> Bangalore
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
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[Pw_forum] change in Fermi Energy with ecutoff, Vacuum and degauss

2011-11-30 Thread Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
Periodic calculations have several components of the electrostatic energy
that are separately infinite, but added they cancel. Instead of dealing
with infinites, they are usually eliminated in plane wave codes setting to
0 the G=0 components of the Fourier transforms. I guess that Quantum
ESPRESSO  satisfies this rule. A component V(G=0)  is just the spatial
average of V(r), meaning in practice that  the electrostatic potential (the
Hartree part) is adjusted to zero. The amount of vacuum volume in the
supercell represents a weight for the spatial averages. If you change from
10 to 20 angstroms of vacumm width, you are doubling the weight of the
vacuum part in the average.

If the average were not adjusted to zero,  then I would expect that the
average tends softly to cero for infinite vacuum volume, and the Fermi
level converge to a constant value. As the average potential is
artificially shifted to zero, the Fermi level experiments the opposite
shift. For more interesting details, take a look at PRB 77, 115139 (2008).

Best regards

Eduardo Menendez Proupin
Departamento de Qu?mica Fisica Aplicada
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Aut?noma de Madrid
28049 Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 91 497 6706

-- Mensaje reenviado --
From: Dipak Thakur 
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 22:05:00 +0530
Subject: [Pw_forum] change in Fermi Energy with ecutoff, Vacuum and degauss
Hello every one.

I am perplexed by change in Fermi energy with change in ecutoff, Vacuum and

I have done some calculations using a set of ecutoff, Vacuum and degauss
and then repeated the same for other set of ecutoff, Vacuum and degauss.

I have obtained a value of -0.756 eV for Fermi energy in case where the
ecutoff was 60 Ry., Vacuum was 20 A and degauss was 0.02, whereas for the
second set with ecutoff of 20 Ry., Vacuum of 10 A and degauss of 0.002 the
Fermi energy was 3.0097 eV.

Can anyone help me which value of Fermi energy is correct and why?

Please help me in understanding the what wrong am I doing?

The calculations are related to graphene with Aluminium dopant (one atom of
Al and 31 carbon atoms).

Thanks and regards
Deepak Thakur
Research student
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.
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[Pw_forum] site-projected bandstructre

2011-11-30 Thread Nicki Frank Hinsche
Dear all,

is there a possibility to gain a "site-projected" bandstructure in QE?  
Assuming I have an ordered compound ABC.
Is it possible to project the contribution of A,B,C to the  
wavefunction coefficients at a certain k-vector and energy?
I want to gain informations like: the bands in this area of the  
Brillouin zone at this energy are mainly formed by
atom sort A (B,C). I want to go definitely beyond site-projected  
density of states.

I am thankful for every idea,

bests Nicki

Nicki Frank Hinsche, Dipl. Phys.
Institute of physics - Theoretical physics,
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg,
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, Room 1.18/1.07
D-06120 Halle/Saale, Germany
Tel.: ++49 345 5525450
Tel.: ++49 345 5525462
Fellow of the International Max Planck Re-
search School-MPI for Microstructure Physics

[Pw_forum] Phonon calculations

2011-11-30 Thread Seyed Mojtaba Rezaei Sani

1. Reduce the alpha_mix(1) by default 0.7, e.g. to 0.4.
2. If it doesn't work, open PH/phcom.f90 and change
  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxter = 100
to something larger. ***Then recompile the

