[Pw_forum] Occupation number

2012-09-08 Thread Peng Chen
Hi All,

When I tried to do GGA/GGA+U computation on Ni3V2O8, the occupation number
of Ni looks a little weird. In this compound,  d orbitals of Ni  split into
t2g (dxy, dxz,dyz) and eg (dx^2-y^2, dz^2) because of NiO6 octahedral
coordination. So the down spin will occupy t2g states. But both GGA and
GGA+U results show the occupation of dxz, dyz and dx^2-y^2. I tried to
write occupation matrix using  starting_ns_eigenvalue so that the
occupation can be dxy, dxz and dyz, but the scf calculation can not reach
convergence. Any suggestion is appreciated!

GGA after the first iteration:
  0.059  0.066  0.075  0.146  0.161
  0.009  0.001  0.000  0.000  0.990
  0.000  0.000  0.997  0.003  0.000
  0.076  0.924  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.916  0.075  0.000  0.000  0.009
  0.000  0.000  0.003  0.997  0.000
  0.160  0.001  0.000 -0.010  0.000
  0.001  0.075  0.000  0.000 -0.004
  0.000  0.000  0.066 -0.002  0.001
 -0.010  0.000 -0.002  0.060  0.000
  0.000 -0.004  0.001  0.000  0.146

GGA after scf convergence:
  0.336  0.364  0.987  0.988  0.991
  0.030  0.968  0.002  0.000  0.000
  0.001  0.000  0.026  0.822  0.151
  0.000  0.000  0.063  0.175  0.761
  0.000  0.001  0.909  0.002  0.088
  0.968  0.030  0.000  0.001  0.000
  0.364 -0.003 -0.014  0.022  0.005
 -0.003  0.988 -0.001  0.000 -0.024
 -0.014 -0.001  0.990  0.001  0.001
  0.022  0.000  0.001  0.987 -0.001
  0.005 -0.024  0.001 -0.001  0.338

GGA+U after the first iteration:
  0.071  0.079  0.095  0.157  0.172
  0.008  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.992
  0.024  0.363  0.607  0.006  0.000
  0.000  0.630  0.369  0.001  0.000
  0.967  0.006  0.018  0.000  0.008
  0.000  0.000  0.006  0.993  0.000
  0.171  0.001  0.001 -0.009  0.000
  0.001  0.089 -0.008 -0.003 -0.005
  0.001 -0.008  0.085  0.001  0.002
 -0.009 -0.003  0.001  0.072  0.000
  0.000 -0.005  0.002  0.000  0.157

GGA+U after scf convergence:
  0.265  0.306  0.995  0.996  0.996
  0.010  0.988  0.001  0.000  0.000
  0.001  0.000  0.003  0.919  0.077
  0.000  0.000  0.098  0.060  0.841
  0.000  0.001  0.897  0.020  0.082
  0.989  0.010  0.000  0.001  0.000
  0.307 -0.002 -0.014  0.023  0.004
 -0.002  0.995  0.000  0.000 -0.024
 -0.014  0.000  0.996  0.001  0.000
  0.023  0.000  0.001  0.994 -0.001
  0.004 -0.024  0.000 -0.001  0.266

  Best Regards.
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[Pw_forum] Error/Warning in Ph.x

2012-09-08 Thread ramesh kumar
Dear All

During phonon calculation i get a message like this. Tried to find the answer 
in the pw_forum got 
something similar but couldnt figure wat it is. Can anyone please help me in 
this regard

Cannot match namelist object name electron_phonon
namelist read: missplaced = sign
Cannot match namelist object name interpolated',^M

with regards

With regards

K. Ramesh Kumar
Research Scholar
Department of Physics
Chennai-600 036
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[Pw_forum] Problem with Pseudopotentials and Input Information

2012-09-08 Thread Matthew M Montemore

> your help is very much appreciated. It will be even more appreciated
> if you provide an example of a pseudopotential that works if you
> remove the input data section ( ...  I guess),
> doesn't work as is (please also provide you definition of "doesn't work":
> yields an error while reading the pseudopotential file?). I hadn't checked
> if the pseudopotentials with the new input information actually work, but
> I don't see any reason why they shouldn't (and the only one I just tried
> seems to have no problem)
> Paolo
> ---
> Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
> Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

The top of an offending pseudopotential (C for PW91) is below.  I had the same 
problem with other functionals, too.  All the PPs I tried with Lorenzo Paulatto 
as the author required me to delete  to  (as you 
surmised), and those with "ADC" as the author did not have this problem.  (I 
suppose that could be a coincidence; it was just something I noticed.)  When I 
used the C PP without deleting that section, the code would run up through 
'Reading input from qe.in' and then quit, but I don't think it gave an error 
message.  I think the only file it generated was the .out file.  As you say, it 
seems odd that this section would cause any problems, but that seems to be the 
case for me.  Hope that helps.

