[Pw_forum] symmetry operation not allowed

2012-05-18 Thread karan deep
i am trying to relax monoclinic lattice (space group no. 14) with 20 atoms
in unit cell.
pwscf is not detecting symmetry with warning

 warning: symmetry operation #  2 not allowed.   fractional translation:
   0.4988459  0.473 -0.500  in crystal coordinates
after some search i come to now

i have to specify nr1 nr2 nr3 manually  to achive
abs (ft1 - nint (ft1) ) / nr1 < 1.0d-5  for all three translations.

but i am getting very high values(1) of nr1 and nr3  to achieve this
but nr2=100,110 works well
but high values of nr1, nr3 are not spotted.how can i get rid of this error.

Secondly my system has four symmetry operations E, C2 , i, Sh
while system is only detecting E
no warnings for i, Sh are given

any help will be greatly appreciated

Research Scholar
Physics Department,
IIT,  Delhi
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[Pw_forum] Splitting phonon calculation over q point and irr

2012-05-18 Thread Lorenzo Paulatto
On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 5:30 PM, Rui Mao  wrote:

> The symbolic link works well, and I do not need to copy PREFIX.save around
> now.
> Thank you for your help!
in case you still need it in the future, I've attached the modified files
for using separate directories, they only apply to QE 5.0

good work

Lorenzo Paulatto IdR @ IMPMC/CNRS & Universit? Paris 6
phone: +33 (0)1 44275 084 / skype: paulatz
www:   http://www-int.impmc.upmc.fr/~paulatto/
mail:  23-24/4?16 Bo?te courrier 115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris C?dex 05
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[Pw_forum] Surface Band structure calculation

2012-05-18 Thread Victor Meng'wa
Dear QE users,
i've done bands calculation,when i check my output on every kpoint there's
this message after computation,
that implies a significant number of eigenvalues in the c_bands  have not
 Computing kpt #: 9
 c_bands:  4 eigenvalues not converged
 total cpu time spent up to now is 6412.1 secs

 Computing kpt #:10
 c_bands:  4 eigenvalues not converged
 total cpu time spent up to now is 7113.1 secs
this is almost repetitive almost for every kpoint
when i do the plotband.x ,i can't  get the bands since theres an error

Reading  72 bands at73 k-points
Error reading k-point #1
then it stops.
part of my input looks like:
 prefix = 'SnOru_exc1',
 tstress = .t.,
 tprnfor = .t.,
 etot_conv_thr = 1.d-5,
 forc_conv_thr = 1.d-4
 verbosity = 'high'

 celldm(1)= 53.7129,
 nat=  53, ntyp= 2,
 ecutwfc =30,ecutrho = 280,
 occupations='smearing', smearing='Gaussian', degauss=0.005
  diagonalization = 'david'
  mixing_mode = 'local-TF',
  mixing_beta = 0.3,
  conv_thr = 1.0e-8,
  Sn 50.011

   O 15.9994


please i've been unable to i dentify why eigenvalues in the C_bands do not
converge and could this be reason why i get the error in
reading the k-points and how   can i correct this?
please assist

P.O BOX 1125,
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[Pw_forum] Fwd: Re: A long relaxation

2012-05-18 Thread Pedro Augusto F. P. Moreira
   Thanks, Guido.

Are atoms moving considerably, meanwhile?

Yes, they are.

do you really need so large ecutrho and small mixing_beta?

There is no necessity about a large ecutrho. Which value do you think is 
more suitable?

For mixing_beta, I tried the default value, but the program always 
stopped with some error, which I do not remember anymore. Then, I 
followed the suggestion of FAQs to try a value between 0.1 and 0.3..

Pedro Moreira

 Mensagem original 
Assunto:Re: [Pw_forum] A long relaxation
Data:   Fri, 18 May 2012 09:44:24 +0200
De: Guido Fratesi 
Para:   pw_forum at pwscf.org

Dear Pedro,

if the energy is decreasing you are not trapped in a local minimum (not
yet, at least: maybe you are approaching it).

  From the extract you sent us, forces are rather increasing than
oscillating, and if the energy is instead decreasing that suggests me
that your system started close to some saddle point or energy maximum,
then after some relaxation steps it found some stronger energy gradient
and started following it.
Are atoms moving considerably, meanwhile?