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 7:39 PM, IYAD AL-QASIR  wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to calculate the phonon dispersion relations and phonon
> density of states of UO2.
> Please find the attached filesUO2.scf.in and UO2.ph.in
> The calculations assume GGA and include spin-polarized effects.
> There are 6 representations and nine modes. The problem I have is: When I
> run the input file UO2.ph.in, *the scf calculation* for the  the second
> representation of the second mode for q (-0.167   0.167  -0.167)
> * is not converge.*
> Notes:
> 1- My runs assume UO2  is metallic, in fact UO2 is insulator with band gap
> of 2eV.( However, when I do the calculations using the VASP code I got very
> good result only by including the polarization effects)
> 2- In order to account for the band gap, one should implement the Hubbard
> term (LDA/GGA+U)
> 3- I tried different occupations  (smearing, tetrahedra)
> 4- I tried different starting_magnetization= 0.5, 1.0
> 5- I treid different mixing_betas (0.7, 0.35 )
> 5- the lattice parameter a= 10.285, is based on optimizing the structure
> and including spin-polarization effects.
> Any adivce to overcome this problem is highly welcomed.
> Kindest Regards,
> __
> Research Associate
> Department of Nuclear Engineering
> North Carolina State University
> Campus Box 7909
> 2500 Stinson Dr.
> Raleigh, NC 27695-7909
> --
> ___
> Research Associate
> Department of Nuclear Engineering
> North Carolina State University
> Campus Box 7909
> 2500 Stinson Dr.
> Raleigh, NC 27695-7909
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Seyed Mojtaba Rezaei Sani
Computational Materials Science Research Lab
Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology
84156-83111 Isfahan, Iran
Tel lab: +98 311 391 3731
Group page: http://cmsgroup.iut.ac.ir/
s.rezaeisani at ph.iut.ac.ir
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[Pw_forum] dynmat.x - segmentation fault error

2011-11-30 Thread "Kacper Drużbicki"
Dear QE users,

I get the following error while trying to diagonalize the dynamic matrix for 
the 186 atomic system.

 Reading Dynamical Matrix from file matdyn
 ...Force constants read
 ...epsilon and Z* read
Segmentation fault

Below you can find the dynmat file and the input for dynmat.x.


Any ideas? I would appreciate if one could check the file on his machine.

Thank you in advance,

Kacper Dru?bicki,
Faculty of Chemistry,
Department of Chemical Physics,
Jagiellonian University,
Ingardena Street 3, 30-060 Krak?w, Poland
phone: +48 12 6632265

[Pw_forum] DC & BEC

2011-11-30 Thread Suza W
Dear All,

Being an epitome of ferroelectric, BaTiO3 has extensively been
studied using PWSCF. However,  unfortunately, with several
standard available USPP, I encounter  following unphysical  results :

 Dielectric constant in cartesian axis

  (-8142842.391767483   0.0   0.0 )
  (   0.0-8142842.391767481   0.0 )
  (   0.0   0.0-8142842.391767476 )

  Effective charges (d Force / dE) in cartesian axis

   atom  1   Ba
  Ex  (-1136.439370.00.0 )
  Ey  (0.0-1136.439370.0 )
  Ez  (0.00.0-1136.43937 )
   atom  2   Ti
  Ex  (-1874.031510.00.0 )
  Ey  (0.0-1874.031510.0 )
  Ez  (0.00.0-1874.03151 )
   atom  3   O
  Ex  (  931.422840.00.0 )
  Ey  (0.0 1067.394820.0 )
  Ez  (0.00.0 1067.39482 )
   atom  4   O
  Ex  ( 1067.394820.00.0 )
  Ey  (0.0  931.422840.0 )
  Ez  (0.00.0 1067.39482 )
   atom  5   O
  Ex  ( 1067.394820.00.0 )
  Ey  (0.0 1067.394820.0 )
  Ez  (0.00.0  931.42284 )

Any suggestion for correcting these errors will be highly appreciated.
Here goes the input file which renders such a blunder.
ibrav =  1,
celldm(1) = 7.5589,
nat = 5,
ecutwfc = 30.0,
ecutrho = 240.0,
diagonalization = 'david'
conv_thr =  1.0d-9
mixing_beta = 0.7
 Ba  137.327   Ba.pbe-nsp-van.UPF
 Ti   47.867   Ti.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF
 O15.9994  O.pbe-van_ak.UPF
Ba  0.0  0.0  0.0
Ti  0.5  0.5  0.5
O  0.0  0.5  0.5
O  0.5  0.0  0.5
O  0.5  0.5  0.0
K_POINTS {automatic}
 8 8 8  1 1 1

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Suza W
PhD Student
Department of Materials Science
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[Pw_forum] PWgui Locate Error

2011-11-30 Thread W2AGZ
Using a freshly installed PWgui-4.3, either "standalone" or "source," trying
to open any pw.x input file, either from the example folder or elsewhere
gives the following error message.  All other input types (ph.x, pp.x, etc.)
load just fine.  BTW, this error was reported on an ubuntu forum here
http://old.nabble.com/PWgui-td32021638.html several months ago.


