[Pw_forum] Follow up on thread: unitary matrix u

2012-02-09 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Feb 9, 2012, at 21:25 , Shela Aboud wrote:

> some of my q-points (G-M in graphene) have only a "-1" for each
> of the real x,y,z-components of one atom and zero everywhere
> else as written under "modes" in the electron-phonon output file.

written where exactly? from your description and the mentioned e-mail,
these look like the irreps, i.e. the displacement patterns used to  
the calculation. Phonon displacements are calculated at the end and look
like phonons.

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] How we can give Temperature to equilibrium system (T=o)

2012-02-09 Thread GAO Zhe
You can obtain thermodynamics properties at finite temperature by calculating 
phonon (ph.x) and treating phonon through QHA method. If temperature was high, 
you may need an-harmonic calculation by d3.x

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2012-02-09 22:49:27,"bramha pandey"  wrote:

Dear QE users...

i want to know how we can introduce the temperature in our equilibrium 
system(i.e after running scf with proper setting of lattice parameter, ecut and 
k point, we get ground state total energy(T=0) in scf run).

As i read somewhere that SCF will gives the minimum total energy at T=0, 
because in DFT there is no term of temperature.
May be i am wrong but can we introduce temperature  by changing the any 
parameter in input file of pw.x.  Actualy i want to generate the  phonon by the 
thermal excitation  in my input file by increasing the temperature of my system 
or any other means by which i can generate  phonon for thermo-dynamical  
property calculation of the system.

Any type of help will be appreciable .

Thanks and Regards
Bramha Prasad Pandey
Assistant Professor (Electronics and Communication Engg)
GLA Group of Institutions, Mathura.
Ph. No. 08954143009
email id pandey.bramha at gmail.com
bpglaitm at yahoo.co.in
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[Pw_forum] optimisation

2012-02-09 Thread bhabya sahoo
i have a question about the optimisation

1. for optimising the internal coordinates and lattice parameter i have
used 4*4*4  kpoint grid it converged in 10 steps
   and i get the lattice parameters and internal parameters at equilibrium
  but when i incresed the kpoint mesh to 8*8*8
   then the forces   on atoms are large so my equilibrium parametes changes
  so how can i start  whether i should use
   higher kpoint mesh from start of my calculation?

sahu b
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[Pw_forum] Calculation stopped at the beginning of ph.x process

2012-02-09 Thread GAO Zhe
 Dear QE developer and users:
At first, I want to say thanks to Alex Kohlmeyer, who made me realized I still 
can run the calculation by normal user access.
I compiled pw.x and ph.x, again, by mpich2 1.4.1p1 which was compiled by PGI 
fortran 9.0 (trial version). The pw.x calculation among 12 nodes (24 cores) was 
very nice. But when I run the ph.x, the calculation stopped at the initial step.
The terminate displayed as:
mpirun -machinefile nodes -np 24 ${KKK}/ph.x -npool 3 -in ${KKK}/binary.ph.in > 
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0) - process 2
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0) - process 23
And I checked the output file, binary.ph.out, it did not show the information 
about process stopping:
 Parallel version (MPI), running on24 processors
 K-points division: npool =3
 R & G space division:  proc/pool =8

 Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials

   Info: using nr1, nr2, nr3 values from input

   Info: using nr1s, nr2s, nr3s values from input
 Message from routine read_ions :
 PP will be read from ./

 Parallelization info
 sticks:   dense  smooth PW G-vecs:dense   smooth  PW
 Min 253 253 72 8611 86111298
 Max 254 254 73 8614 86141301
 Sum202520255776889168891   10395

 Dynamical matrices for ( 3, 3, 3,)  uniform grid of q-points
 (   4q-points):
   N xq(1) xq(2) xq(3)
   1   0.0   0.0   0.0
   2   0.0   0.0   0.3
   3   0.0   0.3   0.3
   4   0.3   0.3   0.3

 Calculation of q =0.000   0.000   0.000
rank 3 in job 73  node01_35097   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 3: killed by signal 9
rank 22 in job 73  node01_35097   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 22: killed by signal 9
Why did this problem occurred? I ran the same input file in my own computer, 
with mpich2 1.4.1p1 and ifort 12. It worked well at least up to the "break 
point". Is this problem caused by the fortran compilor PGI 9.0?
Looking forward to any suggestion.
Thanks a lot.

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea
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[Pw_forum] How we can give Temperature to equilibrium system (T=o)

2012-02-09 Thread bramha pandey
Dear QE users...

i want to know how we can introduce the temperature in our equilibrium
system(i.e after running scf with proper setting of lattice parameter, ecut
and k point, we get ground state total energy(T=0) in scf run).

As i read somewhere that SCF will gives the minimum total energy at T=0,
because in DFT there is no term of temperature.
May be i am wrong but can we introduce temperature  by changing the any
parameter in input file of pw.x.  Actualy i want to generate the  phonon by
the thermal excitation  in my input file by increasing the temperature of
my system or any other means by which i can generate  phonon for
thermo-dynamical  property calculation of the system.