PS do you really need so large ecutrho and small mixing_beta?


On 05/17/2012 08:07 PM, Pedro Augusto F. P. Moreira wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am doing a relaxation which is consuming a very long time. My input
>  is below, but I think it is OK, because there is nothing wrong with my
>  output and the system energies are decreasing .
> However, I have noted that the total forces and the forces acting on
>  each atoms have oscillated a lot. I summarized below the total forces,
>  which are showed in the end of each SC calculation.
> Is it right? Or could the program find a local minimum and cannot get
>  out of it (or anything similar)?
> Thanks a lot,
> Pedro
>  Total forces#
> Total force = 0.162129 Total SCF correction = 0.46
> Total force = 0.131410 Total SCF correction = 0.039799
> Total force = 0.199885 Total SCF correction = 0.004809
> Total force = 0.254130 Total SCF correction = 0.004143
> Total force = 0.285538 Total SCF correction = 0.003092
> Total force = 0.339246 Total SCF correction = 0.001453
> Total force = 0.419218 Total SCF correction = 0.000630
> Total force = 0.509140 Total SCF correction = 0.000243
> Total force = 0.593476 Total SCF correction = 0.000133
> Total force = 0.534968 Total SCF correction = 0.000206
> Total force = 0.431853 Total SCF correction = 0.004582
> Total force = 0.308932 Total SCF correction = 0.000404
>  #Input
>  &control
>pseudo_dir = '/quantum-espresso/espresso/pseudo/',
>tprnfor = .true.,
>nstep = 1000,
>  /
>  &system
>ibrav = 4, celldm(1) = 17.8749, celldm(3) = 0.7241,
>nat = 42, ntyp = 4,
>ecutwfc = 52.0, ecutrho = 900.0,
>  /
>  &electrons
>electron_maxstep = 500
>mixing_beta = 0.1,
>  /
>  &ions
>  /
> Ca 40.0780 Ca.pz-n-vbc.UPF
> P 30.9738 P.pz-van_ak.UPF
> O 15.9994 O.pz-van_ak.UPF
> F 18.99840 F.pz-van_asa.UPF
>  .
>  .
>  .
>  ##

Guido Fratesi

Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy
Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org

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[Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization

2012-05-18 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

Sorry, Elio Pacchioni is a friend of mine whom I confused with professor 
Gianfranco Pacchioni...:-)

On Friday 18 May 2012 12:10:22 Paolo Giannozzi wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-05-18 at 12:01 +0200, Giuseppe Mattioli wrote:
> > Elio Pacchioni
> "Elio" (i.e. Helium in English) would be a very appropriate name
> for a quantum chemist, but his name is actually Gianfranco
> P.


- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et ?gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent ?tre fond?es que sur l'utilit? commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et 
imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libert?,
la propri?t?, la s?ret? et la r?sistance ? l'oppression.

   Giuseppe Mattioli
   v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
   I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)  
   Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316

[Pw_forum] Change in the behavior of "Reply"

2012-05-18 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
Please note that the behavior of this mailing list with 
respect to the "Reply" command has been reverted to the 
previous "Reply-to munging" option, that is: if you hit 
"Reply", the message will go to the mailing list, not to 
the poster. So please THINK before hitting "Reply" (think
EVEN MORE before hitting "Send"), avoid unnecessary or
inappropriate traffic in this mailing list.

Here is a reminder of the guidelines for posting:

Before posting, please: browse or search the archives ? links are
available in the Contacts page of the quantum ESPRESSO web site.
Most questions are asked over and over again. Also: make an attempt to
search the available documentation, notably the FAQ, the User Guide, 
and the Input Data Description. The answer to most questions is already
  * Sign your post with your name and affiliation.
  * Choose a meaningful subject. Do not use ?Reply? to start a new
thread: it will confuse the ordering of messages into threads
that most mailers can do. In particular, NEVER use ?Reply? to a
  * Be short: no need to send 128 copies of the same error message
just because this is what came out of your 128-processor run. No
need to send the entire compilation log for a single error
appearing at the end.
  * Avoid excessive or irrelevant quoting of previous messages. Your
message must be immediately visible and easily readable, not
hidden into a sea of quoted text.
  * Remember that even experts cannot guess where a problem lies in
the absence of sufficient information. One piece of information
that must always be provided is the version number you are
  * Remember that the mailing list is a voluntary endeavour: nobody
is entitled to an answer, even less to an immediate answer.
Please check in the archive if your e-mails have gone through
before thinking or even worse complaining that nobody is
answering my questions.
  * Finally, please note that the mailing list is not a replacement
for your own work, nor is it a replacement for your thesis
director?s work.