As far as I can tell, all my tcl/tk libs are current.



ERROR: failed to locate object from identifier path_inter_nimages


ERROR: failed to locate object from identifier path_inter_nimages


while executing

"error $::tclu::error(errMsg) $::tclu::error(info) $::tclu::error(code)"

("uplevel" body line 2)

invoked from within

"uplevel 1 {

   error $::tclu::error(errMsg) $::tclu::error(info)


(procedure "::tclu::ERROR" line 20)

invoked from within

"::tclu::ERROR "failed to locate object from identifier $varIdent""

(object "::guib::PWmoduleObj12" method
"::guib::moduleObj::valueToTextvalue" body line 11)

invoked from within

"valueToTextvalue $ident $value"

(object "::guib::PWmoduleObj12" method "::guib::moduleObj::varset" body
line 4)

invoked from within

"$moduleObj varset path_inter_nimages -value $ni"

(procedure "::pwscf::pwReadFilter" line 59)

invoked from within

"$readFilter $this $fileChannel"

(object "::guib::PWmoduleObj12" method "::guib::moduleObj::readFile"
body line 8)

invoked from within

"::guib::PWmoduleObj12 readFile file11"

(in namespace eval "::guib" script line 1)

invoked from within

"namespace eval ::guib [list $obj readFile $fileChannel]"

(object "::gUI0" method "::guib::GUI::_openInput" body line 27)

invoked from within

"::gUI0 _openInput pw PW.X

(in namespace inscope "::guib::GUI" script line 1)

invoked from within

"namespace inscope ::guib::GUI {::gUI0 _openInput pw PW.X

invoked from within

".gui0.shellchildsite.menubar.menubar.file.menu.openinp invoke active"

("uplevel" body line 1)

invoked from within

"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke active]"

(procedure "tk::MenuInvoke" line 50)

invoked from within

"tk::MenuInvoke .gui0.shellchildsite.menubar.menubar.file.menu.openinp 1"

(command bound to event)


Paul Grant

W2AGZ Technologies

JPL/Cal Tech

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[Pw_forum] site-projected bandstructre

2011-11-30 Thread Ari P Seitsonen

Dear Nicki,

   Please check 'projwfc.x', option

 var kresolveddos -type LOGICAL {
 default { .false. }
 info {
 if .true. the k-resolved DOS is computed: not summed over
 all k-points but written as a function of the k-point index.
 In this case all k-point weights are set to unity

   Hopefully this helps.

 Greetings from Nov? Hrady / Czech Republic,


   Ari P Seitsonen / Ari.P.Seitsonen at iki.fi / http://www.iki.fi/~apsi/
   Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut der Universitaet Zuerich
   Tel: +41 44 63 54 497  /  Mobile: +41 79 71 90 935

On Wed, 30 Nov 2011, Nicki Frank Hinsche wrote:

> Dear all,
> is there a possibility to gain a "site-projected" bandstructure in QE?
> Assuming I have an ordered compound ABC.
> Is it possible to project the contribution of A,B,C to the
> wavefunction coefficients at a certain k-vector and energy?
> I want to gain informations like: the bands in this area of the
> Brillouin zone at this energy are mainly formed by
> atom sort A (B,C). I want to go definitely beyond site-projected
> density of states.
> I am thankful for every idea,
> bests Nicki
> -
> Nicki Frank Hinsche, Dipl. Phys.
> Institute of physics - Theoretical physics,
> Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg,
> Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, Room 1.18/1.07
> D-06120 Halle/Saale, Germany
> Tel.: ++49 345 5525450
> Tel.: ++49 345 5525462
> -
> Fellow of the International Max Planck Re-
> search School-MPI for Microstructure Physics
> -
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum