[Pw_forum] Fwd: sn calculation

2012-01-10 Thread bhabya sahoo
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From: bhabya sahoo 
Date: Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:52 AM
Subject: sn calculation
To: PWSCF Forum 

i am a new user of quantum espresso
i want study the alpha-beta transition of tin(Sn)
i found the phonon dispersion of alpha(diamond) structure
but for beta structure how can  find the phonon dispersion and vibrational

because i calculated the static calculation of beta tin having tetragonal
cell (c/a=,546)
and 4 atoms having position 0 0 0 , .5.5.5, 0.5.75,.5 0 .25

for phonon calculation what should my position of atoms so that i can get
the vibrational energy from linear response theory
if i used the above i am getting 12 phonon branches  is it correct?
suggestions may help to know more about it

bd sahoo
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[Pw_forum] charge-density.dat file missing after SCF calculations

2012-01-10 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Jan 10, 2012, at 14:38 , Kiss, Ioan wrote:

> However, after the NSCF calculation is finished there is no
> charge-density.dat file present in the prefix.save directory

this sounds hard to believe to me. The non-scf calculation
doesn't destroy the charge density file.

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] MD calculation, and Conjugate Gradient?

2012-01-10 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Jan 10, 2012, at 17:48 , Abdeslam Houari wrote:

> [...] they specify "conjugate gradient" as a type of run of the  
> molecular dynamics !!!

you can perform molecular dynamics, using a conjugate-gradient  
algorithm to
solve the electronic problem at each step. The CP code can also do  
this, by
the way, in addition to Car-Parrinello dynamics (which is a different  
kind of

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] problem with kband and kpoint in pp.x

2012-01-10 Thread GAO Zhe
Definitely, you have to determine which |psi|^2 you wanna to check. This idea 
normaly comes from the band structure analysis. In other words, you should know 
which part you'd like to study, then such a part can be described as band and 
k-points index.
There is a good example for |psi|^2 application in paper, even though it is a 
little bit old one: 

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2012-01-10 15:49:48,"Farzad Molani"  wrote:

Hello pwscf users,
I want to study |psi|^2 by pp.x, but I don't know how can I choose good numbers 
for kpoint and kband? please help me.
with the best regards 

Farzad Molani,
Ph.D Student,
Department of Theoretical Physical Chemistry,
K. N. Toosi University of Technology,
Tehran, Iran.
Tel.: 009891 4442 3308
Tel.: 009821 2306 4280
Fax: 009821 2285 3650
Web: http://www.chem.kntu.ac.ir/~sjalili:/
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[Pw_forum] VCA (was: no subject)

2012-01-10 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Jan 10, 2012, at 8:22 , Ali Tavana wrote:

> I am looking for the reference paper for the VCA implementation
> in QE (i.e. virtual.x code).

there is no such paper. This is the VCA implementation in QE,
if I remember correctly:
V^{(vca)} = V_{loc)^{(vca)} + V_{nl}^{(vca)}
V_{loc)^{(vca)} = x V_{loc}^{(1)} + (1-x) V_{loc}^{(2)}
V_{nl)^{(vca)} = \sum_{ij} |\beta^{(1)}_i> x D^{(1)}_{ij} <\beta^ 
  +  \sum_{ij} |\beta^{(2)}_i> (1-x) D^{(2)}_{ij}  
  V_{loc}^{(n)}(r) is the local part of PP n ;
  \beta^{{n)}_i(r) are the projectors for PP n ;
  D^{(n))_{ij} are the (bare) components of matrix D for PP n

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] MD calculation, and Conjugate Gradient?

2012-01-10 Thread Abdeslam Houari
I understand ... may be I was deceived by another ab inito code (without citing 
the name) where they specify "conjugate gradient" as a type of run of the 
molecular dynamics !!!? 
Thanks a lot Y.P

--- En date de?: Mar 10.1.12, Yunpeng Wang  a ?crit?:

De: Yunpeng Wang 
Objet: Re: [Pw_forum] MD calculation, and Conjugate Gradient?
?: pw_forum at pwscf.org
Date: Mardi 10 janvier 2012, 15h37

Meaning of MD is to follow the Newton equation with the total energy (kinetic 
energy plus interaction energy). However, the CG method is used to find the 
minimum interaction energy and kinetic energy makes no sense in CG method.


Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 14:32:52 +
From: habds...@yahoo.fr
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
Subject: [Pw_forum] MD calculation, and Conjugate Gradient?

Dear QE developers and users; 
I'm using QE-4.3.2 and I wanna do Molecular Dynamics calculations, with 
Conjugate Gradient scheme... When looking to PWscf documentation (INPUT_PW) I 
find only the "verlet" and "langevin" algorithm for "calculation=md" !! I wanna 
be sure if the conjugate gradient is included (possible) or not? 

Thanks in advance
Best regards? ? 

Abdesalem HOUARI
Department of physics, Theoretical Physics Laboratory
University of Bejaia-06000. Algeria.
E-mail:?abdeslam.houari at univ-bejaia.dz & habdslam at yahoo.fr
Phone: +213 34 21 53 04
Fax: +213 34 21 59 86
Cell phone: +213 551 36 29 01 (emergency only !!)

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org

-La pi?ce jointe associ?e suit-

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] MD calculation, and Conjugate Gradient?

2012-01-10 Thread Abdeslam Houari
Dear QE developers and users; 
I'm using QE-4.3.2 and I wanna do Molecular Dynamics calculations, with 
Conjugate Gradient scheme... When looking to PWscf documentation (INPUT_PW) I 
find only the "verlet" and "langevin" algorithm for "calculation=md" !! I wanna 
be sure if the conjugate gradient is included (possible) or not? 

Thanks in advance
Best regards? ? 

Abdesalem HOUARI
Department of physics, Theoretical Physics Laboratory
University of Bejaia-06000. Algeria.
E-mail:?abdeslam.houari at univ-bejaia.dz & habdslam at yahoo.fr
Phone: +213 34 21 53 04
Fax: +213 34 21 59 86
Cell phone: +213 551 36 29 01 (emergency only !!)

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[Pw_forum] charge-density.dat file missing after SCF calculations

2012-01-10 Thread Kiss, Ioan
Dear PWSCF users and developers,

I would like to perform a series of geometry optimizations and band-structure
calculations for a slab (hexagonal surface slab model with 30 atoms in the unit 
and during my testing I have encountered a strange issue with espresso 4.3.2.
Namely, the SCF calculations and NSCF calculations end without any problem
and pw.x exits properly.
However, after the NSCF calculation is finished there is no charge-density.dat
file present in the prefix.save directory. All other files are there, including 
K000** directories, the UPF files, the data-file.xml, and the gvectors.dat.
Inside the gvectors.dat there is clearly and entry:

but the charge-density.dat is missing. When I intend to reuse this
.save directory for obtaining the band-structure, the bands.x executable
will of course crash with the error message:

 from read_rho_xml : error #10
 searching for ./prefix.save/charge-density.xml

For the NSCF calculation I use k-point parallelisation over 4 pools of CPUs
and in the G-space over 8-to-16 CPU cores with the following options:
  calculation = 'nscf' ,
   outdir = './' ,
   wfcdir = './',
   wf_collect = .true.
   pseudo_dir = './' ,
   wfcdir = './',
   prefix = '30Atom_BAND',
verbosity = 'high'
nstep = 3000
  max_seconds = 335600
   ibrav=  4, celldm(1) =7.788236356893399213, celldm(3)=21.28350100219813388,
nat=  30, ntyp= 2, ecutwfc = 32.0, ecutrho =450.0,
 noncolin=.true. ,
 lspinorb=.true. ,
 occupations='smearing', smearing='methfessel-paxton', degauss=0.00735d0

I have the abovementioned issue both on a Xeon based Linux cluster running LSF 
with OpenMPI
and on a completely different IBM Power6 architecture with AIX, Loadleveler and 
If I slightly change the cell parameters (expand about 1% along a and c) than I 
get a charge-density.dat.
In some other case if I use 16 instead of 8 CPUs for the R and G-space 
there will be also a charge-density.dat file generated without any issues.
Could you please give me a hint whether I have overlooked something very simple,
or if not, what could I do to be able to calculate the band structure for my 

Best regards,
Janos Kiss.

  Dr. Janos Kiss  e-mail: kissi at uni-mainz.de
  Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet
  Institut f. Anorg. u. Analyt. Chemie
  AK Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser
  Staudinger Weg 9 / Raum 01-230
  55128 Mainz/ Germany
  Phone: +49-(0)6131-39-22703
  Fax: +49-(0)6131-39-26267
  Web: http://www.superconductivity.de/

[Pw_forum] phonon frenquecies convergences

2012-01-10 Thread hichem bouderba
> One more word of caution. You should understand what convergence stems from.
> If you think about it, you will realize that phonon frequencies depend
> critically on electronic screening. The latter, in turn, is expressed in
> terms of the independent-electron susceptibility, whose expression contains
> differences between empty and conduction energies at the denominator. That's
> the technical reason for Kohn anomalies. I do not have examples handy, but I
> could imagine cases where E_c(k+q)-E_v(k) may depend sensitively on q
> (typically, in a semi-metal), for which the convergence of phonon
> frequencies on q may be not so obvious. Again, I think that Paolo's answer
> is correct as a rule of thumb, but you better make sure you understand why

thank you for the valuable explanation !  I will take the time for
thinking about it !

Mr. Hichem Bouderba
d?partement de physique
Universit? de Batna

[Pw_forum] scaling of turbo_lanczos.x

2012-01-10 Thread Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
I am calculating optical spectra of a carbon nanotube with turbo-TDDFPT. I
would like to know how scales the cost and the needed parameters with the
size of the unit cell. As only the gamma point is allowed I need to
replicate the unit cell. for example, if I duplicate the unit cell, how

a) the itermax parameter to achieve an equivalent resolution of the
spectrum (is the same or must be scaled)
b) RAM, CPU time for fixed itermax

Is there any advice to use efficiently multiple CPU systems that may differ
from the advices to use pw.x ? Are task groups implemented (-ntg or
similar) ?

Thank you

Eduardo Menendez Proupin
Departamento de Qu?mica Fisica Aplicada
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Aut?noma de Madrid
28049 Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 91 497 6706

On leave from: Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de
Chile URL: http://fisica.ciencias.uchile.cl/~emenendez

"*Padece, espera y trabaja para gentes que nunca conocer? y que a su vez
padecer?n, esperar?n y trabajar?n para otros, que tampoco ser?n felices,
pues el hombre ans?a siempre una felicidad situada m?s all? de la porci?n
que le es otorgada. Pero la grandeza del hombre est? precisamente en querer
mejorar lo que es. En imponerse Tareas. En el Reino de los Cielos no hay
grandeza que conquistar, puesto que all? todo es jerarqu?a establecida,
inc?gnita despejada, existir sin t?rmino, imposibilidad de sacrificio,
reposo y deleite. Por ello, agobiado de penas y de Tareas, hermoso dentro
de su miseria, capaz de amar en medio de las plagas, el hombre puede hallar
su grandeza, su m?xima medida en el Reino de este Mundo*".
Alejo Carpentier, El reino de este mundo, (1949).

Translate from spanish here
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[Pw_forum] k-point

2012-01-10 Thread Peter Wang
k-points are used for integration over BZ which is described in any DFT book.


From: Rahen Badsha 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 1:55 AM
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org 
Cc: pw_forum at pwscf.org 
Subject: [Pw_forum] k-point

Dear All,
I am a new user of QE. I have a question.

What is meant by k-points in pwscf?

Md. Rahen Badsha (Raihan)

A Post Graguate Thesis Student of Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.

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[Pw_forum] query on k-points with MP

2012-01-10 Thread Peter Wang
You can give k-points in input file explicitly, that is, you write them one 
by one. I think this may work.


From: Ajit Vallabhaneni
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 7:38 AM
To: PWSCF Forum
Subject: [Pw_forum] query on k-points with MP

Dear users,

   I am doing some scf calculations with K-points specified by the 
Monkhorst-Pack grid scheme. In the output file,  only the k-points in the 
IBZ are shown. Is there any way i can see all the K-points in the entire BZ? 
I just want to make sure certain K points are included.

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org

[Pw_forum] (no subject)

2012-01-10 Thread Ali Tavana
Dear QE Users,

I am looking for the reference paper for the VCA implementation in QE (i.e.
virtual.x code).
I will be grateful if any body can guide me.