Reporting BUGS

  * Problems should be reported to the pw_forum mailing list, NOT to
a single developer
  * Before reporting an unexpected behavior as a problem, 
  * check your input data: most problems originate from
  * if you have a problem with examples, look for the error
message printed by the code in the output file: few
things irritate developers  like messages saying "I got
error 137 in example 24", or "What does error # 1924
  * carefully read the error message issued by the code, if
present: sometimes it explains everything. For the
provided examples, you must look inside the output
  * trust the code if it says "this doesn?t exist" or "this
is wrong"!
  * check if a similar or same problem hasn?t already been
  * Before deciding that a problem is due to a bug in the codes,
verify if it is reproducible on different
machines/architectures/phases of the moon: erratic or
irreproducible problems, especially in parallel execution, are
often an indication of buggy compilers or libraries
  * Bug reports should preferably be filed using the bug tracking
facility of qe-forge.org:
  * Bug reports should include enough information to be reproduced,
e.g. version number (mandatory!), hardware/software
combination(s) for which the problem arises, whether it happens
in serial or parallel execution or both, and, most important, an
input and output exhibiting such behavior (fast to execute if
possible). The error message alone is usually not a sufficient
piece of information. Segmentation violation or obscure MPI
error messages are NEVER a sufficient piece of information. 
Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization

2012-05-18 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Fri, 2012-05-18 at 12:01 +0200, Giuseppe Mattioli wrote:

> Elio Pacchioni

"Elio" (i.e. Helium in English) would be a very appropriate name
for a quantum chemist, but his name is actually Gianfranco

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization

2012-05-18 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

Dear Huazhong Liu
Flicking through some literature...? Excess electrons in TiO2 (bulk, surface, 
nanostructures, ...) 
are one of the most investigated issues in theoretical (and experimental) 
condensed matter, physical 
chemistry, surface chemistry, environmental science, ..., papers.
I avoid to cite papers of mine (noblesse oblige), but you can find many papers 
by Annabella Selloni 
and Elio Pacchioni which should be quite interesting...

On Friday 18 May 2012 08:53:24 Jia Chen wrote:
> Hi Huazhong,
> Only problem I can spot is that the smearing is a little bit too large.
> Room temperature is only 23meV, degauss = 0.002Ry would be more reasonable.
> I guess the situation is that the single electron should be a d state of
> Ti, but PBE functional makes it a delocalized state and the system becomes
> metallic, then big smearing completely eliminates magnetization... Just my
> guess...
> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 9:58 PM, Huazhong Liu  wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > 
> >  I have got a problem of spin-polarization calculation. I put one H
> > 
> > atom onto the stoichiometric TiO2 surface. I think that is must have
> > magnetic properties after I optimized the adsorption system. But I didn't
> > find the magnetism in the system after the calculation. Here are the
> > parameters which set for spin-polarization calculation:
> > ...
> > 
> >  /
> >  &system
> >  
> > ibrav=..
> > nat=49  , ntyp=3,
> > nspin=2,
> > starting_magnetization(1)= 0.5
> > starting_magnetization(2)= 0.5
> > starting_magnetization(3)= 0.5
> > ecutwfc=30.0,
> > ecutrho=300.0,
> > occupations='smearing', smearing='gauss', degauss=0.02,
> >  
> >  /
> > 
> > 
> >  Ti   47.867   Ti.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF
> >  O15.9994  O.pbe-van_ak.UPF
> >  H1.00794  H.pbe-van_ak.UPF
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > I got the result as below:
> >   The total energy is the sum of the following terms:
> >  one-electron contribution =  -12795.07240972 Ry
> >  hartree contribution  =6472.21004247 Ry
> >  xc contribution   =-456.66736582 Ry
> >  ewald contribution=3879.97911645 Ry
> >  smearing contrib. (-TS)   =  -0.01329486 Ry
> >  
> >  total magnetization   = 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
> >  absolute magnetization= 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
> >  
> >  convergence has been achieved in  10 iterations
> > 
> > ..
> > 
> > Will you please find any problem in my parameters? Why I can not get the
> > magnetism of the system?  Thank you!
> > 
> > regards,
> > Huazhong Liu
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Pw_forum mailing list
> > Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> > http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum


- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et ?gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent ?tre fond?es que sur l'utilit? commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et 
imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libert?,
la propri?t?, la s?ret? et la r?sistance ? l'oppression.

