[Pw_forum] volume optimization

2012-01-31 Thread berber mo

how to optimize the volume of the following system:
a =15.95 A? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? b = 19.53 A? c =15.95 A?
alpha=90  ? beta =90 ??? ?? gamma 
=144.73 ?
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[Pw_forum] Negative stress(vacuum) in vc-relax's last scf

2012-01-31 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Tue, 2012-01-31 at 10:31 -0500, Bahadir Altintas wrote:

> For bfgs steps, it converges around 0.01 Kbar
> but last scf shows -500Kbar  total stress

this is the typical observed behavior when the cutoff is very low

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Ultrasoft Pseudopotential of Eu

2012-01-31 Thread Tram Bui
Dear Nicola, Hanghui and Trinh,

 I'm sorry for interupting but I've been trying to find someone who
have had experiences with generating an ultrasoft pseudopotential for QE,
and I saw your email back and forth so I just want to give it a shot to ask
you couple of questions. Please accept my apology for any inconvenience.
 By the way, I've tried to generate an US PP for Cs and have not
get much luck with it. To be honest I really don't have any background on
PP, so it was really tough for me to be able to understand what each
variable means and how to determine them (even though I have read the PP
generation notes for QE users, and several papers or information online
about PP). So would you spare me some time and give me some guidance on how
to build a meaningful input file for PP generation?
For Cs (Z=55), I want to include the 5s, 5p and 6s state for my
valence and below is the input file I have build so far (it is not running
correctly though). However, there are several things that I'm still unclear

 config='[Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p6 6s1 ',
till this part, I understand that is to run the all-electron (AE)

 rlderiv=4.20, (here I'm not quite sure how one can come up with the
value for rlderiv, in this case I used the radius at most outpeak, 6s, from
the AE wfc plot), so is it a right approach to obtain rlderiv? and what
effect does it have on pseudizing the wfc process? is this the same as the
cut of radius?
 nld=3, For this value, I assume that I want to include 3 energy state,
5s 5p 6s, so I need to have 3 number of logarithmic derivative. is that
 lloc=0, here, from the ld1-input.txt, i know the lloc has to be equal
to the last lls # in the card list below (in this case =0), but what does
it mean by the "local chanel"? (what is a local chanel?) if I have lloc=0
here, does it mean that my local chanel is the 5s ?
6S 1 0 1.00 0.00 4.20 4.50
6S 1 0 0.00 1.00 4.00 4.50
5P 2 1 6.00 0.00 1.60 1.60
5S 1 0 2.00 0.00 1.40 1.40
 For the wfc configuration above,
- what does it indicate when one have difference (or the same) rcuts for
norm-conversing and US PP?
- when rcuts of US and NC are difference, why do one need two
- In the case of when the second row is needed when rcuts are different,
based on what one can determine the value for the "ener" (energy used to
pseudize correspoding state)? I only know what it ener is zero for bound
state, but most of the examples i looked at, everyone was using a nonzero
value when they have another row for the same wfc( e.g. 6s in this case),
does it mean the second row is the unbound state?

I'm really sorry for the long email and the color code i used if that is
bothering you. I'm doing this all alone without any help of any expert
around here. So things are very confusing to me especially when it comes to
quantum physics in which I have very limited understanding. I really
appreciate any input you have for me.

Best Regards,
Tram Bui

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Vo, Trinh (388C) wrote:

> Dear Nicola,
> I am working on generating pseudo potentials for a few elements of
> Lanthanides too, but so far I am not successful yet (it is still bad).  I
> appreciate if you could share with me your parameter input.
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Trinh
> On 4/27/11 10:30 AM, "Nicola Marzari" 
> wrote:
> > On 4/27/11 5:45 PM, hanghui chen wrote:
> >> Dear PWscf community,
> >>   I am wondering if any one has succeeded in generating the
> >> ultrasoft pseudopotential of Eu, using uspp-736. Now in the literature,
> >> for most of the work that involves Eu, the calculation is done with VASP
> >> where the pseudopotential is provided in its own library.
> >>   Thank you very much indeed.
> >>
> >> Hanghui Chen
> >> Department of Physics,
> >> Yale University
> >
> >
> > Dear Hanghui,
> >
> > we have a test one normconserving, with f electrons in the valence, and
> > an ultrasoft one, with f electrons in the core. This is part of a
> > project developing and testing lanthanides pseudos, to be released later
> > on, but if you want to give them a try, I can send them to you (would
> > be great to have some test feedback).
> >
> > nicola
> >
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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Tram Bui

M.S. Materials Science & Engineering
trambui at u.boisestate.edu
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[Pw_forum] NaN values for Tc calculations

2012-01-31 Thread Bahadir Altintas

I have some problem in calculation of Tc of a system with spacegroup 166 

1. By adapting the example07 to my system, I tried to calculate Tc but I 
got NaN values for both omega_log and T_c values in lambda.out also all 
values are NaN in alpha2F.dat

In my calculation: there is no problem with phononDos btu i can not be 
able to get any values for Tc. i am really confused.