Matt Montemore
University of Colorado Boulder

Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso  v.5.0.1 svn rev. 9381
Author: "Lorenzo Paulatto" /paulatto at sissa.it/
Generation date: 27Aug2012
Pseudopotential type: PAW
Element:  C
Functional:  SLA  PW   GGX  GGC

Suggested minimum cutoff for wavefunctions:  37. Ry
Suggested minimum cutoff for charge density: 147. Ry
The Pseudo was generated with a Scalar-Relativistic Calculation
L component and cutoff radius for Local Potential:  2   1.1000

Valence configuration: 
nl pn  l   occ   RcutRcut US   E pseu
2S  1  0  2.00  1.000  1.300-1.014050
2P  2  1  2.00  1.000  1.450-0.392710
Generation configuration:
2S  1  0  2.00  1.000  1.300-1.014042
2S  1  0  0.00  1.000  1.300 0.05
2P  2  1  2.00  1.000  1.450-0.392707
2P  2  1  0.00  1.000  1.450 0.05
3D  3  2 -2.00  1.100  1.100 0.10

Pseudization used: troullier-martins

   config='[He] 2s2 2p2 3d-2',
   author='"Lorenzo Paulatto" ',
   which_augfun ='BESSEL',
2S  1  0  2.00  0.00  1.00  1.30  0.0
2S  1  0  0.00  0.05  1.00  1.30  0.0
2P  2  1  2.00  0.00  1.00  1.45  0.0
2P  2  1  0.00  0.05  1.00  1.45  0.0
3D  3  2 -2.00  0.10  1.10  1.10  0.0


 1.519803275924194E-004  1.538920047781704E-004  1.558277279027637E-004  
 1.597725256156700E-004  1.617822165866515E-004  1.638171863581231E-004  

[Pw_forum] comparison of ph.x and dynmat.x results

2012-09-08 Thread Elie M

Yes, I thought that the non zero negative frequencies that remained still 
signal instability. Will do what you suggested. Thanks


> Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2012 09:17:05 +0200
> From: degironc at sissa.it
> To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] comparison of ph.x and dynmat.x results
> negative (imaginary) frequencies signal instabilities.
> acoustic modes (i.e. rigid global translations on the crystal) at  
> gamma should always have zero frequencies but for numerical reasons  
> they can result in small positive or negative values that can be fixed  
> by the acoustic sum rule.
> in your case the modee at -49, 50 and 73 are the acoustic modes that  
> vanish after ASR inclusion.
> the modes around -370 are other modes and they are unstable..
> move the atoms of your structure along one of this modes and relax it again.
> this will probably break a symmetry that prevented your system to  
> reach complete relaxation
> stefano
> Quoting Elie M :
> > Dear all, I have done phonon calculations at the Gamma point to find  
> > the vibrational frequencies of a system I am working on and I got  
> > three negative frequencies; the results are:
> >  q = (0.0   0.0   0.0 )
> >   
> > **  
> >   
> >   omega( 1) = -11.303890 [THz] =-377.057178 [cm-1]  
> > omega( 2) = -11.228798 [THz] =-374.552397 [cm-1] omega(  
> > 3) =  -1.493780 [THz] = -49.827127 [cm-1] omega( 4) = 
> >1.499866 [THz] =  50.030148 [cm-1] omega( 5) =
> > 2.192955 [THz] =  73.149113 [cm-1] omega( 6) =   
> > 11.690342 [THz] = 389.947822 [cm-1] omega( 7) =   
> > 15.929343 [THz] = 531.345701 [cm-1] omega( 8) =   
> > 17.762801 [THz] = 592.503255 [cm-1] omega( 9) =   
> > 17.814756 [THz] = 594.236307 [cm-1] omega(10) =   
> > 22.128875 [THz] = 738.139807 [cm-1] omega(11) =   
> > 24.754227 [THz] = 825.712121 [cm-1] omega(12) =   
> > 25.174421 [THz] = 839.728307 [cm-1] omega(13) =   
> > 25.229402 [THz] = 841.562251 [cm-1] omega(14) =   
> > 31.677488 [THz] =1056.647257 [cm-1] omega(15) =   
> > 32.931458 [THz] =1098.475192 [cm-1] omega(16) =   
> > 32.974208 [THz] =1099.901170 [cm-1] omega(17) =   
> > 37.529033 [THz] =1251.833794 [cm-1] omega(18) =   
> > 37.585396 [THz] =1253.713860 [cm-1] omega(19) =   
> > 38.689108 [THz] =1290.529726 [cm-1] omega(20) =   
> > 44.468725 [THz] =1483.317012 [cm-1] omega(21) =   
> > 44.490793 [THz] =1484.053106 [cm-1] omega(22) =  
> > 100.618488 [THz] =3356.271501 [cm-1] omega(23) =  
> > 100.705119 [THz] =3359.161186 [cm-1] omega(24) =  
> > 103.337467 [THz] =3446.966862 [cm-1]
> > To check whether the first three freqnecies are the accoustic ones  
> > and not instabilities  i applied dynmat.x with asr='crystal' and got:
> >   mode   [cm-1] [THz]   IR1   -377.06  -11.3039 
> > 0.2   -374.55  -11.22870.3  0.000.
> >  0.4  0.000.   
> >   0.6406.11   12.17490.7531.35   15.9293  
> >0.8592.50   17.76280.9594.24
> > 17.81480.   10738.13   22.12860.   11828.85   
> >  24.84820.   12839.68   25.17300.   13841.62  
> >   25.23110.   14   1056.65   31.67750.   15
> > 1099.09   32.94980.   16   1099.25   32.95470.   17   
> >  1251.32   37.51350.   18   1253.47   37.57810.   19  
> >   1290.53   38.68910.   20   1483.05   44.46080.
> > 21   1485.30   44.52830.   22   3356.09  100.61310.   
> >  23   3359.58  100.71780.   24   3446.96  103.33730.
> > As it is seen, the freqencies are very close but the thing and the  
> > system is stable! Howevere,I could not understand is about the first  
> > 5 frequencies: i still got the first two negative but in addition i  
> > have 3 more zero frequencies; does it mean we have five accoustic  
> > modes due to the symmetry of this particular system?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > Elie KoujaesUniversity of NottsNG7 2RDUK
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
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[Pw_forum] Problem with Pseudopotentials and Input Information

2012-09-08 Thread Lorenzo Paulatto
On 8 September 2012 09:43, Paolo Giannozzi  wrote:

> > I just wanted to make the community aware of this issue and help out
> > anyone having similar problems.
Some time ago i noticed that if the "author" or "comment" field includes
the character "<" that the xml parser cannot read the pseudopotential file.
Can you check if your input falls in the same case?


Dr. Lorenzo Paulatto
IdR @ IMPMC -- CNRS & Universit? Paris 6
phone: +33 (0)1 44275 084 / skype: paulatz
www:   http://www-int.impmc.upmc.fr/~paulatto/
mail:  23-24/4?16 Bo?te courrier 115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris C?dex 05
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[Pw_forum] Problem with Pseudopotentials and Input Information

2012-09-08 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Aug 31, 2012, at 22:55 , Matthew M Montemore wrote:

> I just wanted to make the community aware of this issue and help out
> anyone having similar problems.

your help is very much appreciated. It will be even more appreciated
if you provide an example of a pseudopotential that works if you
remove the input data section ( ...  I guess),
doesn't work as is (please also provide you definition of "doesn't  
yields an error while reading the pseudopotential file?). I hadn't  
if the pseudopotentials with the new input information actually work,  
I don't see any reason why they shouldn't (and the only one I just tried
seems to have no problem)

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] comparison of ph.x and dynmat.x results

2012-09-08 Thread Stefano de Gironcoli
negative (imaginary) frequencies signal instabilities.
acoustic modes (i.e. rigid global translations on the crystal) at  
gamma should always have zero frequencies but for numerical reasons  
they can result in small positive or negative values that can be fixed  
by the acoustic sum rule.

in your case the modee at -49, 50 and 73 are the acoustic modes that  
vanish after ASR inclusion.
the modes around -370 are other modes and they are unstable..