   Giuseppe Mattioli
   v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
   I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)  
   Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316

[Pw_forum] Determining Bandgap with DOS

2012-05-18 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

Dear Izaak
Wurtzite ZnO is a very (VERY) nasty semiconductor... I find a PBE band gap of 
0.8 eV, in agreement 
with previous investigations. Hybrid functionals, as HSE with alpha=0.25, do 
not heal the whole of 
it; you find something around 2.2 eV (If you are interested, I can cite several 
papers). This is due 
to the very narrow Zn 3d band which is very strongly affected by delocalisation 
(aka self-
interaction) errors. The conduction band minimum (CBM) appears as a tiny 
feature (the 0.5 eV one, I 
suppose) in your DOS because the CB is sharply peaked around Gamma, so that 
even if your calculation 
is well converged wrt energy, forces, stress, ..., you do not achieve a good 
sampling around the 
CBM. How can you cure it? It depends on your final purpose, which I suppose is 
not the band structure 
of a 4-atoms cell... You mat write directly to me if you are going to look for 
further advice.


On Thursday 17 May 2012 23:43:45 Izaak Williamson wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to calculate the electronic bandgap for wurtzite ZnO using
> the attached plot of DoS (E), where the Fermi level is represented by a
> vertical
> dashed-line and EV represents the valence band maximum.
> My question is, should I use EC1 or EC2 as my conduction band minimum?
> If I use EC1, the bandgap is ~0.5eV but if I consider those states at
> that point negligible and use EC2 then the bandgap is ~1.5eV. (NOTE:
> the experimental bandgap is 3.36eV.)
> Thanks for the help.


- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et ?gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent ?tre fond?es que sur l'utilit? commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et 
imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libert?,
la propri?t?, la s?ret? et la r?sistance ? l'oppression.

   Giuseppe Mattioli
   v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
   I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)  
   Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316

[Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization

2012-05-18 Thread Huazhong Liu
Dear all,
 I have got a problem of spin-polarization calculation. I put one H atom 
onto the stoichiometric TiO2 surface. I think that is must have magnetic 
properties after I optimized the adsorption system. But I didn't find the 
magnetism in the system after the calculation. Here are the parameters which 
set for spin-polarization calculation:
nat=49  , ntyp=3,
starting_magnetization(1)= 0.5
starting_magnetization(2)= 0.5
starting_magnetization(3)= 0.5
occupations='smearing', smearing='gauss', degauss=0.02,
 Ti   47.867   Ti.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF
 O15.9994  O.pbe-van_ak.UPF
 H1.00794  H.pbe-van_ak.UPF

I got the result as below:
  The total energy is the sum of the following terms:

 one-electron contribution =  -12795.07240972 Ry
 hartree contribution  =6472.21004247 Ry
 xc contribution   =-456.66736582 Ry
 ewald contribution=3879.97911645 Ry
 smearing contrib. (-TS)   =  -0.01329486 Ry

 total magnetization   = 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
 absolute magnetization= 0.00 Bohr mag/cell

 convergence has been achieved in  10 iterations

Will you please find any problem in my parameters? Why I can not get the 
magnetism of the system?  Thank you!

Huazhong Liu
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[Pw_forum] A long relaxation

2012-05-18 Thread Guido Fratesi
Dear Pedro,

if the energy is decreasing you are not trapped in a local minimum (not 
yet, at least: maybe you are approaching it).

 From the extract you sent us, forces are rather increasing than 
oscillating, and if the energy is instead decreasing that suggests me 
that your system started close to some saddle point or energy maximum, 
then after some relaxation steps it found some stronger energy gradient 
and started following it.
Are atoms moving considerably, meanwhile?

PS do you really need so large ecutrho and small mixing_beta?


