[Pw_forum] convergence not achieved .related problem

2012-04-27 Thread m rostami
Dear users
I have been trying to relax a graphene structure with a vacancy but
many erros stoped optimization and convergence not achieved.like

1. Efermy cannot braket :
2. to0 many bands not coveraged

for solving the errors I have chenged these parametrs

 increasing ecutoff to 60 and ecuthro to 720 .increasing edeguss to
0.07 and changing diagnolization from cg to david  . I have tested
smearing for m-v and mp .increasing nbands from   70 to 120  too .but
optimization didnt achived .I appreciate if any one helpe me .

my input file is :

pseudo_dir = '/media/espresso-4.2/pseudo/',
etot_conv_thr=1.0D-3 ,
forc_conv_thr=1.0D-2 ,

ibrav=  4, celldm(1) =13.9506, celldm(3)=1.667,nat=35, ntyp= 1,nbnd=120
   ecutwfc =80.0,ecutrho = 900,
  conv_thr=1.D-8 ,
C  1.00  C.blyp-mt.UPF
8 8 1 0 0 0

I am not sure about these questions to0 :.

1.in example 3 the atomic weight for different atoms is set to 1 in
relax process.is this correct? as I did for carbon (ATOMIC_SPECIES
C  1.00  C.blyp-mt.UPF)
I am not sure about k-point .is 8 8 1 0 0 0  enough for this structure
with 10 A` vaccum .

how many nbands I should for coverage ?

wich diagnbolization is better david or cg ?

mixing_beta should be around 0.1-0.3?

thanks alot

Melika Rostami
Master Student of Sharif University

[Pw_forum] pw bands calculation crash

2012-04-27 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Fri, 2012-04-27 at 15:04 +0100, Davide Tiana wrote:

> Application 1981542 exit codes: 139
> Application 1981542 exit signals: Killed

it looks like an out-of-bounds memory error

> Any suggestion?

0) the usual suggestions apply: 
1) locate where the code crashes, either with a debugger or
the dumb way, with print statements.

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] convergence NOT achieved after 100 iterations: stopping

2012-04-27 Thread GAO Zhe
How about trying to fix the movement for BN-sheet and just move H atoms. The 
BN-sheet may achieve a concavity during "relax" process. For the absorption of 
H2, the concavity will vanish and a plane-BN finally be obtained. But for 
single H atom, I am not sure whether one can ignore such an effect.
By the way, is it reasonable that only one H atom was absorped instead of 
diatom H2 molecule?

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2012-04-27 09:20:20,"Cao TF"  wrote:

Dear QE users
Recently, I have done some calculation of BN sheet with hydrogen atoms adsorbed 
on it. The problem is that when I let hydrogen atoms adsorb on the N atoms. The 
calculation is hard to converge. Although, I have changed mixing_beta and the 
number of K points. The problem have not been solved. Dose anyone have some 
experience on such kind of calculations? Any suggestions will be greatly 
appreciated. Here is my input file.

title = 'graphene layer' ,
calculation = 'relax' ,
restart_mode = 'restart' ,
outdir = './tmp' ,
pseudo_dir = '/lustre/ISSP2/tfcao/pseudo' ,
prefix = 'graphene' ,
tprnfor = .TRUE. ,
nstep = 400 ,

ibrav = 8 ,
a = 15.026832 , b = 13.014 , c = 15.0 ,
nat = 74 ,
ntyp = 3 ,
starting_magnetization(1) = 0.5 ,
occupations = 'smearing' ,
nosym = .TRUE. ,
degauss = 0.005 ,
smearing = 'mp' ,
nspin = 2 ,
ecutwfc = 30.0 ,
ecutrho = 300.0 ,

conv_thr = 1.0d-7 ,
mixing_mode = 'local-TF' ,
mixing_beta = 0.1 ,
diagonalization = 'cg' ,

ion_dynamics = 'bfgs' ,
pot_extrapolation = 'atomic' ,

B 10.811 B.pbe-n-van.UPF
N 14.00674 N.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
H 1.0 H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
N 0.000 0.000 0.5000 0 0 0
B 0.000 0.1100 0.5000
N 8.0005E-02 0.1700 0.5000
B 8.0005E-02 0.2800 0.5000
N 0.000 0.3299 0.5000
B 0.000 0.4400 0.5000
N 8.0005E-02 0.5000 0.5000
B 8.0005E-02 0.6099 0.5000
N 0.000 0.6597 0.5000
B 0.000 0.7696 0.5000
N 8.0005E-02 0.8296 0.5000
B 8.0005E-02 0.9394 0.5000
N 0.1700 0.000 0.5000
B 0.1700 0.1100 0.5000
N 0.2500 0.1700 0.5000
B 0.2500 0.2800 0.5000
N 0.1700 0.3299 0.5000
B 0.1700 0.4400 0.5000
N 0.2500 0.5000 0.5000
B 0.2500 0.6099 0.5000
N 0.1700 0.6597 0.5000
B 0.1700 0.7696 0.5000
N 0.2500 0.8296 0.5000
B 0.2500 0.9394 0.5000
N 0.3400 0.000 0.5000
B 0.3400 0.1100 0.5000
N 0.4198 0.1700 0.5000
B 0.4198 0.2800 0.5000
N 0.3400 0.3299 0.5000
B 0.3400 0.4400 0.5000
N 0.4198 0.5000 0.5000
B 0.4198 0.6099 0.5000
N 0.3400 0.6597 0.5000
B 0.3400 0.7696 0.5000
N 0.4198 0.8296 0.5000
B 0.4198 0.9394 0.5000
N 0.5101 0.000 0.5000
B 0.5101 0.1100 0.5000
N 0.58333403 0.1700 0.5000
B 0.58333403 0.2800 0.5000
N 0.5101 0.3299 0.5000
B 0.5101 0.4400 0.5000
N 0.58333403 0.5000 0.5000
B 0.58333403 0.6099 0.5000
N 0.5101 0.6597 0.5000
B 0.5101 0.7696 0.5000
N 0.58333403 0.8296 0.5000
B 0.58333403 0.9394 0.5000
N 0.6800 0.000 0.5000
B 0.6800 0.1100 0.5000
N 0.75000101 0.1700 0.5000
B 0.75000101 0.2800 0.5000
N 0.6800 0.3299 0.5000
B 0.6800 0.4400 0.5000
N 0.75000101 0.5000 0.5000
B 0.75000101 0.6099 0.5000
N 0.6800 0.6597 0.5000
B 0.6800 0.7696 0.5000
N 0.75000101 0.8296 0.5000
B 0.75000101 0.9394 0.5000
N 0.8498 0.000 0.5000
B 0.8498 0.1100 0.5000
N 0.91666800 0.1700 0.5000
B 0.91666800 0.2800 0.5000
N 0.8498 0.3299 0.5000
B 0.8498 0.4400 0.5000
N 0.91666800 0.5000 0.5000
B 0.91666800 0.6099 0.5000
N 0.8498 0.6597 0.5000
B 0.8498 0.7696 0.5000
N 0.91666800 0.8296 0.5000
B 0.91666800 0.9394 0.5000
H 0.5000 0.6600 0.56900670
H 0.6800 0.3300 0.56900670
K_POINTS {automatic}
8 8 1 0 0 0
Teng Fei Cao
Research Laboratory for Computational Materials Sciences,
Instutue of Solid State Physics,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O.Box 1129, Hefei 230031, P.R.China
Tel: 86-551-5591464-326(office)
Fax: 86-551-5591434
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[Pw_forum] pw bands calculation crash

2012-04-27 Thread Davide Tiana
Dear all,
After optimised a molecule I tried to calculate the band structure but  
pw crashes and I can't figure out why.