Any type of help will be appreciable .

Thanks and Regards
Bramha Prasad Pandey
Assistant Professor (Electronics and Communication Engg)
GLA Group of Institutions, Mathura.
Ph. No. 08954143009
email id pandey.bramha at gmail.com
bpglaitm at yahoo.co.in
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[Pw_forum] large system parallel execution problem

2012-02-09 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Feb 9, 2012, at 19:17 , German Samolyuk wrote:

> I have problems with memory for this task. As I understand k-points
> parallelisation does not distribute memory [...] Did I understand  
> it wrong?

no, you understood well. It seems to me strange, however, that so much
memory is needed. Your job is big but not horribly big.

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] large system parallel execution problem

2012-02-09 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Wed, 2012-02-08 at 17:58 -0500, German Samolyuk wrote:

> The program runs electronic structure self consistency and calculate forces
> but stops at first structure optimization step. Do you know possible reason.

since "OOM killer terminated this process", you should discover who OOM
killer is (hint: Out Of Memory?)

For a better parallelization, you should run with -npool 8

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Fwd: Uranium pseudopotenial

2012-02-09 Thread Gabriele Sclauzero

Or maybe it has been implemented only recently... indeed, just today I've found 
some examples of ld1 input files 
where semicore states have the same L as valence states. Check the ps_library 
input files (see http://qe-forge.org/projects/pslibrary/)...


Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

> Da: Gabriele Sclauzero 
> Data: 09 febbraio 2012 10.54.08 GMT+01.00
> A: German Samolyuk 
> Oggetto: Re: [Pw_forum] Uranium pseudopotenial
> Dear German,
>> How I can add 6s state in the basis of Uranum pseudopotential?
>> I could not find any example for two channels with the same L and
>> different principal number,
>that's simply because this possibility is not implemented in ld1.x. 
> Maybe other codes can do this, you could try to search on the forum archives 
> for some related information, I remember that there were discussions about 
> that in the past.
> GS
> ? Gabriele Sclauzero, EPFL SB ITP CSEA
>PH H2 462, Station 3, CH-1015 Lausanne

? Gabriele Sclauzero, EPFL SB ITP CSEA
   PH H2 462, Station 3, CH-1015 Lausanne

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[Pw_forum] Calculation stopped at the beginning of ph.x process

2012-02-09 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Thu, 2012-02-09 at 22:15 +0800, GAO Zhe wrote:

> I ran the same input file in my own computer, with mpich2 1.4.1p1 
> and ifort 12. It worked well at least up to the "break point". 
> Is this problem caused by the fortran compilor PGI 9.0?

likely so. Try to run with debug flags; if it is not a compiler
bug you should get some more info


Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Identifying the phonon mode from eigen vector

2012-02-09 Thread Stefano Baroni
>  If asked to bet, I would say that modes whose displacements in the unit cell 
> are "more parallel" would have a more "optic character" 

Of, course, I meant "acoustic character". Sorry for the misunderstanding.


[Pw_forum] LDA+U+non-collinear magnetism

2012-02-09 Thread Magdalena Birowska
Dear users;

Does LDA+U work with non-collinear magnetism?

best regards
Magdalena Birowska
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[Pw_forum] Uranium pseudopotenial

2012-02-09 Thread German Samolyuk
Dear Gabriele,

Thank you.

The Fe.pbe-spn-rrkjus.in is what I'm looking for.


On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Gabriele Sclauzero
> Or maybe it has been implemented only recently... indeed, just today I've
> found some examples of ld1 input files
> where semicore states have the same L as valence states. Check
> the?ps_library input files (see?http://qe-forge.org/projects/pslibrary/)...
> GS
> Inizio messaggio inoltrato:
> Da: Gabriele Sclauzero 
> Data: 09 febbraio 2012 10.54.08 GMT+01.00
> A: German Samolyuk 
> Oggetto: Re: [Pw_forum] Uranium pseudopotenial
> Dear German,
> How I can add 6s state in the basis of Uranum pseudopotential?
> I could not find any example for two channels with the same L and
> different principal number,
> ? ?that's simply because this possibility is not implemented in ld1.x.
> Maybe other codes can do this, you could try to search on the forum archives
> for some related information, I remember that there were discussions about
> that in the past.
> GS
> ? Gabriele Sclauzero,?EPFL SB ITP CSEA
> ?? PH H2 462, Station 3,?CH-1015 Lausanne
> ? Gabriele Sclauzero,?EPFL SB ITP CSEA
> ?? PH H2 462, Station 3,?CH-1015 Lausanne

[Pw_forum] large system parallel execution problem

2012-02-09 Thread German Samolyuk
Dear Paolo,

Thank you.

