[Pw_forum] Is spin polarized vdW-DF implemented in QE 5.0?

2012-05-23 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

Dear Sahar
vdwDF itself is not defined in a open shell framework (or I suppose so... You 
should read the 
references printed at standard output by pw.x when you enforce the vdwDF 
functional). If you need 
some dispersion correction and nspin=2, you may try with the semi-empirical 
DFTD2 approach 
(london=.true. in pw.x input).


On Tuesday 22 May 2012 22:09:24 Sahar Mirshamsi wrote:
> Hi QE users and developers,
> I just want to know if spin polarized vdW-DF is implemented in QE 5.0? and
> if not, is it going to be implemented sometime soon?
> Thanks,
> Sahar Mirshamsi
> Department of Physics
> University of Florida
> ___
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   Giuseppe Mattioli
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[Pw_forum] The phonon frequency unit in matdyn.x v5.0

2012-05-23 Thread GAO Zhe
Thank you very much Prof. Giannozzi, I think I caught your idea.

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2012-05-23 00:45:57,"Paolo Giannozzi"  wrote:
>On Tue, 2012-05-22 at 11:20 +0800, GAO Zhe wrote:
>> Now, in matdyn.x v5.0, if I did not set amass(i), the output frequency
>> would be in some other unit.
>output frequencies are in the same units, but maybe the mass is not
>what you expect, or what should have been. There have been some 
>changes in the internal units of mass. From Doc/release-notes:
>  * atomic masses in the code are in amu unless otherwise stated
>This might have some unexpected consequences. 
>Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy
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