move the atoms of your structure along one of this modes and relax it again.
this will probably break a symmetry that prevented your system to  
reach complete relaxation


Quoting Elie M :

> Dear all, I have done phonon calculations at the Gamma point to find  
> the vibrational frequencies of a system I am working on and I got  
> three negative frequencies; the results are:
>  q = (0.0   0.0   0.0 )
> **
>   omega( 1) = -11.303890 [THz] =-377.057178 [cm-1]  
> omega( 2) = -11.228798 [THz] =-374.552397 [cm-1] omega(  
> 3) =  -1.493780 [THz] = -49.827127 [cm-1] omega( 4) = 
>1.499866 [THz] =  50.030148 [cm-1] omega( 5) =
> 2.192955 [THz] =  73.149113 [cm-1] omega( 6) =   
> 11.690342 [THz] = 389.947822 [cm-1] omega( 7) =   
> 15.929343 [THz] = 531.345701 [cm-1] omega( 8) =   
> 17.762801 [THz] = 592.503255 [cm-1] omega( 9) =   
> 17.814756 [THz] = 594.236307 [cm-1] omega(10) =   
> 22.128875 [THz] = 738.139807 [cm-1] omega(11) =   
> 24.754227 [THz] = 825.712121 [cm-1] omega(12) =   
> 25.174421 [THz] = 839.728307 [cm-1] omega(13) =   
> 25.229402 [THz] = 841.562251 [cm-1] omega(14) =   
> 31.677488 [THz] =1056.647257 [cm-1] omega(15) =   
> 32.931458 [THz] =1098.475192 [cm-1] omega(16) =   
> 32.974208 [THz] =1099.901170 [cm-1] omega(17) =   
> 37.529033 [THz] =1251.833794 [cm-1] omega(18) =   
> 37.585396 [THz] =1253.713860 [cm-1] omega(19) =   
> 38.689108 [THz] =1290.529726 [cm-1] omega(20) =   
> 44.468725 [THz] =1483.317012 [cm-1] omega(21) =   
> 44.490793 [THz] =1484.053106 [cm-1] omega(22) =  
> 100.618488 [THz] =3356.271501 [cm-1] omega(23) =  
> 100.705119 [THz] =3359.161186 [cm-1] omega(24) =  
> 103.337467 [THz] =3446.966862 [cm-1]
> To check whether the first three freqnecies are the accoustic ones  
> and not instabilities  i applied dynmat.x with asr='crystal' and got:
>   mode   [cm-1] [THz]   IR1   -377.06  -11.3039 
> 0.2   -374.55  -11.22870.3  0.000.
>  0.4  0.000.   
>   0.6406.11   12.17490.7531.35   15.9293  
>0.8592.50   17.76280.9594.24
> 17.81480.   10738.13   22.12860.   11828.85   
>  24.84820.   12839.68   25.17300.   13841.62  
>   25.23110.   14   1056.65   31.67750.   15
> 1099.09   32.94980.   16   1099.25   32.95470.   17   
>  1251.32   37.51350.   18   1253.47   37.57810.   19  
>   1290.53   38.68910.   20   1483.05   44.46080.
> 21   1485.30   44.52830.   22   3356.09  100.61310.   
>  23   3359.58  100.71780.   24   3446.96  103.33730.
> As it is seen, the freqencies are very close but the thing and the  
> system is stable! Howevere,I could not understand is about the first  
> 5 frequencies: i still got the first two negative but in addition i  
> have 3 more zero frequencies; does it mean we have five accoustic  
> modes due to the symmetry of this particular system?
> Thanks in advance
> Elie KoujaesUniversity of NottsNG7 2RDUK