P.S: there is no problem for Tc calculations of Li-fcc structure.

thanks if anyone has any suggestions

Bahadir Altintas
SUY Buffalo-USA
Dept. Chem

[Pw_forum] BEC from DFPT

2012-01-31 Thread Сергей Николаев
Dear all,
I am trying to calculate Born effective charges from DFTP for the 
spin-polarized system. However, these systems must be treated as metallic 
(scf-calculation with occupations='smearing').
The problem is that ph.x complains about my calculation, but the system has an 
insulator behavior.
Are there any methods to solve this problem?
Sergey Nikolaev
Department of theoretical physics and applied mathematics
Ural Federal University
Yekaterinburg, Russia

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[Pw_forum] query on e-ph tutorial

2012-01-31 Thread GAO Zhe
This problem happens during diagonalize the matrix. At least there are two 
methods to solve this problem: Firstly, changing the diagonalization method to 
CG, which requires to modify the PH code; secondly, increasing empty bands by 
"nbnd" parameter in the input file of pw.x.

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2012-01-30 22:48:10,"Ajit Vallabhaneni"  wrote:
>Dear Paolo,
>Sorry for sending my response to your personal email. I didn't 
> see it before.Here is my question.
> I tried example 7 with the same parameters given. But the 
> al.elph.in (with nq1=nq2=nq3=4) was terminated with the following message: 
>Band Structure Calculation
> Davidson diagonalization with overlap
> %%
> from cdiaghg : error #19
> diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed
> %%
> stopping ...
>Is this because of the small mesh size (16x16x16)?
>Pw_forum mailing list
>Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] matdyn input explanation

2012-01-31 Thread Bahadir Altintas
I have a question about matdyn input file in elphon calculations. ihow 
to define coordinates in matdyn.in.freq file? are those the coordinates 
along the special points on BZ?


Bahadir Altintas, PhD
University at Buffalo

[Pw_forum] Negative stress(vacuum) in vc-relax's last scf

2012-01-31 Thread Bahadir Altintas

I am getting negative stress around -500 Kbar for the SCF procedure at the end
for the vc-relax. is it normal or should it be 0.00 Kbar? For bfgs steps, it
converges around 0.01 Kbar but last scf shows -500Kbar  total stress. ewald is
the same for latest bfgs and scf.  I am confused. any explaination?
I use QE 4.3.2 fhi.UPF(converted from abinit LDA_FHI pseudpotentials using
fhi2upf), ecutwfc is 45 Ry and K-mesh is 8 8 8 automatic.
i think convvergence thresholds are enough as D-12 for energy D-8 for forces.

thank you

Bahadir Altintas, PhD
Department of Chemistry(Visiting Scholar)


[Pw_forum] phonon life time

2012-01-31 Thread Tribhuwan Pandey
Dear Professor Baroni

Sorry if my question is so trivial. 
I think Reciprocal space is Fourier transform of the real space so as theIFCs.
When we calculate Harmonic IFCs there is  a command called q2r.x which converts 
reciprocal space IFCs to real space by taking Fourier Transform .
But in the case of harmonic IFCs this is not the case. For my work i need 
an-harmonic IFCs  in real space that whys i wanted to know whether Quantum 
espresso calculates those in real space or reciprocal space. 

Thanks a lot for your response


On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 7:02 AM, Stefano Baroni  wrote:
I beg your pardon? What is the difference between a "real-space" and a 
"reciprocal-space" lifetime? SB

Stefano Baroni, Trieste -- swift message written and sent on the go

On 30/gen/2012, at 16:06, Tribhuwan Pandey  

> Hi all,
>   I am calculating phonon life time using D3 code.So i want to know 
> that whether those life time are in reciprocal space or in real space.
> any help in this regard will be appreciated
> -- 
> Best
> Tribhuwan
> With Regards
> Tribhuwan Pandey
> Research Scholar
> Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
> ___
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> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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With Regards
Tribhuwan Pandey
Research Scholar
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

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[Pw_forum] Help with atomic relaxation (Issue with convergence)

2012-01-31 Thread Vikas Varshney
 3.128121670  >
>>>   0.112338146   1.0894947470
>>   0   0
>> > O0.731082457   1.495864856   5.396064158
>> > Al  -0.00812   0.01493   4.556157709
>> > Al 2.394734647  >
>>>   1.382602298   8.876166342
>> > Al   0.0   2.765201880   0.2438705150   0   0
>> > Al   0.0   0.0   1.9351186180   0   0
>> > Al 2.3947345401.382602230   6.225550857
>> > Al  -0.7   2.765202952  10.790402310
>> > Al  -0.00362   0.02278   8.430662634
>> > Al 2.3947354751.382602563  12.021576409
>> > Al  -0.00581   2.765202130   4.047340256
>> > Al   0.00075   0.02190  11.054412333
>> > Al 2.3947348401.382601177 2.258435418
>> > Al  -0.00323   2.765202460   6.730673987
>> >Ni  -0.016734   -0.025515   15.297379
>> >Ni   1.180634   -2.099417   15.297379
>> >Ni  -1.214101   -2.099417   15.297379
>> >Ni  -2.411469   -0.025515   15.297379
>> > K_POINTS automatic
>> >4 4 1   0 0 0
>>Guido Fratesi
>>Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
>>Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
>>via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy
>>Pw_forum mailing list
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>> <http://www.democritos.it/**mailman/listinfo/pw_forum<http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum>
>> >
>>Guido Fratesi
>>Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
>>Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
>>via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy
> --
> Guido Fratesi
> Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
> Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
> via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy
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