On 05/17/2012 08:07 PM, Pedro Augusto F. P. Moreira wrote:
>Dear all,
>I am doing a relaxation which is consuming a very long time. My input
> is below, but I think it is OK, because there is nothing wrong with my
> output and the system energies are decreasing .
>However, I have noted that the total forces and the forces acting on
> each atoms have oscillated a lot. I summarized below the total forces,
> which are showed in the end of each SC calculation.
>Is it right? Or could the program find a local minimum and cannot get
> out of it (or anything similar)?
>Thanks a lot,
> Total forces#
>Total force = 0.162129 Total SCF correction = 0.46
>Total force = 0.131410 Total SCF correction = 0.039799
>Total force = 0.199885 Total SCF correction = 0.004809
>Total force = 0.254130 Total SCF correction = 0.004143
>Total force = 0.285538 Total SCF correction = 0.003092
>Total force = 0.339246 Total SCF correction = 0.001453
>Total force = 0.419218 Total SCF correction = 0.000630
>Total force = 0.509140 Total SCF correction = 0.000243
>Total force = 0.593476 Total SCF correction = 0.000133
>Total force = 0.534968 Total SCF correction = 0.000206
>Total force = 0.431853 Total SCF correction = 0.004582
>Total force = 0.308932 Total SCF correction = 0.000404
> #Input
> &control
>   calculation='relax',
>   restart_mode='from_scratch',
>   pseudo_dir = '/quantum-espresso/espresso/pseudo/',
>   outdir='/quantum-espresso/espresso/tmp/',
>   prefix='ap5',
>   tprnfor = .true.,
>   nstep = 1000,
> /
> &system
>   ibrav = 4, celldm(1) = 17.8749, celldm(3) = 0.7241,
>   nat = 42, ntyp = 4,
>   ecutwfc = 52.0, ecutrho = 900.0,
> /
> &electrons
>   electron_maxstep = 500
>   mixing_beta = 0.1,
> /
> &ions
>   ion_dynamics='bfgs',
> /
>Ca 40.0780 Ca.pz-n-vbc.UPF
>P 30.9738 P.pz-van_ak.UPF
>O 15.9994 O.pz-van_ak.UPF
>F 18.99840 F.pz-van_asa.UPF
> .
> .
> .
> ##

Guido Fratesi

Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy

[Pw_forum] Determining Bandgap with DOS

2012-05-18 Thread Guido Fratesi
Dear Izaak,

a few preliminary questions you might find helpful answering before 
going on:

- have you used a sufficient number of k points?

- have you used a sufficiently dense energy grid in the plot?

- how is it possible that the curve "without smearing" is more smeared 
than the one "with smearing"? Check what default values are.

- why do you indicate by arrows not the state found in the DOS, but the 
energy point at which your gaussian (of arbitrary width indeed) looks 
different from zero?

- why not looking at eigenvalues printed by pw.x on output to get the 
real (computed) numbers? (Yet the DOS plot is helpful to get an overview)

Hope this helps.

On 05/17/2012 11:43 PM, Izaak Williamson wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to calculate the electronic bandgap for wurtzite ZnO using
> the attached plot of DoS (E), where the Fermi level is represented by a
> vertical
> dashed-line and EV represents the valence band maximum.
> My question is, should I use EC1 or EC2 as my conduction band minimum?
> If I use EC1, the bandgap is ~0.5eV but if I consider those states at
> that point negligible and use EC2 then the bandgap is ~1.5eV. (NOTE:
> the experimental bandgap is 3.36eV.)
> Thanks for the help.

Guido Fratesi

Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy

[Pw_forum] [Q-e-developers] [Pw_users] Change in the number of qe-forge users

2012-05-18 Thread Nichols A. Romero
You may also want to take a look at assembla.com to see if the pricing
is cheaper. I use it for another project, but it has much fewer

Lastly, googlecode is free.

