[Pw_forum] problem with average.x (average potential) calculation

2012-04-09 Thread Tram Bui
Dear All QE Users,

I did an average.x calculation for my bulk SiC structure. I know the
process includes: scf calculation, pp.x to obtain 3D potential, then
average.x to obtain macroscopic 1D potential. For an input file of
average.x calculation, and I defined the nfile=1, since I have only one
data file from pp.x calculation. I got an error say: "nfile value is
wrong". Would you please give me some suggestion on what might be the issue?

Thank you very much,

Tram Bui

M.S. Materials Science & Engineering
trambui at u.boisestate.edu
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[Pw_forum] Error in running the pwcond.x

2012-04-09 Thread pankaj sahota
> The LNM IIT Jaipur
> Mob. No. +91 9736694726

Pankaj Kumar
DST Project Fellow(Ph.D.)
Department of Physics
The LNM IIT Jaipur
Mob. No. +91 9736694726
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[Pw_forum] Ba pseudopotential for spin-orbit calculations

2012-04-09 Thread Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
Is there any Ba pseudopotential available that can be used for spin-orbit
calculations (generated with fully relativistic hamiltonian).

Eduardo Menendez Proupin
Departamento de Qu?mica Fisica Aplicada
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Aut?noma de Madrid
28049 Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 91 497 6706

On leave from: Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de
Chile URL: http://fisica.ciencias.uchile.cl/~emenendez

"*Padece, espera y trabaja para gentes que nunca conocer? y que a su vez
padecer?n, esperar?n y trabajar?n para otros, que tampoco ser?n felices,
pues el hombre ans?a siempre una felicidad situada m?s all? de la porci?n
que le es otorgada. Pero la grandeza del hombre est? precisamente en querer
mejorar lo que es. En imponerse Tareas. En el Reino de los Cielos no hay
grandeza que conquistar, puesto que all? todo es jerarqu?a establecida,
inc?gnita despejada, existir sin t?rmino, imposibilidad de sacrificio,
reposo y deleite. Por ello, agobiado de penas y de Tareas, hermoso dentro
de su miseria, capaz de amar en medio de las plagas, el hombre puede hallar
su grandeza, su m?xima medida en el Reino de este Mundo*".
Alejo Carpentier, El reino de este mundo, (1949).

"...man never knows for who he suffers and waits. He suffers and waits and
works for peoples he will never meet, and who at the same time will suffer
and wait and work for others who will also not be happy, as man always
desires a happiness that is beyond the lot that he is given. But the
greatness of man is precisely in wanting to improve what he is. In
assigning himself Tasks. In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no greatness to
conquer, for everything there is an established hierarchy, the unknown is
unobscured, existence is without end, sacrifice, rest, and delight are
impossibilities. Therefore, overwhelmed with hardships and Tasks, beautiful
within his misery, capable of loving in the middle of calamity, man can
only find his greatness, his full self-realization, in the Kingdom of this
World." - Alejo Carpentier
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[Pw_forum] Error in running the pwcond.x

2012-04-09 Thread pankaj sahota

I am running the transport calculation of carbon chains. I am gettig the
following error with espresso-4.3.2:

# ERROR IN: iotk_scan_dat_aux (iotk_dat+REAL2_0.f90:1403)
# CVS Revision: 1.27
# ERROR IN: iotk_scan_dat (iotk_dat+REAL2_0.f90:1582)
# CVS Revision: 1.27
# Error reading data

MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.
mpiexec has exited due to process rank 0 with PID 23750 on
node c2411.tusker.hcc.unl.edu exiting improperly. There are two reasons
this could occur:

1. this process did not call "init" before exiting, but others in
the job did. This can cause a job to hang indefinitely while it waits
for all processes to call "init". By rule, if one process calls "init",
then ALL processes must call "init" prior to termination.

2. this process called "init", but exited without calling "finalize".
By rule, all processes that call "init" MUST call "finalize" prior to
exiting or it will be considered an "abnormal termination"

This may have caused other processes in the application to be
terminated by signals sent by mpiexec (as reported here).

But I the program runs perfectly fine with espresso-4.2.

Please help me to resolve the problem.
Thanks in advance.

Pankaj Kumar
DST Project Fellow(Ph.D.)
Department of Physics
The LNM IIT Jaipur
Mob. No. +91 9736694726
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[Pw_forum] help on convergence

2012-04-09 Thread GAO Zhe
Dear Ibrahim
at least, you need to:
1, increasing your ecutwfc little bit, 25Ry is normally not good enough;
2, adding ecutrho, which should be equal to 8~12 times of ecutwfc, due to you 
were using ultrasoft pp
3, the most important one, you'd better add crystal after ATOMIC_POSITIONS, I 
remember the default one may be alat.

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2012-04-08 21:08:47,"bamidele ibrahim"  wrote:

Dear all,
 I am working on TiO2 and running scf for this compound, i have not been able 
to get a convergence. I will be delighted if i can get help on this from any 
expert. I have with this mail the input file for the scf.
Adetunji Bamidele Ibrahim(PhD Student)
Department of physics,University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta, Ogun State,Nigeria.
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