About -npool 8:
I have problems with memory for this task. As I understand k-points
parallelisation does not distribute memory
but will take processors from r,k-parallelisation, these two
distribute memory, and effectively it will increase memory I'll need
to run the task.
Did I understand it wrong?


On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Paolo Giannozzi  
> On Wed, 2012-02-08 at 17:58 -0500, German Samolyuk wrote:
>> The program runs electronic structure self consistency and calculate forces
>> but stops at first structure optimization step. Do you know possible reason.
> since "OOM killer terminated this process", you should discover who OOM
> killer is (hint: Out Of Memory?)
> For a better parallelization, you should run with -npool 8
> P.
> --
> Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Your message to Pw_forum awaits moderator approval

2012-02-09 Thread Shela Aboud
Dear Moderator, 

I sent this post to the forum with the wrong email list and I wanted to let you 
know that I have registered as a a member.


pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org
12:25 PM (38 minutes ago)

to me 
Your mail to 'Pw_forum' with the subject

   Follow up on thread: [Pw_forum] unitary matrix u

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

   Post by non-member to a members-only list

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
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Shela Aboud
Sr. Research Associate
367 Panama St. GES 077A
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2220
shela.aboud at stanford.edu
(650) 721-2276

[Pw_forum] Follow up on thread: unitary matrix u

2012-02-09 Thread Shela Aboud
I have searched the Pw_forum but was not able to find a response to a
previous post. I am including the portion of the original post that I
am curious about below. I have the same question. After running my
electron-phonon calculations some of my q-points (G-M in graphene)
have only a "-1" for each of the real x,y,z-components of one atom and
zero everywhere else as written under "modes" in the electron-phonon
output file. I assumed "modes" corresponded to the phonon
eigenvectors, but this would imply 6 optical modes at some q values
which is not correct (although along different symmetry lines it looks
like the correct format for eigenvectors).

Thank you,

Part of original Post:

Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 12:05:53 -0400
Subject: [Pw_forum] unitary matrix u
Message-ID: <2C1C44865AA64068BE6465660B5DEA6E at ece.ncsu.edu>

".there is always only one nonzero component. For
instance, the first eigenvector is (-1,0,0,0,0,0). Obviously, all six
eigenvectors are orthonormal, which is how it's supposed to be.

But here is what bothers me. For acoustic phonon modes, the unit cell moves
as a whole, i.e. both atoms must move with the same phase. So I expect to
see something like  (1/sqrt(2),0,0, 1/sqrt(2),0,0), instead of
(-1,0,0,0,0,0). For optical branches on the other hand, two atoms have the
opposite phase (the center of mass of the unit cell does not move), so I
would expect to see something like (1/sqrt(2),0,0, -1/sqrt(2),0,0). My
understanding is this: if every eigenvector has only one nonzero component,
it means that in each mode, one atom is not moving at all!

Maybe, I misunderstood the meaning of components of the matrix u?

Shela Aboud
CEES Sr. Research Scientist
367 Panama St. GES 077A
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2220
shela.aboud at stanford.edu
(650) 721-2276

[Pw_forum] The iotk error occurrd in ph.x

2012-02-09 Thread GAO Zhe
Dear Axel, thank you very much.
I will try ifort+mpich2 in my own directory, hoping it works and the newest 
ifort 12 can work in Fedora 7.

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2012-02-08 22:12:02,"Axel Kohlmeyer"  wrote:
>2012/2/8 GAO Zhe :
>> Dear QE developer and users
>> I am using an old cluster for calculation, where mpich2 1.2.1 was compiled
>> by gortran 4.1.2 in Fedora 7 x86_64.
>> The pw.x calculations were fine, but when I was executing ph.x, the iotk
>> error occurred (no matter multi-nodes or single-core, this error occurred as
>> soon as the input file read by ph.x) :
>> # ERROR IN: iotk_scan_end (iotk_scan.f90:241)
>> # CVS Revision: 1.23
>> # foundl
>> # ERROR IN: iotk_close_read (iotk_files.f90:746)
>> # CVS Revision: 1.20
>> As I known, such a problem is due to the bug of compiler, i.e., gfortran
>> 4.1.2. However, since I just have the normal user authority in this cluster,
>> I cannot upgrade gfortran or install other fortran compiler. Even mpich2 was
>> installed in /usr, so I cannot re-compile it.
>yes, you can compile and install both the GCC compilers
>(including gfortran) and the MPI library without superuser
>privilege and override the system defaults. it just takes
>some effort and requires reading of the corresponding
>documentation. i have done both many times on very
>different machines without having root access.
>> In such a case, do I have to give up the phonon calculaitons in this cluster
>> ?
>> --
>> GAO Zhe
>> CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
>> Seoul National University, South Korea
>> ___
>> Pw_forum mailing list
>> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
>> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
>Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
>akohlmey at gmail.com  http://goo.gl/1wk0
>College of Science and Technology
>Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.
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