The optimisation step should be fine(here it converge immediately  
since I rerun my previous calculation):

 BFGS Geometry Optimization

  bfgs converged in   1 scf cycles and   0 bfgs steps
  (criteria: energy < 0.10E-03, force < 0.10E-02)

  Final energy   =-646.2249695321 Ry
Begin final coordinates

C0.953315090   0.000413805   0.235484404
H1.009939685   0.169442779   0.056058275
H1.044496546   0.158711398  -0.056214459
End final coordinates

  Writing output data file mol_a.save

This run was terminated on:  13: 4:41  27Apr2012


but when I run pw.x to calculate bands it crashes

  Atomic positions and unit cell read from directory:

  Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
  a serial algorithm will be used

Application 1981542 exit codes: 139
Application 1981542 exit signals: Killed
Application 1981542 resources: utime ~2s, stime ~2s
My input should not contain any errors. I used it for other systems  
similar to this one and it works. just in case:

H  1.007   H.pw91-van_ak.UPF
Zn 65.409  Zn.pw91-n-van.UPF
C   0.952835  0.50  0.826917

Zn   0.0.50  0.191590
K_POINTS {crystal}
0 0  0 1
0 0 .1 2
0 0 .2 3
0 0 .3 4
0 0 .4 5
0 0 .5 6
0 0 .6 7
0 0 .7 8
0 0 .8 9
0 0 .9 10
0 0  1 11

Any suggestion?
thanks a lot

[Pw_forum] convergence NOT achieved after 100 iterations --- related question

2012-04-27 Thread Hande Ustunel
Dear Nicola,

Many thanks for the prompt reply.

> first question - would mp work?

This we haven't tried. Since mv and mp give very similar numerical results
for a given smearing width I guess I thought I should try something a bit
different, i.e. gauss.

> In terms of "structure" of the smearing function, gaussian is
> the smoothest, then mv, then mp. So if there were an intrinsic problem
> with states at the fermi energy, it should be even more apparent in
> mp .

I see. I'll surely take a look at mp then.

> As a general comment, the role of smearing is to help improve the
> accuracy of k-point sampling - and so the 0.01-.02 you are using
> is exactly in the right ball park.

Sure. Actually using a larger kpoint set sometimes helps but it gets a bit
tricky because if you've run a number of calculations with a smaller kpoint
set (say for a publication), then you want to stick to that. So sometimes
we actually try with a larger set and then once (if) we see convergence
revert back to the one we want. This only works about half the time
though. Our g-Al2O3 + precious metal atom calculations were particularly
notorious so we got to try this close to about 20-30 times.

> A side effect (a positive one) for smearing is to help convergence
> in iterative algorithms (as in PWSCF) - for that side effect,
> 0.01-0.02 is actually small, and so the more "structure" of
> mv or mp could hamper the iterative convergence. So you could try
> converging first with a larger smearing (.04 to .08), and then restart
> with the "right" one. I'd be somewhat surprised to see much difference
> between gaussian/mp/mp for say 0.07 Ry ~ 1 eV of smearing. Of
> course, such a large smearing shoudl be used only to help
> get convergence, and then reduced.

Oh, wow. We haven't done that since I'm a bit scared of large smearings but
this is a great suggestion. We do make use of a similar trick though,
namely going back and forth between an initial gauss shot followed by mv
but I'm afraid this works even less than half the time. But I will
definitely give this a shot and report back the result.

Many thanks once again.
Best wishes,

Hande Toffoli
Department of Physics
Office 439
Middle East Technical University
Ankara 06531, Turkey
Tel : +90 312 210 3264

[Pw_forum] k-point

2012-04-27 Thread bf azi
Dear all

whether the number of k-points in final result of relax is effective?

[Pw_forum] convergence NOT achieved after 100 iterations --- related question

2012-04-27 Thread Hande Ustunel
Dear PWSCF community,

While we are on the subject of convergence, I would like to inquire about
something that we have consistently been observing in a very large number
of the systems we have studied (examples being metal atoms on g-Al2O3, CeO2
surfaces etc). While gaussian smearing consistently produces convergence
without problems at first shot for a smearing width of 0.01-0.02, we
frequently have problems with mv smearing (our favorite) for the same
width. Systematically exploring a giant portion of 6 or 7-dimensional
parameter space (kpoints, smearing width, vacuum length so forth)
eventually results in convergence with mv but we usually have to fiddle a
lot; with gauss instead, anything basically works. Would anyone be able to
confirm this experience or better still provide some insight on the
realtive ease of using mv vs gauss?

Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Hande Toffoli

Hande Toffoli
Department of Physics
Office 439
Middle East Technical University
Ankara 06531, Turkey
Tel : +90 312 210 3264

[Pw_forum] convergence NOT achieved after 100 iterations --- related question

2012-04-27 Thread Nicola Marzari

Hi Hande,

first question - would mp work?

In terms of "structure" of the smearing function, gaussian is
the smoothest, then mv, then mp. So if there were an intrinsic problem
with states at the fermi energy, it should be even more apparent in
mp .

As a general comment, the role of smearing is to help improve the
accuracy of k-point sampling - and so the 0.01-.02 you are using
is exactly in the right ball park.

A side effect (a positive one) for smearing is to help convergence
in iterative algorithms (as in PWSCF) - for that side effect,
0.01-0.02 is actually small, and so the more "structure" of
mv or mp could hamper the iterative convergence. So you could try
converging first with a larger smearing (.04 to .08), and then restart
with the "right" one. I'd be somewhat surprised to see much difference
between gaussian/mp/mp for say 0.07 Ry ~ 1 eV of smearing. Of
course, such a large smearing shoudl be used only to help
get convergence, and then reduced.


On 27/04/2012 10:47, Hande Ustunel wrote:
> Dear PWSCF community,
> While we are on the subject of convergence, I would like to inquire about
> something that we have consistently been observing in a very large number
> of the systems we have studied (examples being metal atoms on g-Al2O3, CeO2
> surfaces etc). While gaussian smearing consistently produces convergence
> without problems at first shot for a smearing width of 0.01-0.02, we
> frequently have problems with mv smearing (our favorite) for the same
> width. Systematically exploring a giant portion of 6 or 7-dimensional
> parameter space (kpoints, smearing width, vacuum length so forth)
> eventually results in convergence with mv but we usually have to fiddle a
> lot; with gauss instead, anything basically works. Would anyone be able to
> confirm this experience or better still provide some insight on the
> realtive ease of using mv vs gauss?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Best regards,
> Hande Toffoli
> --
> Hande Toffoli
> Department of Physics
> Office 439
> Middle East Technical University
> Ankara 06531, Turkey
> Tel : +90 312 210 3264
> http://www.physics.metu.edu.tr/~hande
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum


Prof Nicola Marzari, Chair of Theory and Simulation of Materials, EPFL

[Pw_forum] query on kpoints.x

2012-04-27 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Wed, 2012-04-25 at 02:10 -0400, Ajit Vallabhaneni wrote:

> I want to know whether the format for k points output by kpoints.x 
> is tpiba or not ? 

I think so. This is something you can easily verify

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] convergence NOT achieved after 100 iterations: stopping

2012-04-27 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Fri, 2012-04-27 at 09:20 +0800, Cao TF wrote:

> The problem is that when I let hydrogen atoms adsorb on the N atoms,
> the calculation is hard to converge.

you should start with a smaller, more manageable calculation,
experiment a bit with parameters. It is hard to say anything
for a relatively large system without investing a sizable
amount of time and computer resources.

> nosym = .TRUE. , 

you shouldn't use this unless you have a good reason 

> degauss = 0.005 , 

it looks small to me

> nspin = 2 , 

you have 2 H atoms, so the system might be unpolarized.
Try no spin first

> starting_magnetization(1) = 0.5 , 

in any event, start with magnetization on H atoms, not on N or B

> diagonalization = 'cg' , 

you shouldn't use this unless you have a good reason 

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] convergence NOT achieved after 100 iterations: stopping

2012-04-27 Thread Cao TF

Research Laboratory for Computational Materials Sciences,
Instutue of Solid State Physics,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O.Box 1129, Hefei 230031, P.R.China
Tel: 86-551-5591464-326(office)
Fax: 86-551-5591434 


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