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 2:27 AM, Layla Martin-Samos
> Dear Giovanni, if I am not wrong github is for git version management. Most
> of the projects on qe-forge use svn or cvs. When we decide to move from cvs
> to svn we also have considered the possibility of moving to git. However, as
> we say in italianish "we know our chickens", and the "unlimited" freedom
> that gives git could have introduced many coordination issues in the quantum
> ESPRESSO global management.
> thank you for your suggestion
> Layla
> 2012/5/18 Giovanni Cangiani 
>> what about github ?
>> best,
>> Giovanni
>> --
>> Giovanni Cangiani
>> On May 18, 2012, at 8:58, Layla Martin-Samos 
>> wrote:
>> > Dear all, we are thinking in moving qe-forge from fusionforge to gforge.
>> > Unfortunately it seems that gforge ask for a commercial License which
>> > pro-year prince will depends on the number of users. As all of you know, 
>> > nor
>> > Quantum ESPRESSO nor qe-forge have any direct financial support, so we can
>> > not afford big expenses. In order to reduce potential costs of the gforge
>> > commercial License, our system administrator has eliminated all the 
>> > qe-forge
>> > users that are not bound to any qe-forge project. Depending on the License
>> > price then or we move to gforge or we stay with fusionforge. In any case we
>> > will let you know in order to rationalize the qe-forge users.
>> >
>> > Sorry for the inconvenience, best regards
>> >
>> > Layla
>> > ___
>> > Pw_users mailing list
>> > Pw_users at pwscf.org
>> > http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_users
>> ___
>> Q-e-developers mailing list
>> Q-e-developers at qe-forge.org
>> http://qe-forge.org/mailman/listinfo/q-e-developers
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Nichols A. Romero, Ph.D.
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
Argonne, IL 60490
(630) 447-9793

[Pw_forum] [Q-e-developers] [Pw_users] Change in the number of qe-forge users

2012-05-18 Thread Layla Martin-Samos
Dear Giovanni, if I am not wrong github is for git version management. Most
of the projects on qe-forge use svn or cvs. When we decide to move from cvs
to svn we also have considered the possibility of moving to git. However,
as we say in italianish "we know our chickens", and the "unlimited" freedom
that gives git could have introduced many coordination issues in the
quantum ESPRESSO global management.

thank you for your suggestion


2012/5/18 Giovanni Cangiani 

> what about github ?
> best,
> Giovanni
> --
> Giovanni Cangiani
> On May 18, 2012, at 8:58, Layla Martin-Samos 
> wrote:
> > Dear all, we are thinking in moving qe-forge from fusionforge to gforge.
> Unfortunately it seems that gforge ask for a commercial License which
> pro-year prince will depends on the number of users. As all of you know,
> nor Quantum ESPRESSO nor qe-forge have any direct financial support, so we
> can not afford big expenses. In order to reduce potential costs of the
> gforge commercial License, our system administrator has eliminated all the
> qe-forge users that are not bound to any qe-forge project. Depending on the
> License price then or we move to gforge or we stay with fusionforge. In any
> case we will let you know in order to rationalize the qe-forge users.
> >
> > Sorry for the inconvenience, best regards
> >
> > Layla
> > ___
> > Pw_users mailing list
> > Pw_users at pwscf.org
> > http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_users
> ___
> Q-e-developers mailing list
> Q-e-developers at qe-forge.org
> http://qe-forge.org/mailman/listinfo/q-e-developers
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[Pw_forum] Quantum ESPRESSO Highlights 2011, thank s to all contributors

2012-05-18 Thread Layla Martin-Samos
Dear all, as you have probably noticed in our new HOME page we have
introduced 4 immages that correspond to the "call for immages and quantum
ESPRESSO highlights 2011" that we sent to pw_forum some months ago. We
would like to thank all the participants for their kind contribution. At
the end of the year we will renew the call for Quantum ESPRESSO highlights

good work and "May the GIMP be with you" ;-)

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[Pw_forum] Fwd: electron phonon

2012-05-18 Thread bhabya sahoo
-- Forwarded message --
From: bhabya sahoo 
Date: Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:38 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Pw_forum] electron phonon
To: PWSCF Forum 

-- Forwarded message --
From: bhabya sahoo 
Date: Wed, May 16, 2012 at 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] electron phonon
To: Lorenzo Paulatto 

my q2r.x input is given is there any problem
 zasr='simple',  fildyn='tac.dyn', flfrc='tac0444.fc', la2F=.true.