Ali Tavana, PhD.,
Assistant Prof.,
Department of Physics,
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili,
Ardabil, Iran.

TEL: +98 451 5512081 (2430)
FAX: +98 451 5514701
EMAIL: a_tavana at alum.sharif.edu, tavana at uma.ac.ir
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[Pw_forum] MD calculation, and Conjugate Gradient?

2012-01-10 Thread Yunpeng Wang

Meaning of MD is to follow the Newton equation with the total energy (kinetic 
energy plus interaction energy). However, the CG method is used to find the 
minimum interaction energy and kinetic energy makes no sense in CG method.


Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 14:32:52 +
From: habds...@yahoo.fr
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
Subject: [Pw_forum] MD calculation, and Conjugate Gradient?

Dear QE developers and users; 
I'm using QE-4.3.2 and I wanna do Molecular Dynamics calculations, with 
Conjugate Gradient scheme... When looking to PWscf documentation (INPUT_PW) I 
find only the "verlet" and "langevin" algorithm for "calculation=md" !! I wanna 
be sure if the conjugate gradient is included (possible) or not? 

Thanks in advance
Best regards

 of physics, Theoretical Physics LaboratoryUniversity of Bejaia-06000. 
Algeria.E-mail: abdeslam.houari at univ-bejaia.dz & habdslam at 
yahoo.frhttps://sites.google.com/site/houariabdeslam/homepagePhone: +213 34 21 
53 04Fax: +213 34 21 59 86Cell phone: +213 551 36 29 01 (emergency only 

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] query on k-points with MP

2012-01-10 Thread Stefano Baroni
> -- 
> From: Ajit Vallabhaneni
> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 7:38 AM
> To: PWSCF Forum
> Subject: [Pw_forum] query on k-points with MP
> Dear users,
>   I am doing some scf calculations with K-points specified by the 
> Monkhorst-Pack grid scheme. In the output file,  only the k-points in the 
> IBZ are shown. Is there any way i can see all the K-points in the entire BZ? 
> I just want to make sure certain K points are included.

They are not. Only points in the IBZ are actually used, and the sums of the IBZ 
are then symmetrized with respect to the point group of the system.

On Jan 10, 2012, at 5:33 AM, Peter Wang wrote:

> You can give k-points in input file explicitly, that is, you write them one 
> by one. I think this may work.

It will. If you want just to make sure that the code work as you expect (it 
does, if your expectations are correct), you may want to compare the results 
produced by k-pt sampling in the IBZ, with those produced by feeding the 
computer with k-pts over the entire BZ, as Peter Wang suggest ...


Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center - Trieste
http://stefano.baroni.me [+39] 040 3787 406 (tel) -528 (fax) / stefanobaroni 

La morale est une logique de l'action comme la logique est une morale de la 
pens?e - Jean Piaget

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[Pw_forum] phonon frenquecies convergences

2012-01-10 Thread Stefano Baroni

On Jan 9, 2012, at 12:17 PM, Paolo Giannozzi wrote:

> On Mon, 2012-01-09 at 10:11 +, hichem bouderba wrote:
>> Suppose that one performs a convergence study for just one q-point
>> (say Gamma for example), is it reasonable to expect that results will
>> be reliable for other q-points ?
> if you check convergence wrt cutoff, or wrt k-points in insulators, 
> I would say it is reliable. Convergence wrt k-points may be very 
> tricky in metals, though, due to the presence of Kohn anomalies.

One more word of caution. You should understand what convergence stems from. If 
you think about it, you will realize that phonon frequencies depend critically 
on electronic screening. The latter, in turn, is expressed in terms of the 
independent-electron susceptibility, whose expression contains differences 
between empty and conduction energies at the denominator. That's the technical 
reason for Kohn anomalies. I do not have examples handy, but I could imagine 
cases where E_c(k+q)-E_v(k) may depend sensitively on q (typically, in a 
semi-metal), for which the convergence of phonon frequencies on q may be not so 
obvious. Again, I think that Paolo's answer is correct as a rule of thumb, but 
you better make sure you understand why ...


Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center - Trieste
http://stefano.baroni.me [+39] 040 3787 406 (tel) -528 (fax) / stefanobaroni 

La morale est une logique de l'action comme la logique est une morale de la 
pens?e - Jean Piaget

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