[Pw_forum] comparison of ph.x and dynmat.x results

2012-09-08 Thread Elie M

Dear all, I have done phonon calculations at the Gamma point to find the 
vibrational frequencies of a system I am working on and I got three negative 
frequencies; the results are:
 q = (0.0   0.0   0.0 )
omega( 1) = -11.303890 [THz] =-377.057178 [cm-1] omega( 2) = 
-11.228798 [THz] =-374.552397 [cm-1] omega( 3) =  -1.493780 [THz] = 
-49.827127 [cm-1] omega( 4) =   1.499866 [THz] =  50.030148 
[cm-1] omega( 5) =   2.192955 [THz] =  73.149113 [cm-1] omega( 
6) =  11.690342 [THz] = 389.947822 [cm-1] omega( 7) =  
15.929343 [THz] = 531.345701 [cm-1] omega( 8) =  17.762801 [THz] =  
   592.503255 [cm-1] omega( 9) =  17.814756 [THz] = 594.236307 
[cm-1] omega(10) =  22.128875 [THz] = 738.139807 [cm-1] 
omega(11) =  24.754227 [THz] = 825.712121 [cm-1] omega(12) =  
25.174421 [THz] = 839.728307 [cm-1] omega(13) =  25.229402 [THz] =  
   841.562251 [cm-1] omega(14) =  31.677488 [THz] =1056.647257 
[cm-1] omega(15) =  32.931458 [THz] =1098.475192 [cm-1] 
omega(16) =  32.974208 [THz] =1099.901170 [cm-1] omega(17) =  
37.529033 [THz] =1251.833794 [cm-1] omega(18) =  37.585396 [THz] =  
  1253.713860 [cm-1] omega(19) =  38.689108 [THz] =1290.529726 
[cm-1] omega(20) =  44.468725 [THz] =1483.317012 [cm-1] 
omega(21) =  44.490793 [THz] =1484.053106 [cm-1] omega(22) = 
100.618488 [THz] =3356.271501 [cm-1] omega(23) = 100.705119 [THz] = 
   3359.161186 [cm-1] omega(24) = 103.337467 [THz] =3446.966862 
To check whether the first three freqnecies are the accoustic ones and not 
instabilities  i applied dynmat.x with asr='crystal' and got:
  mode   [cm-1] [THz]   IR1   -377.06  -11.30390.2   
-374.55  -11.22870.3  0.00   
 0.0.5   12.1749   
 0.7531.35   15.92930.8592.50   17.76280.   
 9594.24   17.81480.   10738.13   22.12860.   11
828.85   24.84820.   12839.68   25.17300.   13841.62   
25.23110.   14   1056.65   31.67750.   15   1099.09   32.9498   
 0.   16   1099.25   32.95470.   17   1251.32   37.51350.   
18   1253.47   37.57810.   19   1290.53   38.68910.   20   
1483.05   44.46080.   21   1485.30   44.52830.   22   3356.09  
100.61310.   23   3359.58  100.71780.   24   3446.96  103.3373  
As it is seen, the freqencies are very close but the thing and the system is 
stable! Howevere,I could not understand is about the first 5 frequencies: i 
still got the first two negative but in addition i have 3 more zero 
frequencies; does it mean we have five accoustic modes due to the symmetry of 
this particular system?

Thanks in advance
Elie KoujaesUniversity of NottsNG7 2RDUK
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[Pw_forum] Density of states

2012-09-08 Thread GAO Zhe
Dear Peng:
To show the difference between DOSes, the best way is put the Fermi level at 
same place. Normally, (E-Ef) is preferred by lots of researches as the variable 
of x-axes. Manually shifting DOS for matching is not a good idea, since HOMO 
should be the standard and adjusted to the same position (although Fermi level 
given by PWscf is LUMO for semiconductor or insulator).
BTW, in PWscf, nscf calculation also provides Fermi energy, which usually is 
slightly different with that from scf calculation and displayed by setting 
verbosity='high' in  namelist.

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2012-09-08 01:16:39,"Peng Chen"  wrote:
Dear All,

I calculated the total density of states (in the attachment) for both afm and 
fm states of an insulator. I shifted the curves so that the band gap starts at 
0 eV. In the top figure, the Fermi energy obtained from the scf calculation 
falls between the gap. So if I plot Fermi surface, can I get reliable result? 
In the bottom figure, I shifted the spin down DOS of fm state so that it can 
match with the spin down DOS of afm state. I am not sure if that is the right 
way to show the DOS difference of these two states.

Another question is about the accuracy of calculation. In the scf calculation, 
I made the total energy converged within 0.001 Ry with related to the ecutwfc, 
degauss, kpoints...   Then I did band structure calculation. Can I say the 
error of calculated band energy is within 0.001 Ry? 

  Best Regards.
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[Pw_forum] generate pseudopotential

2012-09-08 Thread bf azi
Hi Dear all

I want to generate PBE Norm-conserving pseudopotential for Boron and Nitrogen.
Can any body give me input file?
Thanks a lot

Bani Adam
Faculty of Science