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Lorenzo Paulatto <
lorenzo.paulatto at impmc.upmc.fr> wrote:

> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 6:36 AM, bhabya sahoo  wrote:
>> what is the problem ? is there i have to increse kpoint or decrese qpoint
>> grid
> Neither, there is a problem in your q2r.x input.
> best regards
> --
> Lorenzo Paulatto IdR @ IMPMC/CNRS & Universit? Paris 6
> phone: +33 (0)1 44275 084 / skype: paulatz
> www:   http://www-int.impmc.upmc.fr/~paulatto/
> mail:  23-24/4?16 Bo?te courrier 115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris C?dex 05
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[Pw_forum] Change in the number of qe-forge users

2012-05-18 Thread Layla Martin-Samos
Dear all, we are thinking in moving qe-forge from fusionforge to gforge.
Unfortunately it seems that gforge ask for a commercial License which
pro-year prince will depends on the number of users. As all of you know,
nor Quantum ESPRESSO nor qe-forge have any direct financial support, so we
can not afford big expenses. In order to reduce potential costs of the
gforge commercial License, our system administrator has eliminated all the
qe-forge users that are not bound to any qe-forge project. Depending on the
License price then or we move to gforge or we stay with fusionforge. In any
case we will let you know in order to rationalize the qe-forge users.

Sorry for the inconvenience, best regards

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[Pw_forum] [Q-e-developers] Change in the number of qe-forge users

2012-05-18 Thread Filippo Spiga
Dear Layla,

why moving from fusionforge to gforge? What about Trac 
(http://trac.edgewall.org/)? I mean, the point is? what exactly gforge has that 
we do need? And what if we will not use some of those advanced and fancy 
features that gforge will provide?

You mention a "pro-year price" that depends by the number of users. Just for 
curiosity, can you tell us with the current number of users how much is this 


Mr. Filippo SPIGA, HPC and GPU Technologist 
website: http://filippospiga.me  ~  skype: filippo.spiga

?Nobody will drive us out of Cantor's paradise.? ~ David Hilbert

On May 17, 2012, at 11:58 PM, Layla Martin-Samos wrote:
> Dear all, we are thinking in moving qe-forge from fusionforge to gforge. 
> Unfortunately it seems that gforge ask for a commercial License which 
> pro-year prince will depends on the number of users. As all of you know, nor 
> Quantum ESPRESSO nor qe-forge have any direct financial support, so we can 
> not afford big expenses. In order to reduce potential costs of the gforge 
> commercial License, our system administrator has eliminated all the qe-forge 
> users that are not bound to any qe-forge project. Depending on the License 
> price then or we move to gforge or we stay with fusionforge. In any case we 
> will let you know in order to rationalize the qe-forge users.
> Sorry for the inconvenience, best regards

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[Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization

2012-05-18 Thread Jia Chen
Hi Huazhong,

Only problem I can spot is that the smearing is a little bit too large.
Room temperature is only 23meV, degauss = 0.002Ry would be more reasonable.
I guess the situation is that the single electron should be a d state of
Ti, but PBE functional makes it a delocalized state and the system becomes
metallic, then big smearing completely eliminates magnetization... Just my

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 9:58 PM, Huazhong Liu  wrote:

> Dear all,
>  I have got a problem of spin-polarization calculation. I put one H
> atom onto the stoichiometric TiO2 surface. I think that is must have
> magnetic properties after I optimized the adsorption system. But I didn't
> find the magnetism in the system after the calculation. Here are the
> parameters which set for spin-polarization calculation:
> ...
>  /
>  &system
> ibrav=..
> nat=49  , ntyp=3,
> nspin=2,
> starting_magnetization(1)= 0.5
> starting_magnetization(2)= 0.5
> starting_magnetization(3)= 0.5
> ecutwfc=30.0,
> ecutrho=300.0,
> occupations='smearing', smearing='gauss', degauss=0.02,
>  /
>  Ti   47.867   Ti.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF
>  O15.9994  O.pbe-van_ak.UPF
>  H1.00794  H.pbe-van_ak.UPF
> ...
> I got the result as below:
>   The total energy is the sum of the following terms:
>  one-electron contribution =  -12795.07240972 Ry
>  hartree contribution  =6472.21004247 Ry
>  xc contribution   =-456.66736582 Ry
>  ewald contribution=3879.97911645 Ry
>  smearing contrib. (-TS)   =  -0.01329486 Ry
>  total magnetization   = 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
>  absolute magnetization= 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
>  convergence has been achieved in  10 iterations
> ..
> Will you please find any problem in my parameters? Why I can not get the
> magnetism of the system?  Thank you!
> regards,
> Huazhong Liu
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Jia Chen

Dept of Chemistry
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544
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